Dark Mage

Chapter 20

Right now Shrekheimer needed his unconditional support, so he resolutely stared at Dok-gosong’s face.



“I am not a hero. You can call me Ma-in.(TLN: 魔人, Majin or demon. Usually a label that is given to evil experts/experts that practice nefarious arts that kind of went over the edge)
I think that name is more suitable for me…..”

Shrekheimer jumped in surprise.

“Your, your name is Demon?”

“No, it isn’t. To be correct, my name is Dok-gosong. Dok-go(獨孤) Song(成).

Truvania’s translation magic allowed them to perfectly overcome the discrepancy between the two languages. Therefore, the exact meaning of Dok-gosong’s words were transferred to Shrekheimer. The ideogram of Han-ja’s(TLN: korean name for chinese characters) underlying meaning was also delivered.

“Alone(獨) solitary(孤) to accomplish(成). It’s a strange name. If you are going to stay here then I will make up a name that befits this place.”

For a moment, Shrekheimer was lost in thought, but soon he was able to come up with a first and last name.

“Solo. What do you think about that? It is the most akin to the name Dok-go(獨孤). Also I don’t think you could use the name demon here. Instead how about Damon…..”

Dok-gosong didn’t really care.

“I have no problem with it. If it’s easier to call me that then do so.”

Damon Solo. This was how Dok-gosong’s name in Truvania was made.

“Then Damon. Do you understand why we had to invite you here?

“I understand.”

“Then you will most definitely help us out.”

Shrekheimer looked at Dok-gosong with eyes filled with antic.i.p.ation. For a moment, Dok-gosong made a conflicted expression, but he silently shook his head.

“Sadly, I won’t be able to help out.”

Shrekheimer’s gaze suddenly shook. His expression was of absolute disbelief.

“W, why….. You heard about the plight of our continent? Even if this is a different world, we are all humans.”

“Of course, my heart strongly wishes to help. Sadly, I won’t be able to help. In the end, you guys chose the wrong person. The reason being…”

Without realizing it, Dok-gosong’s voice was soaked in sorrow.

“I have already lost all my power. To say it again, I’m no different from a normal person. Moreover, I’ve become a cripple that can’t even use a sword properly.”

Of course, Shrekheimer had a hard time understanding the situation.

“What, what are you talking about?”

Dok-gosong’s complexion hardened, and he started explaining the reason.

“I don’t know how the warriors in this place trains, but in the world I lived in, we learn to train our Nae-ga-qigong.(TLN: using qi to reinforce physical attributes) To learn this, the most important part of the body is an organ called dantian. You have to have this to be able to use gum-gahng and gum-qi.(TLN: Sword techniques gum==sword) In this world’s term, it is when one initiates the aura blade. However, I have lost this. In the desperate battle, while escaping, I lost all my body’s inner-qi or in your terms I lost all my mana. Do you understand now? Even if I wanted to help, I wouldn’t be able to…..”

Shrekheimer’s complexion was stiff with shock. While watching this, Dok-gosong talked bluntly.

“I remember hearing that you have a method to detect a master. If you use that method then you will easily be able to see the state of my body. Please cast it once. You will be able to confirm that I am telling the truth….”

After observing Dok-gosong’s face for a moment, Shrekheimer immediately went into casting. He initiated the Seek Mana Force to observe Dok-gosong’s state. It didn’t take long to finish the search.

“How, how can this be….”

Shrekheimer’s mouth dropped open. Dok-gosong’s words was absolutely true. The mana in his body was less than a normal person. To say it again, they hadn’t invited a master, but someone who was even worse than a normal soldier.
All of a sudden, he felt despair spread all over his entire body. A sound of despair leaked out of his lips.

“We succeeded in dimensional shift after experiencing hardship…”

“I really regret that I am unable to be of any help.”

After Dok-gosong finished speaking, he turned his body away while in the lotus position. He didn’t want to show the tears in his eyes, and moreover he was too embarra.s.sed to look at him. Of course it wasn’t his fault. Still it made his chest hurt when he let down Shrekheimer’s expectation of him. Shrekheimer, who was behind his back, kept silent for a while. Not long after, he heard a tight voice.

“First I have to report this to monarch Rosengart. Then….”

As if he was mourning by himself, Shrekheimer’s voice was moist.

“I would like to thank you for taking interest in my story. Since I have failed the mission, I won’t be able to see you, Damon. I have to go….”

Dok-gosong felt Shrekheimer turn around behind his back. However, Dok-gosong never turned his body around. Even after Shrekheimer left the room, he stayed in place, while not moving his body.

Afterwards, Dok-goson wasn’t able to see Shrekheimer for a while. His days continued on without seeing anyone except one female maid that was attending him. That woman was extremely afraid of him. She would bring in dishes while trembling and she left while avoiding him. He didn’t even have the chance to ask her anything.

“d.a.m.n. Am I a human eating ghost?”

Dok-gosong failed to realize that the only person able to converse with him was limited to a magician who could cast the translation magic. This kind of tranquil days continued for a day or two. Before he knew it, he had visitors.

Dul-kuk.(TLN:sound of door opening)

Dok-gosong turned his head in reflex when he heard the door open. There were couple ethnic people, who wore fancy clothes, standing in the wide open doorway. Among them, one middle-age man came into focus in Dok-gosong’s eyes. He was a middle-aged man with a majestic beard and blue eyes. His head turned in puzzlement.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that face somewhere?”

He was magician Benitez, who had rescued him from the cliff. Dok-gosong didn’t recognize him, so he could only tilt his head in puzzlement.
The ethnic(TLN:ethnically diverse, basically different hair color/eyes) people started talking to each other after staring at Dok-gosong’s face.
They didn’t have any reason to cast the translation magic so of course Dok-gosong did not understand their conversations. However, Dok-gosong was able to discern a familiar reaction from them when they started stealing glances at his figure. Their scornful gaze held an extreme amount of disdain.

“These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds?”

Even though he was infuriated, he could do nothing. While he was looking at them, the foreigners"(TLN: is foreigners better than ethnic people?) conversations continued.

“Is this the person?”

Benitez shook his head in a.s.sent.

“Yes. At the time, I was barely able to rescue him falling off the cliff.”

Once again Serge grimaced, while gazing at Dok-gosong.

“He really looks hideous.(TLN: remember he is disfigured) I’m terrified that I might see him in my dreams again. You are saying this person is very strong?”

Benitez didn’t hesitate to nod his head.

“Yes. By our count, his hands were responsible for killing over 50 sword masters. At the time, we even thought that he was a reincarnation of a G.o.d of war. “

At these words, Duke Serge felt a great amount of shock.

“That story doesn’t make any sense. How can a single person kill 50 sword masters….”

“It is the truth. All the sword masters were using aura blade, which we could identify at a glance. However, that person was a cut above the others. The claw(TLN: direct translation is finger nail – like vega from street fighter but with 5 blades) like object that was equipped by him was entirely surrounded by aura blade.”


Serge nodded his head, while his chin rested on his hand. No matter how he looked at the other person, he couldn’t feel any strength. He merely looked like a hideous and undersized(TLN: dwarf, he has a hunchback so he is short) foreigner. However, he had no choice, but to believe. Benitez was someone who had difficulty lying. Hee had a very open and direct personality. He knew this very well. Serge tilted his head, while being momentarily immersed in his thoughts.

“Then why did the high priest suddenly say he lost his power?”

“He is probably telling the truth. As soon as we arrived here, I checked the amount of mana this man has. It was concluded that what high priest Shrekheimer said was the truth. This person has less mana then a normal person.”

“Ho oh. What is the cause?”

Benitez made a tortured expression.

“I don’t know why. Maybe it is because he changed dimension…..”

Serge stopped speaking after shaking his head.

“That makes no sense. If he can’t use his power because he is in a different dimension then how can you explain Crossen Magnus? I think he is lying to us.”

“What? You think he is lying to us?”

“That’s right. He came here at the end of a b.u.mpy ride, so he probably doesn’t want to help us without any compensation.”

“That, that can’t be?”

Serge spoke as if he was confirming his rant, while observing Dok-gosong’s face.

“His body has recovered no matter how severe his wounds were. I have never heard of a wound causing a sword master’s mana to disappear. Surely, we are using the wrong method to deal with him. I am talking about high priest Shrekheimer’s method. Look here, Benitez.”


“Please cast the translation magic. I would like to have a conversation….”

“Do you understand my words?”

Amongst the group of talking men, Dok-gosong was able to understand the voice of one person and his eyes widened. He didn’t realize he would be so happy to have a conversation no matter who it was.

“I am listening.”

“I’ll formally introduce myself. I am the prime minister of the Ikarot kingdom, Serge von Nerman. It is nice to meet you.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

Unlike the conversations with Shrekheimer, the conversation between the two was very dry. It may be because Damon learned about the monarchs’ situation through history, but a big contributing factor was that Serge’s personality was very linear. (TLN: I know it’s a bit awkward Q_Q Damon learning situation through story + Serge straight personality == boring/dry conversation)

“You probably heard from high priest Shrekheimer that this continent is in an extremely precarious state.”

“Of course I know it since I have heard about it.”

“Then the conversation should be easy.”

Serge looked straight into Dok-gosong’s eyes.

“How much will it take?”

“For you to help us, tell me how much we have to compensate you.”

Dok-gosong’s face gradually started to stiffen.

“As a compensation for me to help you, you are going to give me money?”

“That is correct. Since we are in a war, we cannot guarantee too much money. At the very least, we would consider giving you enough riches that you could be well off living in this place. Ah. If you want, we could acquire any number of women. It will be according to your wish.”

A smile started spreading across Serge’s face. He didn’t care how much the foreigner wanted. The probability of him returning alive was very low after he was dispatched….
Even if he could finish the mission unscathed, it was all the same. By looking at the precedent Crossen Magnus set, the mere existence of a person from a different dimension was a huge risk. Once the oath gem is in our hands, it would mark the end of his life.
Of course he won’t be disposed in a frontal attack. We would use poison or other methods.

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