Chapter 3: A Walk in the City

Satou here. Whenever I earned enough money working part-time as a student, I would go traveling with my girlfriend or my group of friends. The few times I traveled abroad, I realized each time how good I had it in j.a.pan. In terms of sanitation and service, I have not seen a country that j.a.pan.

 As I stretch myself, I look around the town full of sights foreign to me.

 It appears to be a stone city that I might see in movies or western 3D games.

 The wealth gap is quite large, as I can see women wearing patched-up dresses a size too short, and men in soiled s.h.i.+rts and thigh-length shorts.

 Almost every building visible is a two-story stone house, but it seems like other materials like wood and bricks are also used in the construction.

 There are vanes on the top of those towers, so are they windmills? Since my knowledge comes only from games and novels, I don’t know for sure. I will be staying in this city for a while anyways, so let’s take a look later!

 Seems like Seiryuu City is a fortress larger than I imagined.

 Still, what an amazing sight! As I am a game developer, it’s impossible to contain my excitement in light of such a fantastical scenery.

 Such doubt lingers in my mind. I have zero talent for tracing out a realistic town like this, so if it really were my dream, it should be more tacky and bland.

 The person who made this dream must really like games, so I hope this world isn’t one that depletes my SAN stat. 1

 “You there! You just came through the gate right? Right? I saw you looking around, so come to our inn if you haven’t found a place to stay! I’ll give you a discount, ‘kay~”

 “Come on, come on, it’s not cheaper than the other places, but there are clean beds and delicious food cooked with love!”

 Braided and tied with a ribbon. her brunette hair has been tied into a modified side-ponytail. I can’t see her clothing clearly due to our proximity, but I can tell that she is a middle school-aged girl. Thirteen years old as the AR reveals.

 This overly cheery girl is hugging my arm tight, forcefully pulling me along. Speaking of pulling customers from the street, in modern-day j.a.pan, that’s something you would only see at college fairs.

 “Mom! Mom! I brought a customer!”

 As she advises her daughter, a wide-set auntie walks out from the kitchen into the bar.

 Yup, softness is justice!

 Next to Madam’s face, the AR displays information that confirms my estimate. It truly is a game-like dream. The data shown is similar to the Yamato Stone before, yet the items are somewhat different. More details are displayed actually.

 Being married is a deal breaker though, since affairs only make everyone miserable, so no need to dwell on it!

 “Due to yesterday’s Starfall, my horse ran away with my luggage… Fortunately, I had my coin purse with me, so I could enter the town!」

 Hmm, I don’t know how how things work here, but if I ask to pay ten days in advance, I can figure out the exchange rate between the Large Copper and Silver coins.

 “Then let me pay for ten nights in advance.”

 I take out two Silver coins from my pocket and hand it to the madam.

 Aight, I got a place to stay, and now I really want something to eat! I only had an energy bar yesterday, and I’m a bit famished.

 “If you could wait two hours, I can bring out hot meals. The kitchen is closed, so there’s only ready-made quiche and some side dishes.”

 “Then, please give me that.”

 The madam goes into the kitchen, and in place of her, Martha-chan darts in, holding a rope-bound notepad seen in historical dramas.

 “Alrighty~ okyaku-san2, I’ll write so please tell me your name.」

 “Satou-san, is it? Please tell me your profession and age~」

 “Traveling merchant, fifteen.”

 Martha-chan is very shocked, but continues to scribble on the pad, which seems to be made of papyrus.

 Having finished writing, Martha-chan seems to want to chat, just as the madam steps out of the kitchen holding dishes of food.

 Might be my imagination, but the madam purposely cuts between me and Martha-chan, and puts down each dish on the table.

 I give her a Copper coin in exchange. I feel like I’m paying a ten-yen coin.

 The main course is a solid quiche made with a lot of potatoes.

 The food is cold, but it’s more delicious than I imagined.

 “Mom’s quiche tastes even better right out of the oven!”

 “Sorry, not yet.”

 “Okay~! Bye, okyaku-san.”

 Who are the coward merchants?

 Did I affect your business? My bad.

 “So the Demon King exists?”

 So be it, the Demon King, and the Hero.

 It’s better if I don’t dig deeper.

 Um, if this were a game, that would be the flag for a Demon King attack!

 This place is scarier than I expected!

 “Don’t you know the legends? Dragons are very lazy! They’re always sleeping in Dragon’s Canyon, and rarely leave there. The last time was two years ago, and the time before that was way before I was born. When the black dragon came two years ago, the goats and sheep were all eaten, it was very tragic!”

 I want to chat more, but the madam is needed in the kitchen.

 The pickled vegetable side dish isn’t chinese cabbage, but actually cabbage.

 That’s diced parsley on top probably.

 Wait did you already finish cleaning? It hasn’t even been ten minutes you know?

 I do have the Map, so I know where stores are, but information is important.

 “Thanks for the offer, but I want to buy some clothing and underwear, so I will go myself.”

 “Hmm~ if you want second-hand clothing, Eastern Boulevard has stalls that sell it!”

 “If you want brand new clothes, there’s a store on Central Boulevard that can tailor, it’s the best, but also very expensive.”

 “Ready-made? Ahh, you mean clothing made ahead of time? You’re so young, but you use some hard words. You can buy those on Tepta Boulevard, but it’s a little pricey!”

 “Thanks, after going around the stalls, I will head to Tepta Boulevard for a look!”

 Ooh, show me around? How nice!

 Even though the madam warned over and over for us to come back before prep for dinner starts, she let us go in the end.

 In high school, girls I was friends with always told me: “Suzuki is a nice guy!”
 No, I have to stop opening up old wounds.

 Martha-chan brings me to East Boulevard, where there are various stalls lined up along a five hundred-meter wide area. Each store only about half a jou. Is it my imagination? There is a slight smell of soy sauce.

 “Ah~ That section sells food, or produce from nearby villages, so they’re closed past noon.”

 The stores selling clothes are at the back of the area, so I head in that direction while browsing the other stores with Martha, seems like not all stores that sell foodstuff are closed.

 “How much for three Gabo berries?”

 “So much, they’re only worth one no?”

 “Five for two Micros.”

 Haggling is necessary, huh. I’m used to buying things at label price, so haggling feels like a pain. By the way, the Gabo berry is a fist-sized root vegetable that looks like a pumpkin dyed red. 4

 Martha-chan shows me a hairpin with a waterfowl-design on her hair.

 “Yeah, very much!”

 Hehehe, I knew she would ask that!

 Otherwise, it’ll take forever to shop.

 “Really, you think so?”

 Maybe the store owner thought we would buy it, and he immediately announces the price.

 Oh? I thought she would ask me to pay for it, looks like Martha-chan is a humble one. Due to my ex-girlfriend’s training in college, I was going to buy it for her regardless.

 “Can you sell for one Copper?”

 When I started negotiating the price, Martha-chan probably thought it was unfair for me to pay, so she pulls my sleeve and says meekly: “No, it’s fine.” but I stop her with a wave. Judging by the exchange rates I’ve seen so far, five Micro should be one Copper, and five coppers should equal one Large Copper.

 “I want one Copper and four.”

 “Fine, sold.”
 I take out the exact change from my pocket to pay. Receiving the hairpin, I affix it on Martha’s hair. It feels kinda like going to Summer Festivals with the kids of my relatives.

   >>> Skill obtained: “Haggling”.

   >>> Skill obtained: “Negotiation”.

 Thanks to the successful haggle, I gained a lot of skills. They seem very convenient, so I add skill points and enable them.

 “It’s nothing, just a sign of grat.i.tude for being my guide.”

 By the effect of the now-enabled Evaluation skill, when I look at an item, the AR will display the market price, showing a range of two to four Coppers, which is probably the typical price.

 “What’s going on, Satou-san?”

 “They’re servants and house maids.”

 “Huh? Isn’t it common?”
 With an incredulous expression that seems to be sincere, Martha-chan stares at me who feels respect for the kids. You mean people start working this young?

 Oh, oh! There they are!

 Most of the beastkin are on the west side, so I haven’t seen any of them!

 “How dirty, don’t come to the east side with that savage appearance.”

 The Dog Ear Tribe girl falls to the ground, dropping the lumber she was carrying all over.

 “What did these kids do?”

 How unlike me, to intervene without thinking. But seeing the catkin girl apologize, it was impossible for me to stand by.

 I pick up the lumber that the Dog Ear Tribe girl dropped.

 “Gi-, give back, give back.”

 I tie up the lumber with a rope in my backpack before returning it to them.


 “I see, there are a lot of people on the main road, so be careful!”

 “What is it?”

 Hmm? They were really cute no?

 “In this city, are beastkin hated?”

 You mean they’re like bandits or savages?

 Changing the topic, Martha-chan finds something interesting, and pulls me that way. I stop pondering, and follow her lead. There are small animals being sold in cages.

 Speaking of which, there aren’t many people on the street who are carrying swords. The only people that do are ones who look like guards or gang members. Outside of that, people at most only carry tools as long as short swords in their belt.

 “Hey, they’re cute!”

 Martha-chan’s opinion of the caged animals and mine, are apples to oranges.

 Looks like she want to pretend that nothing happened.

 I also didn’t see any gla.s.s products, only items processed from quartz or other jewels.

 For some reason, If I start at the market price, people don’t seem to respond well. At the third store or so I begin to catch on. Starting the negotiation with at half of the market value, then work towards it after three or four calls works nicely. I’m okay with doing this occasionally, but it’s too much of a ha.s.sle.

 There is a group of people gathered at a square in the middle of the East Boulevard.

 Dressed in holy robes, a thirty-something arrogant-looking obese man is barking out his sermon. The crowd listening lost interest in the middle and dispersed.

 “That’s the Chief Priest of Zaikuuon. Seems like he’s working hard because his congregants are decreasing.”

 “No, they decreased because he couldn’t do anything.”

 “Thing is, among the clergy at Zaikuuon Temple, there aren’t any who can use Holy Magic. If you want to contribute to a temple, it’s better to choose ones that can heal your injuries like Parion and Garleon.”

 The Fat Chief Priest is so desperate, he starts pulling on the people leaving. The regular priests are trying to stop him, and to avoid getting involved, I walk past them and leave.

 The clothing sector not only has stores that sell second-hand clothes, but also numerous ones that patch up and adjust clothing. I find a stall hidden among the second-hand stores that actually sells new items, so I purchase some underwear.

 But it’s troublesome not to have any towels, so I buy ones of different sizes.

 “Look, Satou-san. It’s a dragon mask!”

 “These masks, they’re worn during the harvest festival! The silver one was very popular last year.”

 “What do you think, young man? It’s a dragon mask that stands for safety and prosperity!”

 To divert my own attention, I ask about the wigs sold next to the masks.

 “The dragon mask is only for people playing the dragon. The black wig is for those playing the hero, while the blond one is for the one playing the hero’s servant or the princess!”

 In the end, following her advice, I bought the silver mask and the blond wig.

 There are several stores that sell clothing on Tepta Boulevard.

 For shoes I pick out a pair of st.u.r.dy, waterproof traveling shoes that matches my robe, as well as a pair of sandals.

 While I wait for the shoes to be ready, I discover a bag that looks very similar to my Garage Bag.

 But, seems like I can use it as a subst.i.tute for the Garage Bag, so I buy it. The color of the leather and the hems are a little different, but as long as they’re not compared side by side it should be okay.

 “Excuse me, while I am shopping, may I leave some things here?”

 “Ah, please do. Address it to Satou at the Gateside Inn.”

 Their service is really good!

 I pick out street clothes in the next store.

 “How about this robe? It makes you look imposing!”

 “In that case, how is this waistcoat?”

 “Hey, hey, Satou-san, doesn’t this waistcoat fit better?”

 “That will fall off in two or three years, so it’s fine!”

 Outside of jackets and suits, I basically buy new clothing every season.

 The waistcoats at Seiryuu City have openings going from elbow height to the shoulder, letting people see inside. There are various styles, with the opening going only to the shoulders or to the torso.

 “This one is in this year’s trendiest color!”

 The s.h.i.+rt the clerks are recommending costs about three times more than the clothes Martha-chan showed me. There is no label, so I used the Evaluation skill, which can’t make a mistake.

 Yeah, let’s give up on this store.

 Two stores over, there is a shop displaying some fas.h.i.+onable robes, so I decide to check it out.

 “Hmm~ everything looks expensive, but also very pretty!”

“Thank you very much. They’re nothing compared to the Yuriha fiber robe okyaku-sama is wearing, yet I am still confident that my products are the best among ready-made clothing.”

 “If you want to have something custom-made, my parents run a men’s clothing store on Central Boulevard, and I’m sure once you pay a visit, you will find products suitable to your tastes.”

 I buy a fas.h.i.+onable robe in white with silver embroidering, as well as a merchant-style dark-brown robe at this store. There is also no charge for delivery. It really reminds me of the forest-related internet retailer. 6
 I did get to buy everything I wanted, but I am really curious about the tailor in Central Boulevard, so I decide to see it with Martha-chan.

 Immediately upon entering, a kind-looking middle-aged couple welcomes us.

 “Excuse me, I am looking for a st.u.r.dy, merchant-like robe in conservative colors.”

 The man guides me to the conference table, and goes into the back for samples.

 Sitting straight up next to me, Martha-chan, for once, has become a meek kitten, quietly drinking her tea.

 Their work is really something, probably.

 Eight Gold is a significantly high price, but I do have a lot of unearned capital, so I make the purchase without question.

 “A merchant’s clothing is like a knight’s weapon and armor. Being stingy about it is no good.”

 In reality, when I go check out the high-cla.s.s sector on the other side of the inner wall, if I don’t dress according to the TPO8, it wouldn’t feel right.

 The tailored clothes will be delivered to my place after they’re done, but the rough st.i.tches will be complete in three days, so in order to make proper adjustments, I will have to come in again.
 The store owner couple sees us off.

 Even the street we’re on, everything is cleaner than the European fantasy town I had in mind.

 There is even sewage with stone covers running along the streets.

 Unlike the Eastern Boulevard, open-air shops are spa.r.s.e on the Central Boulevard, and instead there are many regular stores lined up. The people walking around also look better dressed.

 As I suck on the candy walking down the road, I watch the people and carriages scurrying about.

 Anyway, most of the people pulling carts are wearing collars.

 “Huh? Ah, they’re slaves! Enslaving collars are only put on slaves that resist or criminals, while normal slaves wear regular collars to indicate their status.”

 I see, so that’s why.

 I check out one of them.

 Since that girl is looking down, there is no dramatic development after our eyes meet or anything, but I do trade looks with the fully European young girl with light purple flowing locks.

 Stop, I feel uncomfortable if you look at me so pa.s.sionately like that… I’m sorry, I don’t have a thing for lolis.

 Arisa, Level 10. A high level for a little girl.

 Eleven years old.

 Skills: Unknown.

 t.i.tles clearly asking for trouble… No, I will not go near her.
 Absolutely not!

 “Welcome back, Martha-san.”

 I thought she was Martha-chan’s little sister at first, but a little sister wouldn’t call her “Martha-san”. Is she the young maid I heard about before?

 “I welcome your return, Satou-sama. your luggage has been moved to your room.”

 As I say that, I pat Yuni’s head. She’s so young, but she’s a lot more polite than Martha.

 “Oh right! Martha-san, it was amazing!”

 “There were some carriages transporting meat!”

 Yuni-chan excitedly goes up to Martha-chan with her hands flailing, but Martha-chan only frowned in distaste.

 Yuni stands up on tiptoes when she says “soo~”, and her arms shake trying to reach upwards to convey the height, and when she says “big” she spreads out her arms to the side to show width.

 That’s probably the wyvern cut up by the army that arrived right?

 “Yes, since after the soldiers defeat a wyvern, Count-sama will give the meat to our orphanage! It’s meat! Meat! Ah, I haven’t had any for months~”

 “But, I don’t like how wyvern meat tastes. Western Boulevard smells because of that…”

 “Anyways, look, Yuni. Isn’t it cute?”

 Martha-chan stops talking about the wyvern, and showing off the hairpin I bought for her to Yuni-chan, starts up a chatter.

 Seeing the high standards of sanitation in this city, I can probably expect a bathhouse with a sauna.

 Ugh, so close, yet so far? You need social status to take a bath!

 “b.u.mmer! Then where do you go to wash yourselves, Martha-chan?”

 Ensuring fuel to burn in this fortress city isn’t easy right?

 A decade is a unit of ten days, and each month is divided into three: first decade, middle decade, and last decade. They don’t have weeks, nor do they name each day, so a decade is as close as it gets.

 “Hey, Martha, you have empty rooms right?”

 The people who came are two middle-aged men dressed like merchants, and a twenty- to thirty-year-old blonde beauty. I signal to Martha-chan who is busy with customers that I am going back to my room, and since I don’t actually know which one, I have Yuni-chan guide me.

 I ask Yuni-chan whether I can wash inside my room, but I was denied because getting the room too humid will make it smell moldy.

 All the clothing I bought are all placed on the bed, so I pick out a change of clothing and head down with toiletries.
 When I walk out, I see the customers Martha-chan was serving walking into their rooms. The two men share one room, but the woman seems to have her own. So she’s not married to either?

 I go through the wooden gate Yuni-chan told me about, and go out the back.

 I thought it would be a lot of effort, but perhaps due to my high STR (strength), I easily pull up the full bucket.

 Even if there aren’t many people around, it’s not none, doesn’t it feel weird to wash like this?

 Aha! Do I use this?

 I rinse my hair, was.h.i.+ng out the the sand and dirt, then use the soap I bought to clean my body. The soap is surprisingly fragrant, and doesn’t irritate my skin. Maybe I only feel that way because of my high VIT (endurance).

 Hearing a squeak behind me, I turn around.

 For some reason, we match gazes.


 After getting water, the woman slowly sets down her divider, undresses and starts was.h.i.+ng.

 Is this for real? Aren’t you a little too bold?

 Each time she moves, her upper body!

 Her hand is covering the front, but they still get defenselessly exposed sometimes…

 O my energetic lower half, control yourself!

 Wow, mature women are quite something!!

 Alright, I got an eyeful, but loitering around after I finished was.h.i.+ng could be mistaken for having criminal intent, so let’s go!

 Are there even sewers here?

 Perhaps noticing my uneasiness, the woman tells me. After thanking her, I dump the water and go back to my room.
 I snuck a look when I turned around, but don’t judge me, it’s a man’s instincts.

 Back in my room, I change into the brown robe I just bought.

 I don’t like my feet all moist, so I change into straw sandals. They’re comfortable as expected.
 I always wear flip-flops at work, so wearing shoes for too long feels weird.

 A good smell is coming from downstairs, it’s probably time for dinner right?

 Rather than a squatting toilet, the bathroom here is actually more like an old-school outhouse. I never saw one before, even at my grandfather’s in the country, so it feels fantastical in a sense.

 After doing my business I look for toilet paper, which of course doesn’t exist. Thinking there would be paper like what was used for the guestbook, I was a little hopeful, but is it too much to ask for after all?

 I have to use that?

 Even though I experienced a strange culture shock, I was able to wipe myself clean, so I won’t complain.

 The tavern at ground floor is filled with delicious smells and a cheery atmosphere.

 “Ah, Satou-san, I was wondering whether I should go get you!”

 “Thanks. I’ll have whatever you recommend for dinner.”

 “Oh! It’s really the best! Bro, you won’t regret eating it ya know?:

 Even without the drunk patron’s recommendation, my belly is already craving for pork chops.

 “What do you want to drink?”

 “Huh? We only have water and hard beverages!”

 “Then, please give me something light and smooth.”

 Is cider brewed with apple juice? Just like wine, it can easily go sour if you’re not careful!

 Speaking of which, I don’t think I’ve ever had it.

 “Sure thing~ Then, please wait a bit! It will be ready soon~”

 While waiting for my food, I look around.

 I realize that there’s something strange about the patrons.

 Right! Tobacco!

 Now that I think about it, I didn’t see anyone smoking cigarettes or pipes when I shopped.

 It’s a friendly country for someone like me who despises smoking, but for a chain smoker like Fat Guy, he probably wouldn’t last three days.

 Martha-chan comes back with the steamy, hot pork chop on a tray.

 “Looks delicious!”

 In the main dish, the pork chop is diced into small pieces, served with a white blob that seems to be mashed potatoes.

 Next to it is a bowl full of what appears to be consommé. 11

 Mead fills a mug made of baked clay.

 “Enjoy while it’s hot~”

 Alright, shall we try the soup?

 Picking up the vegetables that are not overcooked, I put the spoon in my mouth.

 Perhaps because the soup was thickened, my belly warms up after swallowing it. It’s probably a winter favorite.

 I put a piece in my mouth with the fork, and unlike the pork I’ve had before, the taste of it isn’t as strong. Not very fat, and a bit gamy, and as I chew, a wild, impactful flavor nothing like pork spreads in my mouth.

 It tastes a bit sour, but by eating it with meat, when I swallow, it mixes with the sweetness of the meat, creating an unbearably luscious taste. It’s so good that I keep eating without pause.

 Finis.h.i.+ng the five hundred gram or so pork chop, I take a sip of the mead, a honey-colored alcohol, that I had totally forgotten about.

 As I down the mead as if to lick it all clean, Martha-chan comes by.

 “Yeah, it was delicious!”

 Hmm, I can still eat more, why not?

 “Sure thing~ Just one moment!”

 The tavern had already become full, and she seems to be looking for a seat. Or maybe she’s looking for the merchants she came in with.

 “May I sit across from you?”

 Rejecting a beauty who wants to sit across from me is impossible. Recalling what happened at the well just now is a little awkward, but I try to keep a straight face.

  >>> Obtained skill: “Pokerface”.

 The message appears in the corner of my sight, and as if trying to break some record, I add points to it.

 “Let’s see, I don’t really want meat. Vegetable soup and bread is fine, and ale, please.”

 Martha’s sales pitch of the pork is ineffective to the woman, who seems to be a vegetarian, so she goes back to the kitchen b.u.mmed.

 “Yeah, the food is delicious, I can see why they’re busy!”

 Here to deliver the vegetable soup, rye bread, and ale that the beauty ordered, Martha-chan makes a sheepish grin at my compliment, though the cook is her father.

 Martha, saying that it’s on the house, puts down a plate of the sauerkraut-like pickled vegetable I had at lunch on the table.

 Ahh, is that how it’s eaten?

 “Sorry, I was being rude. I just didn’t know how rye bread is usually eaten, so I couldn’t help it.”

 “It’s fine. So are you from the Capital or the Duchy?”

 Does the staple food differ from place to place?

 “Do they not eat rye bread in the Capital or the Duchy?”

 Ooh~ There are also places that eat rice?

 Right, should I ask about the Princ.i.p.ality?

 “It’s the territory of Duke Ooyugock. It’s supposedly the first capital when s.h.i.+ga Kingdom was founded.”

 “Yeah, it’s next to a river, so it’s probably a beautiful place!”

 “Satou-san, thanks for waiting~”

 On the plate with a wavy pattern, there are five pieces of bone-in meat lined up.

 I am sitting across from a beauty, so doing my best to avoid drooling, I take a bite.

 Wiping my fingers on my handkerchief, I take a drink of the mead, oh yeah, that’s the stuff.

 I wasn’t staring on purpose, since I only noticed because my wandering eyes landed on her collarbone.

 “If you don’t mind, want to try one?”

 Despite being a graceful beauty, when she starts on the rib, she gorges it all silently, and it pleases me to see her enjoy it.

 Since she doesn’t seem to have a handkerchief, I quietly slide mine laying on the table her way. She takes it after thanking me, and wipes her fingers.

 She was born here in Seiryuu City, married a merchant, lived at the Capital until recently, and when her husband pa.s.sed away, she returned home.

 I asked for more food and alcohol from Martha, and enjoyed listening to her stories about the Capital.

 Right, what now.

 Due to my high level, my body seems to be able to take a lot of alcohol. So even though I was a little tipsy, I sobered up easily.

 The other miscalculation, well, the beauty drinking with me, is now blacked out drunk on the table.

 When Martha-chan is free, I ask her to guide me to the woman’s room and put her in bed. If I did a princess carry, I wouldn’t be able to go up the narrow stairs, so I hoisted her on my back.

 “This is nothing.”

 The feeling on my back was heavenly.

 After putting away my robe in Storage I tackle the bed.

 Even though the bed is so unexpectedly comfortable it make me sleepy, I had too much fun chatting with the beauty earlier, and can’t quite fall asleep. Before clocking out, I inadvertently recall everything I have gone through so far in this dream.

 I didn’t see the dragons, but the lizardmen appeared so real it would make American animators cry. Even the lizardman language was so detailed, my dream sure was detailed.

 The fight between Zena’s peers and the wyvern, was so intense it could be used in a fantasy RPG promotional video.

 —The streets of Seiryuu City and its people.

 Thinking about it, the clothing that varies based on cla.s.s and profession, with details like patches and shoe stains, is so colorful and vivid I can’t really call it a dream. Really wish Metabo-s.h.i.+ would put that kind of effort into the specs.

 The mead which I had for the first time was delicious, and the pork chop also tasted amazing. To say that they paired excellently with the rye bread I tried, wouldn’t be an overstatement. I’ve never even had meat like that in j.a.pan.

 Unknown scenery and languages, and even unknown tastes combine into a—huh?

 …I was already subconsciously aware, but truthfully, calling this a dream is ridiculous.

 When did I start to feel the dissonance?

 I’ve also never heard of the Chevalier t.i.tle Zena mentioned, which seems to be different from Viscount. Too many things like this Chevalier matter were beyond the limits of my knowledge.

 Even though I was once young and delusional, I’ve never created a language from scratch. At most, it was only a mishmash of known languages on Earth.

 The quiche at lunch was something I’ve had before, so its taste is within the limits of my imagination, but I didn’t know how mead tasted, and if I can conjure up that juicy pork in my head, I might as well keep staying in dream world.

 Therefore, finding out the cause of this situation will be on hold, since there is insufficient data for a meaningful answer. Though I’m not absolutely certain this is not a dream, for the time being, let’s call this a game-like fantasy world!

 Sightseeing comes first, searching for a way back second.

 As for work, FFL is already released, and WW only needs adjustments. The doc.u.mentation is all there, so Metabo-s.h.i.+ should be able

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