Volume 1 Chapter 4: Date

Satou here. Though younger girls tend to become attached to me, we would only remain as friends and never become lovers. For some reason, girls I am interested in are invariably older.

 I am awakened by an unreserved knocking.

 “Yeah, I am now.”

 I quickly groom myself, and walk to the door.

 I do remember not having facial hair at fifteen. When it grew in after starting college, I ecstatically showed off to everyone.

 My hair isn’t standing up, so I put on an embroidered white robe bought yesterday and head out.

 “Quick, your girlfriend is here for you!”

 So far, the number of people I’ve met in this city can be counted on two hands. After going downstairs with Martha-chan, I find out it’s Zena-san, the arcane soldier, waiting for me.

 “Good morning. Your outfit looks cute today!”

 White blouse, turquoise skirt, and a slightly-too-big chartreuse yellow shawl on her shoulders. It looks a little plain, but thanks to her charm, she gives an impression of neatness instead.

 I thought she had a sprain. Is it fine for her to walk?

 “Ahh, yesterday, I was able to have a priest at Garlion Temple to heal it!”

 “I-, I’m not on duty today, so! I wanna show Satou-san, uh, I would like to offer Satou-san a tour of the city!”

 Perhaps because she noticed me enjoying her small-animal-like behavior, her face is showing uneasiness.

 “Thank you very much. Please, do show me around.”

 Once I agree, Zena-san responds with a golden smile like a blooming flower.
 Truly, the energy of youth is blinding!

 After was.h.i.+ng my face, I head out with Zena-san.

 Carried by the wind, the smell of soy sauce boiling is tickling my nose.

 “That’s right! It is one of the Two Great Sauces invented by our Founding Father Yamato. It’s also exported to many countries, so hasn’t Satou-san seen it in your home country?”

 “Ah, so that’s why!”

 Zena-san, with a wave of her hand, brings me toward a stall.

 “Mister, please give me two Seiryuu-age.”3

 Is it fried in lard? The smell is strong.

 “Lilio just got back from the expedition yesterday, so she’s still resting in her room.”

 “Hey, I wanted to treat you as thanks for yesterday!”

 I decide to eat on a stone bench near the store.

 “Ehehe, I feel like a princess.”

 As I admire her appearance, I bite down on my own croquette.

 “This Seiryuu-age, it was recommended by Lilio’s boyfriend!”

 “No, he doesn’t know how to cook, yet he knows how all sorts of food are made, a strange person.”

 Him and Yamato too, it seems like there are other j.a.panese people who have come to this world. Perhaps just by walking through a wardrobe, you can easily go back and forth! 4

 Just as I am looking around after finis.h.i.+ng my food, a little girl holding a basket full of flowers comes up to me.

 The little girl holds out her flowers and stands still.

 “Sure, how much?”

 I give her one Micro coin for the flowers

 I present the flowers to Zena-san. Of course,after she finishes her croquette and wipes her hands.

 Um, there’s no one else here, you know?

 “Yes, I’ll be troubled if you don’t.”

 A wide grin appears on Zena-san’s face.
 Oh? Does it really make her that happy? Whatever, as long as she is pleased.

 To flush my palate, I get some melon-like fruit being sold, cut into small bite-sized pieces, then try some tuberous plant barbecued and served with soy sauce. It tastes a little funny, but contrary to its appearance, it’s very delicious.

 “This is called a Fried Dragon Wing, it’s made from a fried bat wing flavored with black miso. It’s a specialty of Seiryuu City since a long time ago!”

 I choose to trust Zena-san that it tastes better than it looks, and order two of these.

 As I am paying for the two of us, I hear Zena’s gasp behind me. Seems like a kid had b.u.mped into her.

 If we go to the store on Tepta Boulevard yesterday, can they get rid of the stain?

 “Sorry, but what we need is a launderer that can remove the stain.”

 “I mean, I can use Life Magic, so I can remove the stain.”

 The timing of her entrance is so impeccable, it feels suspicious, but cleaning the soiled blouse is more important right now.

 “Alright, cleaning magic and drying magic cost three Large Coppers total.”

 “Then, I will first get rid of the stain. ■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ Soft Wash”

 Her blouse is now transparent, showing the tank top underneath, so I cover her up with a large towel from my backpack. I ignore the disappointed groans of idiots nearby.

 As expected of magic.

 As if having gone through a dryer, Zena’s blouse is now dry
 After making sure her clothes are no longer transparent, I take the towel off her shoulders. My hand enters the range of the drying magic, which feels like a blow dryer.

   >>> Obtained skill “Life Magic”.

 Ooh! That simple?

 After finis.h.i.+ng her spells, the sorcerer girl disappears into the crowd.

 If Life Magic can replace was.h.i.+ng machines and blow dryers, there could even be a shower spell too.

 “Chant a spell?”

 “Oh, I see~ Wind Magic generally starts with ‘■■■■’, and if you really try to sound it out, it would be like ‘rew~REE-ah (omitted) RAH~rurerira~OH’. Well, it’s impossible for a beginner to chant properly at first. Most people start with just memorizing the sounds.”

 “…A rhythm. Yeah, sing those syllables, while following a beat. Then, while keeping to that rhythm, slowly increase the pace, and it will become ‘■■■■’! Yeah!”

 “Really, it’s not easy.”

 “Before you could use Wind Magic, how long did you train?”

 What was she made to do? A slight shadow is cast over Zena’s smile, hinting of some bitterness.

 I see, so early childhood education? There are also children in j.a.pan who don’t get to play because they are forced to learn at a young age.

 “Your parents meant well by raising you that way, no? Having learned to use magic, you can dream of flying with magic one day.”

 “Satou-san. Why does Satou-san want to learn magic? Does it help you do business?”

 To ease the tension, I try to say something silly.

 “Ahahahah! To-, to learn magic for that reason, first time I’ve heard anything like it!”

 I seem to have hit Zena’s funny bone, because she can’t stop laughing.

 I thought it was pretty reasonable though? Doesn’t it make things more convenient?

 An immediate answer.

 Is that how it is?

 Well, I learned a lot from this, so let’s try beginner guides and p.r.o.nunciation practice later!

 I didn’t have time to look at the log!

 With the awkward tension gone, we continue strolling while we eat.

 “This is called an amaimo bun, which is made by mixing mashed steamedamaimo into dough, then deep frying it.”

 I chow down on the sweet potato bun, while drinking a warm beverage that tastes like light ginger ale.

 The store she speaks of is the same as where Martha-chan and I bought mola.s.ses. The uncle tending is even wearing the same ap.r.o.n as the man pus.h.i.+ng the cart yesterday.

 Since she bothered to take me here, it would be awkward if I said I had it yesterday, so let’s pretend we haven’t had it for a long time!

 “You know about it?”

 “The mola.s.ses I had was something colorless and clear, so I didn’t know what it was at first.”

 The uncle cuts in with surprising reaction time.

 “Uncle, I’m a commoner! An acquaintance gave me the clear stuff. I didn’t know that was a high-cla.s.s item!”

 After that, we looked through various stalls, enjoying the lively atmosphere.
 I buy some honey-flavored pastries as a gift for the girls working hard at Gateside Inn. Zena-san looked very content after having one herself. Surely they will be happy too.

 Having eaten enough food, we turn to the stalls selling other things.

 After asking the granny tending the store, I learn that the sh.e.l.l is a container for medicine.

 “What is it used for?”

 The wrinkled hands of the elderly clerk really do look smoother than the Gateside Inn Madam’s hands.

 “Then, I’ll take five.”

 Why, that’s cheaper than market price!

 “Granny, that’s a bit much. Wasn’t it 2 Coppers each last time? We’re buying five, so please make it 9 Coppers.”

 “Ah, I didn’t notice because you are with a man, but aren’t you the girl that was here with Lilio? I can’t go lower than 10 Coppers!”

 Realizing that she can’t lower the price anymore, Zena-san points to the sh.e.l.ls next to the ointment, asking for freebies. Judging by the size, three of those sh.e.l.ls are about as big as one bottle.

 “Fine, deal.”

 The granny swiftly wraps the sh.e.l.l in a leaf, and ties it up with some sort of vine.

 To thank Zena-san for haggling, I give her the ointment sh.e.l.l.
 I was going to give her one anyway!

 As we reached the end of the stalls, she brings me somewhere else.

 “Yeah, the wind feels nice.”

 Zena-san giggles as she sweeps her eyes across the scenery below.

 Zena-san seems to be well-known, since despite being in her civilian clothing, she was let in.

 “Yes, since the only thing that will attack a countryside city like Seiryuu are wyverns. The neighboring countries have never attacked in several centries. Even the war against demi-humans was more than ten years ago.”

 “Zena-san, what kind of a building is that windmill?”

 A battery? In the middle of the city?

 “We could shoot cannonb.a.l.l.s, but we usually only fire nets or blank shots at the wyvern.”

 “Yeah, we would drive it to the lord’s orchard on the other side to defeat it.”

 Perhaps noticing that I am really curious, she decides to also take me to see the windmill and the lord’s orchard.
 I was going to ask her myself later, but this works.

 On the way to a nearby windmill, she mentions a Parion Temple, so we take a detour to visit. Wasn’t the guy giving out a questionable sermon yesterday from Zaikuuon Temple? There’s also the Galrion Temple which Zena-san said had healed her. Do the names of G.o.ds all end with “-on”?

 We find the Parion Temple a few blocks from the open-air market.

 The surrounding fence is directly connected to the building. Upon entering the arch gateway, a lot for parking carriages with an open entrance is visible.

 Zena-san enters the temple , leading me by the hand.

 There isn’t any stained gla.s.s on the ceiling, but there are openings to let in light. The upper half of the walls are filled with murals of knights fighting horned demons with their swords. The layout is a little odd, but it is a very majestic painting.

 “Huh, I thought it was a knight.”

 Speaking of which, the Holy Sword I had glowed blue at one point right? Well, only in the beginning, it stopped glowing after a while.

 “If they are accepted by the holy sword, it should also glow blue. The Holy Sword Gjallarhorn and the Protector Sword Claíomh Solais that Our Founding Father Yamato pa.s.sed down, they were also once used by people without the t.i.tle of a Hero.”

 Since I’m not that brave, I don’t think I would be accepted by one. And, I know the name Claíomh Solais because it’s fairly famous, but I’ve never heard of Gjallarhorn!

 As I think about it, I check the list of my t.i.tles, and find one that surprises me.

 —“G.o.d Slayer”?

 I nervously check the Log. Fortunately, the record hasn’t been flushed yet.

 The t.i.tles read “Reptilian Slayer”, “Dragon Slayer (Lesser)”, “Dragon Slayer (Adult)”, “Dragon Slayer (Ancient)”, “Dragon Slayer (Sky)”, and so on. Other than ones that say “____ Slayer”, there are also t.i.tles like “Disaster of ____” and “Natural Predator of ____”.
 And, at the end of all this—

   >>> Defeated Dragon G.o.d Aconkagura!
   >>> t.i.tle obtained: “G.o.d Slayer”.

 —There it is.

 I see, Meteor Shower can even kill G.o.ds? I see, so it can…
 I had fired three shots in a panic, but if I stopped after one, I might have had to face the wrath of an angry G.o.d? What a blessing in disguise!

 As I am shocked wordless by the revelation, the bell-like voice of a girl is heard behind me.

 Turning around, I see a girl wearing a vermillion western-style priestess outfit.

 Next to her face, information is shown by the AR.

 “Oracle Ouna-sama!”

 “Yes, he will inherit the t.i.tle next year, so he’s studying hard.”

 “Yes, thank you for the offer.”

 “Lady Ouna is the daughter of the Duke. Since my mother was her nanny, she often takes care of my younger brother.”

 “Pleased to make your acquaintance, I am the traveling merchant, Satou.”

 So like a Buddhist monk?

 “Well, I am relieved. Even for someone like Zena who is only interested in magic, springtime has come.”

 Is Zena-san not used to talking about love? Thrown off by the Oracle’s words, she starts to panickingly stutter some excuse.

 Well, I could say she’s too green, but she is just a teenager, after all~7

 I wanted to chat a little more with the Oracle, but there is a commotion at the entrance, so I give up reluctantly.

 “Borier-dono, is it? Normal priests like us can’t do anything for his illness.”

 “Borier-dono’s residence on the west side! Bringing the Oracle, who is the G.o.ddess’s prophet, to that place filled with brothels, I cannot allow it!”8

 A priest is arguing with a man who barged in.

 The Oracle states, then goes to that man and the priest.

 Hushed talk between the unwilling priest and the Oracle can be heard. Eavesdropping is bad manners, but I forgot to turn off the Enhanced Hearing skill, so I listen to the whole thing.

 “For that matter, please ask the Chief Priest.”

 “Borier-dono’s residence is far from the temple. It’s fine.”

 Maybe he’s gathering his followers and planning something?
 Well, even if there is a riot, it’s fine as long as we don’t get too close. If it’s only Zena-san and me, I can bring her to the rooftops to hide.

 Zena-san and I leave the temple and continue down the street.

 In this city, there would be public parks, open plazas, and wells set up every few blocks.

 In the open plaza with clean-cut gra.s.s, there is an elderly couple resting with young children. About a dozen young adults are practicing martial arts. The gra.s.s in the park looks well-kept but is actually a mix of different weeds.

 “What is it?”

 Held in her palms, there is a chick.

 “There should be a nest on the tree.”

 “Um, Satou-san, would you please?”

 Well, I did plan on doing it.

 The chick’s nest is sitting between two leafy branches, but it wasn’t too difficult to return it. When I place it back, its parents threaten me, trying to protect all the chicks begging for food in their nest.

 If I just jump right down, Zena-san will be worried!

 “Oh, it wasn’t that amazing.”

 Good thing I misunderstood. It’s no good for a lady in a skirt to climb trees, Zena!

 Looking at the young people training, I ask her about them.

 “Let’s see~ A common soldier’s training is the same everywhere. Us arcane soldiers would try to avoid depleting our mana though! Most of the time, arcane soldiers like us tend to ensure that we can always use magic at full strength.”

 Indeed, a magician without mana would be pretty useless.

 True, fire is more aggressive, like trials by fire, for example.

 Wasn’t it Zena’s dream to fly with magic some day?

 Though I said it jokingly, Zena-san blushes all the way to her neck, and says while biting her lips: “Pl-, please antic.i.p.ate it!”
 She’s pretty cute, but I worry that she will be deceived by a bad man.

 Not far from the park is the windmill tower.

 Ma.s.sive metallic machinery grinding grain with a thundering noise, it really gets my blood pumping.

 Having thought of a question, I ask Zena-san.

 “We could, but it’s still easier to use windmills!”
 What are you saying? I was answered with an expression that seems to say this. Oh yeah~

 Our next destination, the orchard, is a little too far to walk, so we get on one of the rental carriages all over Central Boulevard. To anywhere in the city regardless of distance, it’s only one Large Copper to ride.

 The carriage moves through the city in a casual trotting pace.

 The carriage leaves the main road, and heads toward the craftsmen sector in the north.

 After navigating the workshops and factories, then pa.s.sing through a lumber yard, we arrive at the inner wall. Then going west, there is a small path between the inner and outer walls, which seems to lead to the lord’s orchard.

 “The walls are towering over us, it really looks impressive!”

 With her hands in front of her, Zena-san comes close.


 Compared to before when she was wearing armor, the softness is different. Though her chest is unfortunately flat, she still has the softness inherent to women.


 Zena-san gets up panickingly. She didn’t have to be so bothered.
 Suddenly, I notice the driver smile briefly. It was intentional! What a considerate driver for couples.

 Going ahead, we see an open gate, and the guard posted there. The driver gives a nod to the guard, then enters the orchard through the gate.

 The carriage moves slowly on the path between fields.

 I’ve already experienced this at the market, but there really is a lot of school-aged children working.

 “The Gabo berries they’re harvesting, do they taste good?”

 Zena-san makes a frown in distaste.

 “But, if it doesn’t taste that good, why plant this much?”

 They could have planted potatoes or something. Maybe it is more nutritious?

 What a convenient Fantasy vegetable. It certainly has a lot of value.

 “Unfortunately, since it can only be planted in walled-off areas like this orchard, the food situation in the countryside is actually rather harsh.”

 It has to be planted within walls, why’s that? Can it not survive pests? Is it monopolized by the lord? A strange mystery.

 “It’s the goblins’ favorite food. If it’s not planted in a walled-off area, it will be quickly consumed by goblins. So, exporting it is impossible too.”

 If I get the chance, I really want to see one from a safe place.

 “If it’s discovered, they’ll be punished by slavery!”
 Seems like there are people so hungry, they’re willing to risk becoming slaves.

 “That is the anti-dragon tower.”

 “They look tougher than the towers in the town.”

 Regrettably, since the anti-dragon towers have cannons at the top, civilians aren’t allowed to enter.

 Wondering about this, I convey my confusion to Zena-san.

 Apparently, wyvern attacks are rare, yet it’s wasteful to abandon the land, so the Count at the time decides to have it double as an orchard and a ranch.

 The carriage trucks along the roads wrapped around the towers. One is a blackened tower that seems to be fully destroyed.

 “Was that tower destroyed by a wyvern?”

 “Repelled, huh.”

 My eyes dart toward the Storage, but I stop myself.

 “Though the lesser dragon attack was resolved this way, when the black adult dragon came forty years ago, we were no match for it. Maybe it’s hard to believe, but even the outer wall was destroyed back then! The wall near the orchard is shorter because was built after that. ”

 “No, it devoured all the goats in the ranch, then perhaps satisfied after that, the black dragon flew away casually. The way dragons see people, maybe it’s like how we see ants!”

 In that case, I who has defeated dragons, can probably conquer the world. I don’t have that kind of dream or ambition though.

 “The Heroes? The Saga Empire seems to know the magical ritual to summon Heroes, but since performing a summon is so taxing, it isn’t done outside of the Demon King attacks that come every sixty-six years. The Great Yamato and the First Emperor of the Saga Empire might have also been people summoned by magic to save the world! Awesome, right!”

 That Saga Empire, it might be the key to returning to my original world. Just so I don’t forget, let’s write that down in the notes of the Social tab!

 “It wouldn’t be strange for a Demon King to attack any time now, but there hasn’t been any sightings of a Demon King yet.”

 “Is it not simply because the report of the revival hasn’t been received?”

 Oh, that’s impressive.

 That is really impressive! Good job, G.o.ds!

 Oh, that barrier? So it couldn’t be predicted because it was under the dominion of another deity?

 “That depends on the Demon King, some fight alone, but most have large armies of monsters and demons. There was even one who led humans and demi-humans.”

 “However, a Demon King’s most fearsome subordinates are the ‘Demons’, and even a Low Rank one is as powerful as a wyvern.”

 “Only magic or magical weapons can injure demons, so they’re a lot of trouble.”

 “Yes, people say a Middle Rank can easily destroy a city. In other words, so strong it would take the entire order of knights and all court magicians to defeat it. Against Middle Rank Demons, magic is not as effective, and a small spell wouldn’t even scratch it.”

 But that’s just a Middle Rank, there are even stronger ones right?

 “Like dragons and Demon Kings, humans can’t possibly win against them. If we do encounter one, it’s not about ‘How do we defeat it?’ but ‘How do we minimize the damage?’ and ‘How do we escape?’”

 Huh? I might have forgotten something. What is it? Oh well, I’ll remember later!

 “So, are Demon Kings or Dragons stronger?”

 Ooh! An immediate answer.

 “In that case, why not skip the Hero summon, and ask dragons to defeat it?”

 I see, so the goal is “Before a dragon shows up, have the Hero defeat the Demon King with the G.o.ds’ help”?

 After all, fighting a Demon King up close is impossible for a wimp like me.

 Talking about serious topics was quite tiresome, so we end up sitting in a fallow field watching the cows graze, and pleasantly chatting about what kind of food we like or dislike.

 I really want to see the alchemy store in the west!

 Zena-san stops here a little embarra.s.sed, unable to say the word.

 If I press on, it will become s.e.xual hara.s.sment.

 Hot women and sc.u.m-like men are wandering around.

 I have seen a lot of slaves so far, but seeing an auction like this, it still doesn’t feel right.

 At the front of the plaza, there is a merchant-looking man announcing details about the slave market. Auctions will be held for three consecutive nights starting tomorrow.

 Women who do this professionally are the best. Rather than slaves that are unwillingly forced into it, I think it’s better to do it with someone who honed their skills.

 There are bars like that right? Rather than soap play, I would like to talk dirty with someone—Wait, even if she’s not a lover, it’s not the time to be thinking about such things in her company. Repent, repent.

 Along the outer wall there are parks every few blocks, and in one such park I see many people gathered.

 Staring at the crowd, Zena-san stops the carriage in a strong tone.

 “Satou-san, please look over there.”

 “We must punish the demon’s subordinates! Punis.h.i.+ng them with this holy stone is doing good!”

 No one listened when he took the effort to go to the east side, and now he’s going local?

 “O good citizens! Remember the sign of divine wrath known as the Starfall two days ago!”


 Are half of them secretly in on it or just want to yell?

 “““OH G.o.d!”””


 I look toward Zena-san, and I was met with a puzzled expression.

 “So this is a farce right?”

 What a harsh parallel universe.


 “““DO GOOD!!!”””

 “Do good! Have you understood! Do good!”


 Seems like the people on this street will easily fall for phone scams or pyramid schemes.

 The Fat Chief Priest leans back and points toward the center of the plaza.


 Oi, that instigator.

 “““What should we do, Chief Priest!”””


 “We can’t kill them! We can do good by throwing the holy stone at the demon subordinates.”

 “““GIMME STONES~!!”””

 Following the direction the Fat Chief Priest pointed, I see three beastgirls.

 “Not only that, you can do good with your money!”

 “““DO GOOD!!!”””

 “Each holy stone is one Copper. There’s a special discount now, five holy stones for one Large Copper!”

 People like their cash.

 “““I’LL BUY!”””


 “Buy them from my staff here! Line up! You’re doing good by lining up!”

 “““LINE UP!”””

 The people who bought the holy stones throw them at the beastgirls without reserve. They have no mercy.

 “I can’t watch this anymore! I’m going over. Satou-san, please wait here.”

 I was too baffled to react in time.


 The Reptilian girl is protecting the smaller Dog Ear and Cat Ear girls.

 The mob’s emotions run high, but only a few stones are thrown at the beastgirls.

 Maybe because they are shocked by seeing a stone in hand shatter, people holding holy stones paused their movements.

 Standing up for the beastgirls is simple, but if it’s pointless if they do the same to her…

 That’s it!
 I contemplate what the information means.

 What I discovered by staring at the beastgirls, is the name of their owner.

 Then where is their owner?
 Could it be, their owner isn’t here? Maybe they couldn’t disobey the Fat Chief Priest—or maybe they’re the Fat Chief Priest’s accomplice!

 I have only relied on the AR pop-ups recently, it’s time to use Full Map Exploration to its fullest.

 There! Corner of the plaza! Sitting on crates watching the commotion, a smirking short man with a rat-like face and beady eyes.

 The short man is named Urs, thirty-nine. Skills: “Scam”, “Persuasion”, “Threaten”. Slaves in possession: “Cat”, “Dog”, “Lizard”.

 …Hmm? Only the race is shown for slaves, no names?

 Position: “Seiryuu City lower cla.s.s citizen”. Guild: “Gray Rats”—That’s it! Search for Guild: “Gray Rats”!

 I label every member, including the ones who aren’t here.
 Okay, let’s go!

Skill Obtained: “Covert Ops”.

 However, I was disturbed by the beastgirls’ situation. I had missed one important fact. Time cannot be turned back, but if I had taken a little longer, it might not have turned out this way.

 Zena-san finally gets to the Fat Chief Priest.

 “What, girl! Are you a demon’s accomplice too!”

 “““A demon’s accomplice is also a demon!!”””

 While Zena-san is buying time for me, let’s do something to the plants in the mob!

 “What’s wrong with throwing holy stones at demons?”

 Getting off the rental carriage, I wade through the mob. Using the experience from taking the packed subway and the power of the Evasion skill, I move through the crowd.

 “Thats right! Stone that girl too!!!”

 Zena-san seems to have cast Wind Protection already. Not just herself; she is protecting the beastgirls as well. As expected of the army’s Arcane Soldier.

 Even for Zena-san, it’s dangerous to be lost in a stampede.

 In order to take him out, I adjust my Grappling skill to the max. Thanks to that, I know how to knock him out, neutralizing him without killing.

 Since it was a sudden move, no one nearby noticed. I pretend to be concerned about my suddenly anemic friend, and carry him outside the plaza, and throw him down. Time is of the essence, so I won’t care about details.

  >>> Obtained skill “Acting”.

  >>> Obtained skill “a.s.sa.s.sination”.

 The skill Kidnapping looks useful, so I max it out. I leave a.s.sa.s.sination alone, I won’t touch it, alright?

 There is a young man wearing a priest outfit in the plaza backing up Zena-san.

 “Hmph, the all-loving priest from Galrion Temple? If you love beasts that much, after we’re done, their bodies are all yours!”

 Zena-san starts to blush—not. Did she not understand? Good.

 “Punish demons!”

 I’ll leave the debating to Zena-san and him, and do some pest control.

 “Do you understand? If you keep inciting people like this, there’ll be a riot! Zaikuuon will become the instigator of a rebellion!”

 “Kill demons!”


 The number of people yelling has decreased. There’s a particularly loud guy, but he’s not one of the Gray Rats. Let’s just label him for now.

 “People of the west side! Everyone is as afraid as you are! However, don’t become the cowards who blame it on the weak!”

 The crowd answered the Fat Chief Priest’s taunting, but the volume is much smaller.

 “You fake priest!!”

 Good, two more.

 Before Urs enters the stage, I have a talk with the loud guy, and make some final preparations.

  >>> Skill obtained: “Conspiracy”.

 “Please make them stop. I’ll block every stone they throw!”

 The Fat Chief Priest barks angrily, but there are only a few responses from the crowd. Those voices are also disappearing one by one.

 “You’re up next!”

 Surprised, Urs tries to order the man behind him with his chin. Only, when he turns around, the tall guy is nowhere to be seen, and he looks mortified.

 “If you mean the tall guy, he left with some woman!”

 I knee him in the solar plexus to take him out, then bring him on stage.

 “You mean to interrupt the holy ritual! You G.o.dless fool!”

 I throw Urs between those two.

 I’ll ignore the Fat Chief Priest.

 “As expected of Satou-san. You’re so nimble!”

 Your compliment is a little weird, Zena-san.

 “Zena-san, if you still have the mana, could you use magic to broadcast my voice to the plaza?”

 I raise the fainted Urs up high, so everyone can see him clearly.

 “Everyone, do you see? This man is the one who planned all this! He lent his slaves to the Zaikuuon priest, incited everyone’s worries, pretended the rocks are holy stones, and wanted to scam everyone’s precious wealth! ”

  >>> Skill obtained: “Indictment”.

 “Give my money back—!”

 “In addition, he has another goal! His true purpose taking advantage of the Zaikuuon priest, after making some money! He means to start a rebellion against the Duke! He is the real demon wors.h.i.+pper!”

 ”Making some money” is the truth, but the other two are just bulls.h.i.+t.
 Actually, I have no idea what his goal is, so I make up something shocking.

  >>> Skill obtained: “False Accusation”.

 If it’s to sell holy stones, he made five Silvers selling about a hundred. It’s not worth the cost of the demi-human slaves. From what I see with the Evaluation skill, the three of them are worth six Silvers. And if this had gone on, the slaves would definitely die.

 “Is that guy working with the demons—!”
 That loud idiot, I did ask him to go against the Fat Chief Priest, but please look at the situation a little! He’s going to start a riot.


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