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Chapter 5: The Descending Of The Devil King To DarknessPart 1

Chapter 5: The Descending Of The Devil King To DarknessPart 1

The time is 10:30pm. s.h.i.+dou and the girls were in a hospital room in the city.

After the previous events, the s.p.a.ce quake alarm was turned off and people returned back to the city and school. s.h.i.+dou and the group who were locked in a grapple, got scolded by the school nurse on why they did not evacuate before getting transported to the hospital.

Even though they were in a sealed state, the Spirits had a tougher body than humans. Even if it’s just healing wounds, they"re much faster than a normal human.

Although it was like that, they can’t heal like Kurumi and Kotori so they still had painful wounds on their body. Having seen that, it was only normal for the school nurse to call 117 without any argument. Well, to s.h.i.+dou who was planning to bring them to the hospital, it saved the trouble for him.

“muuu…………s.h.i.+dou, I am hungry…………”

After being re-bandaged nicely, Tohka told him. s.h.i.+dou made a wry smile and shrugged his shoulders. She had dinner just a while ago but, the amount served by the hospital was definitely not enough for Tohka.

“………seriously, I have no choice huh. But it’s already late so, it will be food easy for digestion. Should I buy jelly from the convenience store for you?”


Tohka nodded happily. And when they were having that conversation, the other Spirits who saw that from the side [Buuu] were making unsatisfied voices.

“Hey s.h.i.+dou. What’s the idea of giving the forbidden fruit to my kinsman after leaving me aside”

“Unsatisfied. s.h.i.+dou is lacking the awareness that he is Yuzuru and Kaguya’s shared property”

“Aaah, it’s always Tohka-san, that’s not fair”

Yes. Luckily, it seems the door to the big room was opened so everyone managed to enter the same room. s.h.i.+dou, Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi had no serious injuries but, since everyone had no home to go back to, they were specially allowed to stay there until they get the confirmation for an empty evacuation facility.

In Tenguu city, there exists several temporary facilities for residents to gather after losing their homes from the s.p.a.ce quake disaster but since the disaster occurred in the middle of the residential area this time, there were many people who had lost their homes and it caused support to be late.

In the end, the area around the Itsuka house was concluded to be a disaster zone from a s.p.a.ce quake. However, it was only normal. Origami probably did it so that it would turn out this way -----since a s.p.a.ce quake disaster was generally an explosion that occurs when a Spirit appears and when the AST and Spirits fight. It has not strayed from that definition.

“Alright alright………..I’ll buy some for everyone so wait for me.-----How about you two Yos.h.i.+no, Natsumi?”

After saying that, he looked into the room. Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi were sitting side by side on a chair placed at the side of the wall.

No, speaking more precisely, both of them were closing their eyes and while *suu**suu* they were giving off sleeping breaths; they were snuggling by leaning on each other. It seems they fell asleep from the tiredness.


After s.h.i.+dou’s mouth relaxed, he took an extra blanket and placed it on both of them. A lot of things happened today, it was normal.



s.h.i.+dou slightly brought his eyebrows closer. He could hear a shaking sound from somewhere.

“Mu, what’s wrong s.h.i.+dou”

“No, I thought I heard a weird sound……wait, ah”

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou noticed the ident.i.ty of the sound. Yes. It was the vibration from a phone.

“Is it from Yos.h.i.+no…..? Now that I think about it, she forgot to turn off her phone before entering the hospital………”

s.h.i.+dou scratched his cheeks before, *umu* making a nod. Of course, it was strictly forbidden to use a phone in the hospital but, that’s something hard to ask from a Spirit. It was s.h.i.+dou’s mistake to forget about that.

“I have no choice……..I can’t leave it alone anyways”

He had no idea who was the one calling her but, it will be a problem if that person keeps calling if he leaves it alone. In order to turn off the power, s.h.i.+dou extended his hands to Yos.h.i.+no’s clothes pocket.


But, the phone was not in the pocket he picked. It’s probably in somewhere else. s.h.i.+dou counted on the sound of the vibration and looked around Yos.h.i.+no’s body for it.

“Oh……found it”

He found the phone in the pocket in the inner side of her clothes and took it.

And at that moment.


Yos.h.i.+no suddenly made a ticklish voice and slowly opened her eyes.

And after looking around blankly for a while, her face turned red when she saw him feeling around her body and his face was right in front of her.

“………..! E-errr……….s.h.i.+dou-hyaan…….!?”

After saying that, her body froze while tears were oozing out at the corner of her eyes………somehow, it seems she misunderstood something.

“Wai…………, you’re wrong Yos.h.i.+no! This is----“

And when s.h.i.+dou was about to explain himself, Natsumi who was sleeping beside Yos.h.i.+no woke up this time.

“Hnn………..What is it, its so noi…..s-y….”

Natsumi then opened her eyes wide and raised her right hand to magnificently launch an uppercut to s.h.i.+dou’s chin.

“You, rotten fienddddd!”


After s.h.i.+dou made an odd shout, he got blown away in a parabolic line from the momentum of Natsumi’s uppercut, he then fell face upwards on the hospital floor. *Kan**kan**kan*! The sound of the match being over rang. He thought he heard that.


Since Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi were sitting at the other side of the curtain, it was at a blind spot from the bed side. By Tohka and the girls" view, they probably saw s.h.i.+dou suddenly get blown away. She opened her eyes wide and let out a surprised voice.

s.h.i.+dou weakly swung his hand to tell her that he was alright before stroking his chin while slowly raising his body.

“A-are you okay, Yos.h.i.+no….! Did he do anything strange to you!?”

“E-err…….Ye-yes. More importantly, s.h.i.+dou-san is…….”

“Forget about that useless guy! I-I never thought he would do something that perverted to Yos.h.i.+no when I was sleeping beside her…………!”

“Yo-you’re misunderstanding…..I just-----“

s.h.i.+dou showed Yos.h.i.+no’s phone he was holding to Natsumi to explain himself.

But-----he raised his eyebrows and stopped his words.

The reason was simple. On Yos.h.i.+no’s phone"s calling screen, he saw a familiar name being displayed on it.


The moment he recognized that, s.h.i.+dou immediately pressed the accept b.u.t.ton and placed the phone on his ears. He was well-aware that calling in the hospital was forbidden but-----his body moved before he was conscious about that fact.

When he did that, he could hear a familiar voice coming from the receiver.

“………..h.e.l.lo, is this Yos.h.i.+no?”

“------Kotori! Is it Kotori!?”

s.h.i.+dou replied back in an excited voice.

Yes. What he heard from the other side of the receiver was definitely s.h.i.+dou’s sister- Kotori’s voice.


“Hou, she’s safe huh”

Maybe they reacted to the name s.h.i.+dou said, the girls raised their voice. s.h.i.+dou nodded to reply to them before focusing back on the phone.

“s.h.i.+dou? Aah………this is good, it looks like you’re safe. How about everyone else?”

“Aah, everyone’s safe------I can’t say that but, at least they are alive”

“Yes. That is great”

“Rather, that’s my line. Where were you? Is okay? I got worried since I couldn’t contact you”

After s.h.i.+dou said that, Kotori turned silent for a while. He could only hear regretful breathing.


“-----Right now, we are in the underground facility owns. The crew is safe somehow. But……we lost. Completely too”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide in shock when he heard the sudden announcement.

“Wha-what do you mean?”

“…………Just like what I meant. We lost to DEM. The s.h.i.+p damage is over 30%. Running away after using all the was our limits. is being repaired. The s.h.i.+p is being barely maintained by the Territory but………for a while, please start thinking that it’s not possible to use it like we used to”


s.h.i.+dou lost his words.

It’s not like he could not understand her words. But, the word [Defeat] and does not stick well in his head.

But, thinking rationally, it was something not impossible. is an airs.h.i.+p. Then things like this happen too. It’s s.h.i.+dou’s own fault for thinking that was a place with absolute safety.

“The got………!? But, the realizer’s performance should be better than DEM’s………….”

“Fundamentally yes…………..but, the gap got quite filled in after the development of DEM new model-


That woman. The moment s.h.i.+dou heard those words. The face of a certain girl popped up in s.h.i.+dou’s mind. She has silky pale blonde hair and eyes filled with confidence.-----The face of the strongest Wizard, Ellen Mather.

s.h.i.+dou probably understood the situation in the silence. Kotori made a sigh before continuing on.

“………….Well, talking about the past won’t do anything. ----More importantly, tell me something. Where did you go? Everyone being alive would mean that, they beat Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami?”

“No, that’s………..”

s.h.i.+dou hesitated for a moment before making a sigh and briefly explained the events that happened a few hours ago.

About the fact that he got confined by Origami. About Yos.h.i.+no and Natsumi saving him. And, by the time he reached the place the Spirits was fighting----he saw Origami as a Spirit.

“Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami turned into a Spirit…..!?”

Kotori made a voice filled with shock.

“What is going on? Did appear……?”

“I don’t know. But-----That is the only plausible answer”

“………………uh, oh d.a.m.n. Why at a time like this……..!”

Kotori said it painfully. However, it was only natural for her to do so. To Kotori, was someone she has deep connections with.

“So, where’s Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami?”

“She flew somewhere……..I don’t know where she went”

“……….I see. I understand. We will look for her. s.h.i.+dou, you should start preparing your heart too”

“Preparing my heart?”

“Well, that’s obvious right. No matter who it is, a Spirit is a Spirit. You have to conquer Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami next you know?”


It’s true now that she mentioned it. s.h.i.+dou’s job is to raise the Spirit’s affection level and to seal their Reiryoku by kissing them. Of course, Origami was not an exception too.

……..but for some reason, when he thinks of Origami being the opponent, the image of being [Eaten] by Origami instead of [Conquering] her popped up in his mind. Even though the sealing must be done, he feels that a big problem would occur once he kisses her.

Maybe she noticed s.h.i.+dou’s state, Kotori *Haaa* sighed.

“------Oh well, there is plenty more stuff I want to ask too but for now, let’s do that when we meet up later. It’s bad to talk too long in the hospital anyway”

“Eh? How did you………”

“Whose phone are you using to have a conversation with me now?”

“Ah---I see”

After hearing Kotori’s words, s.h.i.+dou understood. Now that he thinks about it, he had heard before that there is a tracking device placed in the phones given to the Spirits in case any problems come up.

“I sent an organization member there to pick you all up just now; it won’t be long until they reach there. Please follow the instructions given later. We will deal with the hospital so, set the tracking device”

“Aah, I get it………but, everyone is injured………”

“Don’t worry. It won’t be as good as but, we have medical realizers here prepared too. They will heal faster here than sleeping in the hospital”

“I see. Understood”

Luckily, everyone did not have injuries that would prevent them from moving by themselves. s.h.i.+dou looked at everyone before making a soft sigh.

“The member should be there already. I’ll leave the details later”

The same time with Kotori’s words, he could hear the sound of a car engine outside.

He stood up from the spot and looked out the window to find several cars instead of ambulances stopping beside the hospital. Most likely, those were the members Kotori was talking about.

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou noticed the surroundings getting darker. The sky was already dark and the moon could clearly be seen.

“Aah, I get it. Then, see you later----“


s.h.i.+dou finished his greetings and was about to cut the line,

---At that moment.

“Good Work Ellen”

After completing her mission magnificently and finis.h.i.+ng several missions, Ellen suddenly got called by that voice when she entered her hotel room.

When she looked over, she found Isaac Westcott sitting on the room’s sofa as if he was waiting for her return.


“That was a magnificent display of skill. I could only say it’s as expected from you”

“No, getting hit once was my calculation"s mistake. It seems the opponent had an astounding crew with them”

Westcott made a small smile while shrugging his shoulders when he heard Ellen’s words.

“So, is the crew safe?”

“Unknown. I told them to evacuate but, I got refused”

“I see, now that’s disappointing. I will pray that many of the crew would survive”

Westcott mumbled that without any irony mixed in it. Actually, he was being serious. Ellen’s target this time was ’s airs.h.i.+p and not its crew members. They have the power to hinder DEM’s actions, shelter the Spirits; it’s also more convenient to leave some power around Itsuka s.h.i.+dou anyway.

Nonetheless, it’s not like all of ’s members are packed into that s.h.i.+p. Even if all the crew members were annihilated, that man----Woodman will skillfully fill in that gap.

Westcott probably understood that too. In response to those words, gloominess could be seen on his face.

“---More importantly, Ike”

“Aah, I know”

When Ellen said that, Westcott tilted his head forward to tell her he knew before pointing the terminal on the table to Ellen.

A certain image was being shown on screen.

---The appearance of Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami in a pure white Astral dress.

Yes. Ellen also detected a new Reiha reading on the observation device installed in the s.h.i.+p but------she still doubted her ears when she got the report from HQ.

That’s because, Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami turned into a Spirit when she was battling with a Spirit.

“Haha, this is unexpected even for me too. I never would have thought she would become a Spirit”

After saying that, Westcott made a smile as if he was enjoying this from the bottom of his heart.

“No, I should be grieving on the loss of an excellent Wizard here. -----Aah, how could this happen. She would have definitely been a great addition to our forces”

“Your mouth is smiling, Ike”

“Oops, my mistake”

Even though he said that, Westcott did not even try to hide his mouth. Ellen made a soft sigh before continuing her words.

“So, where is she now?”

“Aah, she was flying around Tenguu city just a while ago but, she suddenly disappeared”

“Her response disappeared? Does she have the ability to conceal her Reiha?”

“As expected, you think so too?”

“It’s obvious that we will target her now that she became a Spirit. It’s only natural to hide herself”

“I wonder. It’s proper to think like that but------It’s the Spirit’s way of doing things that makes our imagination ineffective to them”

While saying that, Westcott stood up from the sofa and slowly walked over to the window.

The cloudless night sky expanded outside the window and one moon was being enshrined right in the middle.

“She might unexpectedly be seeing us from there”


Westcott said that in a joking tone and made a smile,

---At that moment.

“…………Well then, I wonder if Origami achieved her goal.”

Under the moonlight. Sitting at the edge of a building’s roof, Kurumi mumbled to herself.

“Ufufu, who knows?”

When she said that, a voice similar to Kurumi’s echoed out from her shadow to reply her.

“It’s probably impossible. The world is tough. The wish of a girl will easily be grounded into pieces”

“Ah-ra, I don’t understand. Did you see Origami-san? If she has that much power, it would be possible for her”

“What does [Me] think?”

Next, her talkative clones started talking. Kurumi *fuu* exhaled before shrugging her shoulders.

“I can’t say anything. ----Well, but personally, I wish Origami would achieve her wish”

When Kurumi said that, her clones in the shadow giggled.

“Ufufu, those are words un-like [Me]. Did you get hit by the moonlight?”

How rude.

But, Kurumi did not get mad and raised her lips before looking up at the magnificent moon floating in the sky.

The moonlight might make a person mad. Then tonight, the whim of the lunatic Kurumi might have been because she got hit by the moon’s poison.

“Well-----It should be alright. Even I feel like doing that now and then”


After saying that, Kurumi placed her body weight on her hands and lightly bent her body,

---At that moment.

The moon floating in the sky---Split in half.

Part 2


Having seen the sky from the hospital window, s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide at the sudden event.

The full moon floating in the sky had a crack in it.

Of course, it"s impossible for the moon to really split in half. He immediately noticed a shadow appearing in front of the bright moon.

But-----He had no clue what it is. It’s not a cloud, a sort of bird nor was it an airplane. The s.p.a.ce was having cracks and that made it look like the moon was nicely getting cut up.

“What, is there something wrong?”

Kotori’s dubious voice could be heard from the phone receiver. But, s.h.i.+dou could not reply back.

Next, those cracks eroded the moon and covered the light as if it ate the moon.

No------s.h.i.+dou noticed something there.

“…….What is this-----“

It was not only the moon.

The already night sky got covered by those cracks of darkness.

He could finally understand when he focused his eyes. Under the dark sky, an even darker darkness was being formed like a spider’s nest.

He could not see how big the radius of it was. From what all of what he could see, the sky was being encroached by darkness. Maybe a city, or a state, or maybe the whole of Kantou region, or maybe-----

It was spreading wider and wider until it made him think that.

A different color than the night sky was spreading in the sky.

---That instant.

The darkness formed in the sky vibrated like a living-thing and at the same time, the hospital s.h.i.+dou and the girls were in was shaking violently.





Everyone panicked; some clung onto the curtain and some even hid under the bed.

But………s.h.i.+dou picked up something by instinct. This was not an earthquake.

Immediately when he realized that, an unnatural phenomenon attacked the hospital s.h.i.+dou and the girls were in.------condensed darkness poured down from the sky like a black beam and pierced through the ceiling, and floors before going through the next floor.

And a few moments later, the beam hit the ground and caused a stronger shake compared to the previous attack on the group’s hospital room.

“Wha….! Wha-what is it!?”

For a moment, he thought DEM"s Wizards appeared above them and attacked the group but-----he was wrong.

When he looked out the window, torrents of black beams that attacked the group just now were pouring down from the sky to destroy the city.


He was lost for words when he saw that scene.

Several black beams were being pulled to the ground from the sky. Those beams easily pierced through the buildings lined up and destroyed them all instantaneously. Trees were mowed down, vehicles exploded, and roads were being crushed. The quiet city got destroyed in an instant and turned into a chaotic scene from h.e.l.l.

“Wh-what’s happening, s.h.i.+dou”

Tohka jumped out of the bed in panic.

As if to show the destruction of the city, a very loud alarm started to rang.

At the same time, an alarm could be heard from the phone’s receiver which was in-call. It was slightly different from the sounds in but----there was no mistake. That alarm signifies the appearance of a Spirit.

“……….! Kotori, this is-----“

“It’s a Spirit! But, what is with this phenomenon…..! A strong Spirit like this appearing all of a sudden without any….wa-r-ning……”


s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows when he heard Kotori’s words lose their energy half-way.

“Kotori? Oi, what’s wrong”

“This readings--------This is not a normal Spirit. This is…an Inverse-type……!?”


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes wide when he heard those words.

Inverse-type. s.h.i.+dou has only seen one Spirit called like that.

He does not know the details. But, he heard that it will appear when a Spirit was filled up with deep despair and it will have a power different from its usual self.

And-----it’s also the negative Spirit that the leader of s.h.i.+dou’s group"s enemy--Isaac Westcott was trying to create.

“Why………..Why would something like that appear suddenly! Is this DEM’s work…..!?”

“I don’t know! Anyway, it’s dangerous there! Hurry----“

But the moment Kotori urged him to evacuate. Several rays of light exploded from the sky and easily destroyed the hospital the group was in. The ground collapsed and his body was thrown into mid-air. The phone slipped off his hands and flew somewhere.


His body and rubble were falling to the ground.

But, someone suddenly carried him from his stomach and pulled him upwards, helping s.h.i.+dou to get through the rain of rubble.


“Are you okay, s.h.i.+dou!”

After coughing, he looked over to the person and found out it was Tohka. It seems, she immediately carried s.h.i.+dou out from the collapsing hospital.

She was in her complete Astral Dress that she manifested. ----yes. In the end, he could not get a time to be together and hasn"t performed the re-sealing for her Reiryoku.

In the next moment, the other Spirits who were in their limited Astral dress descended behind Tohka. It seems everyone’s safe.

He let out a relieved sigh for now. But, s.h.i.+dou and the girls weren’t the only ones in the hospital. There are still many other patients, nurses and doctors; they should be trapped under the rubble.

“Kuh….Everyone! lend me a hand! We need to get rid of this rubble----“

But, just when s.h.i.+dou said that, another beam that should be called dark rain splashed down from the sky again and changed the surrounding scenery. The rubble broke even more, and it looks as if it the ground was gouged out.


In this situation, there was no way he could rescue them. No, before even that problem, the hospital was not the only place getting destroyed; the destruction of the whole city was spreading out. First off-----they had to do something about the beam falling down from the sky like rain.

Even though she inversed, the opponent was still a Spirit. Then just like that time with Tohka, it should be possible to turn her back to normal. s.h.i.+dou looked up to the sky and looked at the Spirit for her appearance.



s.h.i.+dou saw a small shadow in the air and let out an astonished voice.

Inside the black sky. There was one girl, wearing an Astral dress which looks like it’s the embodiment of darkness floating in the sky.

She was hugging her knees and was looking downwards as if she was rejecting the outside world while slowly drifting in the sky by defying gravity. And as if to protect her, the several [Wing] around her were making a circle around her.

From the h.e.l.l he could see, that place was the only one quiet and calm as if it was isolated away.

Her appearance----looks like an embryo floating in the water.

But, the Spirit’s weird appearance wasn"t the reason why s.h.i.+dou’s eyes were stolen.

Since she was squatting, he could not see her face and expression.

However, s.h.i.+dou knew her in one glance.

The name of the girl he had talked to many times.


Yes. The Spirit floating in the darkness was s.h.i.+dou’s cla.s.smate-Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami.


Tohka made a dubious voice. And in the next moment, Kaguya and the others were gasping in terror.

“Wha……What is [That]….!?”

“Doubt. Master Origami…… that you?”

After saying that, she raised her eyebrows in horror. Yos.h.i.+no"s and Miku’s reactions were similar with Natsumi’s.

But, it was only natural.

Even though she was just floating in the air, the overwhelming pressure Origami was giving off could be understood well by s.h.i.+dou too.

That was exactly the manifestation of despair. The appearance of the [Devil King] that would bring destruction to the world.

“Wh-why…..did this-----“

s.h.i.+dou made a sullen face.

He knew that Origami turned into a Spirit. Even though it was for a moment, s.h.i.+dou had seen her and even the girls said that they fought with Origami who was wearing an Astral Dress.

But, that should still be the same Spirit transformation like Kotori and Miku.

It has only been one evening since s.h.i.+dou recognized Origami.

---In that short time, does it mean that Origami experienced a despair that would make her overturn her own existence? In that unbelievable imagination, s.h.i.+dou gulped.

“Just……….what happened to you, Origami……!”

s.h.i.+dou shouted. But of course, there was no way his voice would reach Origami. The arrows of darkness shot from the sky did not weaken and continued overrunning his familiar city.

If the demon world really existed then the city would be suitably called that. The scenery was so weird that it made him carry such an obscure thought.

Origami who was rooted to the sky was making the world go crazy by making black trees grow out from the ground.

A few minutes ago, the city s.h.i.+dou was familiar with, has turned into a den of chaotic despair.


s.h.i.+dou managed to bring his collapsing body up and shouted once more.

That Origami has a strong mentality but, it’s still unbelievable for him that she turned into that. He could not imagine what had happened to her. s.h.i.+dou felt an illusion as if his heart was breaking when he saw her like that.

However, s.h.i.+dou can’t fall to his knees now.

It’s true that the situation was hopeless. But, If Origami was the inverse Spirit then-----there is still a way left.

The girls probably knew that too, they nodded while looking over to s.h.i.+dou’s direction.

“-----I don’t know what happened to Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami but, the only human that can make her sane again would be you s.h.i.+dou”

“……..aah, that’s right”

After he nodded, the Yamai sisters looked at each other as if they got affected by Tohka and s.h.i.+dou’s words. They poured strength into their body to hold down their trembling legs before standing beside s.h.i.+dou on each side.

“Ka…..kaka, its good you know. If you even spout even one cowardly line, I would forcefully drag you up to the sky”

“Contract………Yuguru and Kaguya will bring you to Master Origami.----s.h.i.+dou, please wake Master Origami up”

As if to respond to her voice, Tohka manifested and readied it with both her hands. Next off, Kaguya and Yuzuru joined their hands before the nearby wind started to swirl and made s.h.i.+dou’s body float up.

“Kaguya, Yuzuru………sorry for making you two join this”

“Fu-fuun, don’t worry about it”

“Consent. As payment, please help Master Origami”


At that moment, a valor song started echoing. At the same time, he felt that the glow coming from the Astral Dress Tohka and the Yamai sisters were wearing turned stronger.


“Ufufu. It’ll be a problem if you forget about me”

After saying that, Miku showed a smile.

After she did that, Natsumi and Yos.h.i.+no also raised their voice too next.

“F-for the ground…………please leave it to me…….. I think I can block some of the beams with ’s barrier……!”

“………..Fuun, I’ll help out since I have no choice. I will turn the rubble into fluffy cotton”


After s.h.i.+dou sucked in air, he slowly exhaled it out.

s.h.i.+dou was not the only one. That was very re-a.s.suring for him.


After s.h.i.+dou said that, everyone smiled-----and looked upwards to Origami.

“Well---------Let’s go! I will open the path! Follow me!”

Tohka shouted and jumped up to the sky after kicking the ground.


“Understood. *Toou*”

As if to continue after that, the wind covered Kaguya and Yuzuru before they flew to the sky. At the same time, s.h.i.+dou’s body floated up like them while he was being carried in the wind they made.


Even though he turned over from the unfamiliar feeling, he somehow managed to regain his balance. Looking at his state, the Yamai Sister’s laughed.

“You can fly well unexpectedly, s.h.i.+dou”

“Praise. How skillful”

“……..well thanks”

He replied back while sweat was flowing down like he was being treated like a child.

However, that conversation did not last long. Origami probably judged them as a threat when they were flying towards her. The several black [Wing] floating systematically around the squatting Origami changed their trajectory as if they got stimulated suddenly and pointed their tip towards them.

Black beams were fired from those tips all together at once.


Cl.u.s.ters of darkness with a more condensed power compared to the [Rain] falling down attacked the group. Of course for s.h.i.+dou too, everything would end if the Yamai sisters in their manifested limit Astral dress gets a direct hit.

---But, now.


Tohka brandished her sword together with a loud shout while she was flying in front of s.h.i.+dou and the girls. And following her sword"s movements, the Reiryoku slash was released, countering the approaching attacks.


“Take the chance when I block the attacks, and go! ……..I won’t last long.”

Tohka made a painful expression while readying her sword again-----when he looked carefully at her, he found several parts of her Astral dress broken and Tohka had painful wounds on her skin.

Even if Tohka was able to manifest her complete Astral dress, there was no way she could fill in the gaps of the overwhelming number of attacks. What’s more, Tohka was in a condition where the wounds she got from the fight she had with Origami previously were not healed yet. It was by no means a situation where a wrong decision could be forgiven.


s.h.i.+dou frowned his face in reflex. However, he shook his face immediately and raised his voice.

“Kaguya! Yuzuru! Please!”

There was no way he would not feel uneasy at all at Tohka’s painful appearance even though she has her full powers back. There was no way his heart wouldn"t feel painful; that he had to leave this place to Tohka and move on ahead.

But, s.h.i.+dou still had to go on. He had to return Origami back into Origami as fast as possible. That is the only way to repay everyone for lending him their powers.

“Leave it to me!”

“Understood. Let’s go”

The Yamai sisters probably knew s.h.i.+dou’s determination and nodded without even a pinch of hesitation before twisting their body in the sky and charged towards Origami with a tremendous speed after coming out of Tohka’s shadow.

But, at that moment.

“-----This is a problem, we can’t have you hurting an inverse-type”

Just when that unexpected voice echoed, a slash came from downwards. The barrier of wind carrying s.h.i.+dou got dispelled, and s.h.i.+dou’s body got thrown into the air.



“Rescue. ----[El Nahash]!”

However, the floating feeling was just for a moment. The Pendulum Yuzuru shot from above appeared and covered s.h.i.+dou’s body in wind again.

Nonetheless, the dangerous situation did not change. s.h.i.+dou distorted his expression while glaring at the owner of the voice that appeared out of nowhere.


Yes. The person that appeared was a DEM wizard in a white CR-unit----Ellen Mathers.

“Long time no see, Itsuka s.h.i.+dou”

“………….I never wanted to see you again though”

Even though s.h.i.+dou said it in detest, Ellen looked behind without giving him any attention and----took a glance at the crouching Origami.

“------It’s a beautiful Inverse-type, not inferior to ’s at that time. Ike would be very happy with this”

“…………… Don’t screw with me! I am not handing Origami to you!”

“You won’t achieve anything by howling loudly. Quietly-----“


In an instant, a loud shout echoed to interrupt Ellen’s words.----It was Kaguya. Having manifested a giant lance Angel, Kaguya charged at Ellen with tremendous speed.

Of course, Kaguya can’t take on Ellen now that she could only swing her powers in limit form. Actually, Ellen easily blocked Kaguya’s charge attack with the laser blade she was holding.


However, she managed to create a chance from the strongest Wizard with that sudden Angel charge attack, even though it was for an instant.


“Respond. Touu”

In the timing as if she knew Kaguya’s surprise attack, Yuzuru spun her body in the spot.

When she did that, s.h.i.+dou’s body which was being supported by Yuzuru’s pendulum got shot towards Origami like a marble flicked by a finger.


Gravity suddenly attacked his body and it almost caused him to faint but------he somehow managed to resist it by biting his tongue in his mouth. There was no way he could let go of the good opportunity and time created by Kaguya and Yuzuru’s sacrifice with such a reason.

s.h.i.+dou advanced with the wind’s energy and----approached Origami.

Instantly, s.h.i.+dou was wrapped in a weird float. He was ignoring gravity; it was a weird feeling different from the feeling when he was being covered in the Yamai’s wind.

Even though he raised his eye brows at the feeling as if he got lost in another world for a moment, he immediately recalled back on what he should be doing.


s.h.i.+dou called out Origami’s name when he saw her hugging her knees while squatting in front of him.

However, there was no response.

“Origami, it’s me! It’s s.h.i.+dou! Can you hear me!?”

Even though he shook her shoulders, the results were the same. As if she could not hear anything, she remained lifeless and would not even move.

It was clearly a weird situation. Just what could cause that Origami to become like this. s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth and made a sullen face.

But, he had no time to be leisurely. Everyone worked hard to help s.h.i.+dou reach there. s.h.i.+dou started thinking desperately for a way to break this situation.

“……………, that’s right-----“

He then recalled something-----about the time he dealt with an Inverse-type Spirit.

A few months ago from now, there was a time when Tohka inversed just like Origami.

At that time, forget about everyone, Tohka even forgotten about her own name and just like what it meant; she turned into someone else.

At that time, the method s.h.i.+dou used to turn Tohka back to normal----and miraculously enough, it was the same method to seal a Spirit.

Which means----A kiss.

He could not be sure if he was able to seal her Reiryoku. But, it was possible enough to bring back Origami’s consciousness like the time with Tohka.

“…………., Alright……..!”

The situation was very grim. After s.h.i.+dou made his decision, he touched Origami’s head with his hands and lifted her face which was looking downwards.

But---At that instant.


s.h.i.+dou felt an impact as if his heart got grabbed tightly and his body froze.

The reason was simple. It was Origami’s----face.

Her face structure was no different from the normal Origami in his memories. She’s the beautiful girl that looks like a doll.

But her expression.


He said it in a blank tone.

Lightless eyes. Her cheeks were ruined with tears. Dry lips.

She had a dead face as if she seen all kinds of despair in this world. If a stranger sees her, they would probably mistake her as a corpse; and it won’t be a joke.

For a moment, s.h.i.+dou intuitively found out something.

---Origami was in an unrecoverable situation.


His voice leaked out powerlessly.

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou’s body which was covered with a weird float suddenly fell towards the ground as if the existence of gravity came back. ------It was as if, s.h.i.+dou’s broken heart was found out.


After s.h.i.+dou fell down, he crashed to the ground like that.


Tremendous pain and impact a.s.saulted his body and it made him immobile. His consciousness turned hazy and he could not breathe for a while.

But not long later, another feeling other than pain was born in s.h.i.+dou’s body. -----It was a scorching heat enough to make him scream out.

But, those flames weren’t there to burn s.h.i.+dou’s body. It was the healing flames given by the Spirit of flames-Kotori.

After s.h.i.+dou clenched his teeth from the scorching feeling, he raised his body while his breathing was rough.

All of the wounds formed on his body, his crumbled bones, and several internal organs healed. s.h.i.+dou calmed his breathing before placing his hands on his forehead.


The face of Origami he saw just now was burned into his mind and would not leave him. She had dead eyes filled with deep darkness.

There was no disappointment or bad intentions. There was nothing there at all.

She had an empty face as if she threw everything about herself away.

s.h.i.+dou had no idea on what to say to Origami when she’s like that.


However. s.h.i.+dou swung his head to deny the resignation that pa.s.sed by his mind.

If s.h.i.+dou gives up then at that moment, everything about Origami will end. The Origami s.h.i.+dou knew about will never come back.

And that’s something----He will never allow happen.

She’s calm, frank, and extremely bad with Tohka, most of her actions are extreme, and would always cause trouble for s.h.i.+dou----but, he does not want to lose that clumsy girl.

After s.h.i.+dou made a thin sigh to calm his heart, he lifted his face.

Origami who was acting like an embryo was still floating in the middle of the sky. Around her, Tohka and the Yamai sisters were having a chaotic battle with the countless [Wing] and Ellen.

What should he do? He could not give out a clear answer. But, it was clear that he has to reach Origami once more time.

But, the moment s.h.i.+dou stepped out again, the several units of [Wing] up in the sky pointed its tips at s.h.i.+dou.


s.h.i.+dou gasped. Several ideas ran around in his mind instantly. Just how would he defend against her attacks? Manifest and strike down the [Wing]? Make a s.h.i.+eld with ?

Or recklessly withstand it by counting on the recovery abilities given by Kotori? Various thoughts came and went.

However, when he was doing that, darkness lighted at the tips of the [Wing] and released it accurately at s.h.i.+dou after taking a good aim.


He steeled his body for the incoming attack.

However----The attack he predicted did not come.

The moment the [Wing] was about to shoot its beam, a light of Maryoku was splashed from the right side and blasted away the [Wing] pointed its tips towards s.h.i.+dou.

“This is………”

When he looked over there, he saw a giant airs.h.i.+p with severe damage on its frame somehow maintaining its Territory .


He called out its name by reflex.

Yes. The object floating there was the which was supposed to be in a half-destroyed state from the fight with DEM’s s.h.i.+p.

“-----Like I thought, you were being reckless”

He could hear Kotori’s tired voice coming from ’s outer speaker.


“Retreat for now-----That’s what I want to do but, looks like the situation won’t allow any leisure huh. Since the teleporter is active we will pick you up and send you to Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami----“


Before Kotori could finish her words, the [Wing] that blew away with their attack, performed complex trajectories in the skies and deployed around .


Kotori’s anguish groan leaked out from the speaker.

But------That was all he could hear.

The several [Wing] hovering in the sky fired beams all at once at , and easily broke the Territory before the beams pierced through the s.h.i.+p, which was worn-out from four sides.

“Uh! Kotori!!”

There was no answer even though he shouted.

Having been pierced by the power beams fired all at once, fell towards the ground with flames and smoke coming from every part of its frame.


After s.h.i.+dou let out a shrill shout, he ran towards the direction that was falling to while he was in his half-conscious state.

No----more specifically, he was about to run to them.


He raised his eyebrows at the weird feeling a.s.saulting his body.

The moment s.h.i.+dou was about to move from the spot, his body suddenly became heavy and caused him to be immobile.

“Wha-what the heck………is this……….”

His body lost its energy and it became hard to maintain his posture. s.h.i.+dou fell to his knees in reflex.

“Guh……., ah………”

He distorted his face while pouring strength into his legs to somehow bring himself up. But, the tremendous weariness curling around s.h.i.+dou’s body increased its influence as if to discourage s.h.i.+dou.

Yes-----he felt his energy was getting sucked away by someone.

“Don’t tell me, this is……”

Having reached that thought, s.h.i.+dou let out a painful voice and lowered his sights to the ground.

He then noticed something weird.

The place s.h.i.+dou was at was destroyed and was lighted by sparks coming from destroyed street lights but------a shadow continued lurking at the ground.

The same time he found that out, the shadow under s.h.i.+dou’s foot swell like a living thing and one girl crawled out from it.

It was a beautiful girl in a black and red dress; she was so beautiful that it gave him the chills. Her eyes were different, her hair was tied up and her left eye carved with the clock numbers was characteristic.


“Ufufu………Long time no see, s.h.i.+dou-san”

The girl------Kurumi giggled before lifting the hem of her skirt and bending her knees exaggeratedly.

“You………….What, do you want……! At a time like, this----“

s.h.i.+dou distorted his expression and said that.

Yes. s.h.i.+dou remembered about the shadow spread out under his foot. . It’s the field Kurumi uses to suck [Time] from humans.

However…………..the effect was in a completely different level compared to what s.h.i.+dou saw before. Having sealed the powers of several Spirits, although he was feeling tired; it was possible for s.h.i.+dou to move inside the field. However-----this was clearly different. It has an overwhelming power as if it was stealing s.h.i.+dou’s life by the roots. s.h.i.+dou could not move normally and was stuck on the spot.

Kurumi took on an elegant pose and smiled when she heard s.h.i.+dou’s words.

“Oh my, you said something strange. Don’t tell me a wonderful person like s.h.i.+dou-san would forget my goal?”


s.h.i.+dou gasped.

Kurumi’s goal. That’s------to eat s.h.i.+dou, and gain the Reiryoku of the Spirits sealed in s.h.i.+dou’s body. Of course, there was no way he forgot about that.

Kurumi’s smile broadens.

“At a time like this……… say that right? Ufufu, it’s the exact opposite you know? The Spirit’s look like they are busy. There’s no way I won’t let this good chance to get away right?”

After saying that, Kurumi walked over to s.h.i.+dou who has fallen to his knees and lifted s.h.i.+dou’s face with bewitching hand movements.


Kurumi’s word might be true. It’s not like Kurumi was their comrades nor was she affiliated with DEM. Their situation was probably not related to Kurumi. Instead, it was an extremely normal thought to take advantage of this chaos to achieve her goal.

But…………s.h.i.+dou couldn"t afford to stop now.

“Kurumi…..! Please! Don’t disturb me!”

After s.h.i.+dou shouted, Kurumi shrug her shoulders as if his reaction was interesting.

“Oh my oh my, It’s sad to have s.h.i.+dou-san saying that to me.-----In what form am I disturbing you?”

“I………….I have to save Kotori and the others! I have to save Tohka and the girls! Also-----I have to go to Origami no matter what! If not, Origami is going to-----“


Kurumi leaked out a tired sigh when she heard s.h.i.+dou’s words before narrowing her eyes while looking behind----to take a glance at Origami.

Her playful att.i.tude from just now vanished and she continued talking in a soft tone.

“----It’s useless”


s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows closer when he heard Kurumi’s words.

“Everything you do becomes meaningless once you become like that. No voice can reach Origami-san now. -----and even if it’s s.h.i.+dou-san too”

“Tch, That’s-----You won’t know unless you try---rig-ht”

s.h.i.+dou stopped his words half way to stop disheartening himself.

It’s not like he gave up and it’s not like all his energy was sucked up by her

But, Kurumi was making a discouraged face which s.h.i.+dou has not seen before while biting her own thumb.

“…………Seriously, what did she find out at that time”


Not understanding what Kurumi meant, he made a dubious face.

However, Kurumi did not reply and sighed.

“Well------anyway. I will do what I should be doing”

After she said that, Kurumi took a step back and raised both her hands.

As if to match her actions, 2 slender guns flew out from the shadows under her feet and settled in Kurumi’s hands.

One was a long infantry gun. The other one was a short gun. Both of them had delicate antique designs carved; they were guns from the olden ages.

Next off, a giant clock with clock numbers on it appeared from the shadows.

. The time controlling Angel, Kurumi owns.

“Come, come, . Let us begin”

After she said that, vibrated by responding to Kurumi’s words and shadows seeped out from the clock numbers before settling inside her guns through the muzzles.

Kurumi then distorted her lips to a smile and pointed two slender guns towards s.h.i.+dou.


s.h.i.+dou opened his eyes in reflex at her unexpected actions.

Kurumi’s goal was to steal the Reiryoku from s.h.i.+dou. He could not understand Kurumi’s action for a moment and became dumbfounded.

But, he did not have the leisure to talk. He has no clue what kind of effect the bullet loaded in Kurumi’s gun has but, it’s not hard to imagine that its effect would be to disadvantage s.h.i.+dou.

s.h.i.+dou grit his teeth and poured his strength into his body to get away from the place by crawling out of the ground.


Yes. s.h.i.+dou must not get shot here. He has to climb back up to the sky to save Origami.

But, Kurumi’s voice echoed as if to laugh at s.h.i.+dou’s determination.

“That’s why I told you.-----everything you do becomes meaningless once you become like that”

At the same time, Kurumi pulled the trigger without any hesitation. The percussion hammer fell and a bullet was shot.

The concentrated shadow bullet left a path in the black air and pierced through s.h.i.+dou who was trying to run away.


s.h.i.+dou made a painful expression but-----he immediately brought his eyebrows closer at the weird feeling.

It did not hurt at all even though he took a direct hit from the bullet.

For a moment there, he thought Kotori’s recovery powers immediately activated but……he was wrong. There wasn’t the scorching feeling when his wounds are healing.

But even so, s.h.i.+dou’s [Time] did not come back, advance, or stop. At the very least s.h.i.+dou could not find any aftereffects from the bullet by his cognition.

“Kuru………..mi? What are you planning to do……?”

After s.h.i.+dou turned to Kurumi when he felt dubious, at that moment, Kurumi made a charming smile and placed her finger into the trigger hole of the other slender gun.

“Ufufu, that’s right huh, I guess in your words it would be----“

She then smiled.

“Okay then-----Let’s begin our war?”

Kurumi pulled the trigger.


The black bullet pierced his forehead.

Just like the bullet just now, this bullet did not hurt even though it landed.



The moment the bullet was shot into his head, s.h.i.+dou felt a weird feeling as if his body turned into a gel state and was shoved into a mixer before stirred recklessly.

He lost his sense of balance, and could not distinguish up from down. His feelings turned weak as if his consciousness was getting cut into small pieces and-----s.h.i.+dou fainted.

Part 3

---His consciousness which has fallen into the darkness slowly came back.

During that event, the first thing s.h.i.+dou felt was it was hot.

Nonetheless, it was not like severe heat like Kotori’s flames. It was lower in temperature and it felt like the heat from a distant fire.


After a few seconds. s.h.i.+dou slightly opened his eyelids.


But, he immediately closed his eyes.

The reason was simple. The moment he opened his eyelids, a blinding light flew into his view and it burned his eyes which became used to darkness.


s.h.i.+dou was in disclosure while he immersed himself in thought. What was that light……?

For a moment, s.h.i.+dou thought he was secured by the hospital or the underground facility, and was placed on top a surgery table after losing consciousness from getting shot by Kurumi.

But-----he immediately found out that his imagination was wrong.

His eardrums captured the sound of bugs.


s.h.i.+dou twist his head and opened his eyelids while placing the palms of his hands in front of his eyes to make a shade.

When he did that, he found out he was outside----and what’s more, he was sleeping in the middle of the road.

Adding on, the sun was s.h.i.+ning brilliantly and was illumination his surroundings.

“Huh………? Eh………..?”

After s.h.i.+dou raised his body, he looked around restlessly.

s.h.i.+dou thought it became day time when he was unconscious but-----he was wrong.

The world s.h.i.+dou was in right now was clearly weird.

“Why……….The city isn’t destroyed……?”

Yes. The city that Origami mercilessly destroyed was back to normal.

s.h.i.+dou raised his eyebrows in doubt while looking at his surroundings again to grasp the situation.

The place s.h.i.+dou was lying down was a path with little people pa.s.sing by. Even if the exposure from the sun was not that bad, sunlight was pouring down reaching to every corners of the road…………rather, it was just a little hot. Just like summer time.

At that moment, s.h.i.+dou recalled something he realized just now. ----Yes. Voices of various species of cicadas were echoing.

Adding on, green trees could be seen growing beside the road, and the pedestrians were wearing short sleeved clothing.

“…………….What the heck is this”

s.h.i.+dou was making a surprised expression while he was using his sweaty s.h.i.+rt to fan himself.

It’s like…….Forget that, it really is summer.

---Weird. This is clearly weird. s.h.i.+dou placed his hands on his forehead and started thinking.

If s.h.i.+dou’s memories were correct, then it’s November now. It’s the time when red leaves should be gone and the footsteps of winter are approaching.

But, the scenery expanding in his view could only be seen as summer.

“No…more importantly”

s.h.i.+dou swung his head.

It’s true that he can’t ignore this important problem. But, there was something he had to confirm first now.

Of course----It was about Tohka, Origami and the others.

“Tohka! Origami!”

After s.h.i.+dou stood up while staggering, he raised his voice.

But, there was no reply.

“Kotori! Yos.h.i.+no! Natsumi! Miku! Kaguya! Yuzuru!..........Kurumii! Anyone! Is there anyone!?”

Even though he shouted, there was no one that would respond to his call. There were several pedestrians looking at him with a suspicious sight as if they noticed s.h.i.+dou’s existence because of his voice.

“d.a.m.n, Just what is going on here………..!”

s.h.i.+dou clenched his fist and punched a block wall in irritation.

If his hand didn"t hurt then, he might be able to laugh off this situation as a dream. But, the dull pain when he punched the concrete was immediately felt at his harden fingers.


Then, the world that s.h.i.+dou has been seeing until now might be a dream instead? Origami turning into a Spirit was just a nonsensical event and all of that just happened inside s.h.i.+dou’s head? He know that this was not true and that unavoidable thought was erased.

What was with this place? Where did Tohka, Origami and the others go? Why is the season different?

---He had no idea on what was happening to his body.


But, he won’t understand anything if he stands stills there.

s.h.i.+dou must get as much information possible, so he walked forward in an unsteady state.

And not long later, he reached an open s.p.a.ce. It was a wide main street. There were various shops lined up on both sides on the road and many people were coming and going.


At that moment. s.h.i.+dou brought his eyebrows closer.

He felt the scenery was familiar.

“Tenguu City…..right…….?”

Yes. This was definitely Tenguu city. This was the road s.h.i.+dou has pa.s.sed by countless times already.

But……weird. Something’s weird.

The buildings that should be familiar to him were………..somehow clas.h.i.+ng with his memories.

Since he was not conscious of the buildings" minor details when pa.s.sing through, he could not clearly designate which parts were different but----It was a weird feeling, as if he had made his way into a parallel world that looks like his world.

After s.h.i.+dou tried searching for the ident.i.ty of that weird feeling, he walked forward while looking at his surroundings attentively.

At that moment.



s.h.i.+dou looked around restlessly while walking and ended up b.u.mping into a girl walking in front him. The girl fell on her b.u.t.t and the memo she held fell to the ground.

“So-sorry, I was daydreaming…..!”

“Ah, no, I apologize too”

When s.h.i.+dou apologized in panic, the girl immediately stood up and bow down. s.h.i.+dou bent down and picked up

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