Date A Live

Chapter 14

Epilogue: The Past that Starts to take ActionPart 1

"Wha…………What the h.e.l.l is thissssssssssssssss!"

It had been two days since Yos.h.i.+no"s powers were sealed.

With the examinations done, s.h.i.+dou and Tohka were finally allowed to return back home. On that day, when he woke up in the morning, right beside the Itsuka residence, something like an apartment building was standing there.

On the land that was vacant just two days ago, suddenly *Don*, it"s there.

It was like getting tricked by a fox or a racc.o.o.n.

"What……didn"t I tell you before? We were making a special residence just for the Spirit"s use."

And, from behind, the sleepy Kotori said that while rubbing her eyes.

"……………! Don"t tell me this is the one you were talking about……?"

"Yes. Although it looks like a normal apartment, the physical toughness is a hundred times greater than normal, since the Realizer is also working, mana resistance is also perfect. If there is a little violence, nothing abnormal will leak out."

"No, that is not what I was asking about………! When on earth did this thing get built……! This is impossible to build in just 1 or 2 days!"

"Well. Even the JGSDF"s disaster reconstruction team, can fix a destroyed building in just one night too."


It seemed to be true after being told that. It must be the effects made by the Realizer something.

"……………Which means, that the information about the residence being built soon, was just a big play on words."

"Don"t speak badly of others. I told you before that this is a trial period for Tohka living outside."


There were a lot of things he couldn"t swallow, but it was useless to continue fighting back with her.

Kotori turned around, and walked in the direction of the house.

"—So with that reason, Tohka will be made to live next door starting tomorrow. I already told Tohka. She should be packing up her belongings now?"

"Ah, aah…………I, see. I guess so………"

s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks.

Well, she was going to be living here until the residential area was done in the first place, and s.h.i.+dou"s mental health would finally become stable because of this but………………when the day finally came, it was not like he wouldn"t feel a little lonely.

"Ara what is it s.h.i.+dou? Do you want to live with Tohka longer?"

"!, No, tha-that really isn"t the case…………"

s.h.i.+dou denied in panic, but Kotori only shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, if you want to make some kind of mistake, your final chance to do it is around today or tomorrow."

"Wha………what the heck are you saying……!"

"Sca~ary. Retreat retreat."

While s.h.i.+dou was yelling with a red face, Kotori hopped and entered the house.

"………Seriously, that Kotori."

s.h.i.+dou scratched his head in relief and sighed before putting a foot into the house.



s.h.i.+dou unexpectedly raised his eyebrows.

There was a little girl wearing a cute one piece, and on her head a casket that was covering her face, she ran out like she was hopping and approached him.

"! Yos.h.i.+no!?"

s.h.i.+dou called the little girl"s name. The AstralDress was not covering her body but—there was no mistake.

Either way, it was because there was a rabbit puppet being worn on the little girl"s left hand.

"Ya-Ha, s.h.i.+dou-kun."

While the puppet *clatter* *clatter* was moving its mouth, a high pitched voice echoed.

"I-I finally met you. Sorry I didn"t say thanks about saving me before."

"Ah, no…………that"s okay. What are you doing here? Are the examinations all over?"

"Un—, it"s only the first examination. Although there are more, I told them I wanted to say thanks to s.h.i.+dou-kun. So I was given special permission to go outside a little."

After saying that, the puppet was looking up at the sky as if it was looking at .

"Well, with that explained, if the examinations are all done lets go on a date again okay?"

"Ah, aah………okay."

"Fufu, well then, see you next time."

The puppet swung its small hands.

Thus, Yos.h.i.+no twitched and swings her shoulders, and hesitantly faced towards s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

"Un………..? What"s wrong?"

"——Ah, er…………"

And, when s.h.i.+dou heard that voice his shoulders sprung up.

That was not [Yos.h.i.+non] but instead it was, unmistakably Yos.h.i.+no"s natural voice.

"Is it……………okay, if I come over………and play………again……….?"

With that said, she timidly glanced in s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

"O………….ou, come whenever you like!"

When s.h.i.+dou replied with that, Yos.h.i.+no"s face brightened and she lowered her head, then ran away.

"Fufu, great great. You worked hard."


Such a conversation was being exchanged with the puppet.


s.h.i.+dou made a small sigh and the end of his lips formed a smile.

Speaking of which, it might be the first time [Yos.h.i.+no] was talking under the condition of the puppet being put on.

Although he did not know the reason why…………he was a little happy.

"Well then………"

After taking a light stretch, he then entered the house.

He ascended the stairs, and when he was about to enter his room, s.h.i.+dou heard a soft voice.

The door of the guest room located deep inside the corridor opened slowly, and from there, half of Tohka"s face was peeking out and looking in s.h.i.+dou"s direction.

"……………Wha-What is it?"


s.h.i.+dou said that while making his eyebrows approach close together, and Tohka, while being silent, put her hand out from the gap of the door, *swish* *swish* she made a hand signal to come over.

"Are you saying come over here?"


Tohka, then nodded. And then just like that, she sank back inside the room.


After a bewildered expression floated on s.h.i.+dou"s face for a while, he slowly took his time and walked over.

And then *knock* *knock* he knocked just in case, before opening the door.

Tohka was at the right hand side of the room—and was standing in front of the shelves placed close to the wall. In order to face each other, he continued walking until he was in the middle of the room.

"Is there something wrong? Tohka?"

When s.h.i.+dou asked her, Tohka bit her lips a little and then raised her face.

"……………Un. You might have already heard this from Kotori but, starting from tomorrow, it is decided that I will be staying next door."

"Ah, aah…………looks like it."

"So………umm, there is something I want to have a talk about with s.h.i.+dou, while I still can."



It was like Tohka had something hard to say, so she delicately turned her gaze away.

"Yesterday, during the examination, I heard a lot from...Kotori and Reine."

"——! Errrrrrr……………by a lot you mean……………?"

"Un…………it was about Kotori and the others, how they are trying to save us, the Spirits……………and s.h.i.+dou who is helping them with it."

After Tohka took a deep breath to slow her heartbeat, she fixed her gaze back to s.h.i.+dou.

"The talk I was referring to, is connected to that. —s.h.i.+dou. I beg you. From now on, if there are Spirits like me and Yos.h.i.+no who appear, I want you to definitely save them."


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide.

"From what Kotori said, it seems that there are a number of Spirits that are still not confirmed. Among them, there should be some like me, those who do not want to fight but are still dragged into it— that kind of thing, is just pitiful."

Tohka said that, while making a somewhat sad smile.

"That"s why please. Using s.h.i.+dou"s power, please save those Spirits. ………Just like that time, when you saved me."


s.h.i.+dou swallowed his saliva and, looked at Tohka again.

"…………Err, how I would put it? Ummm………"

*Kon* s.h.i.+dou hit his forehead.

Because of Tohka and Yos.h.i.+no"s affair, he should have made up his mind, but for some reason he was hesitant in wanting to put it into words. s.h.i.+dou shook his head a little before opening his mouth.

"—Aah. I plan on doing so."


Although Tohka had gained the answer she had wished for, for some reason she was smiling with a complicated face.

"Un…………I"m in your debt. There…………is one more thing, is it okay?"

"Yeah, what is it? Try saying it."


And, while Tohka was mumbling something and moving her mouth, she immediately cast her face downwards.

"Eh? What did you say?"

She looked like she had said something but—he couldn"t hear it.

While s.h.i.+dou was trying to hear more clearly he took a step towards Tohka and—


He approached Tohka who had quickly raised her face, and immediately shortened his breath.

Tohka put her arms around s.h.i.+dou"s neck, and pushed s.h.i.+dou onto the nearby bed just like that.

And then—


At that moment, after she showed something like she was hesitating, Tohka, slowly joined her lips and s.h.i.+dou"s together.

From the sudden act, his brain fell into disorder and screamed.

He was thinking he was still inside his dream or something; if that was the case, what kind of metaphor is in this dream Freud-sensei or something like that; he was rushed with unavoidable thoughts in an instant.

But, without the help of pinching his cheeks to confirm if it was reality, the deployed sensory organs in s.h.i.+dou"s whole body were continuously telling him that, THIS IS REALITY!

The exclusive sweet fragrance that only girls had was tickling his nasal cavity. Tohka"s facial features were right in front of him. The comfortable weight leaning against his whole body. And the soft limbs that made him instinctively want to embrace them.

Furthermore—the sensation of the lips that can"t be described with words and the taste of liquid fluids that does not belong to him.

With all of that mixed together, the joint sensations trampled all of s.h.i.+dou"s brain cells.

Unable to resist or adapt to the situation, 10 seconds pa.s.sed.


It would seem that during the kiss, she has stopped breathing. As if she was attempting to take a breather, Tohka exhaled.

And while still taking a mount position, she stared at s.h.i.+dou"s eyes.

"To-Tohka………what did you……………?"

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Tohka"s continued on with her sight unchanged and still in the same place.

"……………I"ll take this as my repayment for this time."


s.h.i.+dou made a flat voice and replied, and Tohka turned her eyes away in embarra.s.sment.

"………I wonder why. It"s just an act of lips touching together………but it doesn"t feel bad. And mysteriously—I don"t want to do it with any humans other than s.h.i.+dou. …………together with that……I don"t know if this is correct or wrong but……when s.h.i.+dou……err, was inside the building or something and was kissing with Yos.h.i.+no, how can I put this…………I had a bad feeling."

While s.h.i.+dou was still unresponsive, Tohka continued talking while embarra.s.sed.

"……………That"s why. Err, regarding about that…………don"t do it, with anyone else, anymore."

"…………Eh? Errrr—"

It would seem that Tohka was not told what method was used to seal the Spirit"s power. What a self-contradicting request. The request she was demanding was something impossible.



But s.h.i.+dou was overpowered by Tohka, and accidentally agreed with her.

Part 2

Right now in the briefing room located at one corner of the JGSDF Tenguu city garrison, combat-personnel and non-combat personnel were lined up in a row.

The report session of the operation few days ago, as well as for the strategic meeting for the new Spirit reading that was observed in the neighborhood, all of this was collected because of Ryouko"s order.


Inside of that, the JGSDF member Origami was in her normal appearance and while being silent, as if to suppress her displeased mind, she was staring at her hand placed on top of the table.

—2 days ago

Because of [Princess]"s obstruction, [Hermit] managed to escape in the end.

In addition, the [Princess]"s figure, also suddenly disappeared during the middle of the battle.

What"s more—it was a different reading from what was usually left behind when she went Lost.

Although all of the members that were frozen together with their Territory by [Hermit] were safe but…………Even if the AST did defeat the Spirit in the end, they were not given any large accomplishments, and the only thing left to do was just to return back to base.

It was only normal to be in a foul mood.

Furthermore, she still did not know whether s.h.i.+dou who was supposed to be in Origami"s house, went to the city when the alarm was ringing or not—incidentally, for some reason the puppet that she picked up a few days ago, had also disappeared from her house…………She was a little fond of it though.

Of course, it was not like she doubted s.h.i.+dou.

Instead of that, by any chance if s.h.i.+dou did steal Origami"s personal belongings, it is a good thing in its own way; Origami planned not to make any further questions regarding this.

And—at that moment, the room door opened, Ryouko who was the AST captain showed her face.

All of the members in the briefing room stood up all at once, and saluted.

"Ah— it"s okay. Sit down, sit down."

When Ryouko said that annoyed, she stood in front of everyone.

"Now then, I guess everyone is a.s.sembled. —Well then, I was planning to immediately start with the meeting but…………before that. While everyone is happy I have terrible news."


When the members made curious faces, *Sigh* Ryouko sighed.

"…………Since the appearance of Spirits in Tenguu city is large, and we are in the position of needing to provide more results. Additional personnel has been a.s.signed to join us."

"Additional personnel………is it?"

"Yeah. A very energetic top ace. In terms of using the Realizer, it is not surprising that she is in the top 5 in the world. —In fact, it would seems that she has killed a Spirit alone."


From Ryouko"s words, the members started getting noisy.

That was only normal. It takes 10 elite members to go against a Spirit that was beyond one"s capacity, and that one person took on a Spirit all alone.

Getting the responses that Ryouko predicted, she shrugged her shoulders, and then looked to the door which she entered from a while ago.



As if to reply back to Ryouko"s voice, a cute sound echoed.

And then the door opened once again—and one girl walked into the room.


In an instant, all the lined up AST members in the briefing room, raised their eyebrows all at once.

But, that was normal. That was because the person that entered, was a girl that no matter how you look at her was a middle-school student.

She had an intelligent face, and a ponytail tied at the back of her head. She was a characteristic girl with a black mole right under her left eye.


Origami, twitched and moved her shoulders. —On that girl"s face, she felt like she saw it somewhere before.

"I am second lieutenant Takamiya Mana, please to make your acquaintance from now on."

Mana turned around with a JGSDF uniform that looks like a cosplay item, and then saluted.

"First Lieutenant Kusakabe…………….who is she?"

A member, threw a question to Ryouko.

Ryouko [This question came as predicted haa………] made such a face and opened her mouth.

"I told you just now right. It"s the Top Ace-sama I spoke of earlier."


All of the members frowned together all at once.

Mana tilted her head wondering what was up with everyone"s reaction.

"Is there anything wrong?"

She said that, with normal respect to everyone.

"What do mean by what"s wrong?………….Y-You...aren"t you still a kid—!?"

When one member said that, Mana *Fuuu* exhaled.

"I don"t think there are any problems with that. It is not related to this and a person"s age is just an individual"s characteristic. —Or is there one amongst you that can defeat me?"

Mana said that, and it"s not like she was using sarcasm, but she was just stating the truth.


That member who asked was staring in astonishment, due to the fact that she did not predict that she would get such a reply back.

"Looks to me, among those here—"

And, Mana set her gaze in Origami"s direction.

"—it should be around your level. Although the percentage is low but you look like you have a chance."


Origami did not reply back, and silently faced back.

When she did that, Ryouko *Pokan* hit Mana"s head lightly.

"Quit your useless babbling. I"m going to be showing the images from the day before yesterday, so hurry up and sit somewhere vacant."


Mana replied with that short sentence, and with beautiful footwork, she went and sat beside Origami.

"Well then…………"

And, when Ryouko operated the b.u.t.tons near the wall, a screen descended from the ceiling, and the room"s lightings dimmed. She then operated the terminal on her hand, and immediately, the image of the battle conditions from 2 days appeared.

The images of when Origami was trying to break the barrier [Hermit] constructed was shown on the screen—

"—an interference, entered here."

The same time when Ryouko said that with an irritated voice, [Princess]"s figure was shown on the screen.

Ryouko, made the screen zoom in—and in front of the barrier, there was one boy confirmed standing in front of it.

Origami gasped a little. There was no mistake. That was—s.h.i.+dou.



Mana sitting beside her suddenly clutched her head, and made a small groan.

For a while Mana used her hands and pressed the side of her head as if to suppress a headache but—she immediately raised her face, *gataa* and the sound of her standing up was heard.

"Hmm……? What is it? Something wrong?"

Ryouko said it with a doubtful voice.

But Mana didn"t reply and, stared at s.h.i.+dou being shown on the screen, she then opened her mouth.



Origami frowned, and looked at the side of Mana"s face.

And then—she realized the true face of the weird feeling she just had.

That girl, gave off the same atmosphere, as that of Itsuka s.h.i.+dou.

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