Fifty kilo, that’s like tying Maekawa-san on you… Um, maybe the a.n.a.logy works. Well, I don’t really know how much Maekawa-san weigh anyway.

Hm… Would Maekawa-san mind if someone asked her? I had a feeling she wouldn’t.

“Well, ya better be ready to see the true face of Ryuuko-san tomorrow!”

True face, huh… I’m a little worried that it’d be scarier than her true ability. Maybe she just used the wrong word?

“Then I’ll look forward to cheering for ya.”


“Was that a sigh? Or a deep breath?”

“Both. I’m, like, a million times more nervous than last time. ‘Cuz it’s not just any game this time!”

“Hm… Is there like a, bet or something?”

“No no no… ‘Cuz someone"s watching…”

“Eh? What did you say?”

“Ughh… Are ya the heroine of a shoujo manga~?!”

“Ahahah…” Lost as I was, I laughed at Ryuushi-san’s hilarious response.

“Cousin~ Stargaze time~”

Spring in her steps, Erio joyously skipped into my room. In her hands was a blue, creasy notebook. I’ve always thought that she appeared in the least convenient times.

Not that I could point out specifically what inconvenient means.


Erio hopped closer. It made me want to tell her to leave like a parent to his kid ‘I’m making a very important call right now, okay? Can you let me finish first?” …But I couldn’t do that.

“Niwa-kun? What’s the matter? Ya are all quiet…”

“Yes, I would try my best to handle it, but…”

For the time being, I just came up with something to resolve the situation. Ryuushi-san didn’t hear Erio; Erio further encroached despise me being on the phone.

“Be quiet!” Huh? Me? “Eh~? Oh wait. Attention please! Uhhh~ One sec, Imma get the dictionary.” Was she trying to say, in English, ‘keep talking to me!’?

Erio climbed onto my bed on her four, shortening the distance between us. I’d try to back off, but I was already leaning against the wall in the first place. Without some super power to break the wall with, I had no escape.

Actually, teleportation would have been a much better ability. I wanted to slap the brain that thought of something so pointless at such a time. Erio changed course, staring at my face.

Like an animal, a.s.sessing whether the object she found was edible or not.

“Phone call?” Yep. I nodded silently. “Who?” No, I… How do I convey that with my chin?

“Sniff, sniff.” You can tell by the smell? “Something Ryuushi.” Someone’s an esper! “I was right.”

Erio pouted as though this was a gag manga.

“Wait a minute~? Is there someone else there, Niwa-kun?” Uh oh, she noticed too.

She’s got me ☆ (giving up).

“It’s, uh… The cousin I live with.”

“Touwa-san~? Hmph, hmph~!”

“Eh? What kind of reaction was that?”

“Cousin, the star…” Erio slid the notebook across my face; she sat in front me and begged with upturned eyes. “Okay, okay, I will go out with you when I’m done talking.”

“G-go out with her?!” Ryuushi-san’s pitch changed. A shocking sound followed. Did she drop her dictionary?

“No, you must be confused, Ryuushi-san!”

“Nope! Ya are too flirty, Niwa-kun! I dub thee Mr. Flirt (Flower-さん)!”

“That sounds like a nickname for Hanao-san(花尾)!”

“Grr… I hafta get my charger!”

“The phone bill is on your side, so I can’t say I’m okay with that…”

“Oh no, my phone is actually dy—“ And we lost connection. Looks like her battery actually died.

“What were you talking about?”

Covering the lower half of her face with the book, Erio questioned disinterestedly. Busy with the charger, I answered without hesitation.

“We’re talking about me going to cheer for her basketball game tomorrow.”

Following that, Erio’s eyes sunk. Was it something she doesn’t like hearing? Why?

She won’t come with me, right? Ryuushi-san said so too, but that’s not my decision to make.

“Do you want to come too?” Therefore, I still asked for her opinion.

“No.” She rolled herself up in my blanket like the stuffing in a sushi; she fell off the edge and made a resounding thud.

Due to the blanket’s thinness, only minimal damage was absorbed. “Uuu…” She moaned from beneath.

“You okay?”

“…Not going.”

Ignoring my question, Erio once again emphasized her previous a.s.sertion.

“I don’t like school, anyway.”

Unlike with the futon, her words clearly reached my ears — only, that wasn"t so helpful this time.

Oh. I understand her att.i.tude now. She left a lot of resentment, and with the third-years leaving after this summer, everyone who remained at school is the same age as she.

If she returned, in her futon, she will stick out even more. I imagined with a somewhat bitter grin.

Hmm~ If I can smile at Erio’s futon form, I guess it"s also game over for me.

“Want to go see some stars now?”

Just like before heading out to the train station, on our journey toward s.p.a.ce.

With no doubt in mind, I invited Erio to the stars.

It was in no way me comforting her — It is, after all, just homework.

The blanket roll, like wrapping for a bouquet, spun to the entrance of the room.


Good. And leave the blanket here.

…Oh, but before then.

Tomorrow, baseball game in the morning. We’re about ten days away from the festival host-right game… I think.

So ends the memorized lines from now on.

The usual uninterested expression lacked consistency with her hand.

During a game few days ago, Hanazawa-san once grumbled, ‘baseball doesn’t feel right.’ Still, met with the ball that seemed to indicate those words as nothing but bluffs, I missed both my swings.

Apparently unwilling to go easy even with amateurs, Hanazawa-san threw a breaking ball that changed speed drastically. She’s also responsible with the pitch sequences; Nakamura-san, the catcher, appeared to only catch the b.a.l.l.s. Considering that he took care of Yashiro, he must an overly-nice person.

Until the sixth inning, there were only two people on base; one of them was Erio somehow. By just standing there obliviously, she managed to get four b.a.l.l.s. Despite following her example, my performance wasn’t looking too well.

Yashiro was not seen today at the left field today. Nakajima stood there instead; I met his glance, and we both smiled courteously. The girls’ basketball game was this afternoon. Would Nakajima go do some practice in the gym too? What should I do if he starts speaking with me?

“Ah.” Hanazawa-san wound up, and soon the ball exited from her right hand. The hurriedly-swung bat swiped at the top of the ball, sending it out over the foul line.

“……” That was quite an unbelievable hit.

I had a déjà vu moment. Is it going to happen again? No, no. I have to focus on this next pitch.

Even if I hold the bat a bit closer, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was only making changes on the decimal points. Was it a more fundamental issue? What surprised me was that perhaps Erio, in spite of her appearance, may actually be very dextrous.

I adjusted my grip once more; I a.s.sumed the stance and, without looking away, faced Hanazawa-san.

Even though I’ve already given up. I never had the chance, anyway.

If I hit it, it’s gonna fly far, isn’t it~? Expectantly, I swung the bat with my all.

Beautifully, it cut through the air. The sensation felt better, so I considered it as good enough.

That marked my third strike for the day. I made a ball go toward second base though.

…Wait. I just realized I"ve never made it onto a single base since I started playing.

It isn’t conclusive whether indoor sports depend on the weather, but it’s clear that today was an annoyingly sunny day.

This level of heat made me want to just go through the entire gym, and ride straight into the swimming pool. Affected by the thought, I subconsciously looked to where the pool was. I didn’t see the shadow of an excitable white helmet. Where did she go after Maekawa-san’s porch?

I parked in the lot between the gym and the kendoujou. According to Ryuushi-san, it’s usually not open during school days. The place was stuffed with bikes, as though it was the ones in front of a train station. Without any roofing, the bikes warmed up gradually.

I delighted at the sight of that yellow safety helmet among countless bicycles.

Circ.u.mventing the wall, I approached and entered the gym that echoed the sounds of b.a.l.l.s rebounding and sneakers squeaking. In the s.p.a.ce that harboured more heat than outside, sounds that scream youth reverberated within.

Sure is nice being young~ I’m not going to become a youthful grandpa that could only dream about this. Maekawa-san would probably pa.s.s out if she took a few breaths in here.

There were two zones in the basketball court; the right side appeared to be where the away team was preparing. A bunch of unfamiliar girls lined up there, practising layup.

If there were three guys here watching, every time when a girl rushed beneath the basket, they’d be making dangerous comments like, ‘X,’ ‘Y,’ ‘Y, but her are Z.’ Yet, being alone here… Don’t I just look like some shady person?

Now, left side. Looking up, I could see the platform that the princ.i.p.als makes his appearance from. There were already some people sitting there not in uniforms. Audiences? Shouldn’t I sit there too? Still, I wouldn’t know where to sit, seeing how they are all girls.

“Hey~ Ya~! Niwa-kun!”

Following that odd yelling, the owner called to me. Adjusting the angle of my neck, I peered at the origin of the voice: Ryuushi-san, in her team uniform, waved at me. She stood at the left court, under the hoop, with a ball in her hands. She wore two pig tails, tied to the back. For sports, huh? Hm… Including the uniform, this was an instance of cuteness impossible to witness during regular cla.s.s days.

I walked, while Ryuushi-san jogged; in just a moment, the distance between us disappeared. We even almost b.u.mped our heads together. Ryuushi-san was, as always, filled with energy.

She cracked a grin, greeting me with the usual soothing smile.

“It’s been a week, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah. I’m here to see you kick some b.u.t.ts today.”

“Someone’s here to see me~! Oh yeah~!” She posed. A gesture mixing and Night. She stopped in just a second from the embarra.s.sment, cupping her cheeks with hands, ‘heheheh,’ and wriggled.

“Ugh! This pressure is killin’ me!”

“You look like you’re in a fever though!” [1]

“No way~ It’s cuz I’m under so much pressure…” She squeezed the ball tightly with both palms. “And it’s all ‘Kablooey!’ now!”

“Oh~ If you say so.”

It’s a little scary to ask what exploded, so I just circ.u.mvented around the topic.

Ryuushi-san raised the ball above her head, and beamed a pure smile. The softness exhibited similar to the embrace of spring was unfitting in this summer air.

“Thank ya for comin’ today~ Though I’m not the one of the starters… Mm~ I’ll definitely be playing though! I"m not gonna give up today!” As if showing off her spirit, she waved the ball around.

"Not gonna give up," huh? That’s quite the opposite from my summer this time.

I thought of Ryuushi-san covered in golden glitters, struggling and yelling ‘Give me a hand~’ Uh, in a complimenting way, of course.

“Oh, is this the rumoured boyfriend, Ryuushi?”

Then appeared a girl who almost latched entirely onto Ryuushi-san’s back. She had a head of black hair, and stood about as tall as Ryuushi-san. My first impression was that she’s more refined than the other girls.

“W-w-w-what? That’s nawt it!”

Ryuushi-san turned in attempt to throw her off, meanwhile, uh, yelping.

“What is ‘nawt-eet?’”

“Not it.”

“Hahaha! You’re freaking out!”

Um, I think this is no different than the usual Ryuushi-san though. “Mmm~” The girl, perhaps her best friend, openly and literally gave me the ‘elevator eyes.’

“You’re that transfer student right? Mm~ So Ryuushi likes them imported, huh?”

She boldly a.s.sessed me. Also, since when did I come from not only a different prefecture, but an entirely different country? Or, maybe since this is an alien’s town, anyone from anywhere else is automatically ‘shipped’ here… And who’s gonna buy that?

“This is Mikki.” Ryuushi-san whispered while pointing slightly at the girl’s face. Ohoh, so this is the legendary Mikki…

Where’s the mouse element? Or maybe she’s supposed to be M*nnie? Okay, whatever. I guess the name came from her last name: probably something like ‘Miki’ or ‘Mikimoto.’

“Ya are mistaken, Mikki.”

“Am I?” Mikki watched for my reaction with a mischievous smile. Her air reminded me of a term I saw long ago while flipping through a magazine. It was a word written cutely, and a bit dumbly — ‘devilish girl.’

I’m afraid, for a usage example, that the word was used incorrectly.

“The name’s all wrong! He’s Ryuushi-san, and I’m Ryuuko-san!”

Uhh~ Why are you involving me? Now we sound like a twin or some kind of partners.

“Oh, relax, Ryuushi! You’re old enough! High school’s the season of love, the time to bloom! Having a boyfriend isn’t that weird, don’t you think? Plus it’s better to wear it on your sleeve!”

Mikki tapped on Ryuushi-san’s shoulder. “I only care about club stuff!” Ryuushi-san objected with chest sticking out.

“Bull! Even you skip practice sometimes to hang out with this transfer student!”

“W-w-what! Ya do the same too!”

“I’m just playing hooky for the sake of playing hooky!”

“Why are ya so smug?!”

What a comedic back-and-forth. But, her boyfriend, huh~?

Mikki’s misunderstanding — or perhaps, light tease at Ryuushi-san, is nothing more than for fun. But it didn’t bother me, or, rather, it’s kinda making my heart beat. A lot. More than just a simple jolt.

Mikki’s misunderstanding — or perhaps, light tease at Ryuushi-san, is nothing more than for fun. But it didn’t bother me, or, rather, it’s kinda making my heart beat. A lot. More than just a simple jolt.

“So what’s up? Here to see Ryuushi?”

“The game~!” Ryuushi-san corrected with hands waving wildly.

“I get it now~”

Mikki ignored Ryuushi-san and nodded deeply. Hehehe, she snickered, and cupped her hands around her mouth. Then she turned around, walked forward and…

“Sensei~! Ryuushi’s boyfriend is here today, so she’s wondering if you could let her play~!”

“Ahhh~! I’ll get that on my own! So stop it, Mikki~!”

The two shouted on their way back. Some people stared with wide eyes, while others laughed. From a bystander’s view, I am envious of this type of interactions between friends.

They certainly are good friends~ I saw them off with a smile. “Don’t laugh~!” Being so loud before the game, Ryuushi-san was truly invigorated.

“Boyfriend, huh…” Hmhmhm, I’m not at all shaken. My chest just feels a little tight.

I wonder how many have been on the path of ‘gotten serious because of some little things, and the misunderstanding deepened and finally shattered’? I have to be cautious.

Anyway, I’ll find a spot to sit first.


Something deplorable appeared.

A suspicious person wearing a s.p.a.ce custome sat at the corner of the gym, hugging her knees. She was wearing the entire outfit today. As if a tiny universe had taken form, the otherworldly corruption surrounded her, forming a dark miasma.

Everyone pretended to not see. Actually, listening closely, I unexpectedly heard a few girls gossiping things like ‘gross’ ‘should we tell someone?’ ‘what about the teachers?’ ‘Is that the Touwa Erio girl?’

“…Sigh.” If the game was cancelled because of her appearance, Ryuushi-san would be disappointed. Such lame reason appeared in my head instantly, but my feet already pointed themselves toward her before any tangent reasons formed.

To avoid the eyes of the girls, I waited for them to look away before approaching Yashiro; she noticed me immediately.

‘Good- day- earth-ling’ she spewed out an idiotic line; I kept silent and smiled, and pulled her helmet off.

“No~!” How did she make that sound earlier?

“Unfortunately, dear customer, the policy of this gym is the same as a store or bank: no helmet.”

“It’s gonna blow!”

Pop, I took the helmet off.

Instantly the dark corner of the gym saturated with light; the air took an 180 change. Perhaps because it occurred in the corner, the clamours were contained. Besides, with the lack of guys, it wasn’t that glaring.

Still, she attracted a decent amount of stare, with what could not be denied as a striking appearance.

“Ughhh.” She felt her neck while looking resentfully at me. With her helmet off, Yashiro revealed her pale, snake-like skin unaffected by the sun.

Crisp as though it would make a refreshing sound every time they fall, the strands of her hair shone like the stars. Unable to be tanned by the sun — she could use that as one of her jokes.

“It would be your fault if this planet explodes.”

“Yes, yes, I’m the most terrible, nefarious human beings to have lived. What are you planning to do here?”

“I am just watching. While contemplating on the future of my work.”

“Work this and work that. Why don’t you just go and do it?”

Without throwing a child-like tantrum, Yashiro gave a twisted smile.

“It’s not that simple… No, maybe because it’s too simple. Should I do it, or not? I’ve tried many things to avoid it, but frankly speaking I’m a little sick of it. I’m not exactly interested in finishing the job.”

“So why not just give up?

Hearing that, Yashiro opened her eyes wide. She smirked evilly.

“Hoh~ Now that I’ve been given permission, I shouldn’t be responsible if I fail. Ah~ Now I’m safe.”


“Oh, right. I saw another human with potential while observing here. And I also discovered that this activity called basketball is a lot more interesting than I imagined.”

She shifted topic in the blink of an eye. “Ok.” I replied flatly and sunk.

Because I think I realized long ago that I’d asked a bunch of needless question without any deeper motives.

“Hmph… Are you dissatisfied that I did not appear under an eave?”

“To be honest, I want to bury you under one.”

Yashrio gave a snarky and meaningful smile, tracing the basketball travelling between the floor and hands. The girl dribbling that ball ran toward here and successfully made the shot after a jump.

“…So why, exactly, did you join the baseball game?”

Erio, too. Is baseball in for those with extraterrestrial traits?

“Why do you ask?”

“No reason. I thought maybe there’s a hint about your super power in there somewhere?”

Or of why you insist on calling yourself an ‘esper.’

Yashiro stared at me coldly, but ultimately looked away.

“Because it’s work.”

“Helping out for an amateur baseball game is work?” Even with that broad a standard, you’ve not done anything remotely close to the word suggested, right?

“Fact is, it’s just a means to an end. I won’t deny that it’s probably a poor choice, however.”

Though ridding the fatigue in her body and mind, Yashiro hung her head and sighed.

At that moment. “…It happened on a starry night.” She began with an suspicious preface. “I came to this planet.”

“Wait! A more basic question: Why — uh, ‘this planet’ right? Why did you come to this planet?”


“Why do you obviously seem like you’ve never considered this question?”

“…Cease your baseless accusation. I was simply taken aback from the likes of you asking a question such as this. Listen well: the reason I came here, is because it is my fate.”

“…That’s not a reason.”

“Three days soon pa.s.sed after my initial landing. With the environment desolated and undeveloped, I struggled to adapt; on foot, I dragged my battered body around. Unsure what the vile crime the violent inhabitant of this planet would commit should they discover me, I avoided any contact.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to just keep yapping.”

“Due to the creed, I cannot easily utilize my power; I do not stand a chance against these savages with under such atrophied conditions. After serious consideration, I had no choice but to accept the gifts of this land.”


“Despite the planet being ravaged by its malevolent inhabitants, the local cuisine is one of the few things praise-worthy. In the plough land, there grew a round fruit used as food; thus I attempted to obtain that nutrient to recuperate.”

“Water melon theft?”

“I was intercepted, however, as the patrol of this planet finally discovered and attempted to arrest me.”

“Good work, Mr. Police!”

“The dire situation rendered me needing to unlock parts of my power: I threw mud at his face and ran.”

“You’re a little t.u.r.d.”

“During the chase, another being joined the hunt — an unknown creature more ruthless and cunning than the previous: a barking quadruped.”

“Don’t you know what dogs are?”

“Despite being able to continue the battle, I feared that the planet patrol would soon catch up. So I jumped into the river; I swam, following the flow.”

“You might make a better ninja.”

“Finally I hit sh.o.r.e on the riverbank; while maintaining stealth from the savages, I reached the building next to the park — and the eave.”

“An eave isn’t some kind of gadget, you know.”

“It was there when I reached my limit.”

“You’re also clearly a j.a.panese.”

“It was no easy task, but I managed to fit half my frame into the eave and fell asleep.”

“Why not your entire body?? This is why you’re both a horror and freak show!”

“I woke up — only, two days have pa.s.sed.”


“I slept not under the eave, but in a bed. It would appear I had been taken in by the male creature by the name Nakamura, who lived in that edifice meant to worship the savages’ idols.”

“Hmm, so it was the shrine?”

“Nakamura revered me: his friendliness indicated that he intended to seek favour from me.”

“Wow~ What a terrifying man.”

“Oh? Are you too? Is that m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic way of life a trait of this planet’s males? Serving me sustenance, Nakamura expressed his fond interest in the extraterrestrials.”

“Nakamura-san is a good man. Did you thank him?”

“Of course I did — are you stupid? After making sure I ate the food, he proposed a trade. How lamentable.”

“Don’t you think trying to eat a free meal is more lamentable?”

“Are you not in a similar position?”

“Hm? Well yeah… How the h.e.l.l did you know that?!”

“Nakamura claimed that, in return for the food, I must partake in an athletic compet.i.tion present only in an undeveloped planet such as this. Something about not enough people. As uncivilised a deal as it was, with the condition of continuous provision, I must accept the terms, or risk survival in a world without super powers. From the stand point of ensuring my life, I determine that to be a wise judgement.”

“I see. So, in other words…”

"I ran away from home, and came here after three days. Because I was starving, on a starlit night I decided to burglarize a farm to steal some watermelons. After failing and being chased by a stray dog, thanks to Nakamura-san, I managed to survive. Nakamura-san was a nice guy, who not only gave me food, but promised to provide lunch if I join the baseball game; thus, I gladly accepted."

“In the form of a dissertation, that’s what happened, right?”

“You idiotic fool!”

Yashiro began attacking me with her right hand; though the fist landed on my shoulder, it didn’t even sting. Part of the reason must be because the costume was thick enough to cover her hands, but her right arm must be extremely weak. Even with her power I doubt she can lift a bag of rice.

“How dare you disgrace my story with such trite discussion: this is in itself a form of talent!”

It was mere description of the events that happened — nothing to do with super powers.

“Anyway, who is this potential human you’re talking about?”

“That one.” The person Yashiro pointed at — “Hey! Who’s that~! Ryuuko-san’s jaw is dropping from how flirty you are, Niwa-kun!” was bouncing around with a ball. c.r.a.p — I was found! With no other choice, I waved at her with a smile and yelled, ‘I’m cheering for ya~!’

“Hmpf~!” Which only worsened her att.i.tude.

“So you know her, Makoto.”

“She’s my friend… But, what, you’re saying she’s also an esper?”

Well, whatever; in some way she indeed is. For example, her ability to accelerate my heartbeat. Also, the power to make me smile like a creep. I guess rather than calling it super power, maybe a lot of girls are just magicians.

And that would make that forty-years old a witch. The spells she cast on me aren’t so innocuous though.

“She’s not bad. I’ve watched for days now; she holds high potential for evolution: she’s one of the few who can go the last few centimetres.”

“Huh… What are you even saying?”

Again with the superpower theory monologue? I prepared to block my ears. Yet, Yashiro asked a relevant question instead of droning on:

“Do you know the rules of this game?”

“Uh, only a bit. Not exactly knowledgeable.” From sheer suddenness, I stuttered.

I’m not at all familiar with basketball, but I know stuff like centre or point guard. The other three positions I simply don’t remember. It’s common with people who don’t play, but that’s the level of knowledge I have.

Speaking of which, what position does Ryuushi-san play? She had a pretty good aim when she threw that empty can into the trash can.

So… Shooting star? No, that’s off. It’s close but I know that’s not right.

“Oh? Transfer student.”

A couple entered from the left entrance of the gym. The guy spoke with an amicable voice; I raised my head.

At the same time, the beam shooting in from the second floor window also pierced my eyes, making me squint.

Moving in that brilliant ray was Nakajima-san and Hanazawa-san. The two young members from the city team. Both of them wore uniform and each carried a bag over their shoulders. Perhaps they’re on their way home after club, but why are they…?

“The girl there… Uh, judging for the getup… I’m guessing she’s from the game…?” Nakajima expressed exaggeratedly his surprise, as though he’d just seen an alien, and pointed at Yashiro.


Yashiro scoffed dismissively, grumbling, ‘here comes unpromising one.’ If there’s one merit to her, it’s that even when insulting, she never let the other party know. More than anger, it rouses confusion.

“Whoa~ She’s freaking cute! This is bad, man. For you too, transfer student~” As though cheering, Nakajima continued with the ‘this is bad.’ He’s like a grade schooler making fun of someone else.

Hanazawa-san smacked Nakajima’s back. “Ow~” Even with an eye squinting painfully, Nakajima kept his smile. “Hi.” With him out of the way, Hanazawa-san greeted me briefly. I replied with a ‘hm.’ Not copying Erio, but it’s actually quite a useful reply to use. Even if you’re not thinking anything, it can be used as a response.

For some odd reason, they sat down next to me. Hmmm… The air dampened. Was my heart actually feeling gravity beyond what is normal?

The two seemed to be using me as a wall to avoid contact with Yashiro; neither did Yashiro even so much as glanced as them.

“Here to watch the game?”

“Hm? Aw, there was a game this morning, and we’re gonna have lunch out. We’re not doing anything now anyway… Soo, I guess you can call this a game-date?”

“Yep~ I’m with ‘im…” Perhaps too lazy to even talk, Hanazawa-san added languidly. From her closing her mouth before finishing, her sentence ended ambiguously.

“A date?”

“Uh, we are, well, dating.”

Bashfully, Nakajima answered what seemed like a notice of marriage. “Yep~” Hanazawa-san raised her hand without changing her expression.

“What!” Nakajima’s with Hanazawa, what has come to this world?

When did they start dating? I desperately looked for Isono, wondering if he’s crying in the dark somewhere.

In any case, I see that Nakajima is more of a Hanazawa-san fan than a Ryuushi-san fan… What poor taste. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, right?

Preparing on the court, Ryuushi-san dribbled the ball while mouthing a slapping sound. “She looks hyped, but that was just two dribble.” Nakajima pointed out; Hanazawa-san rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes drooping as if tired.

Ryuushi-san darted back and forth on the court; she ran, but the ball was never with her. She ran, with disregard to where the ball was. “Hey, Mifune looks out of breath.” Shocked, Nakajima reported to me. I can see that, you know. “She’s really in it, man. Is it because you’re here?”

“Uh, I guess.” Judging from what’s happened so far. But her stamina’s running out.

“As expected, she has potential.”

Strangely satisfied, Yashrio stared at Ryuushi-san. How does she judge someone? I’m not interested, just curious. As hypocritical as I am, that’s how I see Yashiro.

Nakajima shot me a side glance; with a moment of hesitation on his face, he began. It was a meek voice unsuitable of his sunny look.

“You know, back in first year, Mifune actually asked me—”

“Oh, I heard already.”

“I see… Hm~ So, you like Mifune?”

“I think she’s cute.”

“That’s not saying much… Are you that, uh, Touwa Erio’s someone?”

“Did Hanazawa-san tell you anything?”

“No, not at all. We would never talk about Touwa Erio anyway, you know?”

Then don’t talk about her with me either! I shot him a look with that thought. Whether he comprehended is beyond me, but he didn’t inquire any further.

It’s hot. Said one of us. True that. The other three a.s.sented silently.

“She’s gotten cuter. Mifune, I mean.” Nakajima tossed a weird topic over.

“Dude, your girlfriend is right there.”

“It’s fine, she’s sleeping.”

“I’m not.” Hanazawa-san pinched his elbow.


Despite the joke, Nakajima’s pain was real.

d.a.m.n this guy. I want to be pinched too~! …I’m just joking.

Practice ended; both team put the b.a.l.l.s back and gathered around their coaches. Running ahead, Ryuushi-san peeked at me. Noticing the person next to me, the smile momentarily faded; then she looked to Nakajima, then Hanazawa-san leaning on him. She looked shaken. Yet, Ryuushi-san focused back on me a beamed again. She then gave a victory pose before regrouping with her teammates. “Looking good, Ryuushi-san~!” The compliment that was used some time ago once again exited my mouth.

“Did you just notice? How parochial of you.”

Yashiro commented on my soliloquy. She sounded as if she noticed a manga artist’s potential before his work exploded in popularity.

“And you seem to have a high opinion of her.”

“Hmhmm~” She did not answer clearly, instead laughing haughtily and suspiciously. I reminded myself that I would be careful not to put Ryuushi-san onto the path of an esper.

“However, only if she is with you.”

“Hm? What?”

“You will see soon enough.”

With those cryptic words, Yashiro ended with that cliffhanger.

I felt it wasn’t something needing to be clarified, so I desisted as well.

Losing focus from the summer heat, I waited a few minutes quietly. The pre-game pep talk appeared to be over as players scattered on the court.

As the backup, Ryuushi-san sat on the gym floor, hugging her knees with a frustrated expression.

And Mikki was one of the starters, huh? An iconic character is always guaranteed to get the main role, as well as dividing into five people on the stage simultaneously. Ignore those dangerous words for now. From then on, a rift formed between Mikki and Ryuushi-san’s friendship… There was no sign of that.

Like so, without Ryuushi-san on the court, the game begun… Nothing in particular needs to be noted. I’m not a big fan of basketball anyway.

I came to see Ryuushi-san. And that Ryuushi-san was like a starved dog on a leash. “Grrr~” Her clenched fists trembled on her knees.

Yashiro looked uninspired as well. Did she only have eyes for Ryuushi-san in this entire club?

Both team had little differences in score, and the game continued in that manner. If that team was tying with a bad team, they must be just as terrible, huh. Oh, Mikki just got a foul.

“Is Mifune gonna play?”

Nakajima asked, a trace of smile on his face. He’s actually enjoying the game.

“What’s the point? For a game like this.”

Hanazawa-san mumbled. Was her sleepiness chased away by the noise of the game and the cheering? She had a bitter look. Whether it’s about this game or not, her words were obviously poignant.

“What do you mean ‘what’s the point?’” Over Nakajima, I questioned.

“It’s the same for the softball club.”

Hanazawa-san spilled her inner thought.

“I always tried my best during games. But we never win. Our team just can’t win one more points than the other. We’re never far off, so I try even harder, only to lose again. It’s frustrating, but I have no one but me to blame.”


Was it the listlessness, or the heat? Either way, Hanazawa-san blew her steam.

She once said club activity was too much work. Is this what she was referring to? It is only natural to have so much expectation placed on you if you’re too good.

“Hahahah, she’s just a lil tired.” Nakajima stroked Hanazawa-san’s hair, a.s.suaging her. Certainly is nice to have someone comfort you right away. Only if there’s someone for Meme-san as well.

“Hmpf.” Behind me, Yashiro scoffed from her nose. Apparently she wasn’t too thrilled with Hanazawa-san’s comment.

…Does she, perhaps, dislike people who gave up?

“She’s not playing right away? These people lack insight.”

Disappointingly, Yashiro criticized the coach.

“What part of Ryuushi-san do you like so much?” It’d be apparent if you’re a guy though.

“Because she is someone who is capable of moving forward, even if it’s un.o.bvious.”

“And what does that mean? You’re not dragging her into anything weird, by the way.”

“Anything weird…? True, for a stubborn person like yourself, it is probably considered weird.”

“Thanks for the nice words.”

“Listen up.” With that as the lead, she circled in front of me.

Directly facing me, she seemed to impart something critical.

Her fascinating appearance closed to my face, driving both my eyes and mind anxious.

Yashiro ignored the game, letting loose her words in the gym.

“People, no matter who, are capable of awakening their power, as long as they keep moving forward.”

As though condensing her philosophies into this one sentence, she solemnly declared.

Within those words were some elements that somehow infused into my body; I felt as though cold water had poured down my back. I remembered few days ago, that moment when an unbelievable amount of pool water drenched me.

Within the gym engrossed by this cotton-candy-like heat, a single person shivered at this fleeting chill.

Yashrio sat back next to me, and pointed her straightened arm forward.

“Those who believed and understood their latent power in their normal lives will eventually bloom into those with superpower. It is physically unreachable, beyond your furthest reach, by a few centimetres. That power, never connected to you directly, is what you consider as abnormal phenomenon. Yet…”

She paused, tutting. Then, as though giving me a look, she glanced sideways at me before continuing.

“Once you come into contact with it, it will spread and ripple outward. People on my planet were more capable with it — the power held within this vessel is the proof of it.”

“…But, still…”

“For instance, in a sports compet.i.tion, there are many of those who suddenly exploded in their abilities, right? That, would be the proof of them reaching that essence of power about five centimetres away from themselves. People with faster speed than others, who also reached their pinnacle of power — this is the true form of what is commonly referred to as the people with potential.”

Yashiro’s claim had no uncertainty; it is a.s.sertive, and meant to repel all. She kept talking.

“Most earthlings will never fill those few centimetres, even in their entire lifetime.”

Her shoulder’s shrugged. ‘And that’s why you troglodytes are…’ she added a few more insults before resuming.

“No matter who, as long as they can get close — to this distance as short as cold air coming out of a fridge — as long as they’re fortunate enough, the so-called ‘geniuses’ will never cease to exist. Such amazing power, yet almost no one here could reach it. People who have given up on these few, yet distant centimetres, are one of the reasons as to why this is so.”

“……” I shot Hanazawa-san a look. Using Nakajima’s laps as her pillow, she laid down.

“Oi, Makoto. Who’s the backup, that person with potential?”

“Ryuushi-san.” I told her what sounded like a typical lie.

“That Ryuushi is slow: about half as fast as everyone else. She could spend a whole day, and no one would notice her move. Yet she hasn’t given up: it is not an easy task to push onward, not knowing what awaits at the end. That’s why she holds the possibility of unlocking her powers.”

“…That’s quite a compliment to say.”

“It is merely a proper a.s.sessment.”

And then, Yashiro looked over at me with a rare, but warming smile.

“You’re surrounded by many who have the potential to wield their power, Makoto.”

“Oh, please.” I waved my hand in front of my face, as well as shook my head; sweat drops flew from my hair.

I could comprehend her explanation, and I also agree with parts of it. But those aren’t convincing.

As for why, it would be because nothing tangible has appeared.

“Show me your power. That way, everything you said will be proven as true.”

Without proofs, she’s just another person here — a nutjob.

“Mm.” Yashiro did not rebuke violently, only displaying a pondering face. She then raised her head:

“All right. If I feel like it, I will show you in the next week or two. You will do well to pray for it.”

Is this something on the same level as ‘deciding the grocery day’?

“Besides, even without me, you have a chance to witness it in this game.”

At first, Yashiro’s prediction sounded like reckless bravery, like she just said things without thinking with her head.

As I began to retort, I noticed someone staring; I turned to my right.

Nakajima gaped at my face. Looks like he listened in on our conversation.

“Man, whatever you guys were saying was too deep, I couldn’t follow.”

Farewell~ He jokingly waved us goodbye. I palmed my forehead and sighed.

“Don’t wave me off too.”

Was all I could say.


Let’s skip all description of the game until Ryuushi-san’s debut.


The game ended. Just messing with you. The second half was almost ending, however. Score-wise, the opponent had 39 points, while us 35. I don’t know if whether this is considered good or bad.

“I’m surprised with how many points both team got, seeing how their aiming was always off.”

‘Interesting~’ Nakajima remarked. ‘Is it because both sides suck at defence?’ he again added. He’s actually watching the game rather intently. I’m not saying it’s anything praise-worthy though.

When the last quarter began, my eyes focused onto the shape that walked out.

“Whoa~!” I stuck my body out.

“So she’s finally up?” Yashiro expressed her satisfaction.

Out of the five people that walked out, Mifune Ryuushi-san was the last.

“At last, huh? It’s gonna be hard for her to do much, though.”

Nakajima grimaced, calming a.s.sessing Ryuushi-san’s situation.

“You know, it’s Mifune’s first time playing.”

“Ah.” It’s going to a wall to scale. Even from here I could see her stiffness, like her flesh had been displaced by stone; her legs, too, quivered, like a new-born fawn.

Rather than describing her as serious, it’s more fitting to say ‘whatever s.p.a.ce between her fluffiness has been filled with tension.’

Mikki tapped Ryuushi-san’s shoulders, trying to appease her nerve. Seems like Mikki will be having a sequel. Despite her nod, Ryuushi-san hooked her eyes on the floor without moving.

“‘She’s being overly conscious. It might have been better if I wasn’t here’ — that’s what’s you’re thinking, right?” Yashiro mimicked my voice, taunting a provocation.

She’s right. I could say nothing back.

Soon after the quarter began, Ryuushi-san got the ball; she frantically bounced the ball, but perhaps with too much strength, it returned much faster than antic.i.p.ated. Unable to catch the ball, it hit her jaw. What followed was not cheers, but laughter.

“Oh G.o.d.” Nakajima covered his eyes. I wanted to do that too, but I’m here to see Ryuushi-san. Whether this was what she wanted me to see is another matter.

Getting back up, Ryuushi-san did not even have time to be embarra.s.sed; she simply chased the ball, without any apparent reaction. She’s so serious, she couldn’t even laugh it off.

…If it was me from before, would I also end up like this if I managed to get into a game?

Almost as if I was watching that ‘if,’ I lost my collectivedness.

Ryuushi-san continued to make mistakes: she attempted a steal, only to hit the hand and fouled; she charged head first, only to trip in front of the hoop and almost kicking an opponent in the face.

It’s unwatchable.

I don’t know if the coach or advisor of the club sent her in because of Mikki’s words, but at this rate it wouldn’t be strange if she was taken off court.

…And so.

When she accrued three fouls, somehow the other side made a foul under the hoop.

Although no matter how I looked, it’s Ryuushi-san, who was attempting a shot, b.u.mping into the other person, the referee called it so. There were no complaints, and despite the other team looking unhappy, they were neither hostile or upset since they probably thought Ryuushi-san was just a joke.

Here come the free throws. Yet, Ryuushi-san was wavered, her eyes swaying about.

There was no way for her to make that shot like she did with the juice can.

At that moment, as though she’d been waiting for that exact second, Yashiro grabbed my shirt and tugged.

“Wha? Me?”

I didn’t know what to do when I’m suddenly handed the hot potato. “Dumba.s.s.” Yashiro grinned.

“Be it a cliché line or whatever, use your power on Ryuushi.”

“What are you saying??”

“Shout with your voice! Squeeze your throat and tighten your guts. Are you just here to sit and watch? Are you an idiot? If you came all the way here, you must be here to do something! Step up! Move forward! You’re also a slow, but steady person on your way to power, are you not?!”

Yashiro jeeringly chucked her frustration at me. The responsibility to showing off power was suddenly on me.

I almost wanted to ask her ‘what about your power?!’ But asking me to do something… What could I, a non-player, do at this point?


I did have an idea. But I needed some courage. For a moment, I hesitated.


“Moving forward with your own will, and pushing others with it — Is that not the very first power bestowed upon humans?”

I hate to admit it, but those were the words that tipped me forward.

I stood up. In this corner of the gym, no one would notice — which is why, what entailed will captivate everyone.

I will split asunder this silent gym.

The me who had already given up will never stand on a football field again.

Yet Ryuushi-san, who had not given up, should stay there.

The value of super natural phenomenon lies in that it is able to maintain dreams, filling them with endless possibilities.

I scratched my head; after sucking in and holding the breath, I turned to face the court.

Putting my hands around my mouth, I shouted as to drain all air inside my lungs:

“You can do it! Ryuushi-san!!”

All eyes instantly fell upon me; the gazes transformed into terror.

Thinking carefully, I’ve never lived as a conspicuous child, much like everyone else.


Even so.

I could agree that, once I get it going, it isn’t so bad every once in a while.

If I make up my mind, I could ‘give up’ this spot of being inconsequential.

Even more so, it’s not enough.

I once again drew in more air, firmly filling my body:

“You can do it! Even though I know it’s hard! I couldn’t do it! And no one cheered for me! I could only look down, and wonder why anyone else could cheer for the guys playing! To be honest I still don’t get how! But who cares?! Who cares about looking down or cheering?! If you got time for that, why not go practice?! You just gotta work hard! I didn’t like it all that much anyway! But I still can’t forget about it! So I’m rooting for you, Ryuushi-san! If you work hard, you won’t have to give up on many things! I want you to work so hard, that others feel bad for it! So work hard! I’m never saying things like don’t force yourself too much!!”

The things supposedly coming out of my mouth did not reach my brain.

I was probably just venting some broken, baffling thoughts.

My temperature rose, and senses melted.

Just how feverish of a cheer did I accomplish in a practice game?

Perhaps making too much sound, I lost my breath and choked. Even my ears drums were dimmed, unable to calm down. Aside from the weather, my skin heated up from another element.

I looked down and scratched my cheek, enduring the embarra.s.sment without sitting down.

Finally, the temporary stare dissolved and reactions followed.

“That was bada.s.s~” Nakajima mumbled. “Comedy girl and loyal guy…” On his laps, Hanazawa-san exhaled.

As for Ryuushi-san.

She laughed. Like she had completely forgotten about me, she focused on me, cracking up. She also mouthed many times, ‘I told ya I’m Ryuushi.’

She laughed. Like she had completely forgotten about me, she focused on me, cracking up. She also mouthed many times, ‘I told ya I’m Ryuushi.’

Just like so.

We saved each other.

“Hoh~ oh!” Following that odd yell, she gathered herself and repositioned the ball.

Ryuushi-san then nonchalantly made two shots.

“Ah, wasn’t her favourite character Mitchi?”[2]

The rigidness left her motion; her graceful steps carried her.

Seeing that, I sat back down and coughed a few more times.

Yashiro and I traded looks; we laughed cathartically.

“That wasn’t too bad.”

“Don’t you mean, it felt great?”

It did.

“Now, let us interview Mifune Ryuuko-san, on her first-game-slash-first-victory!”


“Hint, hint.”

“Ah? Me? Uh, how do you feel right now, Ryuushi-san?”

“I said I’m Ryuuko!”

“What a great interview.”

“Hold it right there!”

After the game, Ryuushi-san bounced around angrily in that tranquillized gym.

Regardless of the intense game, Ryuushi-san still seem filled with vigour.

She stayed in the court for the remainder of the game, keeping up with both defence and offence. In the end, though, I still don’t know what position she played.

Without the opposing team, people dispersed from the gym; it could be just me, but the heat seemed to have dissipated as well.

“You were bada.s.s, Ryuushi-san~”

“You too, Niwa-kun.”

“Huh? …Aw, that?”

“Like, how do I put it… It was soo embarra.s.sing that it ended up calming me down, y’know?”

For some reason she expressed that with her fingers fanning out. So, her nervousness exploded?

Than the yelling was worth it. The awkwardness consumed me though.

“Oh, hey, um~” Ryuushi-san put both hands behind her and wriggled her body.

“Could ya, wait for me till we’re done?”

“Hm. Of course.”

“Then, wanna go home together?”

“Don’t you think it’s a little sad to just head straight home?”

“Then, let’s go somewhere!”

“Yeah, let’s go somewhere!”

“Woo~! Yay!” Ryuushi-san raised her hand, and spun as though dancing.

“Ya heard him, Mikki! I’m ditching ya!”

“I never asked for you anyway~ Not going to waste my energy with you today, Ryuushi!”

Ryuushi-san skipped to where her team was waiting.

I stayed, savouring the taste of this strange situation while seeing her off.

There wasn’t anyone else left. Nakajima and Hanazawa left right away, and Yashiro disappeared from the gym. Did she leave to look for another eave?

Arriving at the back of the gym, I leaned my head onto the wall, staring obliviously into the track field. Are the people running there part of the track team? I couldn’t help but follow the guy sprinting the fastest.

Veiled partly by the cloud, the sun finally appeared; the new light flashed by my eyes, squeezing drops of tears out of my eyes. “Dammit~” It’s like my eyes were squashed from deep within. Perhaps I was too focused at the game, or more precisely at Ryuushi-san, so my eyes were worn out?

“Phew… That was too much youth.” You can OD on this stuff: that was one of the symptoms.

My visions were blear, as though in a dream. The ground, the shoe lockers and even the blue skies were blended together.

It was a formless sight impossible to reproduce, yet here I was thinking I’ve seen it before.

The canvas recalled a memory, of something that does not exist in reality — a ‘dream.’

“Oh yeah.”

That dream from last night, before that scribbled chapter t.i.tle.

With this sight as the fuse, it resurfaced on the inside of my eyelids.


If I remember correctly—

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