Date A Live

Chapter 46

Prologue: Another s.h.i.+dou


On top of the school roof.

s.h.i.+dou froze in confusion as he stared at the young man that stood in front of him.

The reason was simple. The young man"s figure looked extremely bizarre.

Even so, its was not like he had a scary face. If an unrelated person were to look at him, they would only get the image of a very ordinary young man.

He had hair that hung to his eyes and manly facial features. He had a medium build and wore the Raizen high school"s winter uniform.

It was not like there was anything weird about him. He was just an ordinary young man.

However, s.h.i.+dou was horrified. He gulped, moving closer to take a better look at the man.

"You&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; who on earth are you?"

"&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;Who am I? What are you saying?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders as he replied to s.h.i.+dou"s question.

Then the side of his lips rose up while he continued.

"--------It"s me, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou. Can"t you tell from looking?"

The young man smiled happily.


s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows unintentionally at the bizarre young man.

Yes. The young man that stood in front of s.h.i.+dou was someone with the exact same face as him.

The young man eyed playfully at s.h.i.+dou, before moving his mouth to breath out a sigh.

"----------You really don"t know? It"s me."


Hearing the young man"s voice, s.h.i.+dou once again raised his eyebrows.

That was because the voice was not s.h.i.+dou"s, but a female"s.

No, that was not all, s.h.i.+dou had heard that voice before...

"Don"t tell me&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Natsumi&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!?"

s.h.i.+dou called out that name, and the young man made a grin.

"------Fufu, correct. You finally realized, s.h.i.+dou-kun."

"Wha, what is with that form!? What kind of reason&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;?"

As s.h.i.+dou inquired of her, Natsumi unexpectedly distorted her expression.

"What kind of reason, you say? Didn"t I say it before? I will not let someone who knows my secret go that easily. Prepare yourself, for I will beat you into a broken pulp&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!"

Natsumi said detestably and *Pi!* pointed her thumbs downwards.

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