"Imps! Imps and gargoyles are invading!" shouted a child, as he defended himself from the swipes of an imp. The gargoyles were smaller than the imps, but they were made of stone and possesd flight, so they were harder to kill and could do more damage.

"They"re the one eyed variety... at least 21 invaders have been confirmed." said Morte. Squad 209 had heard the uproar, worn their gear and rushed out to battle. Only Rei had come with barely no armor as he had no idea how they wore their gear so quickly. "Vanguard secret." Pierre said smiling. "I"ll teach you if you survive this."

The five began their a.s.sault on the imps, Rokuro noticed that the new recruits were sprawled on the floor and realised that they had probably been attacked mentally. "Why aren"t they attacking our minds?" he asked May. "Can only do one at a time." she replied, pointing at the imp they were running to.

"You left me to die! Why didn"t you take me with you!"

Rei"s momentum stopped. He was still traumatised from Cristina"s death after all. Then Gars. .h.i.t his head. "Focus! I don"t care about makes you suffer! Just keep on going! The end is always worth it!" he shouted. Rei looked up to see Gars crying. Then Gars ran towards an imp and beheaded it. Rei got up and prepared to face the source of the disturbance. It was a gargoyle.

The creature flew towards Rei and began to swipe at him, Rei having to be extra cautious because of his lack of armor. He slashed at the creature, but his blade only chipped its arm. The creature flew some distance into the air and its eye glowed.

"You can"t lift it. Ooh You actually did?...he fainted..HAHAHA!"

Rei teared up upon hearing Kevin"s voice. Then the gargoyle rushed at him and prepared to cut his neck. Rei looked at the gargoyle with fire in his eyes, he proceeded to dodge the attack by twisting and put full force into his strike. In an instant the match was decided. The gargoyle"s head had been cut clean of by Rei"s twisting slash. Rei then ran towards an imp on its way to kill one of the newbies on the ground, and stabbed through its head. He proceeded to kill three more imps with a furious expression plastered on his face, and tears falling from his eyes. "Enemy status: eliminated... Number of injured: 15 minor, no majors. Number of dead...2." Morte said as he looked across the training ground which was covered in imp and gargoyle bodies. "Good job surviving, Dragã."

Just then, a roar was heard from on top of the south wall. An ogre had scaled it. "Ah, c.r.a.p... I knew we shoulda killed it." said Pierre, holding his lance in a spartan pose. "Tsk, couldn"t stay put on that pit, huh?" said Gars, preparing himself for battle. Morte had seemingly disappeared. "Draga. That Ogre. Can you hit eye?" May asked, handing Rei a sling shot. "Yeah I probably can. And it"s Dragã." he replied, picking up a stone. "I no good with other languages." she muttered. "You can get better. I can teach you. In exchange teach me some fighting techniques."


The squad, along with squad 205 and 207 ran towards the ogre at full speed. The fat monster jumped down, breaking the ground below it. Now Rei could see it in its full grotesque form. Its face had a single eye, and its teeth were so hideously disfigured to the point where one might ask whether it ate stones. It had a relatively human nose, but had bat wing like ears. Its skin was a pale green, orange around its arms. It wore an old rag which was stained with blood. Wielding a tree trunk for a weapon and towering over the children, it was a pure monster."It"s a wonder why we didnt call it a cyclops?" asked Pierre. "That"s because cyclopes aren"t monsters." said Gars. "Oh yeah...can"t we just call them demon cyclopes?" Pierre asked. "That caused a war, so we just call em ogres." Gars answered.

The ogre had been watching this group engage in conversation, and took it as an insult. It charged towards Pierre, who jumped out of its way. "I still can"t block that..." said the boy, getting up. The ogre had crashed into a building, but recovered almost immediately. "Thick b.a.s.t.a.r.d." muttered Gars. "May! Have you given him yet!?!". "Aye." answered May

"Then let"s do this! Hit the eye!" shouted Gars, Rei releasing the stone and sending it flying towards the huge target that was the ogre"s eyeball. The rock hit its nose instead, but it rebounded and hit the eye. "MAY LEFT!" Gars shouted as he ran towards the ogre"s right. The two jumped in the air and used their blades to slash its neck. it caused a slight incision leaving slight bleeding. "Espoir! Now!"

Suddenly, Morte jumped out from behind the ogre and slashed the back of its neck. The beast was infuriated and used his tree trunk to smack Morte away. It eye began to glow and it seemed to lose fat, becoming muscle instead. As the creature turned its gaze to Mayln, a spear pierced its glowing red eye. It screamed in pain and fell backwards. "Go!" Pierre shouted to Rei, who ran towards the ogre and stabbed his short sword intobits throat, the area where Gars and May had slashed. It ripped open, ejecting a large amount of blood. Rei jumped away with his sword in hand. The ogre got up, looked at the four in front of him, and then looked at the one he smacked away, seeing that he was relatively okay. It roared in anger, then it dropped. "Rest in piece, Wilbur." said Pierre getting on his knee and bowing, the others following suit...except for the blood soaked Rei. "That hurt though. If I didn"t have this magic item." said Morte. "Shadow ring...seriously, thank you."

"Why don"t you just marry that thing?" said Pierre, laughing at Morte as he kissed the black ring on his hand. "Maybe I will!" replied Morte. "Oi, don"t joke about that." said Pierre in a surprised tone. Four of the five members of squad 209 were laughing and talking as they walked towards their outpost while Rei and the others looked on in disbelief

Did they just casually kill an ogre?

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