"How come you guys are representing the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, I thought you went to hijack another Academy?" Mu Bai asked.

Wulin nodded his head, "Flander sold us out to Father-in-Law, they found us just after we beat the Academy."

When he thought back to this, he really wanted to pay Flander back for what he did, but he didn"t seem to be around.

Almost all the other academies had at least one teacher with them, but Flander seemed to have left these guys on their own.

Wulin turned to Mu Bai, "By the way, where is Flander? I want to "spar" with him a little."

Mu Bai sadly shook his head, "With us wearing these clothes, would Dean Flander come anywhere near us?"

"He met with us for a second before leaving again, he should be in the stands somewhere." Tang San also added.

Even on the way there, Flander tried his best to pretend that he didn"t know them.

"At least, it is rather unlikely for us to be competing today. We will have to try and convince Teacher Flander to change the designs." Tang San said.

Wulin let out a sigh, knowing that they were precisely the team that will be competing today.

However, he didn"t want to be the bringer of bad news for them, so he just let it be, allowing them to learn of it in due time.

Looking around, it was possible to see the tournament functionaries were organising teams to enter the Great Spirit Arena.

As the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s team, the tournament functionaries immediately made their way over, not daring to let them wait.

"Looks like we will be going first. See you in the arena." Wulin waved his hand and said to the Shrek Academy team.

They nodded and said the same. A functionary came over and greeted Wulin"s group respectfully, "Seven Treasure School, please follow me to the arena."

Their group followed the functionary through a door leading to the arena, along the way they could already hear the loud noises of the spectators.

Even for someone who had fought in the Great Spirit Arena before, Wulin and the girls were still surprised by the sheer amount of people in the stands.

The Great Spirit Arena had been remodelled to inhabit many more people, yet it was still completely full.

As Wulin"s group entered the arena, they were introduced by the official announcer of the Tournament.

"Next to come out is sure to be a surprise to all of you! Unlike previous tournaments, The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has decided to finally partic.i.p.ate!" The officiant was hyping up the crowed as he spoke loudly.
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"Please welcome the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School"s Team! They only have the bare minimum of seven members competing, this is the majesty of one of the three upper sects!"

Once the crowd found out it was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s team, they immediately erupted like thunder.

The popularity of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan was above all others since they are very connected to the common Spirit Master.

Wulin lead the group to the stage, hand in hand with Little Jing and Xue Mei.

Xue Mei hasn"t seen such a large crowd before, so she was feeling anxious as she looked around cautiously.

On the other hand, Little Jing was fearless as she happily walked like she was in a park. With Wulin around, she wasn"t afraid of anyone finding out about her being a Spirit Beast.

Behind them was the trio of Little Yue, Rong Rong and Feng Feng.

With the three of them lined up together, it looked like Rong Rong"s pink hair colour was a mixture of both Little Yue"s snow white and Feng Feng"s fiery red.

Finally, Ning Yuzi brought up the rear. He also hadn"t seen such a large crowd before and looked around in curiosity, thinking this experience will be useful for him.

Once their team stepped onto the arena, the originally thunderous roar of the audience turned monsoonal as they saw the team.

Most, if not all the audience were Spirit Masters in some regard and their eyesight was enhanced by their Spirit Power, allowing them to easily see the stage from a distance.

Not only that, but this event was extremely attractive to the younger generation since they were able to see people of their generation compete, so much of the audience were young to middle aged people.

The sight of four G.o.ddess-like existences walking up the stage was captivating. They were the most beautiful women they had ever seen.

Vivacious and young bodies that already had a mature air to them, with the added purity of their white dresses, they immediately enthralled all the men.

After comparing them to the Skywater Academy that entered earlier, they realised Skywater Academy couldn"t compete against these women.

That is to be expected, Little Yue and the others were originally very beautiful.

After being purified by the Spirit Liquid they became even more beautiful and ethereal, like true G.o.ddesses.

Wulin only smiled proudly under the deafening noises of the crowd and lined up with the other competing teams.

"What incredible beauty! The Seven Treasure Team has not one! Not two! Not even three, but four transcendental beauties!" The announcer yelled on top of the roaring crowd, quieting them a little.

"What a rare sight! So many beauties, and even a small child that shows the same potential as the others!"

"Is this really the competing team, or are they just showcasing their ability to find beauties?" The officiant asked with confusion.

"School Master Ning, why does your team have a small child, and the other compet.i.tors are quite young."

"Are you just letting them get some experience?" In the front row of the VIP section, Platnium Bishop Salas asked Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "No, this is the best my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has to offer."

His words shocked not only Bishop Salas, but Emperor Xue Ye who was sitting in between the two of them.

Emperor Xue Ye had a favourable relationship with Ning Fengzhi while Bishop Salas was antagonistic towards the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

Hearing Ning Fengzhi say that these youngsters and a small child was his best, Xue Ye immediately felt a bad omen.

On the contrary, Bishop Salas was elated and wished nothing more than to strip down and party.

Salas couldn"t hold back his contempt as he snorted, "Huh, looks like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has deteriorated. To even sent out a child to fight."

Ning Fenzhi looked at Salas coldly, the latter had changed his tune so quickly once he heard Ning Fengzhi"s words.

In the past, he would never dare to speak poorly to Ning Fengzhi as he was the leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

However, thinking that they had declined, he showed his true colours and immediately ridiculed him.

"Maybe the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan has deteriorated, but my ears have not, nor has my strength. Bishop Salas, you should watch your mouth, otherwise it might run away from you."

A chillingly cold voice spoke, it sounded like wailing ghosts and bones grinding against each other, giving people goose b.u.mps.

Salas trembled with fear as he looked at the man standing behind Ning Fengzhi, it was the Bone Douluo, Gu Rong.

Gu Rong was apathetically looking at Salas, as if he was not looking at a person but instead a corpse, causing Salas to break out in a cold sweat.

Bishop Salas turned away quickly, but inwardly he was cursing Gu Rong, "d.a.m.n old man, our Spirit Hall isn"t scared of you."

Spirit Hall has never attacked the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan because of the combination of the two t.i.tled Douluo and Ning Fengzhi"s support skills.

If Spirit Hall wanted to wipe out the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, they would have to pay a hefty price.

They also do not wish to destroy the seemingly good reputation they have built during their creation.

Unfortunately for them, they didn"t know that the longer they waited, the less chance they would have at destroying the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Back at the officiant"s side, he was finishing up his announcement for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s team.

"The sign-up slogan of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is: "Looking for a challenge!". What an overbearing slogan this is!" The officiant cried out.

"Is this the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, or the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan! It seems the Seven Treasure School is confident in their strength!"

The audience didn"t know how to feel, although they were enamoured by the girls" beauty, they did take note of the youthful looks of the team.

No matter what though, they wanted to support the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan that always supports the common people as well.

Salas wanted nothing more than to laugh as loud as he could, but with Gu Rong there, he didn"t dare to do anything.

Finished with introducing Wulin"s team, the officiant moved on to introducing the other teams.

Like before, the Shrek Academy team was the last to come on stage, their ugly cloaks earning the jeers of the people in the audience.

Even more so when their sign-up slogan of "Unchallenged Champions" was announced. This was on par with the Seven Treasure School"s slogan.

However, was this small and unknown academy on the same level as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan? Of course not!

They were immediately gunned down with insults of ridicule and jeers of contempt, but they could only line up while biding their anger.

Once all the teams were introduced, the officiant then introduced Emperor Xue Ye, who was sitting in between Salas and Ning Fengzhi in the VIP area.

Xue Ye stood up and held up a sound amplification Spirit Tool as he declared, "I, Emperor of Heaven Dou Empire, represent Heaven Dou Empire and also this time"s tournament host, declare the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament now open!"

Once again, a thunderous applause started. After waiting for the sounds to fall, he continued speaking.

"Here, I hope the Spirit Masters partic.i.p.ating in this tournament can amply display their strength and obtain good records."

"You are all the pride of Heaven Dou Empire. For the sake of the Empire"s glory, display your brilliance."

Everyone in the crowd applauded while the Spirit Masters standing on the stage were feeling a burning pa.s.sion in their hearts.

This tournament is the best stage to reveal themselves and gain the recognition of many top tier powers.

With the Emperor returning to his seat, the officiant"s voice rose once more, "Next, please welcome the Seven Treasure Gazed Tile School"s school master, Mister Ning Fengzhi, to address this time"s tournament!"

All eyes focused on Ning Fengzhi as he stood up, receiving a round of applause.

Although he doesn"t throw his weight around, Ning Fengzhi is actually the Spirit Master world"s number one Support Spirit Master.

The thing that they didn"t know was, Ning Fengzhi"s Spirit has evolved to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile PaG.o.da and he has finally become a Spirit Douluo.

If either Gu Rong or Chen Xin reach Rank 98 t.i.tled Douluo, Spirit Hall will have no way to destroy them, even if they used their entire force.

The only other people stronger than them could be Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, but they wouldn"t leave Spirit Hall that easily.

Right now, Ning Fengzhi only has to bide his time and reach the t.i.tled Douluo stage as fast as he can, only then can he confidently protect his family.

Ning Fengzi smiled and spoke pleasantries about the n.o.ble Spirit Masters of the Heaven Dou Empire, earning him another round of applause.

The officiant smiled as he asked, "School Master Ning, you have a team partic.i.p.ating in this tournament as well. Are they very strong? Do you think they can win the championship?"

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand, "I do not care if they win the championships or lose in the first battle, as long as they have fun and learn from this experience…"

He had a kind and magnanimous face as if he didn"t care about winning and losing, however, inwardly he already knew they were the champions.

"Huh, are they very strong? Just ask my Son-in-Law, he could beat up one of the Spirit Saint level teachers, can any other compet.i.tors do the same?" He thought to himself.

"School Master Ning is very wise and magnanimous indeed, caring more for the experience than the glory." The officiant praised.

"What wise and magnanimous!? He is simply trying to save face when his team loses in the first battle!" Salas glanced at Ning Fengzhi with contempt.

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