Demon King App

Chapter 1

"d.a.m.n humans and their accursed magi-phone!!" said the man with a muscular body, fiery red eye, two horns and a l.u.s.trous silver hair. He is currently running away and is trying to shake off his pursuers, the man is in a very bad condition, his left arm missing, one of his two horns broken, his left eye crushed and his body full of wounds, after running with all his might he falls to the ground from exhaustion.

The half dead man is "Demon King Jarkezal", the strongest demon and the pinnacle of the "demonity" (the demon species). The reason why such a strong being is almost dead and is running away, are the three species which are the "Elvenity"( the species of elves ), "Dwarvinity"( the species dwarves ) and "Humanity"( the human species ) that have come together to end his ambition of uniting the four great species under his reign.

From what the historians have found, the four great species have walked and have been coexisting in the world since the dawn of time, they all have inside their body the energy called "Magia", this energy allows anyone who gain access to it, cause a supernatural phenomenon which they later call "Magic". Then, using this power, they manage to defend themselves against hordes of merciless monsters that are walking the world alongside them, unfortunately one of the four great species have failed to gain access to this power.

Humans, this species, different from the other three, doesn"t have any "Magia Stone" in their body, this deficiency robbed their whole species the ability to gain access to magia which in turn makes them unable to wield magic, this lead to them being ostracized and discriminated by the three great species which almost results in their extinction.

Humans being stubborn, rapidly developed their technology to the point that they become the most technologically advance species of their peers, until finally, someone manage to develop a technology which let them wield magic.

Just like the three other species, humans have magia inside their body, the only difference is that they don"t have a magia stone which serves as a catalyst in accessing the magia, this deficiency can be supplemented by using an external magia stone from monsters, but this process only let them summon magia and use simple "telepathy" and "telekinesis" which are weak, takes a lot of concentration and an unrefined form of magic. After years of research they found out that the human brain can"t perform the necessary calculation to cast magic since it evolves in a different direction compare to those who have a magia stone inside their body from the start.

Having inspired by the other electronic device that humans developed, scientist "Ryan Holman" created a mobile information device that uses a magia stone as a core. The magia stone serves as the catalyst to summon magia from the body, while the mobile information device perform the necessary calculations then send the processed information to the brain using telepathy to cast the intended magic, this device is so phenomenal since they also discovered that they can replace electricity with magia if they use a magic stone as the core of a device, this device became later known as magi-phone and marks the beginning of the development of magia powered devices instead of electronic powered devices.

The elvenity and dwarvinity having seen this, become interested and once again forge a pact with humans, leading to the "Great Era of Invention", but the Demon King Jarkezal feared it, and later wage war againts the elvinity, dwarvinity and humanity under the pretext of uniting the four great species leading to the "Great Magic War" and impeding further technological advances, unfortunately the technology that humans have developed are so powerful that the three great species manage to corner the demons even though they are weaker than demons in terms of magic.

"This is all because of those accursed magi-phone!! If only I manage to kill that guy before he finished it!" The Demon King said cursing and lamenting his mistake.

"Surrender now Demon King Jarkezal, we would need you to pay for your crimes of needless bloodshed and impeding the worlds technological advance!!" A human said with conviction in his voice.

With eyes full of fear, worry and anger, the Demon King Spoke. "Can"t you see what danger that technology would bring!! If the world starts using magia as the source of energy eventu----"

"Shut up!! You don"t even understand how this technology works because you demons keep secluding your selves, so why would we believe you!!" The man bark angrily.

"It"s okay I"ll take care of this." Suddenly a man in a lab coat with a deep black hair wearing in his eyes spoke.

"T-that voice!! Ryan Holman!!" The Demon King said seething with rage.

"Yes, indeed your majesty, it"s been a long time." Ryan said full of confidence.

"As I thought!!! You f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!" The Demon King scream like madman and try to stand, but his legs lose its strength and he once again falls into the ground bleeding a lot more than before.

"Fuc---cough! cough!"

"You don"t have any strength left anymore your majesty, please just surrender." Ryan said with a soothing voice, and then he walks to the weak Demon King and gently whisper into his ear. "Don"t worry your majesty, we won"t kill you."

"!!!" The Demon King open his eyes wide at that, and then he looks calmly in Ryan eyes and said weakly. "f.u.c.k you, never." and then he vanishes leaving only a warped s.p.a.ce behind.

"!!!" Ryan eyes open wide and he spoke frustratingly. "f.u.c.k!! So, he is just stalling for time preparing transport magic!!! He can even afford to concentrate at that state and cast a magic without any help from a magi-phone?!! That f.u.c.king monster!!"

"It"s okay sir Ryan he is in a bad shape so I"m sure we would find his corpse in no time" a soldier spoke.

"I don"t want his f.u.c.king corpse!! d.a.m.n it!!" Ryan scream internally.


At a bas.e.m.e.nt of a research facility a wounded man suddenly appears.

"F-f.u.c.k..." The man said looking around.

"d.a.m.n it I don"t know where to transfer so I just did it randomly but.... I never thought I would end up here." He complain to himself.

Looking around he noticed that the room he"s in is a storehouse of unused electronic devices.

"cough! cough!" While coughing blood, an idea comes to he"s mind.

"Aaaah, I never thought I would do this and, in a device, that a human creates no less." Saying that he crawls into a nearby computer, he touches it and activate a magic. A moment later his body fell limp into the floor.


Four days after the disappearance of the demon king, they found his dead body in a storage room of one of the human"s research facility, these mark the end of the "Great Magic War". After the war, the elvenity, dwarvinity and humanity decides to spare the lives of the innocent demonities and made the niece of the late Demon King the new demon ruler.

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