Date A Live

Chapter 3: AngelPart 1

Chapter 3: AngelPart 1

Turning back to 10 minutes ago.

Inside the abandoned building, s.h.i.+dou was struggling desperately while stuck on the chair.

“Kuh, Get off…..!”

Even though he hit the chair with his arms, the metal handcuffs would not break because of that. Similarly, the chair fix to the floor with a rivet, also did not move at all.

“d.a.m.n it………… I shouldn"t be doing this at a time like this……! Origami! Origami!”

Even though he shouted, there was no one that would respond to his call. He could only hear his voice bounce back hopelessly from the wall while frowning his face.

He had no clue where this abandoned building was located but, there was no completely no presence of anyone nearby. The only thing he could hear was the creaking door moved by the wind and sometimes the sound of car horns from far away.

Nonetheless, this was only something natural. That’s because, this was the confinement place that Origami picked. It should be somewhere hard for anyone to find.

But…………finding out what that meant only brought forth despair for him.

Having spent a long time with Origami, he could understand her train of thoughts. There was no way she would pick a place like [A place where no one will ever pa.s.s-by] to confine s.h.i.+dou in.

The reason was simple. By any chance that Origami was the only one to know this place then; there exists no one to save s.h.i.+dou if anything happens to Origami by any chance.

Of course, there was a possibility that a program was prepared to send a mail of s.h.i.+dou’s location to the police or school after some time pa.s.sed. But, with a minimum insurance, Origami probably took consideration of someone at least pa.s.sing by this area once every 2 or 3 days so that s.h.i.+dou won’t starve to death.

Especially for this situation, Origami did this so that s.h.i.+dou won’t get dragged into her fight with the Spirits. There wasn"t any problem for her if s.h.i.+dou was stuck here for the whole day.

Then------there might be a chance [someone] that by here once every 2 or 3 days would appear. Placing his bet on that small possibility, s.h.i.+dou continued shouting.

“Anyone! Is there anyone here!”

He can’t trust the current Origami. He didn"t care about his thirsty throat and continued shouting.

However no matter how much he shouted, the only thing he could hear was his echoed back voice.


At least it would be nice if he could contact someone but naturally, his phone was confiscated by Origami. Kotori and the rest would probably look for s.h.i.+dou if they don’t know where he was but, it will be too late.

“d.a.m.n, what should I…….!”

It happened the moment s.h.i.+dou shook his body violently even though he knew it was futile.


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide when he heard another creak other than the chair.

He stopped moving and focused his ears. When he did that, he found out there were soft footsteps echoing from the other side of the door in front of him.

“……..! I-is anyone there!?”

It was help from the heavens. s.h.i.+dou raised his voice to avoid losing this chance. The footsteps slowly got closer as if the person noticed his voice and stopped right in front of the room door that s.h.i.+dou was trapped inside.


After seeing the person opening the door while creaks could be heard from the rusty joints, s.h.i.+dou’s relaxed expression was again controlled by nervousness again.


Yes. The person there was the culprit that confined s.h.i.+dou here. It was Miss Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami that left the area just now.


After Origami opened the door, she walked to s.h.i.+dou silently.

s.h.i.+dou was surprised for an instant but, he immediately swung his head to regain his composure.

“Origami----you came back?”


Origami did not say anything even though he asked her. She walked to him without changing her pace and stood right in front of him.


s.h.i.+dou frowned his eyebrows at the un-talkative Origami----

“Uh, you------“

He gasped at the sudden possibility that scratched his mind.

At first, s.h.i.+dou thought Origami reconsidered her thoughts half-way and decided to come back to s.h.i.+dou but………that was a selfish thought.

But, thinking calmly, that was a very naïve hopeful view for him.

Yes. The girl-Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami had a stronger determination than anyone else and there was no way she would change her mind without any reason.

Then why did she come back?

There were only 2 things he could think off.

First, some kind of problem occurred and she had no choice but to come back to s.h.i.+dou.

And another.

---She has already finished her goal.


After s.h.i.+dou gulped, Origami opened her eyes.

“Origami, why……are you back here?”


Origami did not answer. She remain silent and only stared at s.h.i.+dou.

s.h.i.+dou’s breathing slowly turned wild when he saw her unreadable robotic expression. His heartbeat turned rough and his voice turned very dry.

“N-no way, you…………”

When s.h.i.+dou said it with a terrified voice, Origami showed a reaction for the first time.

However, it wasn’t consent nor was it denial. She only raised the side of her lips silently and----*nii* she made a smile.


s.h.i.+dou felt that his heart was getting squeezed when he saw that face.

But that was only natural. That’s because the person in front of him was Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. She seldom changes her expression and that graceful appearance was even enough to be compared with a doll. There were times that she raised her eyebrows or relaxes her cheeks but, he has never seen her make a distinct [smile] like now.

That might be true. This was the first time s.h.i.+dou was able to read Origami’s emotion from her expression.

“W-why……are you smiling………hey, Origami…….”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Origami’s smile turned even bigger and her body started trembling as if she could not handle it anymore.

“Fu---------fufu, fufufu”

It then slowly got louder.

“Fufuu, ahaha-haha…..ahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

“O……ri, ga….mi?”

Origami twisted her body and started laughing. s.h.i.+dou could only call her name blankly when he saw that weird scene.

He had no idea what that laugh meant. But, he unpleasantly found out that the Origami in front of him now was different from usual. His heart was ringing like an alarm bell from that weird scene.

---but, he noticed something weird.

He felt that Origami……..was laughing too much.

“Hii, hiii, hii! What is with that face, what is with that face! Ahahahaha! So weird! So weird! Ah it hurts!”


Sweat was flowing down s.h.i.+dou’s cheek while he closed half of his eyes…………..Origami was holding her stomach while rolling around. Her panties could sometimes be seen from her skirt since she was moving that wildly. It was white.

When Origami was laughing and rolling around, the door that Origami came in just now opened again and a girl entered the room.

She was a small girl wearing a casket with cute decorations, and a puppet in her left hand. s.h.i.+dou raised his voice in reflex when he saw her.


“Y-yes……are you okay, s.h.i.+dou-san”

Yos.h.i.+no made a worried face while saying that. As if to match with that, her left hand [Yos.h.i.+non] *Clatter**clatter* opened her mouth.

“Iyaah, this is one amazing kidnap and confinement. Come on Yos.h.i.+no, this is a chance you know? you can do anything to s.h.i.+dou now!”


Yos.h.i.+no’s face turned beet red and she suppressed [Yos.h.i.+non]"s mouth.

It’s not like he was not curious at [Yos.h.i.+non]’s improper comment but, there was no time for that. s.h.i.+dou shouted.

“Yos.h.i.+no, run! The current Origami is weird!”

He had no idea why Yos.h.i.+no was here. But, he could easily understand how dangerous it is to expose Yos.h.i.+no to the eyes of Origami who said she was going to kill the Spirits.

However, Yos.h.i.+no made big blinks after bringing her sights to Origami who was still rolling around laughing.

She then quietly opened her mouth to the weird Origami without being afraid.

“Err…….I think it’s enough………?”


After Yos.h.i.+no said that, Origami finally arranged her breathing and raised her body from the spot. She then flip up her messed up front hair and made a fearless smile before her body started giving off a pale glow.


After s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide blankly and Origami’s silhouette gradually turned smaller------she turned into the appearance of a girl he was familiar with.


Yes. The person that appeared there was the Spirit Natsumi in her real appearance ----who came to wake s.h.i.+dou up this morning. It seems, that Origami just now was Natsumi in her transformation……….No wonder something was off.

For now, s.h.i.+dou made a relieved sigh after knowing that the Origami just now was a fake and that both of them were safe. However, Natsumi might have taken the meaning of the sigh in a wrong way and brought her eyebrows closer while looking at s.h.i.+dou’s direction.

“………What, you got a problem? Unsatisfied because I came?”

“No, no way at all……..More importantly, why are you two here?”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi looked at each other before opening their mouth.

“Err……….I was giving a tour of the city for Natsumi-san……”

“Right when we were doing so, we saw you walking with Origami for some reason. So, Yos.h.i.+no was curious about it and decided to follow you then-----“


Yos.h.i.+no pulled the sleeves of Natsumi’s clothes. Natsumi [Haa] face turned red and she grabbed Yos.h.i.+no’s s.h.i.+rt sleeves too. Both of them were shyly pulling each other’s s.h.i.+rt……………it was a weird scene.

“A-anyway, you guys are lifesavers! Please, could you take off this handcuffs and rope?”

After s.h.i.+dou said that, both of them looked at each other before nodding and went behind s.h.i.+dou. Both of them then started fiddling with the handcuffs and the knot of the rope to help him get loose.

“s.h.i.+-s.h.i.+dou-san……….where is the keys for the handcuffs……?”

“Uwah, the h.e.l.l is with this rope. On top of being tied in such a complex manner, the knot is hardened with adhesives……”

It seems he underestimated Origami. It’s nice that help came but, this doesn’t change the situation at all.

However, *Don* Natsumi hit her chest that moment.

“I have no choice. Leave this to me”

“Eh? What are you going to do?”

“Wait a second”

After saying that, Natsumi closed her eyes and silently stood still for a while.

And after a few seconds, her expression for some reason started turning painful before she moved her fingers as if she was scratching her throat and-------she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

“-----Shut the h.e.l.l up d.a.m.n ittttttttt!”

Natsumi shouted something unknown to him. And the instant she did that, the rope and handcuffs tying s.h.i.+dou’s body gave a pale glow before turning into soft cottons.


s.h.i.+dou brought both his arms forward while opening his eyes in astonishment.

“Natsumi, how did you get back your Reiryoku”

When s.h.i.+dou asked, Natsumi whipped the sweat on her forehead as if she was tired and *Fuuu* exhaled.

“Hnn…………Whenever I think of something that would give me a nasty feeling in my mind, I noticed a little of my power comes back. Well, there are only limited things I can do with it though”

“Nasty feeling………?”

“………yeah. Incidentally just now, i had a scene image of me heading to the toilet during lunch time and having my bento in the toilet cubicle because I had no friends, I then completely forget to lock the door and I accidentally met a girl in my cla.s.s when the door opened”

“Uwah……..that’s just embarra.s.sing”

“………….And when I got back to cla.s.s, I noticed everyone was laughing while looking at my direction. Ehh, seriously? So things like that really happen. Ehh, isn’t that dirty?”


s.h.i.+dou covered his ears and shouted in reflex at that sad scene.

But immediately, he recalled that now wasn’t the time to be doing that. He took off the cotton curled around his body and wrist before standing up from the chair. His muscles were aching because his body was stuck in the same position for too long.

Anyway, he has to head towards the girls now. The worst case scenario, was that Origami has already come in contact with the girls.

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou [Ah] let out his voice.

“Oh yeah……! Both of you, can I borrow your cellphone if you have it?”

“Eh? Ah, yes, here”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Yos.h.i.+no took her blue cellphone out from her pocket.

After saying thank you and receiving it, he picked the name Itsuka house (2) from the address record and called.

This Itsuka house (2) is actually a code for . This number was specially registered into the cellphones given to the Spirits for them to contact Fraxinus if there was an emergency.

With this, he could contact and use the teleporter to immediately head to the girls. Even in a worst case scenario, he"s able to ask Kotori to support the girls.

However, instead of the call voice or crew voice coming from the receiver, he could only hear a robotic *duu* *duu* sound from it.

“………..What’s this?”

It’s still okay if it was Kotori answering her personal cellphone but, this was exclusive line. He remembered being told to use this connectable special line even if the communication station might be blown off by the s.p.a.ce quake.

---Did something happen to . s.h.i.+dou’s face distorted his face in reflex when anxiety spread out in the reverse side of his chest.

“Err, s.h.i.+dou-san………?”

Maybe she felt uneasy from his expression; Yos.h.i.+no said that in a worried manner.

“Aah…….Sorry. Thank you”

After saying that, s.h.i.+dou returned Yos.h.i.+no’s cellphone and pointed his toe to the room entrance.

“Both of you, please! I don’t know where this is. Will you all lead me to a place that I am familiar with?-----The others are in danger”

When s.h.i.+dou said that, Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi made a shocked face but however, they immediately made serious eyes and nodded.

Part 2


Tohka raised her body while distorting her face. It seems she was unconscious for a while.

She found sticky blood on her chest when she touched it. However, it was only natural. That’s because her Astral Dress which was supposed to be an absolute armor was mercilessly sliced apart by Origami’s laser blade.


“……..aah, Tohka-san……you woke up”

When Tohka raised her eyebrows while mumbling, she could hear that weak voice.

After lifting her face, she saw Miku in a sliced apart limited Astral dress standing up while breathing heavily as if to protect Tohka. There were several bruises and cuts on her white skin; she was literally wounded all over. It was even a mystery that she was able to stand with both her legs.

“Miku! A-are you okay……..!?”

“Yes……….somehow. Tohka-san, it’s good to see you’re…..oka-----“

Right in the middle of her words, Miku fell to her knees and collapsed. Tohka ran to her quickly and supported her body.

“Get a hold of yourself, Miku! Miku!”

After Miku smiled weakly in response to Tohka’s voice, she closed her eyes. At the same time, she lost all her strength in her body and went limp. It looks like she fainted.

And at that moment. She could hear the sound of wreckage getting stepped on in the front direction.

When she looked over there. She found a death G.o.d in dark gray armor.


She called the girl"s name with hatred. As if to respond to her voice, Origami sent an indifferent glance at Tohka.

Yuzuru was around her feet and Kaguya was collapsed a little further away from her. It seems both of them were still conscious but, both their bodies were covered with wounds like Miku and it looked so painful that it made Tohka want to look away in reflex.

Both of them were showing signs of a fierce battle during the time Tohka was unconscious.----Most likely, they were protecting the defenseless Tohka from Origami.

After Tohka clenched her teeth, she laid Miku’s body down gently and stood up with in her hands.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d……….why would you do this…….!”

“I don’t understand your question”

Origami did not move her expression at all and replied back.

“All of you are Spirits are disasters killing this world; an existence threatening humanity. That reason is enough. Don’t make me say this again”

After saying that in a very calm manner, she bent the fingers on her left hand. And as if to match with that, Yuzuru who was collapsed at her feet was lifted up by an invisible hand.

“An…guish. Master……Origami, why………”


After Origami brought her eyebrows closer, she extended her hand to Yuzuru’s neck and made her stop her words. Origami poured strength into her hand and a painful voice leaked out Yuzuru’s throat.

However, Origami did not bother about it and readied the laser blade in her right hand to thrust it into Yuzuru’s stomach.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d……!”

Tohka shouted and prepared . But------faster than a beat, there was a shadow flying towards Origami.----It was Kaguya. Kaguya was also buried in the wreckage but, she charged towards Origami with her giant lance while a crazy amount of blood was flowing out of her body.

“-----What you doing to Yuzuru, Origamiiiiiiiiiiii!!”

Kaguya’s eyes turned bloodshot and she attacked Origami like a devil. Maybe Origami could not take on the sudden attack; Kaguya’s lance pa.s.sed through Origami’s Territoy and damaged a part of her CR-unit.


But, that was all. The moment Origami brought her eyebrows closer; Kaguya fell to the ground after getting crushed by an invisible hand.


Kaguya did not give up and raised her face but, she fell down without able to do anything in front of her overwhelming Territory.


At this rate, it’s dangerous for Kaguya and Yuzuru. Faster than her words, Tohka kicked the ground and ran towards Origami.

But, Tohka stopped far away from Origami.------No, she was forced to stop because she was blocked by an invisible wall.

It seems Origami expanded her Territory that far. Her body lost its freedom; forget about stopping Origami, she couldn"t even swing her sword.

“Kuh, Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami, you…………!”

Even though she groaned painfully, Origami did not bother about it at all and returned her sights back to the laser blade after preparing it again.

“-----It was long. I"ve finally obtained it. The power to defeat Spirits.----The power to grant my dear wish”

After mumbling to herself, Origami made a long thin sigh.

It was as if she released all the last cloudy hesitation and doubt in her as a sigh.

“I will regain myself with this attack. I will defeat all the spirits in this world. Never more-----will people like me occur in this world again”

She sharpened her sights after telling that to herself, and poured strength into the hand holding the laser blade.

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami…………!”

Tohka shook her throat and called Origami. But, the Territory restraining Tohka’s body did not loosen even by a little.

However, Tohka did not give up. Tohka was the only one here that could fight Origami. The moment Tohka lowers her sword, Kaguya, Yuzuru and Miku will definitely get killed.

The current Origami will definitely do it. And------once she achieved that, there was no mistake she will turn into a monster.

Tohka didn"t know why. But, Tohka did not want that to happen.


Tohka shouted and used all her power to escape the Territory’s binding.

However----it was not enough. The strong Territory which could not even be compared to what the previous Origami had, did not let loosen even by a little.

It’s useless if she stays like that. She can’t save in this situation.

---She needed power. A bigger power.


The moment Tohka felt that, a strong chill attacked Tohka.

She knew this feeling. A few months ago------in the DEM j.a.pan branch, this disgusting feeling was quite close to what she felt back then when s.h.i.+dou was almost close to getting killed by Ellen.

Something that does not belong to her appeared inside her and it felt as if she was getting grabbed by a hand. Her consciousness turned thin and instead, a scary feeling of her mind getting filled with some kind of unknown black thing was attacking her.

Tohka clenched her teeth. She had no idea what this feeling was. But, she could guess what it was by instinct.-----That power won’t save anyone.

Tohka had to remain as herself.

In order to save Kaguya.

In order to save Yuzuru.

In order to let Miku live.

And also---for that girl.

She was arrogant, violent, no sense of courtesy, foul-mouth, Tohka had no clue what she thinks about and she always disturbed Tohka; In order to grab the hands of the high-minded girl that Tohka really hates.

Tohka had to remain as herself and swing her sword.

“s.h.i.+dou-----Lend me strength………..!”

Tohka shouted s.h.i.+dou’s name and grabbed on the Angel ’s hilt before pouring strength into the hand holding it.


She imagined something flicking in her mind. Tohka felt a somewhat warm feeling flow into her body.


While holding Yamai Yuzuru’s neck, Origami was close to stabbing Yuzuru’s body but she frowned her eyebrows from the sudden light born in front of her.

The moment she thought Yatogami Tohka who she was stopping with her Territory shouted, Tohka’s body started giving off a blinding light.

The weird situation did not end at there. Tohka’s feeling disappeared from the Territory she used to stop Tohka.

No-----it was different. Origami sharpened her sight. It’s not like Tohka disappeared. A part of the Territory wrapping Tohka was erased as if a hole was opened in it.


Next moment, Origami felt a strong hostility directed towards her and let go of the hand grabbing Yuzuru’z neck before jumping behind. The moment she did that, the s.p.a.ce Origami was at, a pale glowing sword left a light path while pa.s.sing through.


The same time Origami opened her eyes in confusion, Yuzuru’s body was released by her Territory and was falling to the ground but someone supported her body.

The light was settling down and that person’s appearance could be seen.

Origami gasped in reflex when she saw the girl that appeared there.

Her night colored hair was being played around by the wind. She had crystal eyes silently staring at Origami. In her hands, she was holding a great sword emitting light.-----Yes. It was Yatogami Tohka.

But, the difference was the thing she was wearing now.

On her shoulders, breast, and hips-----all those body parts had bluish purple armor on them and she had a skirt emitting a pale glow. The absolute majestic appearance that was able to overpower anyone that sees it was completely different from the one Tohka had just now.

---Astral Dress. The absolute strongest armor and castle that signifies a Spirit.

It was not the limit form that the girls were wearing until now, Origami gulped at that perfect and flawless appearance.

The last time she saw [That] was probably half a year ago.

Before Yatogami Tohka transferred to school; it was the opponent that tried to kill Origami at the high-ground park.

---The sword spirit was there.

“That appearance…….”

After Origami sharpened her expression and mumbled that, Tohka let Yuzuru sleep beside Kaguya before calmly raising her face.

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. I hate you. Now, before and it will not change.------but, the [Hate] I have now is most likely different from the old [hate] I had. So------“

“I will come with the intentions to destroyKill you-----Don’t die, Origami”

Tohka said that with a quiet----but however freezing tone.


Just by hearing those words, Origami felt an illusion as if her heart got shot.

She had an overwhelming intimidating air around her. Pressure bringing forth despair. A sword pressure that gave her a feeling that her head might get sliced off if she relaxes even by a little attacked Origami’s whole body.


However, Origami did not back down.-----No, rather, this Tohka was what Origami was waiting for instead.

It was the strongest Spirit that cut down Origami with one attack. Origami felt that she couldn"t advance forward until she was finally able to bring down the perfect .


Along with letting out a strong shout, she concentrated her Territory to her body and equipment to increase its strength. It was impossible to bind Tohka’s movement now even if she increases the deployment radius. Since that was the case, rather than fruitlessly wasting her Maryoku, it’s smarter to strengthen her defense.

She swung her laser blade and that light blade headed towards Tohka. After Tohka slightly twitched her eyebrows, she used to block the attack.

But, that was what Origami was aiming for. Origami gave a command in her mind and a part of the laser blade separated.

The DEM created CR-unit ’s main weapon was a weapon that was able to transform into 2 forms, the Maryoku cannon and Laser blade when she converts its main body within her Territory.

However it was only converted to suitably match its respective performance and it was not like it loses its other ability after changing its form.

Although a great amount of generated Maryoku was needed to operate a denser Territory, it was possible to perform a cannon attack while maintaining the form depending on the way she does it.

A splash of Maryoku light was shot upwards from the laser blade’s muzzle while it was locking onto and it scattered mid-air before attacking Tohka like rain.

Of course, as it was a cannon attack while clas.h.i.+ng with Tohka, the power was not that high. It was probably a pea shot that could easily be warded off by an attack with under normal circ.u.mstances.

But currently, that was currently being suppressed by Origami. If she recklessly tries to ward off that attack then she might get slashed by Origami instead. No matter what she picked, Tohka could not escape without suffering any damage.

---That was supposed to happen.


However, while still clas.h.i.+ng with Origami, Tohka kicked the ground and used her overwhelming power to push Origami back and forcefully escaped the cannon’s impact range.


She frowned her eyebrows and groaned. Like she thought, Tohka’s Reiryoku and arm strength was in a completely different cla.s.s than before. She can’t win in a simple showdown of power. Origami changed the angle of her laser blade and deflected Tohka’s sword away before performing a combo with a speed that could not be seen.

Tohka was attacked several times with sword strikes that were able to annihilate a normal person’s body with one hit. But Tohka was able to grasp her sword movements and accurately block them all.


Tohka thrust into the gap found in the combo as if she was sliding it in.


However, Origami saw that attack and blocked it as well.

Slam, slash upwards, thrust, mow, block and brandish downwards.

The storm of clas.h.i.+ng swords was sweeping both sides.

---She can do this. Origami clenched harder.

Their abilities are equal. Origami was not the same as the time when she was slashed by Tohka without able to do anything.

The current Origami is able to fight a Spirit in its perfect state.

Human knowledge works on the disaster killing this world.

That was the wish Origami has been yearning and wis.h.i.+ng for.

Origami was not wrong. The training Origami acc.u.mulated until now was not a waste.

---CR-unit . As long as she owns that, Origami is able to defeat Yatogami Tohka, the Yamai sisters, Izayoi Miku and the Spirit that killed Origami’s parents 5 years ago.

Yes.------the Spirit from 5 years ago. As a condition for joining DEM, Origami gained information of that spirit"s existence from Ellen Mathers.

The specific appearance and its ability was unknown. For information, it was only worth that much.

But, it’s true that there was another Spirit other than Itsuka Kotori in the city. Confirming that fact itself was really worth looking into DEM’s intelligence.

The current Origami can achieve it. She can cut off that Spirits head if she finds her but-----


But, a violent headache struck Origami.

For a moment, Origami thought she mishandled Tohka’s attack and got slashed on her head but-----it was wrong. This pain was clearly from inside her head.

Next, her consciousness paused as if it got turned off and her sights were covered with red.



Tohka did not let that chance go. Tohka performed a side sweep with to Origami’s free torso.

That absolute tyrant attack holds the power to destroy everything. Just like leaves being played by the wind, Origami was easily blown backwards in a straight line.

The debris broken into several fragments from that momentum, she slamed through the building and reached a distance where she could not see Tohka anymore-----she rolled 2 or 3 times on the ground before finally lying down on the ground facing upwards.


She managed to avoid a life-threatening wound by strengthening the Territory but, the damage to her whole body was serious.

No. The serious matter was not the external injuries. Origami wiped her face with hands and clenched her teeth after seeing the red blood that was sticking on her face.

Blood was coming out from her nose and eyes. This was not the first time she had these symptoms. These symptoms were seen happening when she had recklessly use the annihilation weapon to its activation limit.


Before she noticed it, it seems she abused her brain too much in order to fight back Tohka who got back her complete strength. Origami clenched her teeth in regret, and punched the ground while facing upwards.

---What equal. What about I can fight with the Spirit. In the end, all Origami has done was erasing her life while somehow managing Tohka’s power.


Origami extended her trembling hands to the heavens. It was as if-------she was a devout believer relying on G.o.d.

Of course, Origami did not believe in the existence of G.o.d. Ever since the day her parents got killed in front of her 5 years ago, the word G.o.d disappeared from Origami’s head.

But maybe.

If devils and G.o.d really does exist in this world then, Origami would definitely offer any sacrifice with those hands. Even if it was a contract to give her heart away once she achieves her goal.

She knows it was very unlike herself to think this. Something like entrusting her wish to something that does not exist was nothing more than pure stupidity. Only she can save herself. If she had time to pray, she would rather use it to train. If she had time to wish, she would rather use it to form strategies. And that resulted in the Wizard known as Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.

But-----Origami had nothing left.

Blood-puking training, sleepless nights for research, the latest equipment’s burdening her body and fighting beside deaths door. All of the ideas Origami could think of was joined together.

And this was the result.

The power she gained by sacrificing everything does not work on Spirits.

This cruel reality was what awaited Origami after such long battles.


The thought of giving up suddenly pa.s.sed through Origami’s mind.

After Origami weakly sigh, she powerlessly lowered her hand that was holding up to the heavens.

---But at that moment.

“-----Hey, you. Do you want power?”

Origami could hear a voice which didn"t sound like it was from a man or woman.


She opened her eyes wide at the sudden voice and raised her body while groaning.

After she did that, she found an unknown [Something] standing there.

That [Something] had no other way to describe it so it was called something. Even though she knows it was existing there and yet she was unable to see its real image. Its existence could be called rough but, she felt a hallucination as if there was a noise-like censor blocking its whole body.

“What…are you?”

Origami used [What] instead of [Who] in reflex. That [Something] might have guessed what she meant and *kusu**kusu* giggled as if it was funny.

“It’s not important now regarding what I am. More importantly, what is your answer? Don’t you want power? Don’t you want an absolute power that won’t lose to anyone?”


Origami gasped and brought her eyebrows closer.

For a moment, Origami suspected she gone crazy from the damage she got by using the Realizer. This was clearly a weird situation. It was probably insane to put up with this.

But, the answer for that question was already decided. Origami moved her lips in her half-conscious state.

“Of course-----I want that”

Origami said those words as if she were vomiting them.

“I…….want power. Even if I have to leave everything. Even if I have to sacrifice everything…..! I want the absolute power to grant my dear wis.h.!.+ I want…….The strongest power that no one can reach!”

“I see”

That [Something] made a short answer.

She wondered why. Even though she could not see its expression-------she felt the [Something] made a smile for an instant.

“-----Then let me grant you that. The power you wish for”

After saying that, that [Something] held out something towards Origami.

It was a gem giving off a white glow. Origami’s eyes were s.n.a.t.c.hed away for an instant when she saw that magical glow.

“This is……….”

“Bring out your hand if you want power”


Even though Origami was frowning her eyebrows in suspicion, she slowly extended her hands…….and touched that gem.

That instant.


The gem gave off a strong glow and floated up to the sky before------getting sucked into Origami’s chest.

“What is……..”

Although Origami was looking down at her chest and mumbled that, the gem was no longer there.

“What was that-----“

She lifted her face to ask a question but Origami stopped her words. That [Something] suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Like she suspected, the reason she had that imagination was probably because she was brought to her limits. Origami reached that conclusion and placed her hands on her forehead.

However at that moment.


*Dokun* her heartbeat made a huge beat and Origami brought her eyebrows closer.

She felt as if another heart had formed inside her body and felt a different hot kind of blood pumping into her body. Origami unintentionally fell on her knees from that feeling that she had never felt before.


Inside her hazy consciousness.

Origami felt like she was turning into another existence.

Part 3

“…………! What’s happening!?”

AST captain-Kusakabe Ryouko shook her throat when she suddenly heard the alarm echoing in the JGSDF Tenguu Garrison.

Normally, the AST would be training now but------she was currently heading to the control room because there was a certain matter today.

After hearing Ryouko’s voice, the officer manipulated the console and *Hii* gasped.

“Thi-this----is one heck of a Reiha reading!”

“Reiha reading………..I-is this from DEM too!?”

Ryouko frowns her eyebrows in detest.

Yes. Actually in regards to Reiha readings, several of them were detected just now.

, , and also-----.

Especially the readings gave off suddenly increased and were showing the readings similar to the time they fought with her last time.

While they are an organization with the goal to defeat the spirits, the reason why Ryouko and the other AST members were not at the spot even though those monsters appeared in the city was really simple.----It’s because of DEM industries.

That company was commencing a special practice so they used their influence on the Minister of Defense so that AST would not meddle in their affairs.

Because of that, the group could only glare at the radar in the control room even though they knew Spirits have appeared in the city.

And thus, the officer looking at the values on the screen gulped in a frightened manner.

“N-no it isnt……! This-----This is a reading not included inside the notice DEM provided beforehand”

“What did you say!?”

Ryouko shouted when she heard the officer’s words and peeked at the screen after placing her hands on the officer’s shoulders.

It’s true that another Reiha different from the existing Spirits has been detected. What’s more, the readings were so big that it would not lose to in her full power.

“So that means another Spirit appeared in the practice!? Since a s.p.a.ce quake did not occur that would mean that this is a silent appearance…….!?”

Ryouko made a stern expression. She was told to stand down but, the situations call for her to report this emergency as soon as possible. She could not even imagine what the damages would be, if this Spirit starts fighting with .


At that moment, the door of the control room was swung opened and 2 small girls entered the room. They were AST member Okamine Mikie and maintenance mechanic Mildred F Fujimura. Mikie was already in her wiring suit.

“Everyone in AST is ready!”

“The CR-unit is ready too. It can go in full performance anytime”


Ryouko called their names and made a small sigh.

There was no way they could react that fast at the Reiha that just appeared. Most likely, they were already ready for sortie from just now.-----all of them probably had the same feelings as Ryouko.

Mikie felt shaken and said she would quit AST too when Origami was given her disciplinary punishment, but now, she was doing her duties splendidly. She was cheering herself up by telling herself not to show her pathetic self to Origami when she comes back someday. Ryouko relaxed her mouth after seeing her subordinate’s growth.

And at the same time with that, the officer raised her voice.

“-----! Captain, a message from HQ!”

“Yes, this is good timing”

It’s probably a sortie order. Ryouko antic.i.p.ated that and took out an emergency equipment device from her pocket.


“Uh, eh, AST continue standing by……..that’s about it”

Ryouko, Mikie and Mily opened their eyes wide when they heard the officer.

“W-what’s going on. A spirit appeared in the city you know!?”

“E-even if you tell me that………..”

The officer made a troubled face. Well, that’s normal. She just told the orders that were given by the higher-ups.


After Ryouko clenched her teeth in anger, she clenched her fist and *Gan*! She punched the wall.

“What is the AST for if we can’t move in this emergency……….! Are those big-heads in HQ that afraid of DEM…….!?”

For a moment, Origami’s face pa.s.sed through her mind.

She might have been a problematic member but-------she will never go against her beliefs. Origami will definitely ignore the stand-by order and head out without any hesitation.

But. If Ryouko does that, the higher-ups would gladly replace her captain status. ----and most likely, she would be replaced by a Wizard influenced by DEM to make things easier to control. That was something she had to avoid no matter what.


Mikie made a worried face.

Ryoku looked in pain for a few instant before,

“…………Everyone, stay on stand-by…….che”

She said that as if she was vomiting.

Part 4

“Are you okay, Kaguya, Yuzuru!”

After blowing Origami away with , Tohka ran towards the Yamai sisters lying on the ground.

Tohka could have choose to pursue Origami but, she decided not to do so. It was not her goal to kill Origami in the first place anyway----and more importantly, her priorities now were to confirm Kaguya and Yuzuru’s safety now.

As to respond to Tohka’s voice, Kaguya raised her unsteady body and Yuzuru waved to her powerlessly. Their wounds are not light but, at least they are still conscious. Tohka made a relieved sigh.

“Tohka…..your appearance”

Kaguya withstood the pain and groaned a little before looking over to Tohka and taking a good look at her armor.

Tohka tilted her head for a moment but, she immediately noticed the reason. Tohka was currently wearing her completed Astral dress that she had manifested.

“Umu, my powers came back when I thought of saving everyone”

After Tohka said that, Kaguya took a good look at Tohka’s Astral dress again and *Puu* pouted her lips.

“………..d.a.m.n it, that’s so cool. What’s with that heroic sudden power up. Don’t stand out more than your masters when you are my kinsman. Teach me how to do it later”


Tohka nodded to Kaguya’s words in reflex but………she could not explain properly on how she did it if she was asked to. Even Tohka had no clue on why the Reiryoku which was supposed to be sealed by s.h.i.+dou had returned to her.

“……….*cough*, *cough*”

Yuzuru later raised her body and coughed painfully for several times.

“…………Ques-tion. Tohka, where is Master Origami…….?”

After saying that, she looked over to Tohka. Tohka nodded to respond to her.

“I slammed my sword at her with all my strength. She might not be able to fight for a while but, she won’t die. It’s true that there is that so-called Teriyaki surrounding her body”

After Tohka stabbed while saying that, Kaguya and Yuzuru symmetrically tilted their hands to left and right.


“Correction…… it Territory?”

Yuzuru said that. Now that Tohka thinks about it, it might be called that”

“Yeah, that so-called Territory[10d 1]”


She should be right this time but, for some reason the Yamai sisters were tilting their head in doubt.

But, she had no time to bother about that now. Tohka released her sights from the Yamai sisters and looked behind.

Miku was lying down senseless on the messed up road.


She did not respond even though she was called. It seems she was still unconscious. Tohka ran to Miku and crouched down to peek at her face.

However, what she saw was Miku sleeping peacefully which was the opposite from her expectations. *Suu**suu* she was breathing and would sometimes *Munya**munya* sleep talk. Tohka made a relieved sigh.

“Kuku………… should thank her when she wakes up, Tohka. She was the one who used her body as a s.h.i.+eld to protect you when you fainted”

“Consent. She was amazing. Her legs were trembling from the start to the end though”

Kaguya and Yuzuru were supporting each other and approached Miku by following Tohka.

“Umu……….Is that so. You saved me, Miku”

After Tohka said that, voices started to appear again.

“---------yes yes, that’s why we have to wake her up quick”

“Mu? What should I do?”

“Kuku, it’s obvious. It’s already determined that you must perform a pa.s.sionate kiss to wake a sleeping princess”

“Ki-kiss you say!?”

“Agree. That’s correct. Okay then, please give it your all. Kiss, kiss”


She might………have no choice. Tohka gulped.

“Wait a second! I never said that!”

“Agree. Yuzuru too”


Kaguya and Yuzuru told her that and Tohka brought her eyebrows closer. Now that she thinks about it, the voice echoing was a little different from the both of them. Then why-----

Tohka then lowered her sights and found Miku slightly opening her eyes while *Nya**nya* smiling broadly.

“Ah Miku! You are awake aren’t you!?”

“Pufufuu! Ahhn, I was found out?”

After Tohka pointed her finger and shouted, Miku started laughing because she couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Mouu, please don’t say anything unnecessary Kaguya-san, Yuzuru-saaaan. A little more and I might have enjoyed myself with Tohka-san’s pretty lips”

“That’s not very nice and what are you saying! Your crimes for using our voices are heavy, Miku! Know that your sins won’t clear up even if you fall to purgatory!”

“Resent. *Angry*”

Kaguya and Yuzuru made stern faces. After they did that, Miku raised her body and touched both of their legs as if to act flirtatiously.

“Sorry. I don’t have such intentions. Please forgive me. I will compensate for this with my body……….”

After saying that, Miku licked her lips. In that instant, the Yamai sister’s face turned pale and backed off to run away from Miku.

“Ahhn, why are you running away. Wait for me”

“S-shut up! Don’t get closer pervert!”

“Run away. *Cross fingers to form an X*”

Miku chased after them and both of them ran away while staggering. It was such a peaceful scene that the death match just now was like a lie.

When Tohka saw the three of them being lively, she made a sighed in ease before clapping her hands to stop the girls in their game of tag.

“Anyways, everyone’s injuries aren’t light. Let’s get fixed up in . Can someone contact Kotori?”

After saying that, three of them stopped their game of tag and looked at Tohka’s direction.

“Kuku……let’s do that. Well, these injuries are nothing to me but, we have Miku and Yuzuru”

“Tease. *Poke* *poke*”


After Yuzuru poked Kaguya’s stomach, Kaguya shouted with tears on her eyes. As expected, what hurts will hurt.

“W-what was that for!”

“Sneer. Nothing to me (Stiff)“

“Aah, I want to try that too! *poke**poke*!”

“Wai…….Stop it!”

After saying that, the three of them started causing trouble again. Tohka *Haa* sighed.

“Anyway, please do it. The three of you head to first”

Miku moved her eyebrows in wonder after hearing Tohka’s words.

“First…….wait, Tohka-san what are you going to do?”

“Mu. I am going to bring Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami. She most likely can’t move by herself. ------I still haven’t heard any answers from her mouth”

After Tohka said that, the three of them *fuu* exhaled before nodding.

“Fuun………..Well it can’t be helped if Tohka says that. Of course, no matter what reason she might have, I will have her pay for this”

“Consent. It’s going to be a ticklish sentence. I will break Master Origami’s metal mask”

“Ah, can we separate the payment? I have a lot of things in my mind I want to do………”

Miku said that with glittering eyes. Kaguya and Yuzuru had sweat flowing their cheeks.

After Tohka gained everyone’s approval, she looked towards the direction she sent Origami flying to just now. Since Tohka was quite p.i.s.sed, she might have put too much strength into the hit. She could not see her from there-----


Thus. Tohka twitched her eyebrows.

Further up her view. She saw someone at the sky covered with ash grey clouds.

“? What’s wrong, Tohka”


Being asked by Kaguya, Tohka was in loss on how to answer before rubbing her eyes.

She thought it was a mistake but----she was wrong.

A ray of light s.h.i.+ned through the gloomy s.p.a.ce and inside that light, a girl was floating in it.

The first thing that entered her eyes was her clothes.

However that was only natural. Her body was covered with a dress emphasizing on her body line. She had a skirt like a flower in full bloom. And also, there was a floating ring around her head with veils extending out from it. -----all of it was made by eye-opening pure white.

That appearance looked like a wedding dress only permitted to be worn by a pure maiden-----or, an Angel descending from the darkness.

“……..uh, that’s-----“

However, the reason why Tohka gasped was not because her eyes were stolen by those factors.

The same time when that white silhouette was getting closer, the girls face could be seen.

---That was Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami’s face.


“Confirm. As expected, Kaguya sees it too huh”

“That’s true……ah-re, but that appearance……..”

Kaguya, Yuzuru and Miku noticed that too. They were raising their eyebrows while saying that.

But, their words were immediately interrupted.

The reason was simple. The moment Origami looked over to them------they got attacked by a chill as if countless needles pierced into their body.


Kaguya and the others were opening their eyes wide while standing still blankly. After Tohka clenched her teeth, she then stood in front the three of them to separate Origami from them and prepared .


“----Run. I can’t fight while protecting you”

Tohka did not look away from Origami even for a moment and said that with the three of them behind her. Sweat was flowing down from her forehead and it flown down her cheeks before dripping off.

Kaguya and the others did not resist. They did not say they wanted to fight too. It took them only an instant to understand that they can’t be any help since they can’t use their full Reiryoku. No--------forget providing help, they might even end up being hindrance for Tohka.

It was that much.

The thing that currently appeared in front of the girls has overwhelming power.

She knew that by instinct, she didn’t need to exchange swords or have a conversation.

---That. That was something she had to confront.

“Tohka, sorry……!”

“Pray…….best of luck”

“Ah, wait both of you….ukyaa!”

After Kaguya and Yuzuru carried Miku by both her shoulders, they then covered themselves with wind and ran to the sky with tremendous speed.


Origami did not show interest to them and continued staring at Tohka’s direction while slowly approaching her as if she was sliding down from the sky.

She then looked down at Tohka and slightly opened her mouth.

“Yatogami…………Tohka. -----to defeat her. I”

“……..Origami, you”

After Tohka sharpened her sights, Origami calmly raised her right hand to the sky.

She then called it.

The name Origami was supposed to not know----the name of the angel.


As if to respond to Origami’s words, several rays of lights came pouring down from the sky which has lost its sun and surrounded Origami. All of those light then materialized and each one of them looked like long slender wings.

The same time she clenched the hand raised to the sky, all those wings spread out in a circle.

Yes. It was as if------Origami was getting crowned.


Tohka frowned her face.

Astral dress and………..Angel. There was no mistake.

She continued looking up and shouted.

“…………..Origami. Why-----why are you a Spirit”


Tohka had no idea what happened when she was helping the other girls.

But she can be certain of one thing-----The current Origami was a Spirit.


After Origami recited the words Tohka said, she distorted her eyes listlessly and looked down to her hands and body.

“I see……’s just like I thought”

After Origami closed her eyes, she told herself that.

“Then-----I don’t mind”

She then opened her eyes and pointed her sights to Tohka like a sword.

“I will now wield this power to defeat the Spirits. I will become the spirit that kills spirits. Once I eliminate all Spirits----I will erase the last one, me”

Origami spread both her hands out. As if to match that action, the tip of the crown above her head expanded and made a circle that looks like the sun.


Origami silently announced that. In an instant, the Angel forming a ring above Origami’s head started to spin and release light particles around.


Tohka spread out her left hand and made a wall around her with Reiryoku. After an instant, crazy amount of light particles were poured down at her from Origami’s angel.

It was such a beautiful and extremely destructive rain. Each drop was cl.u.s.ters of Reiryoku capable of tremendous power and several thousands of it continued overrunning the ground without pause.

The asphalt road. The thrown away vehicle. The houses lined up. The fair Angel did not let any of them off the hook. The familiar city scenery was easily destroyed like paper touched by rain.


Tohka somehow managed to block that attack with the s.h.i.+eld concentrated with Reiryoku but, this will not go well if this goes on. After Tohka poured in strength into the right hand holding , she cut the interior of the wall with full knowledge that she would take few hits.


Together with a powerful shout, the angel released a sword slash which extended out as if it was tracing her sword skills.


After Origami slightly twitched her eyebrows, she pointed her other hand downward. When she did that, the ring releasing light particles separated and made a s.h.i.+eld in front of Origami to fend off Tohka’s slash.

At that moment, the light particles were interrupted. Tohka did not let this chance go and kicked the ground causing her to fly straight up to the sky and closed in to Origami after slipping through the Angel.


She didn’t have the leisure to hold back her strength. Tohka grabbed with both her hands and slashed at Origami with all her might.

But-----There was no feeling.

The moment touched Origami’s Astral dress, Origami’s appearance turned to light and disappeared; she then appeared a few meters back from her original position.



Tohka was not the only one opening her eyes in dismay. Even Origami who avoided the attack was distorting her expression in astonishment. It seems that happening was also unexpected for Origami too.

After Origami looked at her own hand, she mumbled to herself as if she wants to vomit.


Origami frowned her eyebrows and clenched her fist before using that hand and pointing it upwards.

“[Heavenly WingsMalakh]!”

When she did that, collected itself again and made wings behind Origami. Origami flapped like wings and ran backwards using only an instant.

At the same time, several rays of light came from the tip of the wing form and attacked Tohka.

“Why you……..!”

Tohka made a short shout and swung . It will be too late if she made a wall anyways and------intuitively, Tohka sensed that she could not block this attack with her wall.

She used to slash away the approaching light. But, the numbers were too much. The lights beams she could not manage to handle, pierced into her left shoulder and right leg.


Sharp pain. She didn’t need to see it to know that her Astral dress has been broken.

However, Origami’s attack did not lighten. The wings behind Origami spread up, down, left, and right, after Origami swung her hand from above straight downwards.


The same time Origami shouted, the separated flied freely around the sky as if it was equipped with its own will and released beams from all directions. It looked like she was captured in a cage made by laser grids. What’s more, it was a prison that was able to cause her to cut through her bones and flesh if she touches the grids.


Tohka swung &lt

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