23 Lady at the Ball:

The monthly royal ball had come around again. The main hall of the castle was filled guests dressed in luxurious clothes and sparkling jewels. The autumn night sky was clear and the air was crisp.

While this was the monthly ball the King hosted, there was also an added celebration: the formal announcement of the engagement of King Ernest Berghausen to Lady Iris Reinfeldt.  

King Ernest had proposed to Lady Iris before all the guests at the previous ball, so everyone already knew about it. No one voiced any surprise when the engagement was announced by Prime Minister Duke Sirius Schneider. There was joyous clapping and there were a long line of n.o.bles who wanted to congratulate Ernest and his fiancée, Iris.

‘We would like to congratulate you on your engagement and impending marriage." they said

‘This is a very auspicious event," they said.

Although, Iris had complicated feelings about the circ.u.mstances, as a well-bred Lady, her expression did not betray her tumultuous thoughts.

But, the kingdom seemed to me glad that Ernest had taken a bride, they had all but given up on the King every marrying.

‘Would you like to have a girl or a boy? Either way, it will not change the future of the country."

‘If your child is like both of you, they are surely to grow up intelligent and beautiful."

The throne of Berghausen could be inherited by the any child. Because of that, was it so easy to talk about having children? Iris gave their guest a vague smile, even though they were speaking so witlessly and insensitively due to their joy. Ernest"s ability as a statesman was great as anyone would attest to; wanting him to pa.s.s on the excellence was natural as va.s.sals who thought about the country"s future.

Iris had been in conflict with her sister Leticia since childhood. She grew up in an environment where her sister wielded a sharp blade while looking rather loveable.

While Iris wanted to protect herself, Ernest said, ‘We are thankful for everyone"s well-wishes, but a child is a gift. I don"t want anyone to pressure my bride and cause her to run away from me, leaving me alone once again. I think it would be sad for this country to lose such a bright and beautiful queen."

Ernest put his arms around her and smiled at their well wishers. The smile made his handsome face even more so.

A child was a gift, and there was no guarantee they would have one.

He had remembered what she had told him while she was asking him to have a concubine.

Their well wishers stopped as well, they finally realised they may have gotten carried away in their joy. Even though there was a likely to be a child in the future, right now they had to take care of their future Queen. There were murmured words of apology. Iris gave a serene smile.

Iris felt she was the one who needed apologise.

Thanks to Ernest, her chest had changed slightly but it hurt on the inside. (Zuben: b.o.o.bies are good but the heart, not so much) At the same time, she was irritated with herself for finding comfort in the arm around her waist since she didn"t like being at b.a.l.l.s.

‘Congratulations, Iris." a lovely voice said. After listening to the tactless aristocrats, her eardrums were healed by the lovely sound she had grown accustomed to. (Zuben: Drink!)

‘Thank you, Rosemary." she replied turned to the younger girl. As an unmarried princess, she was wearing a baby pink dress with lots of ribbons and frills. But her dress flattered her, her movements made the dress flutter like fairy wings under the chandeliers. Her soft beauty made Iris smile.

‘You look lovely tonight; your dress is very pretty. I am liable to be overwhelmed by your cuteness."

Rosemary giggles, ‘Thank you, Iris. I was told by Mrs Macy that you made this lace tr.i.m.m.i.n.g."

‘Oh, looking closely…" the lace tr.i.m.m.i.n.g did look familiar; when she had embroidered the lace pattern, she had imagined the wearer to be a fairy like lovely woman. Once again, the lace she never knew the destination had ended up with Rosemary.

Rosemary had a conspiratory grin on her face as she said to Iris, ‘This dress is the result of many consultations with Mrs. Macy in order to get Sirius to look at me."

‘I see, it was worth it," Iris replied. Unlike Iris, the same pastel dresses that looked too much on her, looked amazing on Rosemary. The power of Mrs Macy, master tailor was demonstrated.

‘But, I really wanted to have a bewitching dress made to thoroughly seduce Sirius, but as an unmarried lady, I can only wear pastels."

Iris was at a loss for words, but honest and cheerful Rosemary smiled, ‘But Mrs Macy suggested that I should compete with loveliness, rather than seductiveness."

Just as she finished, a cold faced man walked up to them, Rosemary tilted her head, ‘Good Evening Sirius, how do I look?"

To Iris, Sirius Schneider was a man who looked at the world in a calm and seemingly detached manner.

‘As always, I think you look very well." he replied.

‘And?" Rosemary fished, ‘Don"t you have any other thoughts?"

‘I"m not sure what else I should be thinking." he replied pushing up his gla.s.ses.

Rosemary glared at him and puffed out her cheeks.(Zuben: Stop that, you look like stuffed hamster)

‘Is that so? For someone who somehow has a different woman every evening, shouldn"t you have a library of goose b.u.mp inducing lines?" Rosemary retorted.

Although the ballroom was filled with guests, they were all talking and the orchestra was also playing, so Iris was sure that she was the only one who heard what Rosemary had said,


A princess should not say such crude things in public.

Iris knew Rosemary very well, and knew she was an innocent girl, but if someone did hear her, they could spread rumours that the fifth Princess was a mannerless girl with a pretty appearance.

Iris understood well the issue of marriage in n.o.ble families; it was very dependent on a woman"s reputation in the eyes of the men.

Iris watched the situation nervously.

But, didn"t Ernesto think this was wrong? He hadn"t reacted nor censured her.  

Rosemary"s cheeks were puffed up to the fullest, glared at Sirius and then tears began to fill her eyes. (Zuben: Do you think she"s going to pop?)

‘Your Grace is a fool! I know all about your dalliances!" she cried.

Oh no! What should she do? Iris wondered.

Iris had never been witness to other people"s pandemonium. With hers, her black-bellied brother in law not steered her older sister before the fight became too heated. She only had ever fought with her sister.

What should she do?

It such cases, it was better not to say anything that might cause more trouble.

But Iris was also a woman; she understood Rosemary"s feelings wishing to be complimented on her efforts.

Iris glared sharply at Sirius

But before Rosemary began to cry, Ernest squeezed Iris waist calling her attention while Sirius looked somewhat embarra.s.sed. (Zuben: Who can blame him?)

‘Don"t worry too much, Iris." he said into her ear.


‘It"s alright, leave it to me."

What was he planning? Iris decided not to say anything to Sirius. Ernest turned his golden gaze to Sirius, his eyes filled with glee.

‘Sirius, my sister is in tears because of your callous manner."

‘I apologise, your Majesty, I never meant for that to happen." Sirius stammered.

‘It would be bad if you let the fifth Princess cry at a ball her family is hosting."

Sirius was silent.

‘So Sirius, give it up, and dance with your beloved Rosemary."

The moment Rosemary heard Ernest"s words her tears dried and her face was aglow.

‘Thank you, Ernest!" She said.

Love is really amazing. Rosemary smiled brightly and looked at Sirius expectantly. Sirius on the other hand relented, bowed to the young lady and held out his hand,

‘Princess, would you like to dance the next set?"

‘Yes! One song, two songs, three songs! I will dance with you until I feel better." Rosemary replied her smile like a blooming peach blossom.

For an instant, Sirius had an expression like he truly loved Rosemary.

Thinking about it, the other day, Sirius brought Rosemary some rose tea with chiffon tea cakes as accompaniment - it was popular in the royal capital. Even though he was usually busy, he always seemed to find time to bring Rosemary something he thought she would like.

Hmm, there may be something there…

While deep in thought, Ernest"s quiet voice beat her eardrums (Zuben: Drink)

‘Tut tut, trying to manipulate a man with tears. Rosemary seems to be becoming like our sisters."

‘Hmm? Ernest?"

Did he just say something?

She turned to look up at him in askance, but he shook his head.

‘Even so, Sirius isn"t being straight either."

‘Let"s give up…?"

‘Well, he"s worried about the fourteen-year gap between them. It won"t really matter in another one or two years."


‘He should have capitulated to Rosemary"s strategy." (Zuben: If her strategy is puffing out her cheeks like a hamster, crying and making a handkerchief - he should be dying of laughter)

Certainly, a fourteen year gap would cause a few bothersome issues. But Rosemary was a sensible girl. Iris felt the wall was not too hard to overcome.

But, strategy…? Such machination did not suit honest and pretty Rosemary. Although, Iris did not dare to clarify with Ernest. Especially since her own actions could be labelled as tactics. She did not have the confidence of keeping an innocent expression after hearing what the ‘strategy" was about.

Iris watched Sirius and Rosemary move to the dance floor,

‘Iris, shall we dance?"

Iris eyes blinked in surprise.

‘We haven"t greeted all our guests yet…" would it be alright to go dancing?

Ernest pressed his lips against her forehead; Iris lowered her eyes in puzzlement.

‘Iris, I want to show everyone at this ball that my wife is the most beautiful woman in the room."


‘Can you listen to the wish of a foolish man who wants to soak in a sense of superiority now that I finally have you?"

His golden honey eyes grasped Iris" heart. He really was cunning. Was there any woman who could refuse that request?

Even though she knew that it was because of the powerful love potion, she still felt stirrings of joy.

With her heart fluttering and her cheeks pink, she nodded her a.s.sent to Ernest.


24 The Lady is Weak: 

Ernest held Iris" hand in his and escorted her to the dance floor. Iris was filled with trepidation; she tried to breathe calming breaths to settle her nerves. The conductor raised his baton, and the orchestra began to play; it was an elegantly sweet waltz.

‘Are you nervous, Iris? Ernest asked. He must have noticed her grave expression. He held her slender waist drawing her slightly closer,

‘I"m alright…" she replied although she was clearly not. She nervously tried to convince herself that she was fine.

For now, she should try not to thread of his feet.

Her evening shoes were high heels, if she were to step on him with such shoes it would be a catastrophe.

They stood to begin the dance while Iris tried to keep her nervousness down.

Ernest pulled her closer to him, ‘A waltz is easier if we dance close together." he said with a smile as he began to waltz her across the floor. Though he was leading, Iris was a clumsy dancer. Iris had not been born with the skill of dancing.

Take a diagonal step.

Take a back step.

Although, she had learned dancing since she was a child, she had never quite gotten it. So she had to concentrate hard while dancing.

Dancing was a must for a n.o.ble; whether male or female.

To that end, she had dutifully practised.

“Why can"t Iris dance well?” No matter how many times the innocent blade was thrown at her, Iris continued to practice.

However, people had areas in which they were weak. In spite of practising a lot, Iris could only dance stiffly.

Because of this, it was be hard for the gentleman leading. When she thought of that, she remembered Damian; he had said to her the first time they danced together,

“It"s alright, Lady Iris, everyone has something they aren"t good at,” in his characteristic serious manner.

She knew that he was only being kind, but his words struck a blow. She became afraid she would not be able to dance as a true lady.

Reliving the awkward memory made Iris stiffen but Ernest stroked her hips.

She sighed. Her body knew the comfort of Ernest"s hands so his stroke induced a sweet numbness in her making her relax. Iris glared at him,

‘What are you doing?" she whispered trying not to catch the attention of the other dancers, but embarra.s.sing things are embarra.s.sing.

How could he do that while they were in the midst of a ball? But Ernest had a rakish smile on his lips,

‘Shall we do some special training?" he asked.

‘Eh? Nnn...Ernest!"

Ernest"s golden eyes turned heated and smoky as his hand stroked the curve of her back. Even though her dress, his heated touch reminded her of their nightly pa.s.sions, and a small thread of pleasure began grow from between her legs. She wondered how deeply Ernest was becoming ingrained into her.

Ernest continued to stroke her awakening her sensuality.

‘Now, concentrate on dancing with me," he said.

‘Oh but I can"t…"

‘It"s definitely my fault, but if you step on my foot, I might punish you more." he said in her ear.

How could he say such outrageous things?! He was definitely a tyrant.

She definitely did not want him to tease her or do something mortifying at the ball.

Ernest"s golden eyes caught her violet ones,

‘But, I"m not good at dancing." she said.

‘Is that so?"

‘If you know, stop making mischief."

With his teasing, she would likely have weak knees and fall or step on him.

But Ernest smiled, his affection for her aglow in his eyes as he said, ‘But I think you"re dancing well enough."


What was he saying? She wasn"t good at dancing, and if he kept this up, she would be worse.

Yet she was suddenly aware that her movements were smooth rather than jerky. Her eyes widened in surprise.

Ernest smiled as he drew her closer and kissed her forehead,

‘I"m sure you think you aren"t good at dancing because you"re so nervous."


‘Although, I thought your quiet desperation about dancing was rather alluring."

Ernest said things that did not seem to fit his appearance. His words made Iris blush but her heart was filled with warmth. It was d.a.m.ning for a lady not to know how to dance, but Ernest"s words did not contain any mockery.

He twirled her around laughing like a little boy.

His happy expression was very cute, it made her smile broadly.

Thank you Ernest…

As he turned her, her golden dress flowed out in a beautiful arc. Her beautifully styled hair fanned out gorgeously.

Ernest pulled her back to him and whispered with a hint of smugness, ‘You look beautiful in that dress. Was my guess correct?"

On the day she delivered the lace to Mrs Macy, she was made to try on a dress in place of another woman.

But today she realised that beautiful dress was for her.

Ernest had told her she did not need to choose a dress for the monthly royal ball, but he had not known the existence of that dress. So when she opened the box from Mrs. Macy shop, her jaw dropped.

She realised that Mrs Macy made her try on the dress because it was for her. She had been so splendidly deceived, but she seeing the dress filled her with joyous surprise. It was the first time a man other than her father had given her a dress. And he had not chosen a pastel coloured dress, disregarding that they weren"t married yet. He was willing to be premature because he wanted to marry her.

A golden dress like the colour of his eyes: The dress glimmered vividly and mysteriously and did not have the frills and ribbons that once tormented Iris. The dress was open around the neck and shoulders; the skirt wasn"t overly full, giving her a neat and slender silhouette. (Zuben: What is this J web novel trend of clothes the colour of the dude"s eyes? What if you look washed out in his eye colour seeing as they"re all supposedly so pale)

Around her neck was a necklace of diamonds with high clarity, they looked like Ernest dazzling silver hair sprinkled like the stars of in a perfectly clear night sky. (Zuben: So she"s wearing him. There seems to be a lot of that going around)

Thank you, Ernest....

Thanks to him, Iris looked polished and beautiful. The men who had previously ridiculed her because of their fascination with Leticia, they could not say anything.

Iris felt more comfortable in the crowd around her, she unconsciously smiled at Ernest.

‘Not good." Ernest said with a heated look in his eyes.


‘You look so cute, I might stain my trousers."

Iris narrowed her eyes at him; now that she knew him better, she was well aware of what he meant. Why did he have to say that in such a crowded place?

Just then, she felt someone"s gaze on her. She turned to find a man staring: Was that Damian?

He was staring at Iris.

Although he should be staring after Leticia, he was looking stunned at Iris dancing with Ernest.

Then again, maybe it was all in her head. There was no reason for Damian to stare at her so. Despite that, his line of sight was still to her. Iris tilted her head in puzzlement.

Ernest suddenly tightened his embrace.

She looked up at him, ‘Ernest?"

‘Look at me only, Iris."


‘Don"t look at that foolish man who could not see that you are the highest grade fish."

She wondered if she should be joyful or shocked about being called the highest grade fish (Zuben: You can be sliced up like sushi). But who was he referring to? She and Ernest only met at the ball last month, Ernest should not know about Iris" past.

Surely, Ernest was only jealous because of the love potion. His false love made him jealous that Iris was staring at another man. Despite this, his words tickled a corner of her heart.

It really made her feel as though he knew about her and Damian.

Ernest leaned down and dropped a quick kiss on her lips, ‘Don"t think of that man any longer, it is impossible for you to be happy with any other man than I."

His golden eyes were molten with sensual heat so hot she felt like she was going to burn from his gaze.

What was he saying? (Zuben: Despite the vibrating eardrums, I don"t think Iris actually listens to Ernest)

For the first time, Iris was somewhat suspicious of the love potion she had used. While she did not doubt that it was still effective, she wasn"t sure about what it actually did to the receiver.

She wondered if this is something that was separate to the effect of the love potion. Iris" foolish heart could not help but hope so.

Despite the dark shadows encroaching Iris" heart, they danced till the waltz ended and then they headed to the refreshments table. Ernest handed her a gla.s.s of wine and she took a sip. The wine had a refreshing bitter sweet taste with undertones of lemon. She placed the gla.s.s down on the table and sighed. Just then, her sister"s sweet honey like voice that made Iris feel like her throat hurt beat Iris" eardrums (Zuben: Drink!)

‘Iris, we haven"t seen in ages. I wanted to see you!"

‘Elder sister…" Iris replied stiffly (Zuben: I didn"t want to see you)

Leticia walked up to them on the arm of her husband with a happy smile on her face.

Index ♔

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