Doll Dungeon

Chapter 20

As I was thinking, a knock came from the door.

「Goshuujin-sama, the preparations for noon have finished.」

「That so, I’ll come now.」

Let’s stop thinking about that matter for the time being. [Rei: his talking about how to bring more people into the auction]

Leaving the study, I headed to the dining room with Eins.

Arriving at the dining room, Alist and co had already been seated.

「This is, excuse us for sitting before yo 「It’s okay for you to sit.」thank you very much.」

As I sit on the opposite side, Zwei and the others bring the food out through a wagon. I prayed that the food covered should be different from the out of place Chinese food like last time.

「This is today lunch.」

Today’s meal. Rice, meat and potato stew, miso soup and pickled vegetables. Bring out more high cla.s.sed food!!

「What would this be?」

「It’s is a food called meat and potato stew [nikujaga, for those who want the original word].」

Even if you say it’s meat and potato stew they won’t get it.

「Meat and potato stew?」

「Food that has meat, carrot, onion, potato and is cooked in soy sauce.」

Potato has poison in it right? Is it ok to give guests that?

「Potatoes!? Are you trying to kill me!」

「The poison factor has been removed, please rest a.s.sure.」

Is it not the period where they eat potatoes yet? This, looks like a crop failure.

「Your friends are leaving you behind and eating already.」



「Soft and Flaky.」

「There’s no abnormalities in my body?」

As expected of adventures, their liver is strong.

They’re looking at the way to hold chopsticks by looking at how I hold mine. Dexterous b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

The three watch how I use the chopsticks while eating, at the same time Alist had started eating.


It seems to match his tastes.

「Do you get to eat this kind of food every day?」

「The content changes but, it is delicious every time it is made.」

Alist seems to understand and responds with a nod.

For a while, small talks were made while eating.

「Well then, we shall talk our leave.」

After finishing lunch, cutting the small talk, Alist stood up.

「That so, I’m looking forward to what comes after five days.」

「Me too, the thing about the product, I will be looking forward to it.」

「「「Thanks for the food!」」」

「Eins, guide them to the exit.」

「Hai. Everyone, this way please.」

『Intruders have been repelled.』

It looks like they have left here.

「Well then, what to do then?」

Sinking deep into the chair, I began thinking.

「it doesn’t look like there will be any problems in the next five days.」

Without the need to do anything, it had become the day of auction.

The items that the dolls made will be appearing as well.

『Intruders have appeared in the dungeon.』

Confirming through the window, a large carriage and five people appeared following Alist has finally arrived. Most likely that the things inside the carriage is the items for the auction.

「Eins, Alist and the others are here. Prepare to welcome them and make lunch for five more people.」

「As you wish.」

Eins, who had suddenly appeared, has disappeared all of a sudden without me knowing.

「Zwei, if we need more people, I will be counting on you.」

「As you wish.」

Him too, suddenly appearing and disappearing so casually.

By the way, Zwei just then had hair and skin. So he evolved huh.

「Excuse me.」

I can hear voices from down stairs. It looks like Alist arrived.

「Goshuujin-sama, it looks like Alist-sama has brought the auction items over. What shall we do.」

「Let’s go.」

As I stand up, Eins opens the door.

「Ohh, to think that the master of the mansion would come here himself, I didn’t even dream of this.」

Come to think of it, this guy, didn’t introduce himself.

「I’m Null.」

「Hai?[Rei: I think I don’t need to explain this but it means “what” in this case].」

「Master of the mansion is too long. Call me Null.」

「Ha! Well then, Null-sama and」

Well, you didn’t have to add the “sama”.

「I don’t mind you bringing the products. If you don’t have enough people, my butler will lend a hand.」

「Please do not worry. These gentlemen are here for escort purposes, there are people from my company here. Oi.」


When Alist and the other men voiced themselves, the other men quickly unloaded some luggage.

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