I woke up in the morning and dragged the girls to the bathroom, Rong Rong was the first to wake up since she was so excited for our date today.

We will be spending the entire day in the Imperial City and playing around in the Heaven Dou Auction House.

After our bath, I give Little Jing to Feng Feng as I give the three girls a kiss before they leave for breakfast. I take Rong Rong"s tiny hand and walk out of the main campus to the City.

Rong Rong often came to Heaven Dou Imperial City when she was a child, so she has the best knowledge of all the shops and restaurants here.

She clings to my arm as she leads the way to one of her favourite restaurants, her lively beauty like a blooming flower attracts the attention of every man as they stare at her, before glaring at me in envy.

I laugh at their glares as I pull Rong Rong close to my body, she smiles as she leans on my shoulder. Soon, we arrive at a tall and expensive looking restaurant called "Eden Restaurant".

Walking inside, the restaurant has a beautiful feeling, there are pretty flowers in pots placed around the reception with some dangling plants like chandeliers.

We paid for a private room so the two of us aren"t disturbed by others. A waitress led us to a room on the second floor called "Earth".

The room is painted in very earthly colours, they match perfectly with the pretty flowers that are planted all around the room.

We sit down as Rong Rong familiarly orders a bunch of meals. We talk lightly as we eat our food, we are sitting across from each other with our legs intertwined.

"Brother Wulin, you know? There is a fan club for all of us girls from Old Shrek Academy." Rong Rong said.

I spent most of my time either cultivating for with the girls, so I don"t interact with the students often.

I was a little intrigued, "Oh? You girls are so cute, I can understand that you will have a fan club. Whos club is most popular?"

Rong Rong pouted, "Sister Yue and Little Qing are the most popular groups, they have the biggest b.r.e.a.s.t.s…"

I laugh, "It can"t be helped, lots of men like bigger b.r.e.a.s.t.s, you still have a lot of time to grow."

Rong Rong smiled happily, "Of course! If you want it, I will grow lots! You boys don"t have any fan clubs, You and Boss Dai never interact with anyone other than us, and Oscar and Fatty are just Oscar and Fatty…"

I try to stifle a laugh at her words, Mu Bai and I don"t care about making friends since they are all weak and useless anyway, but Oscar and Fatty are constantly trying to look for girlfriends.

Oscar, with his handsome looks could have easily made many girls fall for him, but he has this sickening need to show people his stinky recovery tofu, and uses vulgar incantations, scaring away anyone that gets near him.

Fatty, using his experience as a playboy was able to get a couple girls, but they all left after he brought them to his dorm. His l.u.s.t is too much for them to handle, so they all leave him after one night.

In the end, he still frequents the brothels. He even tried to get all of us boys to go with him, saying that they are much higher cla.s.s in the Imperial City, earning him another beating from all the girls.

"Xiao Wu also has a large fan base, with her att.i.tude, she quickly became a big sister in the Academy. The leader of her fan club is the current strongest student, Tai Long, of course not including you." Rong Rong added.

Tai Long, that Ape Spirit idiot… After I let him stay in the sky for a couple hours, he never came back for revenge. Instead, he came to apologise for being so stubborn and asked me to train him.

He comes from a clan that worships pure strength above all, so when I beat him so easily, he understood that I was much stronger than him and now wants to learn under me.

Of course, I declined him since I don"t want to train someone with the intelligence of a 1,000-year-old Spirit Beast. He was dejected but quickly cheered himself up and promised to put in extra effort to training.

Even with the introduction of Little Yue, Feng Feng and Little Jing, Tai Long was smitten with Xiao Wu. He asks her out daily, even when she tries to tell him that she has a boyfriend, he doesn"t believe her because he never showed himself.

After breakfast, we wandered around the city hand and hand. The Heaven Dou Auction House runs all day long, so we decided to walk around the City and come back to the Auction House at midday.

Luckily, both of us have strong bodies, so walking around the Imperial City isn"t very exhausting. If it were a normal person, they would probably pa.s.s out from exhaustion just walking from the north gate to the south gate.

I visit all of the botanical shops and buy any herbs and plants that I don"t own yet. Since I have so much room in my Immortal Realm, I decided to make my own Garden of Eden, specially nurtured by Little Rice.

Little Rice is around 300-years-old, but with the abundant Spirit Power in the atmosphere nourishing its body, it is strong like a 500-year-old Spirit Beast.

I also visit a couple shops that sell Spirit Beasts, buying a couple common 10-year-old Spirit Beasts, I plan to let them protect Tang Sect when all of us leave for G.o.d"s Realm.

In one particular shop, I found five baby Monkey Type Spirit Beasts playing around and wrestling each other. From the look of their bland fur, they seem to be Swift Wind Monkey Spirit Beast.


Name: Swift Wind Monkey Spirit Beast

Age: 11-years-old

Spirit Ability: Accelerate


These monkeys are a little rarer than the extremely common Spirit Beasts I bought, they have the wind attribute and when they are older, they become very quick.

I decided to buy them all as I put them into the Immortal Realm, I am not worried about any of the Spirit Beasts eating the Herbs and flowers that I planted since Little Rice is there.

Little Rice is very protective of all the plants that it takes care of and will stop all the Spirit Beasts from trying to take anything.

I will go to the Immortal Realm and teach everyone the rules tonight. By the time I finish buying all the Spirit Beasts, it is almost noon, so we should make our way to the Heaven Dou Auction House.

Rong Rong leads the way as we walk through the winding streets of the Imperial City, the streets are as wide as normal main roads in other cities, so there is plenty of s.p.a.ce for multiple carriages to go by as well as pedestrians walking.

We quickly come up to a large dome shaped building. The building seemed to have a diameter of at least 500 metres and was 80 metres tall at its peak. Large golden words cover the front of the building, "Heaven Dou Auction House".

To be able to have so much s.p.a.ce for a single building, it can be seen that Heaven Dou Auction House has significant background. The building was a milky white colour, and in front of the entrance stood four tall young women.

They are the staff of Heaven Dou Auction House, each of them had well developed bodies with extremely pretty appearances. With the reputation and background of Heaven Dou Auction House, naturally they will have a strict selection process of their staff.

Their snow-white skin was mostly hidden by their long dresses, but the dresses were tightly fitted to their bodies, causing all their curves to be emphasised.

The four young women greeted all customers with grace, their smiles were professional and lively, easily giving others a good impression.

When we walked up, one of the young women took the initiative to step forward as she greeted us, "Guests, is there anything you require a.s.sistance with?"

I nodded my head, "We want to go partic.i.p.ate in the auction."

The young woman was a little shocked, the two of us are just young teenagers, most guests are leaders of clans or older Spirit Masters. She quickly shakes off her shock as she patiently asks, "I"m sorry, honoured guests, may I ask whether you have the bidding qualifications certificate?"

I look to Rong Rong, she shakes her head as she said, "I only came here with my daddy, so I don"t have one."

I turn back to the young woman as I ask, "How do I get this certificate? I don"t have one yet."

The young woman"s expression didn"t change as she professionally said, "As long as you can prove that you have a.s.sets worth more than 10,000 gold spirit coins, this is to ensure that people can"t bid maliciously. There are also more levels of certification the more money you show, giving you more benefits in the Heaven Dou Auction House."

"Alright, where do I go to prove it, lead the way." I say.

The young woman nods her head as she bows slightly, before leading us inside to a room. Inside, there is a desk and a mask sitting behind it, the young woman looks at him as she respectfully says, "Registrar number one, I would have to trouble you to supervise this qualifications certificate."

The man nods his head as he looks at the two of us, "Bring out your a.s.sets, as long as you can prove that you have over 10,000 gold spirit coins in worth, you will gain a bidding qualifications certificate."

I take out my Gold Coin Transfer Card and pa.s.s it to the registrar. The registrar inspects the Gold Coin Transfer Card for a little bit before his eyes widen with astonishment.

"Sir, you possess the qualifications! I will give you your certificate immediately, Little Hua, get refreshments for this gentleman and lady." The registrar hurriedly stood up as he got to work, telling the young woman that led us to get us some refreshments.

"There"s no need, once we get the bidding certificate we will be going to the auction area." I deny the refreshments since it is too much of a ha.s.sle.

The young woman, Little Hua, was shocked at the actions of the registrar before she looked at me in a different light, anyone who could make the registrar act like this had to have a large background.

She looked at my face and noticed that I was quite handsome, thinking that I might be a young master from a big clan taking a girlfriend out for some fun. Little Hua knows that young masters of big clans almost always have multiple women, so she decided to try her best to get this one.

In a soft voice, "Young master, are you sure you don"t need any refreshments? Little Hua will get anything for you." Little Hua came close to me as she held her hands together, pushing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in front of me as they almost spill out of her dress.

I unconsciously stare at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, before coughing slightly and looking away, "I am fine, there is no need to busy yourself."

Rong Rong to my side can tell what Little Hua is trying to do as she glares at her. She looks up at me and notices that I am not looking at the girl, satisfied, she lets out a little huff and rests on my shoulder.

Little did she know, I created a small illusion in my eyes, making it look like I was looking into the distance. In reality, I couldn"t help but stare at Little Hua"s chest for a bit longer, she is even bigger than Little Yue, with a perfectly developed body.

Little Hua seemed to be a little frustrated that I didn"t even look at her, but also admired me at the same time. A woman"s feelings are hard to understand, probably even harder than comprehending Nature.

Little Hua nodded her head obediently, causing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to shake a bit, "Alright, Young Master, if there is anything you want to know, just ask Little Hua."

I nod my head as I turn my gaze away from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, even if I use an illusion to hide my eyes, I can"t be sure that Rong Rong"s instincts as a woman won"t suspect something.

Although I stared at her for a while, that is only because her body is s.e.xy, even if she turned me on I wouldn"t have s.e.x with her, I would just vent on one of my girls.

I can tell that this Little Hua isn"t very interested in me, and just wants to try and become my girl for the money, so I don"t try to accommodate her.

The registrar quickly finishes preparing my Bidding Qualifications Certificate as he hands it to me, "Here you are, sir. You are categorised as the highest-level bidder, there is a VIP room specially prepared for you, you can also sit in any other region. Little Hua will show you around. "

The registrar bows deeply after handing the certificate to me, Little Hua saw the red border around the certificate and was astonished, she thought that I would only qualify as a purple grade bidder, black grade at most.

The red border signifies my status as a Red Grade Bidder. People with Red Grade qualifications are people who have at least 1,000,000 gold spirit coins worth of a.s.sets, like Rong Rong"s dad and Prince Xue Xing.

Little Hua"s eyes beamed as she knew this was a chance she could not miss out without a fight, she stared at me seductively while keeping her professional appearance.

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