310. WANMB"LE-KO-KI"-PA. _Afraid of the Eagle._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

311. SHUN"-KA-WA-KAN-TO. _Blue Horse._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

312. SHUN"-KA-WA-KAN-TO. _Blue Horse._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

313. WA-CHA-PA. _Stabber._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

314. WA-CHA-PA. _Stabber._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

315. I-TE"-SHA"-PA. _Dirty Face._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

316. I-TE"-SHA"-PA. _Dirty Face._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

317. TA-TAN"-KA-WAS-TE". _Good Buffalo._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

318. TA-TAN"-KA-WAS-TE". _Good Buffalo._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

319. HE-HA"-KA-TA"-MA-KA. _Poor Elk._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

320. HE-HA"-KA-TA"-MA-KA. _Poor Elk._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

321. HE-HA"-KA-NO"M-PA. _Two Elks._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

322. HE-HA"-KA-NO"M-PA. _Two Elks._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

323. SHUN-TO"-KE-CHA-ISH-HAN-SKA. _High Wolf._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

324. SHUN-TO"-KE-CHA-ISH-HAN-SKA. _High Wolf._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

325. SHUN"-KA-A-MA"-NA. _Coyote._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

326. SHUN"-KA-A-MA"-NA. _Coyote._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

327. CHAU-TE"-SU-TA". _Hard Heart._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

328. CHAU-TE"-SU-TA". _Hard Heart._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

329. TA-TAN"-KA-HUN"-KE-SNI. _Slow Bull._ (Front.) OGALALLA.

330. TA-TAN"-KA-HUN"-KE-SNI. _Slow Bull._ (Profile.) OGALALLA.

331. HE-HA"-KA-HE-WAN"-ZHI. _One Horned Elk._ (Copy.) OGALALLA.

332. CHU-TU"-HU-TAN"-KA. _Big Rib._ (Copy.) OGALALLA.

333. WANMBLE"-KI-CHI-ZU-PI. _War Eagle._ (Copy.) OGALALLA.

334. TA-SHUN"-KA-KO-KI-PA. _Old Man Afraid of his Horses and his Chiefs._ OGALALLA.

874. CHA-SA-TONGA. _Little Big Man._ OGALALLA.

875. TA-SHUN"-KA-KO-KI"-PA. _Young Man Afraid of his Horses._ OGALALLA.

876. WASHI-TA-TONGA. _American Horse._ OGALALLA.

877. TA-OOP-CHE-KA. _Little Wound._ OGALALLA.


879. MATO"-ZI. _Yellow Bear._ OGALALLA.

880. MATO"-YU-MNI. _Three Bears._ OGALALLA.

881. MA-WA-KA-YU-NA. _Sword._ OGALALLA.

882. WM. GARNET, Interpreter.

883. GROUP of the preceding eight numbers.

260. MA-TO"-CHU-TU"-HU. _Bear"s Rib._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

261. MA-TO"-CHU-TU"-HU. _Bear"s Rib._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

262. TA-TO"-KA-IN"-YAN-KA. _Running Antelope._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

263. TA-TO"-KA-IN"-YAN-KA. _Running Antelope._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

264. HE-MA"-ZA. _Iron Horn._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

265. HE-MA"-ZA. _Iron Horn._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

266. WA-KU"-TA-A-MA"-NI. _Walking Shooter._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

267. WA-KU"-TA-A-MA"-NI. _Walking Shooter._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

268. WA-KIN"-YAN-CHI"-TAN. _Thunder Hawk._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

269. WA-KIN"-YAN-CHI"-TAN. _Thunder Hawk._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

797. WI-CHA"-I-WE. _b.l.o.o.d.y Mouth._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

798. WI-CHA"-I-WE. _b.l.o.o.d.y Mouth._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

799. WA-KAN-TA-I-SHNI. _Lost Medicine._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

800. WA-KAN-TA-I-SHNI. _Lost Medicine._ (Profile.) ONCPAPA.

801. HE-SHA"-PA. _Black Horn._ (Front.) ONCPAPA.

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