Divine Songs

Chapter 4

4 In books, or work, or healthful play Let my first years be past, That I may give for every day Some good account at last.

Song 21.

_Against evil Company_.

1 Why should I join with those in play In whom I"ve no delight; Who curse and swear, but never play; Who call ill names, and fight?

2 I hate to hear a wanton song: Their words offend my ears: I should not dare defile my tongue With language such as theirs.

3 Away from fools I"ll turn my eyes, Nor with the scoffers go: I would be walking with the wise, That wiser I may grow.

4 From one rude boy, that"s used to mock, They learn the wicked jest: One sickly sheep infects the flock, And poisons all the rest.

5 My G.o.d, I hate to walk or dwell With sinful children here: Then let me not be sent to h.e.l.l, Where none but sinners are.

Song 22.

_Against Pride in Clothes_.

1 Why should our garments, made to hide Our parents" shame, provoke our pride?

The art of dress did ne"er begin Till Eve our mother learnt to sin.

2 When first she put the covering on, Her robe of innocence was gone; And yet her children vainly boast In the sad marks of glory lost.

3 How proud we are! how fond to shew Our clothes, and call them rich and new, When the poor sheep and silkworms wore That very clothing long before!

4 The tulip and the b.u.t.terfly Appear in gayer coats than I: Let me be dress"d fine as I will, Flies, worms, and flowers exceed me still.

5 Then will I set my heart to find Inward adornings of the mind: Knowledge and virtue, truth and grace, These are the robes of richest dress.

6 No more shall worms with me compare, This is the raiment angels wear: The Son of G.o.d, when here below, Put on this blest apparel too.

6 It never fades, it ne"er grows old, Nor fears the rain, nor moth, nor mould: It takes no spot, but still refines; The more `tis worn, the more it shines.

7 In this on earth would I appear, Then go to heaven, and wear it there: G.o.d will approve it in his sight; "Tis his own work, and his delight.

Song 23.

_Obedience to Parents_.

1 Let children that would fear the Lord Hear what their teachers say; With reverence meet their parents" word, And with delight obey.

2 Have you not heard what dreadful plagues Are threaten"d by the Lord, To him that breaks his father"s law, Or mocks his mother"s word?

3 What heavy guilt upon him lies!

How cursed is his name!

The ravens shall pick out his eyes, And eagles eat the same.

4 But those who worship G.o.d, and give Their parents honour due, Here on this earth they long shall live, And live hereafter, too.

Song 24.

_The Child"s Complaint_.

1 Why should I love my sports so well, So constant at my play, And lose the thoughts of heaven and h.e.l.l, And then forget to pray?

2 What do I read my Bible for, But, Lord, to learn thy will?

And shall I daily know thee more, And less obey thee still?

3 How senseless is my heart, and wild!

How vain are all my thoughts!

Pity the weakness of a child, And pardon all my faults.

4 Make me thy heavenly voice to hear, And let me love to pray; Since G.o.d will lend a gracious ear To what a child can say.

Song 25.

_A Morning Song_.

1 My G.o.d, who makes the sun to know His proper hour to rise; And, to give light to all below, Doth send him round the skies:

2 When from the chambers of the east His morning race begins, He never tires, nor stops to rest, But round the world he shines.

3 So, like the sun, would I fulfil The business of the day; Begin my work betimes, and still March on my heavenly way.

4 Give me, O Lord, thy early grace, Nor let my soul complain That the young morning of my day Has all been spent in vain!

Song 26.

_An Evening Song_.

1 And now another day is gone, I"ll sing my Maker"s praise!

My comforts every hour make known His providence and grace.

2 But how my childhood runs to waste My sins how great their sum!

Lord, give me pardon for the past, And strength for days to come.

3 I lay my body down to sleep, Let angels guard my head; And, through the hours of darkness, keep Their watch around my head.

4 With cheerful heart I close mine eyes, Since thou wilt not remove; And in the morning let me rise Rejoicing in thy love.

Song 27.

_For the Lord"s Day Morning_.

1 This is the day when Christ arose So early from the dead: Why should I my eyelids close, And waste my hours in bed?

2 This is the day when Jesus broke The powers of death and h.e.l.l; And shall I still wear Satan"s yoke, And love my sins so well?

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