Chapter 1250

But the right wing, Hanfei and kuobali, who also retreated, had no doubt. Since it was the order of Ryukyu, they would retreat without any reason.

When the wind blows and the clouds dance, the left and right sides of the northern herdsmen retreat wildly.

And just as soon as they left.

The hundred thousand northern herdsmen, who were facing up to the two hundred thousand Huns, began to retreat slowly.

It was as if they could not resist the crazy attack of the Huns, and began to retreat slowly in a state of rout.

The king of Hun was very happy to see this.

More and more fierce fighting, as long as the northern pastoral camp is broken, they can not only not lose, but also backfire on him.

Under the joy, but did not see.

Behind the retreating northern herdsman"s 100000 soldiers and horses, the walking infantry began to jump on the horses that had been prepared for a long time.

One by one, jump on the horse, then turn to the front for resistance.

Just as the tie rotates in a circle, replace the back one with the front one, and replace the front one with the back one.

It doesn"t seem to have changed much.

However, a tea kungfu, the two hundred thousand army of the Huns facing the hundred thousand army of the northern mu, the whole has been replaced with war horses.

Seeing this, the Hun king, who was in a stable position in the Chinese army, couldn"t help being slightly shocked. What does that mean?

The 100000 infantry became cavalry.

Look around at the left and right flanks of the northern nomads that have disappeared.

All of a sudden, there was a sense of wonder in the Hun"s heart. No, this left wing and right wing did not change their formation.

They leave so far, is the real retreat.

What does this northern Shepherd Do?

At this time, the xuanyuanche standing on the high slope looked up at the sky.

The white cloud curtain on the head rolled and flew, changing rapidly.

It"s almost time.

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