Desharow Merman

Chapter 15

Translator: Cheonsa

Editor: Rega & Annabelle

Chapter 15

"Mr. Desharow, you named that merman… Agares?" Sakarol"s glistening eyes held astonishment, she turned to look in disbelief towards Agares that was still behind the gla.s.s hatch door. "It even responded to your call! Oh my G.o.d! It actually obeyed your order, too! How did you do it?" 

"No, no, no! You got it wrong doctor!" I came to realize my repeated mistake and hurriedly walked away from the hatch door until I was completely out of Agares"s sight. I began to beckon her  over while explaining, "That word was not the name of the merman. It-it is merely an effective way to call him to get his attention. Not only that, it was Davis who discussed that the word very likely means… very likely…." 

"Very likely means what?" Sakarol immediately followed me over. She pushed her up and looked at me in eagerness. However the next sentence I wanted to say got stuck in my throat as my breathing got cut short, making my cheeks burn red. 

I knew I must have been blushing as I did not know what scientific terminology to use to interpret what I wanted to explain. 

Courting? Estrus? Mate seeking? The desire to mate?  

No matter how I try to word it, indescribable obscure things seemed to always come to mind. If I were to explain about an orangutan or even a monkey that had similar human genes, I would not feel an ounce of embarra.s.sment, even if the orangutan showed his reproductive tools in front of me.

But if replaced by Agares, saying those words in his presence became mental torture, enough to make me feel embarra.s.sed to the point of wanting to hide away in a small crack.

Perhaps without thinking, you accidentally regarded Agares like a human? 

No, no, that"s absolutely impossible!

As I thought about this, I stared at Sakarol attentively until even the tip of my nose was sweating. Sakarol grabbed my hands and waited for my answer, which made me even more confused and had to turn to Rhine for help. He coldly looked at the ongoing scene, as if he was waiting for me to learn from my own suffering.

How hateful!

  Sakarol delivered another electric cigarette to my mouth, I took it into my lip as I swallowed a mouthful of saliva. "This… is a term expressing "I am your fellow comrade"" I swore in my heart to never lie under the name of truth-seeking science, however my mouth unexpectedly stated without consciousness, "Perhaps because of this, the merman was attracted by these strings of syllables. This must me some sort of special signal used in the merfolks population. As for the specific meaning, Davis and I had made some couple suggestions previously, but further observation is still needed."

Sakarol was obviously disappointed with my answer. She turned to Agares and sighed regretfully. “Lilith is a clone that we have worked so hard to produce. We never expected her to get easily taken down. I don"t know why this male Mermaid suddenly went mad and used her as food…”

My heart tightened along with her sentences. I didn"t even dare to take a sideways glance of Lilith"s tragic and miserable outcome as leftovers in the reservoir. Ever since that horrifying event, the guilt in my heart began to get intensively heavy and oppressive. 

I fiddled with the small b.u.t.ton on my shirt nervously, "I do not understand this point either, Davis said that the merman has been on a hunger strike ever since it was brought here, however he seems to be living in harmony with the dolphins in the same reservoir…" 

"This is the reason why, Desharow, we need your wholehearted a.s.sistance as you are the only one who could communicate with the merman." Sakarol interrupted my words. She placed her hand on my shoulder, her slender fingers trailed across my clothes and clutched lightly down onto my bone and continued to speak with intentions layered in each of her words. "You are indeed  a biology genius like Davis had said. I solemnly ask you to accept this research inst.i.tute"s employment and be the only specified person in charge of this merfolk research. I believe the achievements and gains of this research is a crucial point needed for your graduation requirement, right? The success of this research may also be equally important to the Russian Government for their biotechnology research project."

"You"re saying… to let me work for the government?" I took a deep breath, feeling a sudden drop of uncomfortable pressure, yet in the end, I simply could not refuse her request. I intuitively believed that the tone Sakarol used was not the tone of a doctor but that of a demand from an authoritative colonel. If I were to refuse, I would possibly miss an opportunity to study merfolks. Just considering this point was enough to make me accept without hesitation. I nodded.

“I accept.”

"Then, as a mentor, I should continue to give my guidance wholeheartedly to direct Desharow throughout the project. He is still quite inexperienced, nor is he a full fledged researcher, Doctor."

Rhine quickly intervened, his voice laced with unresolved tension as if he was trying to imply something from what he had said. I had never seen Rhine with such wary face acting cautious and could not help but feeling that something was off.

  Sakarol glanced meaningful at him, she crossed her arm and turned her back to him in a de-empathizing way, "Unfortunately, what I mean is that I want Desharow to complete this research project independently. Rhine, you need to trust your student, he"s just as good as you said, so as a mentor your obligation has been fulfilled." 

"No! Complete independently? Do you know how terrible of a creature that merman is? I must be responsible for the safety of my student!"  

Rhine inferred reproachfully as he blocked my body with one hand, afraid that Sakarol might forcibly abduct me while his body leaked out an abnormal amount of vigilance. This made me feel in-comprehensive. Rhine was never my guardian so there was no reason for him to restrict my own decision. So not only did he want to violate my body, he also now wanted to control my own thoughts and opinions? 

I absolutely must not let him succeed!

I believe I could do this research independently, Doctor Sakarol," I insisted, opposing Rhine"s idea while retreating back to Sakarol"s side before directly facing him. His expression was unexpectedly doused with hardened conflict, to the point of me being able to read the bottomless regret and remorse in his pupils. 

"Come back Desharow, you still have much leeway before you make your decision." 

He looked at me. His gaze was like a sharp arrow cutting into me, yet he said such puzzling sentences, confusing me. I didn"t have the time to ponder over the meaning of his words before I caught sight of Sakarol beside me raising her hand to stroke the fountain pen in her chest pocket as if wanting to pull it out to write something. Rhine"s expression immediately changed there and then as if seeing something terrifying. Without any warning, Rhine, like he was experiencing electric shock, convulsed, before the entire big man ended up on the floor with a thud. 

I was stunned, only able to stare blankly while Sakarol cried out in fear, "Oh my G.o.d! Did he just faint? We need to hurry and get him to a hospital!" 

With her loud scream, several guards that previously came with us rushed in immediately, and before I could even get a closer look, Rhine was already being carried out by them.

"Hey, wait! What"s wrong with him?" I followed after them in confusion, but was dragged to a halt by Sakarol grabbing hold of my shirt.

"Nothing"s wrong, no need to worry.  I worked with Rhine in the past. He has epilepsy[1]. It can occur easily if he gets too immersed in his emotions. But rest a.s.sured, he would get the immediate treatment needed. The best hospital in Iceland is located just ahead of this laboratory."

[1. It"s when something trigger an abnormal electrical discharge in your brain. Often end in convulsing and fainting  ]

"Oh, this is truly shocking." I rea.s.sured my heart but was still feeling something unimaginable. Rhine looked as healthy as a st.u.r.dy soldier. I never expected him to be diagnosed with epilepsy. No wonder why sometimes I sense an aura of a lunatic when around Rhine.

That evening, under Sakarol"s arrangements, the observation unit located on the third floor, was furnished with my very own desk, a bed, and even a simple bathroom set; made to replicate the view of my old room. I was very satisfied—to say the least—not just from the accurate and homely representation but also the perks that came with living here. Now I"d be able to go all out in researching without any hesitation and with the transparent gla.s.s as flooring, it gave me a clear view of the enclosure below from up top.  

However, despite there being a highly developed tech barrier in place to protect me, sharing the same s.p.a.ce with the merman still felt somewhat unsettling. Sakarol had already a.s.sured me that there were guards stationed right outside the door, and I could call for help anytime through the programmed computer on the desk- in which they would immediately rush in to protect me. Moreover, she handed me an anesthetic type of machine gun -the one which could fire consecutive times- before she left the lab. With everything set in place, I became more at ease with my fear dispelled. 

Tonight is probably gonna be another sleepless night.

Because… now I have a laboratory of my own, especially one that was submerged under the water.  And tomorrow I will be able to start my merfolk research, something that I had been looking forward to for many years. 

These thoughts could make one very excited. 

I closed my eyes trying to calmly go to sleep, and eventually I fell into a deep dream.

Happy Reading


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