Destined For You

Chapter 4

Soumya"s life turned to blur as it was before he came to her little world. She became the old self gloomy. She didn"t even tried to message him again as she was warned by Sumi. Nevertheless she kept checking on his profile, he was active there now and then but never he drop a message.

She stared at his messages and reading it again and again whenever she felt she was alone. Especially the one "I am with you". It"s enough for her to be happy. She loved him through his words, not his face.

Now she began to accept Raj and Sumi"s relationship. She believed that he would find her if he really loved her but he did not find her yet. She consoled herself by telling he was not born for her. She was aware of her limits so she accepted the reality.

She couldn"t even blame her sister completely. Because she was equally guilty as her. She used her sister"s photo instead of her. Now her sister took her place. Both of them cheated on him in someway. Therefore they"re even. If she could know one day he would come for her, she would not do that. And not only that Sumi was unaware of her feelings for him. For her, they"re just chatting with friends.


They came to a movie theater where n.o.body"s there except they four. Sumi and Raj were walked away holding their hands left behind the third wheels; Arun and Soumya. Arun parked the car and he was about to get out he turned to his other side.

"Ah...Sumi," Soumya said.

Arun raised his eyebrow, "Do you need my help?"

"Actually I need her help. I think she has forgotten me taking out." Soumya glanced outside hopefully as Sumi would be coming back.

"Probably she is," he slid out and took out the wheelchair from the trunk and set it near her door side.

She was gawking at him not getting what he was up to do with her wheelchair. He opened the door and hold out his hand, "come I help you."

She stared at his extended hand with wide eyes. No way she would place her hand in his. "Thanks! But I can manage myself."

He folded his hands across his chest looking down at her with a smile. He wanted to see how could she manage herself to get out. She threw a smile towards him before trying to get up. She couldn"t lift her right leg as she felt heaviness on it. She didn"t know why but she couldn"t do that. She kept trying but failed miserably. She could feel her body getting weak.

She whispered, "Sorry! I can"t...." she lowered her head.

"Sorry is your favorite word?" He smirked. She raised her eyes, he"s mocking her. "You always use that more than enough."

She became a burden to him. He might be cursing her in his mind. She thought. "You can go. Maybe she will come back or I will sit here till when the movie ended."

"Don"t you know if you sitting alone, you will scare. That too in a closed car." She was perplexed with his words. How did he knew that her fear of sitting alone. But his further statement made it clear. "It"s a common thing, anyone get scared such situations."

Her lips turned upwards. "Well, I will try again." She again tried to lift her weight.

He had no time to waste here. He had to step in. "Wait," he bent down and scooped her in his arms. Her eyes wide like a soccer. A shiver crawled upon her spine as his rough hands touched her. She was afraid of the reactions in her body as snow exploded in her stomach. He was the first one who takes her in his arms. Perhaps it was her nervousness.

His breathing caressed her face as he bore into her eyes, "Trust me, I won"t drop you down ever." He carefully placed her on the wheelchair and sat on his knees and gently placed her feet on the pedals. Her eyes were on him as she was scared to take off.

He snapped his fingers to bring back her from reverie. "Let"s go!"

"My bag," she gestured to inside the car. He took the bag and gave to her.

"Thanks!" She whispered.

"Thanks for what? For giving you the bag or taking you in my arms." He teased her and walked around the wheelchair to push forward. Her cheeks painted in dark red as she couldn"t hide the blush.

Just as they entered into the theater Sumi running over to them.

"I am so sorry...." She suddenly apologized. Soumya squeezed her hand slightly as accepted her apology.

"How did you came out? Did he help you?" Sumi asked.

"Thanks to him. He carried me out." Soumya said glancing up to him.

"Thank you!" Sumi said grinning.

"You had better remember next time." He said in his cold tone as he walked away.

Sumi cursed him under her breath as she took her sister inside. Soumya chuckled in aware that they didn"t like each other.

"Surprise!!!" Raj caught a hold of her hand. "It"s our first movie watching together. So it should be special."

Sumi rolled her eyes in the empty theater. "Don"t tell me you booked the all theater just for us."

Raj said grinning ear to ear. "Oh! It"s nothing, baby. If you want, I will buy this theater for you."

"You always surprised me, Raj. You are the best!" Sumi kissed his cheek.

"I have a lot of surprises for you." He took her inside and settled down comfortably.

"She again forget me." Soumya muttered.

"But I didn"t." Soumya looked up as she owned a smile from him.

Arun helped her again settled down comfortably on a seat. And he sat on four seats away from the same row. It"s a romantic movie they"re watching. It"s quite embarra.s.sed her because just four of them in a big hall. It"s the first ever experience in her life, maybe the last.

Soumya peeked to the couples whom were kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. Their hungry kisses made her eyes shut. She couldn"t take this pain anymore. Her eyes caught a pair of eyes staring at her.

She wanted to facepalm herself for being a stupid always. He had again caught her staring at them. She took out a bottle of water from her bag to cover up her flushed face. After gulping down some water she offered it to him.

He came and sat beside her. She mouthed. "Water?"

He took the bottle from her hand. "Thanks!"

"Did you bring it from your home?" He asked leaned to her ear as the movie running before them.

She smiled showing her dimples, "yes."

She averted her eyes to the screen but it"s biggest mistake she did, where the hero and heroine doing an intimate scene. Her eyes went wide as she couldn"t watch the scene with him. What situation she got into. She herself called him near her. She checked his expression from the corner of her eyes. His full focus on the screen as he was studying the scene well.

"Shameless man" She thought.

There was no necessity to call him here and offered her bottle. She did herself and made the situation worse.
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Suddenly his eyes were on her face. Her face paled. His closeness burning her body. She turned her head to avoid the awkwardness rising between them. As if reading her uneasiness he returned to his previous seat.

"How did he know what I want?" She thought to herself. Anyway she thanked him inwardly.


Sumi and her family members came to his farmhouse as Raj specially invited them for dinner. Her parents accepted their relationship as they considered it as her fortune.

"Raj," her father peeped in.

"Yes, uncle." Raj raised his eyebrow.

"You didn"t tell me yet what you are doing." Her father inquired.

"Actually, uncle--" he coughed, "sorry." He took a gla.s.s of water and drank it slowly. Before he could answer back, Sumi beat him.

"Papa, he"s a CEO of one of the biggest companies in New York." Raj choked his water.

Sumi patted his head, "what happened?"

"Nothing." He wiped his mouth with a tissue paper. "How did you get to know?" He had no clue about where did she get the information. He never shared his business related things to her.

"I knew that you will get shocked when I said this. Did you think I will not find who you are?" Raj stared at her.

"Raj, I know everything about you. I happened to see some files in your car. It clearly say about your company and your position." Sumi chirped. She couldn"t ask anything more as she got a billionaire as her boyfriend.

"I am so lucky!!!" Sumi said batting her eyelashes.

"New York?"

"Actually I am going to settle down in India. Therefore my business shifted from New York to here. Now its process are going on." Arun gave him a sly smile as Raj winked at him.

"And you beta? What are you doing?" Her father threw another question to Arun.

Arun gulped down the food in his throat. "Umm....uncle, I am an Architect."

"That"s good! I hope you are busy with your work." Her father stated.

"Quite busy...." he nodded and looked at Soumya whose eyes were at him. He smiled just for her.

"And your family?" Her mother asked out of the blue, "father and mother?"

His face worn a sudden sorrow like he didn"t wish to talk about it more. "I am living alone." His eyes suddenly met with hers who"s giving him a quizzical look as wanted to continue. "Excuse me!" He had no appet.i.te to continue as he stopped his dinner and escaped from other questions.

"Did I make him upset?" Her mother asked worried.

"Never mind! He gets emotional when he was talking about his family. That"s it." Raj affirmed.

"What happened to his family?" It"s Soumya who asked making herself surprised.

"His parents got separated when he was just eight years old. Only his grandma was there to look after him. He is a grandma boy. He loved her a lot. But she left him one month ago. Now he"s alone." Raj explained.

"Oh! That"s very sad!" Her mother said.

Soumya looked over her shoulder, he was sitting alone and looking down at his phone as reading something. She could sense he was in grief yet he masked it well just like her. She wished she could walk, she would go to him and console. He withdrew his eyes on the screen and shot them directly to her as he was aware of her expecting eyes. A smile spread across her lips as a reflection of his when he smiled. She never knew that somebody"s smile made her happy until he did.

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