"Daddy! Grandpa Bone! What are you two doing here?" Rong Rong was alert as she watched Ning Fengzhi and Grandpa Bone walk out of the portal.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Rong Rong angrily and snorted, "Hmph! What am I doing here? What are you guys doing here, beating people up!"

Rong Rong shook slightly and hid herself behind Wulin"s large back, "How did you even find us?"

"Dean Flander told me about your plan to compete in the Spirit Master Tournament!" Ning Fengzhi said.

"No matter how roundabout you thought you were asking the clansmen, you couldn"t keep it hidden from us!"

From this, Rong Rong knew that the clansmen she asked had sold her out to her father, causing her to pout in unhappiness.

Wulin took his straw hat off, knowing it served no purpose in hiding their ident.i.ties in front of Ning Fengzhi.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan had mysterious techniques that allowed him to view the Spirit Rank of other people.

Using this ability along with his deduction abilities he could easily figure out that their group was the group he was looking for.

The rest of the girls followed Wulin"s lead and took their hats off. They weren"t worried about anyone else seeing them since they were all unconscious.

"Wulin, why did you follow her whims! If you wanted to compete, why didn"t you just come and compete in my team?" Ning Fenzhi asked is half helplessness and anger.

Wulin only shrugged his shoulders as he answered, "I thought it sounded like a fun idea. Plus, if I really wanted, I could imitate these people perfectly with my illusions."

Ning Fengzhi sighed as he motioned to all of them, "… Just hurry up and go into the portal, I will deal with these people."

Grandpa Bone opened the portal and Wulin led his girls into the portal as they cutely thanked Grandpa Bone.




"Urghh…" Jiang Jiannan groaned as he felt pain shooting through his entire body.

As his consciousness returned, Jiang Jiannan was immediately confused, "I am not dead? Why did he keep me alive?"

Jiang Jiannan opened his eyes and looked around, he was in the same spot he first encountered the cloaked group.

He also found all his students laying on the ground.

Panic and anxiety immediately settled in, but it was soon washed over with relief once he saw their chests rising and falling softly.

Jiang Jiannan was wondering what happened to the cloaked group and why they were all alive when he suddenly heard a voice.

"You are awake, excellent." A calm and majestic voice sounded from his side, causing Jiang Jiannan"s head to swivel in that direction.

He saw a middle-aged man in pure white garments, along with a towering old man with a face that could strike fear into the heart of a stone statue.

He also felt his instincts telling him that the old man was extremely strong, enough to destroy him with ease.

"W-who are you? Are you the leader of those cloaked people?" Jiang Jiannan stuttered with fear.

There was no being brave in front of such an existence, if he tried to fight back, it would be a meaningless death.

The middle-aged man shook his head lightly and replied with a graceful smile, "We are not their leaders, but their killers."

"We came across their group attacking yours and took it upon ourselves to exact justice. You are lucky we came when we did, otherwise you and your students would all be dead." He said.

Jiang Jiannan wasn"t shocked when he said that the cloaked group was dead, after all, the old man there would be able to kill them all with ease.

He hurriedly got up and clasped his hands as he bowed deeply towards the pair, "I, Jiang Jiannan am eternally grateful to the two saviours!"

The majestic middle-aged man waved his hand gracefully like a king, "It wasn"t a problem, we were just pa.s.sing by and stumbled upon this incident."

Jiang Jiannan nodded his head and looked at the pair with gratefulness.

Suddenly, he realised that he didn"t even know the names of his saviours. He especially wanted to know the name of the old man since he could likely be a t.i.tled Douluo with that power.

"Two saviours, may I please have the honour of knowing your names?" Jiang Jiannan once again bowed as he asked politely.

The middle-aged man chuckled slightly while the old man stayed deathly silent and stared into the distance, ignoring their existence.

"I thought that most people would know who I am, looks like I am not as famed as I thought I was. My family name is Ning and Uncle"s family name is Gu." The middle-aged man answered.

Jiang Jiannan felt those names ring a bell as he stared at the duo, realising that the middle-aged man seemed quite familiar.

"Why does he suddenly seem familiar? Family name of Ning, Ning…! It couldn"t be!" Jiang Jiannan was startled.

Looking at Ning Fengzhi"s face, he couldn"t deny that it looked exactly the same as he remembered it.

Almost all high-level Spirit Masters knew of Ning Fengzhi and had seen his picture before.

This is because he is at the top of the list of people you never want to anger. He controls the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan which is backed by two t.i.tled Douluos.

Jiang Jiannan then remembered that Ning Fengzhi introduced the old man with the surname of Gu and immediately connected it to a single person.

"Gu Rong! The most secretive t.i.tled Douluo! They actually saved my life!" Jiang Jiannan was elated to be able to meet such legends.

"Clan Master Ning, Revered t.i.tled Douluo Gu, I will remember this kindness forever! If you ever require my a.s.sistance, I will not hesitate to a.s.sist in any way!" Jiang Jiannan spoke strongly with bright eyes.

Ning Fengzhi only chuckled, "I will have to remember that. You seemed to be on your way to compete in the Spirit Master Tournament, are you still going?"

Jiang Jiannan looked at his unconscious students after hearing Ning Fengzhi and felt downtrodden.

He wanted to prove to the other Advanced Spirit Master Academies the power of his students, but now they were all injured.

Jiang Jiannan sadly shook his head, "No, we will return to the academy. There is no time for them to recover and compete in the tournament…"

Ning Fengzhi nodded his head, "I see, it is time that Uncle Bone and I returned to the Clan. I wish you safe travels to your academy."

Jiang Jiannan reciprocated as he also said, "Thank you, Clan Master Ning. I also wish you safe travels to the Clan."

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong left Jiang Jiannan alone with his students and moved in the direction of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Once they were out of Jiang Jiannan"s perception, Gu Rong opened a portal and the two of them stepped through.




Walking through the portal, Wulin arrived in a beautifully decorated room, likely the hall of Ning Fengzhi"s home.

The room was simple yet held an artistic and beautiful feeling, with soft white colours painting the walls.

In the centre of the room, a couple couches and a small table was positioned. On one sofa, an old man with long white hair was calmly sitting with a cup of tea in his hands.

The old man looked up and smiled gently to the group, "My Little Princess, you have come back to visit me."

"Grandpa Sword!" Rong Rong bounced from behind Wulin and leapt into Grandpa Sword"s lap.

The suddenness of her actions caught Grandpa Sword by surprise and he quickly moved his cup of tea out of the way as he received her.

Wulin and the rest of his girls sat opposite of Grandpa Sword, the sofa was large enough to fit all four of them, with Little Jing in Wulin"s lap.

Seeing them sitting together, Rong Rong jumped from Grandpa Sword"s lap and onto the other sofa, forcing everyone to get closer.

But they were all intimate and had nice and soft bodies, so it wasn"t uncomfortable in the least.
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"Wulin, thank you for giving me that divine medicine, I have finally broken through to the 97th level and I feel decades younger!"

Grandpa Sword stood and bowed to Wulin, he didn"t know how much time he saved by using this medicine and it even increased his future cultivation potential.

Wulin already expected something like this to happen as he quickly said, "Grandpa Bone, we are family, there is no need to thank me for something like this. I am only doing what is right."

Hearing Wulin"s words, Chen Xin"s eyes squinted even more than usual as his face widened in happiness.

Nodding his head, he said, "Good! Since we are family, I won"t be unfamiliar and call you Little Lin."

Wulin nodded his head in satisfaction when Rong Rong spoke up, "Grandpa Sword, these girls are also your family!"

Grandpa Sword laughed as he nodded gently, "Yes, Fengzhi spoke about all of you. My granddaughters, come and greet Grandpa."

The girls were happy to be easily accepted by Grandpa Sword as they greeted him, "Grandpa!" "Great-Grandpa!"

At this time, another black portal opened to the side, with Ning Fengzhi and Grandpa Bone walking out.

They sat down as Ning Fengzhi poured a cup of tea for himself and took a sip before looking at Wulin"s group.

"It is good that you guys were wearing disguises, otherwise I wouldn"t know how to deal with that Jiang Jiannan."

Wulin nodded his head, "We know what repercussions revealing our faces would have, we were cautious enough to make sure they couldn"t find out."

Ning Fengzhi nodded his head silently. He was inwardly surprised by the fact that Wulin was able to defeat Jiang Jiannan on his own.

He had asked Jiang Jiannan about what happened and discovered that he had been forced back by a single person.

Granted that he was taken surprised by the appearance of the External Spirit Bone, but the power exerted by the final attack was simply too much for Jiang Jiannan to defend against.

Wulin was able to release such immense power because his meridians and pathways have been strengthened beyond the natural limit, allowing him to burst out Spirit Power at the levels of Spirit Saint and above.

"Since you guys wish to compete, you are partic.i.p.ate using the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s spot."

After a little deliberation, Ning Fengzhi spoke again.

"But daddy! What about the team you have been cultivating? Didn"t you say that you were going to partic.i.p.ate in this year"s tournament?"

Rong Rong worriedly asked, she knew Ning Fengzhi had been cultivating a team and wanted to let them partic.i.p.ate in the coming tournament.

This was also the reason that she didn"t wish to ask her father to compete, she didn"t want to steal the position those people worked hard for.

Ning Fengzhi only slowly shook his head, "I don"t usually send out a team, I only thought about it this time since this generation was pretty decent."

"There is no problem in them not competing, and they won"t have any complaints. You can use this spot without worry."

Rong Rong felt bad, even if it didn"t hold any significant meaning to Ning Fengzhi, she didn"t like to intrude.

This was the result of Rong Rong"s growth, although still a mischievous girl, she was innately kind and didn"t hurt others.

Wulin pat her thigh gently as he focused on Ning Fengzhi, "Father-in-Law, you should know that we will be representing Shrek Academy in the tournament."

Ning Fengzhi only chuckled lightly, "That is even simpler. Yes, you are representing Shrek Academy, but you are also representing the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan."

"You are all my children, the direct members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, but you were raised by Shrek Academy. It isn"t a problem to represent both." He smiled.

Wulin thought about it and realised he was right, as Rong Rong"s husband, and the girls being adopted by Ning Fengzhi, they were considered direct clan members.

As he said, even if they said they were representing Shrek Academy, being direct members, it showed off the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

This would only lead to more benefits, making the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan to become more popular and interest more talented into joining.

"Alright, Father-in-Law, we will partic.i.p.ate using the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan"s place." Wulin accepted.

Ning Fengzhi nodded his head in satisfaction, "Good! Now, you guys should just stay here until the beginning of the tournament. Rong Rong, show them around the clan."

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