Qian Meigui drove straight to work and found a pair of fresh clothes from her locker. She quickly dressed up before going to her desk, with a new day of work. Yang Minzhe approached her cubicle, and in a whisper, he said, "Manager Ren would like to see you."

Qian Meigui nodded, collecting herself before she headed towards her sister"s office. Yang Minzhe whispered because he did not want the other employees to think she was in trouble, despite being Song Mei.

Song Ren focused on reading her doc.u.ments when Qian Meigui knocked on her door. Song Ren exuded a powerful aura of someone that could never be stepped over. She had no tolerance for people that are late, lazy, or who lacked integrity. She overran the company with pride and diligence.

Qian Meigui slowly walked up to her desk. Without sparing a glance at her, and only looking at her doc.u.ments, Song Ren asked, "Where were you last night? But more importantly, why are you late?"

"I was with Song Sheng," Qian Meigui responded.

"Why? What has brother been up to?"

"He was drunk. Rong Ming called, and I had to look after him for the night."

Song Ren glanced at her, eyes hard and cold, and at first she thought she was going to lecture her, but instead, "That"s not usually something Sheng would do. But please call the house whenever you"re not home."

Qian Meigui nodded. Although she was an adult, she knew her sister would still worry. Qian Meigui did not have many friends, and it was rare for her to disappear.

After a moment of silence, Song Ren asked, "Are you prepared for the upcoming case?"

Qian nodded, "Mhm," she began, "I have been in contact with several professionals about the legal matter."

"Good," she said, a subtle smile across her face.

At that, Qian Meigui stepped out of the office, knowing that Song Ren had a lot of work ahead of her.

Song Ren had worked diligently every day. She used to study during the week and work during the weekends, but since her new role, she took upon more responsibilities. Now, she worked every morning and took night cla.s.ses, and studied for school in between free time.

It was evening when Song Ren began to rub her temples. She was tired and haven"t been at home much, but she was never one to complain. Song Ren would be productive for hours and sleep for six hours in between, each day. But she knew that it was not healthy, but she liked to keep busy.

Her secretary, Yang Minzhe, walked in during her break.

"Ah, Manager Ren," Yang Minzhe said.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Someone is here to see you."

"Eh?" she began, "Who?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Yang Minzhe smiled grimly, afraid, "Erm...It"s Su Feng..." he finished.

"Tell him I"m busy."

"..." Yang Minzhe felt unlucky. He immediately recognized Su Feng when he walked into the lobby, and he recalled that just yesterday they came in together. Both their clothing was dishevelled and messy, and now his boss is pretending that nothing is going on between them. After all, it was not difficult for him to figure out that there is more than meets the eye, as the cliché goes. Also, Su Feng was the CEO"s son, and everyone in the industry knew he would inherit soon.

"But Manager Ren..." he began.

"Yang Minzhe, I will allow you to question me, I understand, but I don"t want to see him right now."

"Very well," Yang Minzhe responded. He took the elevator down to the lobby, where he found Su Feng sitting with a black mask over his face. It was strange. Typically, CEO"s or heirs would not be the type to wait around, yet when Su Feng walked in, he paced back and forth, debating to approach the front desk. Since Yang Minzhe recognized his blond hair and expensive clothing, he realized why he might be wearing the mask. As Yang Minzhe approached, he noticed his ice-blue eyes, and he realized then that this lad was perhaps trying to court his lady boss.

Now, he had to turn him away.

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