Chapter 21

The two sat for awhile. After waiting for the faint redness on Hai Xiu"s face to disappear, Feng Fei looked at the time: "Do you want to go home?"

It was almost ten o"clock in the evening and Hai Xiu really wanted to go home. He glanced at the people who were still laughing and playing, then whispered: "Is it okay to just leave? Don’t we need to talk to them first?"

"No need." Feng Fei was quite experienced when it came to this kind of event, so he explained: "If we say something, they will pour me a few It"s better to just walk out without saying anything, no one will notice."

Feng Fei was the first one to go out of the room, and Hai Xiu went out after a few minutes. The two secretly met in the hallway and quietly went downstairs.

"Put your coats on." Feng Fei wrapped his own scarf over Hai Xiu"s neck. "It"s cold outside now."

After wearing their coats, the two went out of the door. Fortunately, there was a convenient taxi in the downtown, so they didn’t have to wait for a long time to take a bus. When the taxi was on the road, Feng Fei called He Hao to inform that he and Hai Xiu were already gone. A discontent complain sounded from the other side of the phone, Feng Fei laughed and directly hung up the call.

"Are you tired?" Feng Fei touched Hai Xiu"s face with the back of his hand. "Why is your face still red?"

Hai Xiu didn’t respond. He was actually very embarra.s.sed to say that for half a day, his mind had been playing back the scene where Feng Fei kissed him.

"Your hands are cold?"

Feng Fei didn’t wait for Hai Xiu to answer, he naturally pulled Hai Xiu"s hands and rubbed it. He then touched the pulse and found that the heartbeat…was normal.

Feng Fei was very satisfied. Hai Xiu had interacted with so many people a while ago and was still feeling comfortable, without even the slightest symptoms of anxiety. Although Feng Fei had been guarding him and didn’t let others on directly contacting him, it was still an improvement. At least now, Hai Xiu was not conflicted with the idea of "communicating with others".

This matter couldn’t be done rapidly, it needed to proceed in slow and orderly way. Looking at the current situation, he could say that the progress was good.

Feng Fei was in a good mood.

He lifted his hand, pinched Hai Xiu"s red ear and smiled: "Today’s performance is very good, there will be a reward."

Hai Xiu was a little distracted when he heard this: "What… What performance?"

"Various stuffs." Feng Fei laughed, "Speak. Tell me what kind of reward do you want? Didn"t you give me something when my grades improved? Although it"s a set of stationary…"

Hai Xiu moved his lips, he wanted to say something but he hesitated.

Feng Fei raised his eyebrow: "What? Talk to me ah."

Hai Xiu shook his head, he averted his eyes as he whispered: "I"m a little sleepy… I can"t even think of anything right now."

"We"ll be at home in thirty minutes." Feng Fei suddenly thought that Hai Xiu usually sleep before 10 o"clock in the evening, so he knew that Hai Xiu was really tired at the moment. Feng Fei hugged Hai Xiu"s waist with his one arm and brought the kid to his side. "Lean on me so you can sleep."

Hai Xiu gently let out a "hmm" sound, before leaning against Feng Fei"s shoulder and closing his eyes.

When Feng Fei stared at the night scene outside of the window, Hai Xiu carefully opened his eyes and peeked at Feng Fei"s side face.

He was actually very shy to say what kind of reward he wanted from Feng Fei. That was… he really wanted Feng Fei to kiss him again.

In fact, Hai Xiu almost said it out. He really didn’t know what happened to him recently, he used to be scared of communicating with other people, but he was now extremely courageous. This was simply too… formidable!

Hai Xiu quietly touched the coat pocket, which contained a card inside.

This was the one Feng Fei had kissed, the A of hearts. When Feng Fei got out of the room first, he took advantage of it and found the card.

Hai Xiu silently prayed in his heart and hoped that those people would not play cards again. Or else, they would find that there was a missing one and they might… tell it to Feng Fei.

He gently touched the poker card in his pocket and his fingertips felt hot.

It was the one Feng Fei kissed! Hai Xiu really wanted to secretly bring it back home and use it as a bookmark.

Hai Xiu really thought that Feng Fei was too great, he knew everything and could do everything. Hai Xiu closed his eyes happily and kept thinking that he would still feel lucky even if he met Feng Fei ten thousand times.

After thinking for a while, Hai Xiu fell asleep.

He was woken up by Feng Fei when they were almost at home: "Wake up, we"ve arrived."

Hai Xiu didn’t really think that he would fall asleep. He was very embarra.s.sed as he apologized: "Am I heavy? I didn’t know that… I"d fell asleep."

"You have a little body, how can you be heavy?" Feng Fei took out his wallet and paid the taxi driver, then he said to Hai Xiu: "Didn"t you hear me? We"re already here."

Hai Xiu returned the scarf to Feng Fei: "Your scarf…" But Feng Fei didn’t listen to Hai Xiu, he took the scarf and wrapped it directly over Hai Xiu"s neck.

After getting off, Feng Fei and Hai Xiu stared at the house in front of them.

"Before we went out…" Feng Fei stared at the door with a guarded expression and stood unconsciously in front of Hai Xiu, "I didn’t forget to turn off the lights…"

Hai Xiu glanced at the brightly lit living room. He was feeling anxious and at the same time, his sleepy mood completely disappeared. "I… I"m sure that you turned off the lights."

Feng Fei frowned. Instead of moving forward, he pulled Hai Xiu"s hand and went to the other side of the house.

After walking for a full 50 meters, Feng Fei took out his phone and dialed the number at his home.

The one who answered was Feng Fei"s mother, Lu Hao Li.

Feng Fei completely relaxed down, but he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as he said: "You came back? Why didn’t you tell me? When I saw the lights, I was startled."

Lu Hao Li was surprised: "Do I have to tell you every time I go home?"

Feng Fei smiled: "I haven’t told you yet that my cla.s.smate is staying with me in our house."

Lu Hao Li directly asked: "Girl or boy?"

Feng Fei chuckled: "Boy."

Lu Hao Li still didn’t understand: "Then why didn’t you come in?"

Feng Fei didn’t respond, he hung up the phone and looked at Hai Xiu: "My… My mom"s at home. Do you want to say h.e.l.lo? Don’t be afraid, my mom is very nice."

"I… I"m not afraid of her…" Hai Xiu was a bit nervous, "I"m afraid of…"

He was actually afraid of not being able to talk clearly. And he wanted Feng Fei"s mother to like him as well as how his mother liked Feng Fei.

Hai Xiu really, really hoped that he could give a good impression to Feng Fei"s family. Before, he actually thought in advance on how to introduce himself. But thinking about it now, Hai Xiu felt terrible.

On the other hand, Feng Fei didn’t actually feel any burden in his heart. He was only worried that Hai Xiu would feel nervous once he saw a stranger. He half-coaxed and half-persuaded Hai Xiu while pulling the kid to the front door.

"Ah… good evening, auntie." Hai Xiu didn’t want to let Lu Hao Li to find that he was stuttering, so he said slowly: "My name is Hai Xiu… I’m Feng Fei"s cla.s.smate."

Lu Hao Li was flipping a doc.u.ment when she saw the two people entering the house. She put down the file, and when she looked at Hai Xiu, her eyes lit up: "My G.o.d, which family is this child? So gentle and quiet."

(T/N: Your future son-in-law ↜(ψ`∇´)ψ)

Feng Fei knew that Lu Hao Life liked this type, so he wasn’t worried at all. He took Hai Xiu"s school bag and the stuffs they bought, then put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Lu Hao Li swept a glance at Hai Xiu from top to bottom with one eye, from the clean shoes to Hai Xiu"s red ears, all details were taken. She stepped closer and smiled: "I thought it was one of Feng Fei"s basketball team members. What is your name again? I didn’t hear it clearly."

Hai Xiu smiled and his voice was louder this time: "Hai Xiu. The Hai which means sea and Xiu of beautiful show."

Lu Hao Li: "Oh, I remembered… Feng Fei told me about you and that you always helped him."

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head: "No, he helped me more…"

"I saw his grades last month." Lu Hao Li"s eyes were full of happiness, "That was the first time he did so well in the tests. It’s all thanks to you."

Feng Fei added: "He is first in our cla.s.s. I asked him to come and teach me."

"You"re troubling other people ah." Lu Hao Life said to Feng Fei, then she turned to Hai Xiu with a smile: "Feng Fei didn’t tell me in advance. If I had known, I would have cooked a few dishes for you."

Hai Xiu hurriedly refused: "You are too kind."

"It"s my way of thanking you ah." Lu Hao Li shook her head and smiled, "I"m too busy with his dad and I have no time to take care of him."

She looked at the time and was really determined to say a few words to Hai Xiu. However, she had no choice but to hurry, so she only had to say: "Let Feng Fei prepare and give something you like to eat. Don’t be too polite, you’re welcome here. I have to go back to the company, so you two rest early ah."

Lu Hao Li rubbed Hai Xiu"s head. She then said to Feng Fei wile hurriedly picking up the file: "Don"t sleep too late! There is a soup in the pot, you get up tomorrow morning to eat it. Take care of your friend. Go to sleep early, so you can get up early. I’ll go out first."

Feng Fei got up, took Lu Hao Li"s bag and laughed: "You still don’t trust me?"

Lu Hao Li looked at her son, who was taller than her, something flashed in her eyes as she took the bag and laughed: "Relax. Remember what I said ah. Have fun with your cla.s.smate, don’t fight and don’t bully other people."

Before going out, Lu Hao Li said to Hai Xiu: "I"m in a hurry today. If I get an opportunity, I"ll invite you to eat delicious food with me. I’ll go now."

Hai Xiu quickly promised. Feng Fei then sent his mother out.

Lu Hao Li had been gone for a long time and Hai Xiu still didn’t react. After coming back to his senses, he said in a stunned voice: "Your mother… That’s it?"

Feng Fei who had been long accustomed to it, nodded: "Yes ah. She and my father seldom comes here to stay. They actually have a house at the side of the company. But pa.s.sing through the gate of the company is too troublesome and it"s too far from school, that’s why I’m willing to live here."

Hai Xiu nodded and whispered: "Your mother is pretty nice ah…"

Feng Fei raised his eyebrow: "Nonsense. I don"t see why my mom won’t be nice to you."

Hai Xiu was still uneasy, so he said: "I… I"m just…"

"Particularly likeable." Feng Fei smiled to rea.s.sure Hai Xiu, "Didn"t you see that my mom likes you?"

Hai Xiu felt more relieved after hearing it, he said: "Scared… I was a little scared."

Without even thinking, Feng Fei suddenly said: "Don"t be afraid ah, we won’t see them later on."

Hai Xiu didn’t understand and asked: "What… do you mean?"

Feng Fei looked at the time and said: "Go wash first, I"ll tell you later."

"What do you mean? Your parents will go to abroad?" Hai Xiu was lying on the bed after washing, he was surprised and widened his eyes: "Why? What’s the reason?"

Feng Fei gradually pulled up the quilt to cover Hai Xiu and said slowly: "For many reasons. Several years ago, they actually dealt with the issue of nationality. But that time, it was mainly to facilitate work. At this point, there are more issues to consider. They delayed it for a long time because of my college entrance exam. But if I don’t have, they would have already gone."

Hai Xiu felt somewhat distressed: "Then you…"

"It"s alright." Feng Fei smiled, "Isn"t it the same if I go to a university outside the area? I wouldn’t see them often. I don’t blame them though, because they are only doing it for the sake of their children"s life, right? Besides, they love me enough."

Hai Xiu nodded: "Well… I can see it. Auntie is so busy, but she still has time to say a few words to you."

"So, there’s nothing to argue about. Do you know why I said that I wanted to live with you in college? My father once told me before that I would live with my brother. My sister-in-law is nice and she will not bother me, but it"s inappropriate to live with them. I’m not a kid anymore."

Hai Xiu understood Feng Fei"s meaning, so he nodded: "It"s not convenient."

Feng Fei smiled, "That"s why I want to live with you. Are you happy?"

Hai Xiu nodded seriously.

Feng Fei chuckled in his heart. He didn’t have to feel miserable for half a day about them living together, because they already finalized the matter.

Feng Fei tightened the quilt on them and said with a smile: "Let"s sleep, we need to get up early tomorrow."

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