373. I-SHTA"-SKA. _White Eyes._ (Profile.) BRULe.

374. MA-TO"-DUSA. _Swift Bear._ (Front.) BRULe.

375. MA-TO"-DUSA. _Swift Bear._ (Profile.) BRULe.

376. WA-KIN"-YAN-SKA. _White Thunder._ (Front.) BRULe.

377. WA-KIN"-YAN-SKA. _White Thunder._ (Profile.) BRULe.

378. MA"-ZU-O-YA"-TE. _Iron Nation._ (Front.) BRULe.

379. MA"-ZU-O-YA"-TE. _Iron Nation._ (Profile.) BRULe.

380. MA"-ZU-O-YA"-TE. _Iron Nation._ (Full length.) BRULe.

All of the above, under the famous chief Spotted Tail, were members of a delegation who visited Washington in 1872, and were photographed while there.

282. MA-TO"-WA-KAN". _Medicine Bear._ (Front.) CUT HEAD.

283. MA-TO"-WA-KAN". _Medicine Bear._ (Profile.) CUT HEAD.

284. MA-TO"-KO-KI"-PA. _Afraid of the Bear._ (Front.) CUT HEAD.

285. MA-TO"-KO-KI"-PA. _Afraid of the Bear._ (Profile.) CUT HEAD.

286. MA-TO"-PO"-ZHE. _Bear"s Nose._ (Front.) CUT HEAD.

287. MA-TO"-PO"-ZHE. _Bear"s Nose._ (Profile.) CUT HEAD.

288. CHAN-TE"-HA. _Skin of the Heart._ (Front.) CUT HEAD.

289. CHAN-TE"-HA. _Skin of the Heart._ (Profile.) CUT HEAD.

290. PI"-PI-SHA. _Red Lodge._ (Front.) CUT HEAD.

291. PI"-PI-SHA. _Red Lodge._ (Profile.) CUT HEAD.

292. WI-CHA-WANMBLE". _Man Who packs the Eagle._ (Front.) CUT HEAD.

293. WI-CHA-WANMBLE". _Man Who packs the Eagle._ (Profile.) CUT HEAD.



197-8. CHE-TAN"-WA-KU-TE-A-MA"-NI. _The Hawk that hunts Walking._ MDEWAKANTON.

Generally known as _Little Crow_. Leader of the hostile bands in the Sioux ma.s.sacre of the whites in Minnesota in 1862. He had not only visited Washington, and was supposed to be friendly to the whites, but had promised to have his hair cut and become civilized; and at the time of the ma.s.sacre the Government was engaged in building him a house. Upon the defeat of the Indians, Little Crow escaped into the British Territory, where he was killed the following year.

199. MEDICINE BOTTLE. Son of _Little Crow._ MDEWAKANTON.


The ma.s.sacre spoken of in connection with No. 197 was inaugurated by _Sha-kpe_ and his band; some of his young men killed some white men while intoxicated, and then, through fear of retaliation, resolved upon an uprising and the extermination of all the whites at the agency. Sha-kpe"s band was re-enforced by the princ.i.p.al warriors from the Mdewakanton and Wahpeton bands, Little Crow taking the leadership. Before they were subdued, 644 men, women, and children were ma.s.sacred, and 93 soldiers killed in battle.

296. MA-HPI"-YA-LU"-TA. _Red Cloud._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

297. MA-HPI"-YA-LU"-TA. _Red Cloud._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

Red Cloud, who with Spotted Tail stands pre-eminently forward as the exponents of the peace-policy, is the great chief of the Ogalalla Sioux, and generally recognized by the military and civil authorities as the head chief of all the Sioux. Before he buried the tomahawk, Red Cloud was undoubtedly the most celebrated warrior of all the Indians now living on the American continent. He had over 10,000 people in his camps, and could put in the field 3,000 warriors. When he marched against the settlements he always went in force. He takes his name from the number of his warriors, and their red blankets and paints; it was said that his soldiers covered the hills like a red cloud.

He is now about 45 years of age, six feet in height, and straight as an arrow; his face, which is of a dark red, is indicative of indomitable courage and firmness, and his full, piercing eyes seem to take in at a glance the character of friend or foe.

Red Cloud has probably partic.i.p.ated in more conventions, treaties, and large a.s.semblies of his own and the white people, in which the greatest interests were involved, than any other living Indian. "A man of brains, a good ruler, an eloquent speaker, an able general, and a fair diplomat, the friendship of Red Cloud is of more importance than that of all the other chiefs combined." While Spotted Tail has a lively vein of humor in his character, and loves to indulge in a little joke, Red Cloud is all dignity and seriousness.

The following, clipped from the report of the proceedings of the Board of Indian Commissioners at Fort Laramie, in 1870, is indicative of his earnest and impressive manner:

"Red Cloud then arose, and walking toward the outside group, raised his hands toward the skies, and then touched the ground. Then all the Indians rose to their feet, as with uplifted hands Red Cloud uttered the following prayer:


""O Great Spirit, I pray you to look at us. We are your children, and you placed us first in this land. We pray you to look down on us, so nothing but the truth will be spoken in this council. We don"t ask for anything but what is right and just. When you made your red children, O Great Spirit, you made them to have mercy upon them. Now, we are before you to-day, praying you to look down on us, and take pity on your poor red children. We pray you to have nothing but the truth spoken here. We hope these things will be settled up right. You are the Protector of the people who use the bow and arrow, as well as of the people who wear hats and garments, and I hope we don"t pray in vain. We are poor and ignorant. Our forefathers told us we would not be in misery if we asked you for a.s.sistance. O Great Spirit, look down on your children and take pity on them.""


299. SHUN"-KA-LU"-TA. _Red Dog._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

300. SHUN"-KA-LU"-TA. _Red Dog._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

301. SHUN-TO"-KE-CHA-ISH-NA-NA. _Lone Wolf._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

302. SHUN-TO"-KE-CHA-ISH-NA-NA. _Lone Wolf._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

303. WA-HU"-WA-PA. _Ear of Corn._ (Squaw of Lone Wolf.


304. WA-HU"-WA-PA. _Ear of Corn._ (Squaw of Lone Wolf.

Profile.) OGALALLA.

305. SI-HA"-TAN"-KA. _Big Foot._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

306. SI-HA"-TAN"-KA. _Big Foot._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

307. CHE"-TAN-SKA. _White Hawk._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

308. CHE"-TAN-SKA. _White Hawk._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

309. WANMB"LE-KO-KI"-PA. _Afraid of the Eagle._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

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