Devil's Touch

Chapter 3.


She stands in front of him, and finally he looks up at her.

"Get me the number of the private investigator we use for the high profile cases."

"Marc Jones."

"I can"t remember his name. The one we used in the case of the beach house."

Petra nods her head.



"Yes, Petra. Now. I need that number now."

"It"s a little late for this case when you have to be in court by nine tomorrow."

Nathan looks at her with tired eyes.

"It"s not for this case."

His hand falls heavily on the stack of papers she has just dropped. Pieces of paper are scattered all over the desk.

"And before you leave, you can organize these papers you have thrown all over the place."

He"s still looking at her.

"And the number. Now."

Petra turns around and leaves the room. Nathan slowly walks over to the fireplace. Deep in thoughts, he doesn"t hear Petra returning before she hands him a card. He looks at her.

"The number."

He nods his head.

"The case."

He nods his head in the direction of the table. Then he leaves the room as he takes out his phone from his pocket.

Chapter 3.

Petra is annoyed and her movements are hectic. She doesn"t really look at the papers, but merely gathers them and puts them in the case file.


She starts when she hears his voice so close to her. She didn"t hear him come in. She quickly looks at the papers in front of her. She knows they"re still a mess, and it wouldn"t be first time if he told to her stay until everything is in order.

He looks her in the eye and then down at the case file - one fingertip tapping the brown cardboard.

"Did you even try?"

She looks down at the file and then back up at him. His brown eyes are always disturbingly calm in situations like this.

"Make sure the papers are put in the right order."

He turns around and walks over to the window. Petra"s smile gets tighter, and she"s already trying to make up an excuse to give her boyfriend.

She"ll be late again. She knows she"ll be in trouble again. He has asked her many times to find another job, but she knows that working for Nathan will help her in her future career. She takes a deep breath and lowers her shoulders. Nathan watches her reflection in the window, but a sudden movement outside catches his attention. He can"t focus too well because of Petra"s reflection. His breathing is calm when he walks closer to the dark window. Petra looks up to check what he"s doing, but she doesn"t stop working - after working for him for five years, she has learned not to ask. Not working in the city had been a huge change, and only recently has she begun to enjoy the drive up the hills overlooking the big gardens and the city. The drive takes almost an hour every way, and even if she enjoys the ride, it"s also a problem because of her son. Her boyfriend often has to leave work early to pick him up. Nathan has stopped moving around. She looks up from the case file and catches her own reflection in the dark windows. It looks like a scene from a movie - the fireplace, the thick carpets, the large wooden doors. There, behind the beautiful desk is a professionally dressed, typical working woman in her thirties. Maybe her career dress is a little too obvious - revealing her doubt in herself? Her face doesn"t look relaxed, which seems somehow ominous to her. She hears the sound of the curtains moving and returns to her work.

Evy triggers the motion sensors outside and the lights turn on.

"Petra, the motion sensors need adjusting. They are too slow."


Nathan raises one eyebrow, sighing resignedly. He stands up as he watches how Evy tries to balance her umbrella in the strong wind. He thinks she has a self-conscious way of walking, and wonders if she knows he"s watching her. Actually, he doesn"t really care. It"s OK if she knows he"s watching her. He"s sure she"s enjoying it and maybe even wants him to. He shrugs.

"It"s what she does for a living after all."

His voice is low, but Petra notices the unpleasant tone of voice. She looks over at him, but he doesn"t seem to notice her. She works faster - her breath is trapped in her chest. She knows that feeling. It"s fear.

Evy stops in front of the double-parked, black Mercedes. It leaves no room for other cars. Nathan notices that it"s the latest model. It has only been on the market for a couple of months, and, from his golf club, he knows there"s a waiting list. Little tics form around his mouth as the image of his wife"s face tries to force out the real world once again. He bows his head, and his long hair, which is normally brushed back, falls in front of his eyes. He slowly brushes it back - his thoughts seem to stumble over each other. "How did she get into my head like this? I"m an old defense attorney. I have defended people who should never have been let loose. My colleagues would say that I have no conscience." He looks up, following her every move like a hungry animal. She bends down a little to open the car door, calmly holding her umbrella over herself. She slides into the seat slowly, and her skirt rides up a little and reveals the long, shapely legs that he knew she had. She pulls in her legs and bends over to close the door. Her shirt falls open a little.

"Not too little - not too much." Nathan makes a small, satisfied noise. He"s beginning to understand why Stuart has decided to leave her money in spite of what his family might think. He takes a deep breath and imagines how the family will fight at first, but eventually resign to protect the family name. Stuart has told him enough details about his family"s many mistakes to make sure that a case against Evy will never get to court. The car door slams and he turns away.

The car door closes with a click and she smiles as she runs her fingers over the steering wheel. She brushes at the raindrops left on her legs by the wet umbrella. It"s dark in the car - only the light from the house shines through the tanned windows. She looks over at her bag on the pa.s.senger seat. A corner of the envelope is sticking out. Even in the dark, she can clearly see the structure of the paper.

Stuart looks at the driver for a long time.

"Should I drive around the..."

The driver"s voice fades.

"It"s too late for that now. You should have thought about that sooner. You"re not exactly new at this."

Stuart keeps looking at the driver and slides over to open the door. The driver quickly gets out of the limo. Evy can see his shadow as he hurries past the windows, but Stuart is out of the car before the driver can reach the door. Evy tries to slide over to the door, but her wet dress sticks to the seat. She hears their m.u.f.fled voices, but when she looks up at them they stop talking. It takes a while before Stuart"s smile reaches his eyes. He reaches out his hand to her while the driver holds the door.

"What do you have to say about the purchase of Viko?"

Surprised, Stuart turns toward the voice, and looks at the reporter standing beside him on the pavement.

Stuart turns to the driver.


He puts his hand on the stranger"s shoulder and leads him down the street.


The driver sounds surprised. Then he grabs Evy by the arm and pulls her toward the door. The doorman greets them discretely when he opens the door for them. Evy trips over the doorstep and the doorman has to catch her - the driver just keeps pulling her forward. The doorman quickly closes the door. He keeps a close eye on Stuart who is still talking to the stranger who has now taken out a notepad. Evy looks at all the shiny marble surfaces and the little fountain in middle of the lobby. Then she feels how the driver"s grip on her arm tightens.


He pulls out a small bag with white powder from his pocket. She looks at it and hesitates. The driver gets annoyed and takes her hand, dropping the bag in it.

"There"s cameras here. Just take it!"

Evy looks at the bag, and then she turns her hand over and the bag drops to the floor like a leaf.

"This killed my sister."

"But there"s hardly anything in the bag."

He looks at her with surprise, shrugs and bends down to pick it up.

"Someday you"ll need it. Then you can ask for it."

He pulls out a crumpled card from his pocket.

"I the meantime, I will give this to someone who"ll do anything to get it."

"What do you mean?"

Evy stares at him in disbelief.

"Hmm. Looks like the apple doesn"t always fall close to the tree."

"What do you mean?"

Evy"s speaks loudly now, and the doorman is looking at her. The driver laughs quietly - a laugh that makes Evy feel like she"s being choked. The doorman walks over to her.

"Let me help you. We have a very comfortable sofa over here."

He points at a heavy sofa behind the plants by the wall. Evy nods.


She looks surprised, but the doorman smiles and points to the sofa again. Evy looks out at Stuart and then back at the doorman.


Evy looks at the driver and back at the doorman.

"Yes, I understand."

A wind full of big city smells fills the lobby.

"This is where my humble apartment is."

Fast steps are approaching, and soon Stuart"s arm is around her waist and he quickly leads her through the lobby. He looks back and slows down a little. Then Evy feels the wind from outside again and knows instinctively that the driver has left. The doorman has made sure that the elevator is ready for them, and when the doors close, she can see the driver over the doorman"s shoulder. He stops a person in the street and gives him something. Then he puts his hand in his pocket and gives the person his card. The doorman smiles and the doors close. Evy can see their twisted reflections in the steel of the elevator. Stuart seems absent. A small ping and the doors open. After a few seconds, Stuart looks at her with cold eyes and a forced smile.

"We"re almost there."

He puts his hand on her lower back and pushes her forward. They step out of the elevator onto a thick carpet that absorbs all noise. He finally lets go of her and she steps away. After searching for a while, Stuart finds his keys in the inside pocket of his suit.


Evy feels Stuart"s hot breath against her ear. He pushes at the door and it opens silently.

"Here you go."

He steps back a little placing his hand between her shoulder blades - exactly where her bra strap is. He keeps his hand on her back and pushes her through the door and closes it. The apartment is dark and Evy stops just inside the door. She can feel the size of the apartment like a dark matter surrounding her. Stuart stands closely behind her and she can feel the heat from his body. As her eyes get accustomed to the darkness, it becomes clear to her how big the room is - large windows and a dark s.p.a.ce to her left. A small sound and lights switch on all over the apartment. Light pours out from the dark s.p.a.ce and reveals a big, wide bed under a ceiling of mirrors.

"The rent is with cleaning and washing."

Evy gasps at the sight of the big bed, but Stuart doesn"t notice.

"Do you like it?"

Stuart"s voice is business-like. She looks at him - not understanding - and examines every detail of his face. "He looks older than the magazines say he is. 52." She turns her back and looks at the skyline.

"You seem to like it. Better than the yellow house, I bet?"

"How do you know...?"

With a gesture of his hand, Stuarts dismisses her question.

"It"s beautiful."

Her voice is void of all emotion.


He takes her hand and pulls her gently through the door on her right.

"Bathroom and walk-in closet."

He nods at the two doors in the room. Evy wonders if the many oriental rugs are genuine. "He wouldn"t have oriental rugs that weren"t genuine, would he." Then she looks at the bed. It doesn"t have a head board and rests on four big, square legs.

"I just got the apartment and I"m planning to lend it out to friends if they need a place."

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