Dark Mage

Chapter 21

While waiting for an answer, Serge thoroughly looked over the other’s face.
His face wrinkled automatically.


‘His appearance is really hideous. It’s hard to think of him as a person with that countenance….
It’s a problem. If I have to acquire a woman for him then I have no choice but to look around the slave market.’

His thought was broken by the other’s cold answer.

“You are worse in every aspect to Shrekheimer from before.”

Serge’s eyes widened rapidly.

“What, what did you say?”

Dok-gosong’s voice was very stern.

“At least Shrekheimer allowed a person to move around according to their own will. He is different from you, who only evaluate a person based on finance. I only have one answer. My body does not have any ability left to help you. Even if I did have it, I would refuse. I don’t like the look of your mug(TLN: face) so I won’t help you.”

Serge’s mind went blank after hearing the unexpected insults. He was someone who had fulfilled the role of prime minister of Ikarot kingdom until now, so would he ever had the chance to hear such a harsh abuse before?(TLN: I know its awkward but it was phrased in a question – basically he’s never been insulted this way before because of his station in life) Profanity came out again from the opponent’s mouth.

“Now I understand how this place came to be this way after seeing the country’s prime minister. Stupid b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. If you have the time then cross over to Arcadia with your life on the line. Then kneel and beg at the foot of Crossen Magnus. Ask him to save your country’s people.”

“What did you say?”

“Why? Are you getting angry from my words?”

Dok-goson continued to taunt Serge, whose face turned alternately pale and red from anger.
Benitez couldn’t watch it anymore so he wrapped up the situation.


The sleeping magic casted by Benitez caused Dok-gosong to fall upon the top of the bed asleep.

“This b.a.s.t.a.r.d?”

Benitez tried to soothe Serge, who was quivering in anger.

“Be patient. As I see it, he purposely tried to scorn you, Duke.”

“On purpose?”

“Yes. This person was surrounded by countless warriors before we rescued him. At that point, he didn’t hesitate to choose his own fate.”

“What did he do?”

“He immediately jumped off the cliff. To say it again, his spirit doesn’t easily crumble. If you take that into account then he purposely made you, Duke, angry to achieve his goal.” (TLN:Not sure what he means. Dok-gosong tried to dictate his terms by making him angry? Feels like they keep overestimating him.)

“Hmm! I guess that could happen.”

Serge was barely able to cool his anger. However, it looked like his anger hadn’t fully dissolved. He looked sharply at the sleeping Dok-gosong.

“Let’s test this b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

“Huh? What are you saying?”

Serge glared at Dok-gosong’s face, while smiling a terrible smile.

“Put him in the st.u.r.diest underground prison. Then put a captured orc or troll in with him. It has to be alive and fully equipped. If it fits the occasion, it could also be an ogre. If he doesn’t want to die then he would have to show his skills. We will find out if the b.a.s.t.a.r.d is hiding his skill or not.”

After looking at the fallen Dok-gosong once again, the smile on Serge’s face deepened.

“Even if he was telling the truth, it doesn’t matter. The monsters will settle the affair……”

Dok-gosong continued sleeping without realizing his fate was already chosen. His consciousness fell towards the past towards the incomprehensibly far Zhongyuan.

(TLN: Another Flashback weeeeeee)
Deng. Deng. Deng.

In the quiet mountain temple, the bell signalling the evening Buddhist service rang out.
The monks busily filed into the main temple, and they increased their foot speed to prepare the incense.
The engravings that were line up endlessly revealed that the temple had a long history and it gave off a feeling of antiquity.
This would still be true even if one didn’t find out that this was the famous Seung Sahn Shaolin Monastery.
After the monks headed into the main temple to burn incense, the temple fell silent again.

However, in the back garden of the temple, an event that should never have happened was happening on the small field of gra.s.s…..
At a glance, one could tell that it was the sound of fists. .h.i.tting each other.
A half a dozen figures were having a group fight.
Of course it was unimaginable for a group fight to happen at the temple. However, the problem was the group fight was held by youths that were barely over 10 year old……
Moreover, the group fight that was happening was a majority striking their fists against one. The 5 youths surrounded one youth, and they were ruthlessly attacking as a mob.

Puk Puk. (TLN: sound of fist hitting i.e. pow/bam)

Even though the youth was being hit by numerous fists and kicks, he wasn’t dejected. His eyes were emitting poisonous energy, and he seemed to be waiting for a certain opportunity. He was doing this while continuously taking on the punches and kicks.
If one looked at the youth closely then his appearance was uncommon. He had slitted eyes, and his nose was a curved beak that shouldn’t belong on a youth. Moreover, the youth was a hunchback, whose back couldn’t straighten. He was still young so it wasn’t that noticeable, but when he grew up his back would rise harshly. Luckily, his body fell in front of one youth.

Dul-kuk. (TLN: sound of his mouth shutting from the punch)

The hunchback youth was. .h.i.t directly on the jaw, and it caused him to fall over. That youth gave a smile of satisfaction, and he raised his leg to kick. At that moment, a desperate warning rang out.

“Be careful. You might get bitten by that b.a.s.t.a.r.d…..”

The youth that was about to kick the hunchback youth flinched before retreating. However, his reaction was slow by a hair’s breadth.


The youth that was about to retreat gave out a despairing scream. The fallen hunchback youth rushed towards the youth and bit his shin. He must have bitten really hard since blood started dripping out of his mouth. The youths ran in to try to open the hunchback youth’s mouth.

“This, what a brute.”

The youths desperately tried to open the hunchback youth’s mouth. They randomly struck him and also stomped on him. However, it was of no use. The hunchback was using all of his strength.


The bitten youth was almost unconscious from the pain.
The youth in blue cloth couldn’t look on any longer so he unsheathed his formal dress sword. He was the youth that gave the warning. The sword was very fancy and it was made to fit his frame. One could tell that his background was not ordinary.

“Move away. I’ll cut off his jaw….”

The youths’ face turned white when they heard those words.

“Is, is that really, really ok?”

“It’s fine. He is the son of a Madu(TLN: devil). No one will care if we cut off one arm or a leg.”

The youth in blue said it confidently, and he aimed the sword at the hunchback youth’s chin.

“If you don’t stop biting him then I’ll cut off your jaw.”

However, the hunchback youth didn’t care in the least. As if to say do what you will, he closed his eyes and bit harder on the leg. The pained youth fainted immediately. In a moment, the blue cloth youth’s eyes were filled with murderous energy.


He shoved the sword into the hunchback youth’s mouth. As the lips were cut, a great amount of blood gushed forth. Still the hunchback youth’s jaw didn’t lose any strength. He was daring them to kill him.
Eventually, the one who was in a quagmire was the youth in blue.
He boasted that he’ll cut the jaw, but it wasn’t that easy of a problem. If he did do it then the strict Shaolin temple rules would not look over it easily. He might be kicked out of the Shaolin temple, where he had great difficulty getting into.
At that moment, the hunchback youth’s eyes opened wide. After opening his mouth, the hunchback youth spat the pooled blood in his mouth onto the face of the blue clothed youth.


The youth in blue cloth turned pale from astonishment when he was sprayed with blood. He was from one of the great families of Murim so how could he have encountered such a situation before? He clumsily took a step backwards, and covered his face with one hand. In doing so, he dropped his formal dress sword. The hunchback youth let go of the leg he was biting on then he quickly stood up.
The formal dress sword that was in the hand of the blue clothed youth was somehow in the hand of the hunchback youth. It was raised and emitting light.

“I’m going to kill you.”

The hunchback youth ran toward the blue clothed youth, while making a sound dripping with killing intent.


The hunchback youth pushed the blue clothed youth, who turned pale, to the ground. In front of him, the formal dress sword was emitting light in front of his eyes…..
The hunchback youth didn’t hesitate to try to put the sword through the other’s chest. Normally, he was bullied numerous times by the blue clothed youth, so his action held no hesitation. The surrounding youths’ face turned black in an instant.

“You cannot do that.”

From somewhere, they heard a thick voice. After hearing the timbre of the voice, one could tell that it wasn’t emitted by a youth.
From not too far away, several bodies were running towards them. After seeing them, one could clearly see the seal affixed atop their head.  One could tell they were Shaolin monks.
They were monks from the Shaolin disciplinary division. They were the protector of the hunchback youth in name only.
However, once the situation flipped, they didn’t hesitate to interfere.  Still if one looked at the situation, it could be said that they were very late in interrupting. The formal dress sword had already reached the chest of the blue clothed youth.
However, the monks’ face was filled with leisure as if they weren’t really in a hurry. Afterwards, a despairing scream rang out.

“Ah Ah ahk.”

Surprisingly, the scream wasn’t emitted by the blue clothed youth. The hunchback youth that was about to stab with the sword was the one screaming in pain. The formal dress word fell without any strength, and the hunchback youth rolled around on the ground with his hands on his head. Looking at the youth’s continuous screams, one could tell that an extreme amount of pain was being felt by the youth.
The blue clothed youth, who had barely escaped with his life, gave out a long sigh of relief. Then anger started surging up in his eyes.
The youth was surrounded. The blue clothed youth was secretly acting as the boss of this group, so he was angry that such a surprise attack was allowed to happen.(TLN: he expected his underlings-the other kids- to intervene) Soon his anger was directed at the hunch back youth.
He used a roll to stand up, and the blue clothed youth didn’t hesitate to approach the hunchback youth. He started to ruthlessly attack the hunch back youth, who was rolling around on the ground. After seeing this, several frightened youth started to join in. The disciplinary monks had already arrived on the scene. (TLN: they aren’t doing anything to stop the kids)

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