Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 86: Fantastic Magic Cla.s.s ( Part II ).

 Chapter 86: Fantastic Magic Cla.s.s ( Part II ).

 Wu Ling Feng started the first magic lesson in other people"s interests. The fantastic cla.s.sroom made him feel very fresh.

 Horira, seeing that the number of the magic cla.s.s had almost reached its total, began to give lectures. The windows in the cla.s.sroom were closed one after another, and all the light outside was blocked. Then the magic lamp on the top of the cla.s.sroom lit up.

 " Now we will start our In the first section, we mainly focus on the basic knowledge of magic. We should listen carefully, because these are things you have never heard of in foreign countries. Please look at your desks ..."

 In everyone"s surprise, the magic desk began to change, and then a picture appeared in front of everyone"s eyes, a magical seven-pointed star array.

 Wu Ling Feng was a little surprised. Is this video teaching? This strange desk can actually play videos like a computer. It looks very real, but it can"t be touched by hands like a touchscreen would do. How is this controlled? Isn"t it amazing?

 Horira went on to say: " White light elements, cyan wind elements, red fire elements, blue water elements, yellow earth elements, light blue thunder elements, and black dark elements const.i.tute this colorful world. Of course, they do not rule out some special existence, such as magic energy of life, soul, and s.p.a.ce, and of course there are magic energy of the variation systems, such as the variation ice system of water system, the variation air system of wind system, the variation blood system of dark system, the variation gravity system of earth system, etc., but the most basic elements are the seven basic elements.

 Magic element is a kind of energy existing in s.p.a.ce. Using magic is to make one"s spirit resonate with the energy of magic elements in the outside world, thus generating corresponding magic in a certain s.p.a.ce range. So how to achieve resonance, this requires the chanting of spells, each kind of magic has a specific chanting spells, mastering these spells will release the magic. Every word of magic spells has a special spiritual amplitude, and connecting the spiritual amplitudes produced by these words const.i.tutes what we call spells.

 Spells are not as simple as you think. Any person can cast spells successfully as long as he can read them smoothly. It is impossible for everyone to succeed in an instant when learning a strange magic. The most talented person can succeed only if he fails once. Spells can be cast correctly only if they reach an agreed vibration wave with spirit. Then the following is the key point. The composition of the consistent vibration wave of spells and spirit.

 Maybe a lot of people used to practice magic time and time again, and then one day they suddenly happened to cast magic, which means that you have learned ... but the truth is, please look at your desks ... "

 Then a complete skeleton frame appeared on the desk of Wu Ling Feng and others. On the right side of the skeleton frame appeared several symbols: sun, moon, flame, mountain range, current, lightning and sickle.

 Horira said: " You probably see that on your skeletons during the entrance examination, you found the magic symbol on the right side carved on your skeletons. That"s the point.

 From the long-term research in our college, it is concluded that human energy comes from the strength in bones. The stronger the skeleton is, the stronger the human strength will be. The skeleton of G.o.d can be said to have been completely crystallized into magic. The bone marrow is an intermediary that guides the resonance between magic spells and spirit.

 There are 206 bones in the human body. One bone can be inscribed with a magic spell. That is to say, a person can master up to 6 magic spells. Of course, there are also high-quality bones and low-quality bones in the 6 bones. The highest skeleton is the human head, followed by vertebrae, trunk bones and limb bones.

[is it really 206? I forgot... But, I won"t change it just because they are "technically" not human and are aliens from the people of earth"s perspective]

 When we practice certain spells, these spells will be engraved on our bones. Some geniuses can engrave magic on low-end bones, such as limb bones, while some crane tails can only engrave magic spells on high-end bones, such as skull bones. Now, how can I say that?

 Imagine that your current low-level magic is engraved on high-end bones. Where will you engrave it if you learn the magic guiding technique or even spell prohibition? There is no place and no place to engrave it, thus the placement of the engravings matter.

 Of course, this kind of spell engraving can be divided into two types, one is conscious and the other is unconscious. For example, nowadays, you always engrave low-level magic on the low-level bone. This is the privilege of geniuses. For example, the magic CD cla.s.s members have the privilege of fools, that is, to unconsciously engrave low-level magic on the high-level bone.

 So how do you consciously carry out magic engraving so that fools can also become geniuses? This method is only owned by our strongest magic academy and is the most unique in the whole continent. This is why even fools who arrive at the strongest magic academy can enjoy unlimited scenery after leaving the academy.

 I will take you to a place tomorrow for this kind of conscious engraving. When you arrive, you will understand as I will continue to explain now.

 Have you seen the seven symbols on the right side of the skeleton frame? The sun, moon, flame, mountain range, water flow, lightning and sickle represent the seven magic systems of light, dark, fire, earth, water, thunder and wind. Magic spells will be engraved on the bones in the form of these symbols. Of course, besides these seven magic symbols, there are other magic symbols, such as ancient elf language, ancient goblin language, dragon language, ancient totem language, ancient fishman language, divine language, ancient refined gold language, chaotic language, ancient ghost language, etc.

 Wu Lingfeng, the chief student of Cla.s.s A, has inscribed the skull spell symbol in his body with the divine language and the language of the G.o.ds, because he is a descendant of the G.o.ds and is naturally able to comprehend all kinds of magic of the G.o.ds. This is also the reason why he can instantly cast magic.

 Of course, there is one thing worth noting, that is, there are different kinds of G.o.ds, natural G.o.ds and epigenetic G.o.ds. Natural G.o.ds are G.o.ds created by the creator G.o.d, they are natural G.o.ds, epigenetic G.o.ds are evolved into their own G.o.ds, Wu Ling Feng, your cla.s.smate, is probably a descendant of natural G.o.ds, after all, there is no example of instantaneous magic in the inheritance of epigenetic G.o.ds.

 After understanding the symbols of magic spells, we will talk about the level of spells. It is also the symbol of flame spells. Why should there be black and cyan? This is about the cla.s.sification of magicians, from low-level magicians to middle-level magicians, senior magicians, mage, intermediate mage, great mage and dharma G.o.ds. The representative colors of these seven grades are black ( black iron ), cyan ( bronze ), silver ( silver ), gold ( gold ), dark gold ( dark gold ), crystal ( crystal ) and myriad ( myriad ).

 The symbol level of magic spells will be arranged in these seven colors. The low-level magic is black ( black iron ), the intermediate magic is cyan ( bronze ), the advanced magic is silver ( silver ), the first-level magic is gold ( gold ), the second-level magic is dark gold ( dark gold ), the third-level magic is crystal ( crystal ), and the final forbidden spell is a myriad of seven colors.

 To our surprise, since the beginning of the strongest magic school, the only person who has mastered the forbidden spell at the first level is in our cla.s.s. He is our Wu Lingfeng cla.s.smate. His forehead bone above his skull has been inscribed with a colorful inscription of divine language. There is no mistake. It is a forbidden spell. As to whether it will start, ha ha, I don"t think anyone dare to try it.

 Moreover, after the appraisal of several dharma G.o.ds in the college, Wu lingfeng"s forbidden spell is original magic, that is to say, it was there when he was born, and it is also worth noting that if, I mean, if one of you girls married him, then your children will have this original forbidden spell after they are born, and he/she will be a descendant of G.o.ds, this is the only one in the whole continent. As long as there is no accident, regardless of how many children you have, they will become G.o.ds, and the original forbidden spell will become a symbol of G.o.d. "

 I have one? ? !

 Wu Lingfeng listened to the last sentence Horira, and he almost fell off the bench directly. Please, don"t make such a special declaration, ok? Have mercy!!!

 Horira said so, so people looked at Wu Ling Feng. The boys have clear expressions of envy, jealousy and hatred, while girls are naturally obsessed with it. Even the two light elf beauties frequently look askance at Wu Ling Feng. Giving birth to a child means giving birth to a G.o.d. Giving birth to a bunch of children means giving birth to a bunch of G.o.ds. d.a.m.n, isn"t it so that you can take the children to conquer the world and rule the planet.

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