Devil's Rise

Chapter 163

"Ignorant Xanoth and Zagell clans, you dare offend someone related to the Executioner. If you are seeking death don"t drag the rest of us with you!" he said before teleporting away with his talisman.

"It"s been a long time since I"ve taken a stroll in the Xertzul Abyss. It"s good some still remember me," said Azon as he waved his Ax.

A blood rain filled the sky, no doubt the b.l.o.o.d.y remains of the devil that tried to teleport away.

A strange evil grin dotted Azon"s beautiful face. It was filled with such malice and insanity it was hard to think the face was so attractive.

"The Executioner? The most wanted criminal in all of the Xertzul Abyss?" asked one old devil woman by the side.

"I thought the Executioner died in combat to King Rossen when he was establis.h.i.+ng his name," said another devil.

"Why did you guys have to seek death and drag us into it," said another.

"We seek mercy, great Executioner," said one devil who was at the front of the ceremony.

The s.a.d.i.s.tic looking Azon was just enjoying every moment of this. Their cries and hopes for leniency were just filling him with joy. His grin kept growing, he enjoyed watching his preys squirm.

"If it was my decision, I could very well let you live. I take no joy in slaughtering the weak. But my young lord sentenced you all to die. As a great Executioner, how could I let his will not be executed?" said the smiling Azon as he released his Ax.

A b.l.o.o.d.y domain filled the entire city as screams overcast every sound.




"I"ll give you anything!"

"Take my treasures instead!"

It was truly pathetic, so this was the fate of the weak. No amount of status or backing could protect them from this senseless slaughter. They would die, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This moment made me truly desire strength above everything else.

What if I was caught in this situation?

Not even my mother could save me from this type of widespread slaughter. Somehow Dex had popped out when the slaughter was being committed. The little puppy went to go fetch souls at a time like this!

"Bark, all useless," said Dex as he shook his head and headed back into the Codex with the fetched souls.

Azon was a deranged artist wielding an ax. After about a minute the entire city was painted red with blood. Everyone residing in it was slaughtered. The only ones left alive were me, Azon, and Mira.

"You offended me, Mira. The fact that you live is your gift of ten lifetimes. Remember, it was because of your own actions that your devil clan was slaughtered and their lineage extinguished," I said as I sent forth a u003cSoul Brandu003e into Mira.

She was caught off guard in her grief and immediately subjected to my u003cSoul Brandu003e. She was now my slave in body and mind. She would make a fine plaything for this young lord.

I made her come beside me in her blood-stained wedding dress as she looked like a broken doll. Her eyes were dead. Tears started flowing live a river down her face.

"How? How could you?" said Mira as she sat there with her face blank.

"I am Soulless," I said.

Azon put away his ax and transformed back into his old butler form, and dusted off his hands.

He s.h.i.+fted his eyes back and forth.

"Young lord… It is time to leave," said Azon as he grabbed me and Mira and ported away.


A couple seconds after Azon left with James in tow a ma.s.sive presence came over the town.

"Who dares commit such slaughter in my Zagell Empire!" said a booming voice.


We didn"t appear in Coalfell like I thought we would. Now we were in a foreign snowy mountain I had never seen before.

A top of the snow-covered peak lay an enormous castle with six lean square towers forming the walls on the side of the castle. Heavy walls reinforced by ice-stone. Glacial windows are scattered here and there across the walls in a random pattern.

Azon motioned me to follow as he lead me into a magnificent throne hall.

Slim braziers at the bottoms of glacial columns light up the entire throne hall in a warm yellow glow. The gems of many artworks askew the ceiling dance within the flickering light as long dead ice dragons look down upon the floor of this marvelous hall. Rows of intricately lain dragon bones lined the hall.

A magnificent throne of marble ice, sits behind a lavish gate of frozen wood. The magnificent throne of marble ice has the [s.h.i.+vergarde] emblem inlaid within it. A golden rug ran down from the throne, coming to banners with the [s.h.i.+vergarde] logo engrossed on to them.

My mother was there sitting on the throne, looking down.

"Azon, what kind of trouble did you cause?" said my mother.

"It was nothing, your ladys.h.i.+p… I just went for a simple stroll and exterminated a devil clan and killed a bunch of Zagell clan descendants… Nothing to be worried about," said Azon as he looked down.

My mother put her hand on her head and shook her head.

"We"ve talked about this, you are not to go about committing ma.s.s slaughters anymore. Ever since this princess" father subdued you, you have gracefully served as my servant. What caused you to do something so foolish," said my mother.

"This ungrateful woman spat on the pride of your son. Planning to marry a Zagell Empire descendant. The young lord asked me to kill them all, so I did. The young lord decided to keep the woman as a slave," said Azon.

"They deserved death!" yelled my mother.

"And you little dumb s.l.u.t, how dare you offend my son. You had the good fortune of a lifetime to be his woman. Yet you dare run off with some other devil. You deserve death as well," said my mother as she waved her hand killing Mira on the spot.

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