Chapter 12

The next day, Hai Xiu woke up in Feng Fei"s embrace.

"My goodness!" He lightly pushed Hai Xiu away from him and rubbed his sore arm. "What are you? You can sleep like a rock."

Hai Xiu"s sleepy face suddenly blushed. He drowsily sat up, rubbed his eyes and said, "What… What time is it?"

"It"s almost eight o"clock." Feng Fei smirked, "Usually this time, early self-study is already finished and I already finished running 5 kilometers." He touched Hai Xiu"s sleep mark on the left side of his face, smiled and asked: "Hungry?"

Hai Xiu just woke up so he was a bit disoriented. He rubbed his eyes again and said in a low voice: "What? Don’t call me that…"

Feng Fei stood, his eyebrow raised after hearing those words. "Beggars can"t be choosers1 ah. Don"t call you? You slept on the shoulder of this Lao zi2. I woke up at seven o"clock but you can still sleep like a rock. Okay, hurry up! We need to eat breakfast."

Hai Xiu nodded and followed to wash.

Yesterday before going to sleep, Feng Fei had prepared porridge in the electric rice cooker, this is one of the few meals he could make. He gave Hai Xiu a large bowl of it and said: "We will eat outside at noon."

Hai Xiu ate a mouthful of porridge, tasting it good, he said: "Very good… I want to go home at noon."

"Why are you going back so early?" Feng Fei frowned, "Your mother didn’t even tell you to go home early when you go out. I already planned to go to school with you tomorrow."

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head: "I have to go home. My mother has a two days business trip again… I need to go home."

Feng Fei couldn’t help but agreed, "Fine… I’ll take you home at noon."

Hai Xiu nodded, he was afraid that Feng Fei was unhappy so he said: "In the future… we can still play together…"

Feng Fei smiled: "Alright. Oh yeah, Hai Xiu, which university do you want to go to?"

Hai Xiu thought for a moment, he was uncertain when he said: "Maybe… here?" Jiang Yu Man was originally in the corporate division, due to the promotion, she was transferred to the main office. This time, the work was in a good condition and the boss in the main office appreciated her. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if Jiang Yu Man took a root here, and of course, Hai Xiu was still willing to accompany her.

Feng Fei thoughtfully said: "I used to want to go to a far away place…… But now that I think about it, staying in the city is good as well." Then he smiled and said: "Hey, when we go to university, let’s move out and live together."

Hai Xiu blinked: "Move… Move out?"

"Hmm." Feng Fei nodded, "My brother didn’t live in the dormitory. He started out living outside with a few friends then later on, with my sister-in-law. We can do that as well."

Hai Xiu looked at Feng Fei"s glowing eyes, he didn’t know why but he felt that there was an evil intentions behind Feng Fei"s smiling face. He hesitated before saying: "Living with you? No…… Not good…"

"You…!" Feng Fei bit his own lip, then he said, "So you’re willing to live in the campus? Oh right, you haven"t tried living in the school, right? I was a lived-in student in my junior high school. Just so you know, you will not live alone in a room, it"s at least two or four people. Before the school starts, they will a.s.sign you with different kinds of people and it depends on your luck if you meet a good person. But meeting this kind of people is not possible, you might meet some people who doesn’t take a bath everyday and doesn’t take out the garbage. Sometimes, there will be six or seven people from the next room who will drop by to play some cards, smoke or drink…"

Hai Xiu had imagined what Feng Fei said. He was frightened and quickly changed his statement awhile ago: "Then… Then we will move out to live together……"

Feng Fei whistled in his heart, he then reluctantly said: "Look at how good I am to you. I know that you won’t get along with the people in the dormitory, just thinking about this, you"re still not willing?"

Hai Xiu was full of guilt as he said: "I…… I haven’t thought……"

Feng Fei waved his hand for Hai Xiu to stop explaining. The two continued eating.

You want to live with others? Feng Fei sneered in his heart. He lowered his head, picked a small pickled vegetable and gave it to Hai Xiu.

After breakfast, Feng Fei drove Hai Xiu home like what he’d promised this morning. Feng Fei exaggerated all sorts of things when living in a boy"s dormitory on the way home. After having thinking which university to go to, they decided to live together no matter where.

Before getting off of the car, Hai Xiu suddenly said with a doubt: "But…… what if we are not going to the same school?"

Feng Fei answered indifferently: "It"s alright ah. All the Universities in the city are pretty close, so I’ll find a school near yours."

Hai Xiu said softly: "A school that is quite good……"

Feng Fei gritted his teeth, "I read well, strive for……" His self-confident was not that strong. Actually, taking a test with Hai Xiu in the same university was still too difficult for him.

Hai Xiu immediately comforted him, "However, my grades are still not up to 9853, so we can still go to the same university."

"Nonsense." Feng Fei parked the car on the road side. "I"m not joking with you, you should do what you have to do. I’ll be good in cla.s.s even though I cannot keep up with you. I"ll just go to a school near yours so we can spend time together all day long."

It was so rare for Feng Fei to speak to him like this, so Hai Xiu gawked for a while before nodding and apologizing: "I…… I did not say."

"Be obedient." Feng Fei smiled at Hai Xiu. "Even if we are not in the same school nor course, I will find time to accompany you if I have no cla.s.s. And you too, will come to me when you have no cla.s.s. Isn’t that good?"

Hai Xiu thought that the situation was amusing, he smiled and nodded: "Hmm."

Feng Fei smiled again, "Okay, don’t think too far. Go up."

Hai Xiu carried his bag on his back and got off of the car. Feng Fei watched him go inside before driving away.

Feng Fei had said so much to Hai Xiu. In fact, mostly of them were said on whim. His focus was on "move out to live together in college", what else was said had been forgotten several days later and he did not care about it. But obviously, it was different for Hai Xiu. Especially for his phrase: "I will be good in cla.s.s."

"Cos then open parenthesis, then α minus β close parenthesis, equals to cos α and cos β plus sin α and sin β." Hai Xiu recited the formula near Feng Fei"s ear. "Cos then open parenthesis, then α plus β close parenthesis, equals to cos α and cos β minus sin α and sin β . It"s the half angle formula. tan one-half of—"

The boy sitting behind Hai Xiu trembled in fear while looking at Feng Fei who was sleeping on the desk. Hai Xiu"s voice was more and more resounding and the boy did not understand why he had so much courage to do that.

"Hai Xiu." Feng Fei gritted his teeth as his head raised from the desk, "After I drove you home yesterday, I went out with my friends and played with them until midnight. Today, I woke up at 6 o"clock. You…!"

In fact, Hai Xiu was scared. Scared that he really annoyed Feng Fei this time, so he explained in a whisper: "You… You didn’t tell me…… But let me talk more, practice more…"

Feng Fei breathed out: "I"m letting you to talk more, but not with the trigonometric functions!"

Hai Xiu was a little happy: "You heard? But… But you don’t always remember the formula…"

With an unpleasant look on his face, Feng Fei quickly took out his mathematics notebook to follow the formula.

Hai Xiu smiled a little and continued on reading.

By the end of the early self-study, Hai Xiu handed Feng Fei a test paper. Above were the problems he had measured wrongly in the trigonometric functions a few days ago.

Since he studied this morning, Feng Fei could now write it out correctly with his eyes closed. After he finished, he gave it to Hai Xiu. Hai Xiu carefully looked at it with a joy and felt satisfied at Feng Fei"s performance.

Looking at Hai Xiu"s happy expression, Feng Fei couldn’t afford to be angry, instead he found it cute. But thinking about how he suffered losses in the hands of this little boy, Feng Fei lifted his hand and knocked Hai Xiu"s head. "Oh, at noon, don’t go anywhere. My family will deliver a meal to me. Just wait for me in the cla.s.sroom."

Hai Xiu did not quite understand what Feng Fei said, so he turned around and asked: "What? What meal?"

"I heard it"s rice." Feng Fei laughed, "braised pork rice and fried little yellow fish. Auntie"s braised pork rice is really delicious, you need to taste it for you to know."

"But I…" Hai Xiu subconsciously looked at the back of the cla.s.sroom where the insulation box was, "I brought……"

Feng Fei quickly interrupted him: "Then take it out later. Oh, when I told her to do more than one this morning, did you know what she said?"

Hai Xiu was confused: "What did she say?"

Feng Fei leaned closer and whispered in Hai Xiu"s ear, "She asked me if it"s for my girlfriend, cause how can I have such an idea?"

Hai Xiu"s ears were instantly red, he stood up and vaguely dodged, "I… I want to go to the bathroom."

Feng Fei laughed and made a way for him to get out.

Hai Xiu quickly relieved himself. Once he was out of the cubicle, he washed his hands and patted his hot ears. He let out a long breath and just when he was out of the bathroom, a girl called him from behind: "Schoolmate! You’re called Hai Xiu, right?"

Hai Xiu turned around, he did not recognize the girl who was calling him. But he still nodded slightly: "Yes, it"s me."

The girl took a few steps forward, she hesitated for some seconds before asking: "You… You and Feng Fei of your cla.s.s are close, right?"

Hai Xiu was startled at first then he answered: "Yes."

"That…" The girl took out an envelope from her textbook and said shyly, "This…"

Hai Xiu lowered his head to look, it was a pink letter and there was a red heart-shaped pasted in the middle of the envelope. It also had some light fragrance.

It was already obvious what was the content of the letter even without saying anything about it.

The girl smiled at Hai Xiu: "Can you help me give it to him? Tell him that I—"

Hai Xiu sipped on his lips then said: "Cannot."

Girl: "……"

Hai Xiu felt ashamed, he quickly turned around and returned to the cla.s.sroom.

You must accept that which is given to you, especially if you don’t have the means to acquire it yourself. ↩老子 – lǎo zi
Could be mean father, daddy, “I, your father” (in anger, or out of contempt) or I (used arrogantly or jocularly) ↩refers to the "Project 985" or 985 University
Project 985 is a constructive project for founding world-cla.s.s universities in the 21st century conducted by the government of China. The Project reflects a conscious strategy to concentrate resources on a handful of inst.i.tutions with the greatest potential for success in the international academic marketplace. ↩

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