The white robes had a small Seven Treasure PaG.o.da on the left chest, it was made with higher quality material and seemed to sparkle a little in the light.

Wulin turned to look at his girls, all of their unique characteristics were emphasised and enhanced by the addition of the pure white clothing.

Little Yue"s frosty white hair and eyebrows were complimented by the equally white robes.

This caused her frosty countenance to multiply, like a cold and ethereal G.o.ddess of ice, even coming close to her would be an act of blasphemy.

On the other hand, Feng Feng"s fiery body was softened by her clothes, giving her a sense of innocence like that of a young girl.

Wulin had seen Rong Rong in white garbs before, but these ones were of much higher quality, causing her fairy-like aura to peak.

With her small smile and lively body, she seemed like a little fairy playing around in a garden.

Wulin made a mental note to make sure he finds a pair of wing type External Spirit Bones for Rong Rong so he can see her fly in the sky like a true fairy.

He moved his gaze towards Little Jing and Xue Mei. These two, they destroyed the pure image that the white robes gave, but it still enhanced their beauty.

Little Jing"s clothes were custom made like Wulins, allowing her tails to poke through without flipping her skirt.

Her small mischievous smile and the fox-like appearance couldn"t be hidden by the white garb, and instead she looked like an evil fox spirit posing as a little girl.

Xue Mei on the other hand looked like a seductive G.o.ddess of blood, the bright white colour emphasising the blood red colour of her hair.

Her well developed body was tightly hugged by the clothes that Ning Fengzhi gave them, showing off all her beautiful curves.

Wulin could imagine the captivating image of her seductively licking some blood off her lips, in an attempt to entice Wulin to drown himself in her body.

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, Wulin quickly led the girls back to the hall where Ning Fengzhi and the others were waiting.

Seeing them all dressed in the traditional white clothing, Ning Fengzhi couldn"t help but nod his head in appreciation, "Mn, you guys look so good in white."

"Now you look like real Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan members. Fengzhi, let"s leave now. You are one of the main members today." Gu Rong added before speaking to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi nodded his head, "If all of you are ready to go, then let"s leave."

Gu Rong opened a portal, allowing Ning Fengzhi, Ning Yuzi, Wulin and his girls to go straight to Heaven Dou Imperial City before following himself.

Gu Rong is the one to always be following Ning Fengzhi right now since he didn"t want others to know about Chen Xin"s breakthrough.

He also didn"t want to show the fact that Gu Rong had broken through as well but if he had to choose, then he would rather hide Chen Xin.

After all, in the level of t.i.tled Douluo"s the difference in a single level was like the difference between heaven and earth, and the gap only widened with each higher level.

The portal led the group directly into the Heaven Dou Great Arena, to a private room that is permanently booked for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

It was lucky that they teleported instead of travelling here, because a third of the entire Heaven Dou City looked like an unbroken sea of people right now.

With Ning Fengzhi and Grandpa Bone at the front, the youth group was led through the large Great Arena.

Along the way, anyone who recognised Ning Fengzhi would pay their respects and glance at the group walking behind him.

They had a.s.sumed that this would be the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s team for the Spirit Master Tournament, but it was soon dismissed.

When they saw that the group consisted of five women and two men, they were shocked, and even more so when they realised only one of them looked to be over 20.

There was even a small child that seemed to be around eight years old. No matter how they thought about it, she couldn"t be a compet.i.tor.

The young child also possessed characteristics that aren"t normally seen in humans, but they wouldn"t dare to speak out in front of Ning Fengzhi.

They had immediately dismissed the thought of this being the partic.i.p.ating team and instead thought they were simply here to observe the tournament.

The average cultivation strength of a partic.i.p.ant is at least a Spirit Elder.

Even if they had an Innate Full Spirit Body, an eight-year-old would have had to cultivate over 20 ranks in two years to be a useful partic.i.p.ant.

The other people were also very young, looking to be between 16-18 years old. They guessed that the older senior brother was showing his juniors the tournament to gain some worldly experience.

Unaware of the thoughts of these pa.s.ser-byers, the group made their way to the sign-up area.

"Alright, you guys can sign up on your own and go to the resting area. Wulin, you"re in charge, and don"t just follow Rong Rong"s schemes." Ning Fengzhi said once they arrived at the reception.

Rong Rong looked offended as she glared at her father with anger.

Wulin simply nodded his head. Ning Fengzhi began to leave as he had to meet with the Emperor and Spirit Hall bishop.

"Stupid pervert daddy…" Rong Rong muttered lightly, causing the sharp eared Ning Fengzhi to trip a little.

Wulin smiled as he heard about what happened earlier this morning. He was sure that Ning Fengzhi would never dare to barge in like that again.

The line moved along quickly as teachers signed their academies up and it was soon Wulin"s turn to sign up.

"h.e.l.lo sir, which Advanced Academy are you representing?" A pretty female behind the counter spoke in a kind voice.

"I am representing the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." Wulin said, pointing at the Seven Treasured PaG.o.da on his chest.

The eyes of the woman behind the counter widened in shock for a second before quickly returning to normal.

"Sir, may I know the number of partic.i.p.ants, their names and their Spirit"s?" The woman asked, her tone was a couple levels more respectful.

Wulin gave the woman the information that she needed, then the woman asked, "Would you like a sign-up slogan?"

This caused Wulin to hesitate and look at his girls for help.

"How about Wulin"s harem?" Rong Rong threw out a random idea.

"Uh, Ning Yuzi is still here… I don"t want others to think I swing that way." Wulin reminded her as he immediately declined.

Perhaps feeling bad, Ning Yuzi immediately knelt on the ground as he apologised, "I"m sorry, Young Miss!"

Rong Rong got a little fl.u.s.tered as she quickly shook her head, "N-no, it"s fine. It was just a random idea."

Ning Yuzi stood back up, ignoring the gazes of everyone around him as he made a suggestion.

"Young Master, if I may. How about our sign-up slogan be: "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is the greatest and most magnificent school in—"

"Wait, wait! That is way too long. You are not allowed to make any suggestions more than five words." Wulin quickly cut him off, realising he would probably ramble on for a while.

Ning Yuzi looked down, "But "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan" is five words already…"

The other girls didn"t seem like they could think of anything either, so Wulin decided to just go with a simple one.

He turned to the woman behind the counter as he said, "The sign-up slogan will be: "looking for a challenge.""

The woman"s eyes flashed with shock before she recorded it down, "The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan is indeed tyrannical, as expected of one of the three upper clans."

Once they were done, the woman told Wulin and the others how to get to the designated resting area.

Along the way, Wulin pulled something out of his Immortal Realm and handed them to the girls.

It was a small green b.u.t.ton in the shape of the Shrek Academy"s mascot, a green ogre-like monster with trumpet shaped ears.

"Put this on, the least we could do is help advertise for Flander a bit." Wulin said as he attached the b.u.t.ton to his collar

Wearing the b.u.t.ton didn"t destroy the feel of the white clothes, but instead gave it a unique feature.

Unlike something Flander would produce, Wulin made this on his own, so it was made from top quality emeralds and the quality was on par with treasures in the Imperial Palace.

"Ah! So adorable!" Little Jing and the rest of the girls were happy to receive this little decoration.

The shrek monster looked pretty cute, and the emerald colour was incredibly beautiful.

Ning Yuzi saw them putting the b.u.t.ton on and felt left out but he couldn"t ask his Young Master for a b.u.t.ton as well.

He didn"t have any idea what the b.u.t.ton represented since Shrek Academy is relatively unknown and he rarely left the clan.

They quickly reached the designated resting area and entered, gaining the attention of all the Academies inside.

"That symbol on their chest, could it be the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is competing this year?"

"Rather than that, look how beautiful those girls are!"

"Wait, is that a child? Why do they have a little child with them? Look how young the others are as well!"

Their group instantly became the centre of attention as people began whispering among themselves.

Of course, there were no derogatory comments towards them since they represented the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

If they offended the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, their entire academy would be destroyed before they even returned.

Looking around the large resting area, Wulin noticed their group was probably the last to enter.
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Suddenly, he saw a group of figures huddled into a corner, as if they were trying to hide themselves from the light.

They were wearing a disgusting green coloured cloak with some writing on the back, Wulin could tell it was an advertis.e.m.e.nt offer from Flander.

The group was shamefully hiding their faces as they stayed in a corner trying to seem inconspicuous.

Rong Rong took one look at the group before looking at Wulin pleadingly, "We don"t have to go over there, right?"

The other girls also looked at Wulin with begging eyes, going over there was like destroying their reputation.

At this time, a certain white-haired young man noticed their group and immediately yelled, "Sixth Brother! Over here!"

Oscar pointed towards their group, causing everyone in the resting area to follow his fingers.

Seeing it land on the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s team, their expressions turned strange as they thought about the connection between the two groups.

One was from the highest of clans while the other seemed to be a joke team that was partic.i.p.ating only to humiliate themselves.

"Hmm? Hey, don"t you think that b.u.t.ton on their collar looks similar to the monster on that groups cloak?"

One guy nudged his buddy as he spoke loudly, causing everyone to hear his words.

Wulin ignored their gazes and walked over to the Shrek Academy team, followed by a glaring pack of girls.

Feng Feng was the first to lash out as she sent a kick at Oscar, but he dodged it like a slippery eel.

"You dare to dodge it! Sisters, beat him to death!" Feng Feng cried out angrily.

"What did I do wrong! Big sisters, please! I am sorry!" Oscar immediately hid behind Mu Bai as he looked wronged.

Before they could pounce, Wulin held the collars of Feng Feng and Rong Rong and pulled them back.

"Alright, don"t blame Oscar for this. I would have gone over anyways." He said.

The girls stopped but continued to glare at Oscar hatefully.

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