Devil's Rise

Chapter 162

"It"s rude to teleport right into other"s cities, young lord. I teleported us outside as is commonly customary to devils," said Azon.

"Good Azon, let"s go investigate this city and see why they are holding my Mira hostage," I said.

Azon and I started walking towards the frozen city, I was in no rush. If they wouldn"t hand me my woman then their city can be destroyed off the face of the map! This Xanoth family needed to learn their place within the Xertzul Abyss.

Their place was beneath this young lord! For this young lord"s grandfather was the Holy Emperor, who dares question my words?

Azon and I slowly walked into the quaint city. It was very crowded throughout the streets. There was some type of big event going on. I would have to investigate this large event, I came to start trouble anyway. What better way to start trouble than cras.h.i.+ng a major event?

"Dear devils and lesser races, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Mira Xanoth and Agon Zagell. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so they have decided to live together as husband and wife"

My face soured when I heard the old devil proceeding over the ceremony speaking nonsense. Did someone dare to steal this young lord"s bride? This young lord was the stealer of brides!

"Azon, I want no one to leave here alive," I said.

Just like that, I sentenced everyone here to die.

"Understood, young lord it"s time this old butler stretched these old bones," said Azon as his face changed. It was a face I had never seen before. Azon was no longer my old butler. His face was now young and vibrant, dignified, and proud.

He had crystal blue eyes and waist-length long blond hair. His form had a strange eerie attractiveness to it.

He then pulled out a gigantic curved executioner ax that he draped over his shoulder. Seeing that ax brought fear to my very soul. This was the first time I had seen a weapon bring fear to my heart. The number of cultivators stronger than me that had died under this ax was in the millions. It was an ominous weapon that reeked of blood and death.

His ax was a true weapon of slaughter.

"This is the form most of the Xertzul Abyss knows me as young lord. If I am to commit slaughter they should do well to know who they offended," said Azon as he walked beside me.

His arrogance was truly unleashed in this form. It was befitting of his status as a member of the Holy Rossen Empire.

This was the first time I had been scared to see another cultivator. It was purely instinctual. As soon as Azon transformed he had released his hidden aura, it wasn"t even a domain. This was beyond the level of my hollow aura by many times. I truly could not understand the perplexity of what happened.

All I knew was if I faced him I would die. There was no redemption if he came at you with that blade. Those that were sentenced to die under his blade were a.s.sured a quick death. In my mind, I could see him killing me a thousand times over. True instinctual fear.

"I"ve come to reclaim my woman, all that stand in my way shall die," I said walking up with Azon by my side.

I saw Mira and the sc.u.mbag next to her turn around in pure astonishment to what was happening.

"Soulless how dare you to come here! I told you that you were unworthy of this dark mistress and you dare show your face here today. This dark mistress does not need a sc.u.m outcasted from his clan like you. I am marrying into the great Zagell clan of the Zagell Empire. I wanted you to live for our past love but you had to come to seek death!" screamed Mira.

"This is the Zagelle Empire! How dare you interrupt the ceremony of a Zagell clan member, that"s grounds for clan extermination!" said Agon Zagell.

"I"m not sure what"s going on in that stupid little head of yours Mira. You are my woman, that will never change. Rather you be my wife or my slave makes no difference to me. The fact that another would lay their filthy hands-on to what is mine simply disgusts me. Those that disgust this young lord meet death," I said as I grabbed a chair laid out for the wedding and took a seat.

"Kill everyone but Mira, and wrap her up for this young lord. I will teach my new slave to behave properly in due time," I said.

I didn"t have any hate for Mira or any love for her either. My heart was cold. She was my woman. Since she brazenly took this young lord"s virginity she should accept the consequences. Even if she would only be a dog on a leash, she still would be mine.

"My ladys.h.i.+p"s son has sentenced everyone here to die," shouted Azon as he rose up into the sky.

"What is the meaning of this?" said the old devil presiding over the ceremony.

Azon swung his ax once.


The old devil"s body exploded into a cloud of blood.

"The weak have no right to speak," said Azon.

Mira and the idiot next to her faces changed in pure astonishment as they saw Azon execute the devil presiding over the ceremony so swiftly. He must have been quite strong to garner that kind of reaction from them.

"That… That Ax… I recognize it!" screamed one old devil on the front row of the ceremony as he took out a talisman.

"All of you fools deserve death," said the old devil with the talisman in his hand.

"Ignorant Xanoth and Zagell clans, you dare offend someone related to the Executioner. If you are seeking death don"t drag the rest of us with you!" he said before teleporting away with his talisman.

"It"s been a long time since I"ve taken a stroll in the Xertzul Abyss. It"s good some still remember me," said Azon as he swung his Ax again.

A blood rain filled the sky, no doubt the b.l.o.o.d.y remains of the devil that tried to teleport away.

A strange evil grin dotted Azon"s beautiful face. It was filled with such malice and insanity it was hard to think the face was so attractive.

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