Destined For You

Chapter 3

"Sumi, do you think you have done right?" Soumya argued. "You told me that you will introduced me to him. Then why did you not do that?" She hates her sister"s selfish behavior.

"Just calm down my baby sister...." Sumi said as she comfortably sit on the bed. "Why are you shouting like I did something wrong?" She played as innocent.

"You think you are right?" Soumya asked completely annoyed by her cool nature.

"Yes! I did the right thing. Or you tell me, how could I tell him in the first meeting my sister and me cheated on you. It"s really difficult, Soumya." Sumi justified herself.

"You could tell him the truth, if you want." Soumya muttered. She knew that Sumi did that intentionally.

"You sound like I have stolen your boyfriend." Sumi jumped in front of her like a tiger. "He"s just your chatting friend, no. But you are behaving like I came as a villain into your perfect love story."

That question stuck on her deeply. They were always behaving like good friends rather than lovers. Then why did she feel hurt.

"We are friends, nothing more." Soumya claimed as nothing more than friendship. But she knew that well, he"s her special friend.

"I am also his friend. He himself said that. So you can"t blame me." Sumi stated.

"But you were cheating on him, taking my place." Soumya rebuked.

"Last time I checked you were the one who told me to help you. Now I am a cheater?" Sumi chided, her sister"s blaming really hurt her ego. "Soumya, you forget one thing, he"s expected my face there not your good for nothing messages."

Soumya gulped down the lump that formed in her throat as she realized the hidden meaning of her words. Sumi indirectly said that she was good for nothing. Somewhat she was right, n.o.body wanted a handicap girl as a partner.

"And let me clear one more thing I want to make friendship with him. Don"t try to ruin it with your stupid ego." Sumi mercilessly threw on her harsh words.

Soumya"s eyes began to moisture. What her sister declared her as a bad girl. "Sumi?"

"And we had exchanged our numbers so he is not gonna be active there. Don"t waste your time for expecting him." Sumi said firmly.

Soumya couldn"t comprehend herself why did her words hurt deeply as someone squeezed her heart. Today she had seen him for the first time and today she lost him as well. She said to herself she didn"t deserve him. Days were pa.s.sed, Raj and Sumi were getting closer day by day. Day and night they"re talking nonstop. They had even met again in the same without Soumya. Their friendship began to change as a love within days.  Sumi was on cloud nine as she got her prince charming while Soumya was broken for losing her first love.


Sumi screamed running outside when she saw his car. "Raj....!!!" She literally jumped on him and hugged tightly.

"Sumi," he kissed her cheek. They looked each other lost in their own world forgetting others presence.

"Are you ready for our first date?" He asked keeping some distance between them.

"I am super excited!" She chirped.

His eyes roamed around as if he"s searching for someone. "And by the way, where is your sister? Is she ready?" Sumi had already asked his permission to take along her sister with them. Because her mother warned her not to go anywhere leaving, Soumya alone.

"Soumya!" Sumi called out.

Soumya wheeled herself before them. She was happy today. Now she got the chance to talk to him.

Sumi walked over to her side and introduced her to him, "Raj, she is my only sister, Soumya." Raj just nodded.

"Soumya, I think you don"t need a special introduction for him." Sumi wrapped her hand around him, "he is my Raj....Raj Nanda."
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Soumya tried not to show her disappointment. She said profoundly. "Nice to meet you." Her face fell when she owning a sympathetic smile from him. She hates when someone pity her.

"Sumi, told me about you. How are you feeling now?" Raj inquired formally.

"I am good." She could feel a sharp pain clutching her heart witnessing their love moments. She needed to find a distraction. She switched her eyes to the car where someone was leaning against the car while speaking on the phone.

She pointed her finger, "who is he? Your brother?"

Sumi turned around and raised her eyebrow, "Raj, who"s he? I have never seen him before. He is leaning on your car like he owned."

Raj smiled, "he"s my friend." He paced towards the car along with her.

"Arun," Arun turned around still talking, "meet, Susmitha and this is her sister, Soumya." He just glanced at them and back to his conversation.

"And, Sumi he"s my best friend, Arun Verma." Raj owned a glare from her.

"This arrogant guy is your best friend? Did you not get someone else?" Sumi strode over to her sister.

"Hey, he"s not arrogant." Raj followed her and helped her to put Soumya on seat.

They put, Soumya on the pa.s.senger seat while they took the back seats for their privacy. After ending the call, Arun too joined them. When he got inside his eyes locked with fearful eyes of Soumya. She didn"t know why but she got intimidated by his close presence. She didn"t know if he was happy with driving beside a handicap. His face said that he didn"t like the sisters.

Her lips curved up gave him a polite smile. But he didn"t return the smile, instead he ignited the engine. She turned her head and fixed her eyes on the road.


In the restaurant, Raj and Sumi were seated separately in a corner while Arun and Soumya were awkwardly sitting together. Soumya couldn"t believe her sister ditched her to a stranger. She didn"t know what to do with him. Never she left alone with a man before. She stared at the corner seat where Raj and Sumi were weaving their dreams.

She heard somebody cleared his throat. Her eyes again locked with him. She smiled, knowing he caught her staring at them.

Her lips turned, "Hi!"

"Hi!" He said not interested.

Nervousness crept over her. She didn"t know how to start a conversation with him. "h.e.l.lo!"

"Do you not know anything other than "Hi" and "h.e.l.lo"?" He asked annoyingly.

She felt bad for making him upset. She had no experience in talking with a man alone. "Sorry...." She apologized.

He raised his eyebrow, "for what?"

Her face fell to her lap, terrified by his  intimidation. What if he yells at her for disturbing him. So she chose to keep silent.

He noticed her uneasiness near him. He tried not to smile before her scared face. She was sitting in front of him like a frightening kid. Was he a demon in her eyes. He needed to make her comfort or she might end up in crying.

"They look perfect, don"t they?"

She raised her eyes to face him. She stared at him as if not hear well. He gestured her to behind. She followed his gaze. "Yeah, they are perfect." She mumbled not sure what she meant.

"I didn"t get one thing, how could someone fall in love with a person without seeing and knowing personally." He chuckled.

She sighed in relief as he"s not angry on her. She joined him, "that means he"s in love with her when they were chatting, right?" She wanted to make sure if he felt something for her the way she did.

"Well, I am not certain about whether it"s a love or attraction or merely friendship. But I could feel that he wanted her presence in his life like he had been waiting for years." He said he had seen his soul.

She was overwhelmed by his words. Her heart throbbing in her ribcage as it would explode. "Does he truly loves her that much?"

"She is his universe."

She couldn"t help but getting more hurt by his words. He"s loving her when they"re chatting like just friends. Now they saw each other but not find.

"You are his best friend so you must know that, your friend loving my sister"s personality or her beauty?" She wanted to make it clear at least for herself.

He spared a glance at Raj before saying, "definitely my friend fell before your sister"s beauty." He said the truth. 

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