Doll Dungeon

Chapter 21

Having finished moving the products, in the name of a break, I had Eins make a simple snack and while eating it at the dining room with Alist and the others, a system message came in.

[Invaders have appeared inside the dungeon].

Looking at the window, people who I have seen are bringing people towards here.


「By your side.」

Showing the window, with a nod, Eins disappeared. It looks like subordinate monsters can see the window.

「Is something of concern.」

「What, it looks like there is a lot of customers coming.」

I answered simply to Alist’s question.

「By the way, how’s the jelly?」

「It’s the best! Being able to eat by slurping is really good!」

One of Alist’s subordinate’s answered while laughing.

I get being able to eat by just slurping but, eating five of the same flavour would make you bored of it right? And have some restraint!

「Kohon. But it really is a superb food isn’t it. To be able to ea food like this, you have deepest grat.i.tude.」

Alist lowered his head towards the table, to the point where it almost made contact.

「Stop with the formalities.」

「Hai, I understand.」

While waiting for the others to finish, I called Zwei.


「By your side.」

「Guide the guests until the guests rooms.」

「As you wish, Everyone, this way please.」

Zwei guided Alist and the others out.

Several minutes after they left, a voice appeared and began talking.

「Goshuujin-sama. I can see Cain-sama, along with 30 adventurers.」

「Let them in.」

When Eins opened the door, the adventures came buzzing in. excluding Cain and the others, the other adventures all had the same looking equipment. It looks like they have brought beginners along with them.

N? 30 people? When I looked at the window, I thought there was more…. Let’s try talking the rabbit.

「What’s wrong? It’s not lunch yet.」

「I have come to apologize for bringing such a large amount of people and reporting my arrival.」

So he’s feeling bad about it. But, I’m thankful for it being like this.

「The place for the auction is big. There will still be enough room even if you bring 30 people.」

「Actually, there’s only about half the amount of people I brought.」

So 60 people in other words.

「I don’t care. Even if you brought 100, I won’t complain so, don’t mind.」

Now it’s 60 seats down.

「That’s good. I will be looking forward to it, today’s auction.」

Cain and the others, after saying that they were guided by Eins back to the guest rooms. Why did the beginner adventures behind follow as well?

After that, new invaders appeared, afternoon is also welcomed.

Today’s lunch, is miso soup and beef and rice. Ian very urged to ask if there was something a bit more elegant.

Of course the cutlery is chopsticks. Cain and the others along with Alist and co. have some experience with the chopsticks, but the others don’t know. Cain, Alist and co. taught the others on how to use the chopsticks, somehow the lunch has started.


「Delicious!!」(Rei: yes there are two who say it)

「It’s easy to eat!!」

「The meat’s so soft!」

「Delicious! Delicious!!」

It’s good that they are enjoying it.

Cain and the others’ men, this time without dirtying the table cloth they continued to eat.

「Seconds pleases!」

「Here too!」

Along with Ashe, another man wanted seconds which surprised everyone. Rice bowls aren’t thing you can eat continuously.

「Se, Seconds as well please!」

「He, Here please as well.」

「I, I as well!」

Seeing Ashe and the others, they see that there was no need to restraint themselves, there even those who asked for seconds within the beginners. Eins and her subordinates, are continuously dishing out seconds one after another.

I shall bill the guild for ingredient costs.

Being past noon, the n.o.bles have started to arrive.

When the n.o.bles arrive, they first come to get the greetings. Is that so I know to fear them, or making me an acquaintance to them, it’s so troublesome.

There are a lot of intermediate adventurers as guards for the n.o.bles, but, it seems that among them are advanced adventurers with similar levels to Cain.

The n.o.bles amount to 15 people, guards of 62 people, a total being 77 people entering. Joining Cain’s group, a total of 137 people have entered, but, there is still quite a lot of room left. Just how big is this place!

And so, with no problems occurring, the auction started.

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