Dialstone Lane

Chapter 20

"I"ll say it all over again if you like," said the obliging Mr. Tasker.

"If you want money, go and earn it, same as I have to; don"t come round "ere cadging on me, because it"s no good."

Mr. Vickers laughed; a dry, contemptuous laugh, terrible to hear.

"And that"s the man that"s going to marry my daughter," he said, slowly; "that"s the man that"s going to marry into my family. Don"t you expect me to take you up and point you out as my son-in-law, cos I won"t do it.

If there"s anything I can"t abide it"s stinginess. And there"s my gal-my pore gal don"t know your real character. Wait till I"ve told "er about this morning and opened "er eyes! Wait till-"

He stopped abruptly as the door leading to the front room opened and revealed the inquiring face of Captain Bowers.

"What"s all this noise about, Joseph?" demanded the captain, harshly.

Mr. Tasker attempted to explain, but his explanation involving a character for Mr. Vickers which that gentleman declined to accept on any terms, he broke in and began to give his own version of the affair. Much to Joseph"s surprise the captain listened patiently.

"Did you buy all those things, Joseph?" he inquired, carelessly, as Mr.

Vickers paused for breath.

"Cert"nly not, sir," replied Mr. Tasker. "Where should I get the money from?"

The captain eyed him without replying, and a sudden suspicion occurred to him. The strange disappearance of the map, followed by the sudden cessation of Mr. Chalk"s visits, began to link themselves to this tale of unexpected wealth. He bestowed another searching glance upon the agitated Mr. Tasker.

"You haven"t sold anything lately, have you?" he inquired, with startling gruffness.

"I haven"t "ad nothing to sell, sir," replied the other, in astonishment. "And I dare say Mr. Vickers here saw a new pair o" boots on one o" the young"uns and dreamt all the rest."

Mr. Vickers intervened with pa.s.sion.

"That"ll do," said the captain, sharply. "How dare you make that noise in my house? I think that the tale about the clothes is all right," he added, turning to Joseph. "I saw them go into church looking very smart.

And you know nothing about it?"

Mr. Tasker"s astonishment was too genuine to be mistaken, and the captain, watching him closely, transferred his suspicions to a more deserving object. Mr. Vickers caught his eye and essayed a smile.

"Dry work talking, sir," he said, gently.

Captain Bowers eyed him steadily. "Have we got any beer, Joseph?" he inquired.

"Plenty in the cask, sir," said Mr. Tasker, reluctantly.

"Well, keep your eye on it," said the captain. "Good morning, Mr.


But disappointment and indignation got the better of Mr. Vickers"s politeness.


Penny for your thoughts, uncle," said Miss Drewitt, as they sat at dinner an hour or two after the departure of Mr. Vickers.

"H"m?" said the captain, with a guilty start. "You"ve been scowling and smiling by turns for the last five minutes," said his niece.

"I was thinking about that man that was here this morning," said the captain, slowly; "trying to figure it out. If I thought that that girl Selina--"

He took a draught of ale and shook his head solemnly.

"You know my ideas about that," said Prudence.

"Your poor mother was obstinate," commented the captain, regarding her tolerantly. "Once she got an idea into her head it stuck there, and nothing made her more angry than proving to her that she was wrong.

Trying to prove to her, I should have said."

Miss Drewitt smiled amiably. "Well, you"ve earned half the sum," she said. "Now, what were you smiling about?"

"Didn"t know I was smiling," declared the captain.

With marvellous tact he turned the conversation to lighthouses, a subject upon which he discoursed with considerable fluency until the meal was finished. Miss Drewitt, who had a long memory and at least her fair share of curiosity, returned to the charge as he smoked half a pipe preparatory to accompanying her for a walk.

"You"re looking very cheerful," she remarked.

The captain"s face fell several points. "Am I?" he said, ruefully. "I didn"t mean to."

"Why not?" inquired his niece.

"I mean I didn"t know I was," he replied, "more than usual, I mean. I always do look fairly cheerful-at least, I hope I do. There"s nothing to make me look the opposite."

Miss Drewitt eyed him carefully and then pa.s.sed upstairs to put on her hat. Relieved of her presence the captain walked to the small gla.s.s over the mantelpiece and, regarding his tell-tale features with gloomy dissatisfaction, acquired, after one or two attempts, an expression which he flattered himself defied a.n.a.lysis.

He tapped the barometer which hung by the door as they went out, and, checking a remark which rose to his lips, stole a satisfied glance at the face by his side.

"Clark"s farm by the footpaths would be a nice walk," said Miss Drewitt, as they reached the end of the lane.

The captain started. "I was thinking of Dutton Priors," he said, slowly.

"We could go there by Hanger"s Lane and home by the road."

"The footpaths would be nice to-day," urged his niece.

"You try my way," said the captain, jovially.

"Have you got any particular reason for wanting to go to Dutton Priors this afternoon?" inquired the girl.

"Reason?" said the captain. "Good gracious, no. What reason should I have? My leg is a trifle stiff to-day for stiles, but still-"

Miss Drewitt gave way at once, and, taking his arm, begged him to lean on her, questioning him anxiously as to his fitness for a walk in any direction.

"Walking"ll do it good," was the reply, as they proceeded slowly down the High Street.

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