25 The Lady and Her Sister:

‘Congratulations on your engagement, Iris," Leticia said with a lovely smile to Iris.

Leticia looked a lovely picture in a pale yellow evening gown

‘Thank you, Sister." Iris replied flatly.

‘Even so, you have been rude, Iris." Ever ignorant of her sister"s feelings, Leticia barrelled down. Her cheeks were puffed out trying to stir up compa.s.sion. (Zuben: Wrong audience love)

Iris inwardly prepared herself.

‘That night, I had been set to find you a husband. You really surprised me!"

‘I"m sorry...but I don"t think now is the right time."

Even though, Ernest was right there beside her, Leticia still wanted to talk about her own interests without considering the situation.

‘You really shocked me. I had wanted to introduce you to the Duke Braunfels and the Earl Cosette, I had been looking for you only to find you being proposed to by the King!"

Iris was silent.

Leticia smiled innocently. As expected, she had roped the most popular gentlemen into her plan, gentlemen who had once proposed to Leticia. On top of that, these very same men had ridiculed and deplored Iris, especially after Leticia had told them of their arguments.

Leticia"s insensitivity, despite the years of argument over it, left Iris at a loss for words.

‘But now, you will be crowned Queen in February. That"s great, Iris! Congratulations!"

For Leticia, there was nothing wrong with what she had said; she was purely stating what she thought. This made Iris feel complicated. Matthias patted Leticia"s honey coloured hair and said,

‘Letty, let"s not talk about that ball anymore."

‘Oh? Why?" she asked in a childlike manner. She leaned closer to Matthias reminiscent of a small animal.

‘I"m sure you understand this party is celebrating Iris engagement to his Majesty."

‘Yes, of course."

‘Very good, Letty. But don"t you think it is a problem to talk about Iris being married to another man?"

‘Is it?" Leticia asked blinking her lovely green eyes, as she usually did.

Iris could never understand why Matthias loved her insipid sister. Matthias hugged her closer is expression full of love and sweetness.

‘Yes, the King is a very jealous person rather the opposite of his handsome gentle appearance. So, he might run amok just on the idea that Iris might have been married to another man."

‘Oh no, we don"t want that! I didn"t mean it that way; I just wanted to tell you about that night…" Leticia said as she usually did.

‘I understand, Leticia." Iris replied as she usually did.

Matthias was a really good man. He was really good at handling Leticia. Even in cases where Iris would have retorted full of irritation, Matthias wrapped Leticia in affection thick as sugar syrup. But Iris was well aware that her black bellied brother in law"s love did not consist of only perfect pretty and sweet things. The thought made Iris shiver involuntarily. She had long ago concluded that it was best to pretend not to notice. (Zuben: I am now curious of his black bellied love, but I"m sure it is something most mundane)

Ernest put his arm around her waist as he said, ‘It is as Matthias says; just imagining her near another man, I almost locked her in her bedroom."


‘Your Majesty"s jealousy is astonishing."

‘You also have a good match as well. I don"t think there as much distortion in me though," he replied, ‘Have you been well, Countess Reinfeldt?"

‘Yes, quite well. It has been a while, your Majesty."

Ernesto exchanged pleasantries with his future sister in law, while Iris tried to keep a placid mien.

Because of Ernest"s presence, Iris had not said much. She hardly needed to, thanks to Ernest.

He held her close to him as he spoke to Leticia and Matthias. Because of this, there was no unnecessary dispute between her and her sister. Iris breathed a sigh of relief as the tense situation eased.

However, Leticia always played to type.

She always ended up getting hurt when she least expected it.

‘Your Majesty, please be tolerant of my sister, she is so wilful, she made me cry every time we fought. But she is not a bad girl." Leticia told Ernest imploringly (Zuben: How does this sound unmalicious? I think even Matthias has been had)

Was her sister perhaps maligning her in disguise of advice?

‘Although, she isn"t an obedient person, I don"t believe she would betray your Majesty"s heart."

Iris was baffled; did Leticia really not know that her words were actually malicious?

‘My sister always thought that she didn"t have to be married to be happy, despite this, please look after her warmly."

At the time they were celebrating Iris engagement, was it necessary to say bad things about one"s sister to her fiancé? Thick dark anger began to boil up in Iris.

‘And she becomes so absorbed in her lace making hobby, that she ignores the world around her. Please try and stop her-"

‘Leticia, please stop now."

She could not stand it. Iris violet eyes were filled with the dark anger, Leticia leaned back at her harsh tone.

‘Ah Iris, what"s the matter."

‘I wonder if you are trying to make me angry, Sister."

They were in the midst of a celebration of her sister engagement, yet Leticia insisted on speaking of the things she found displeasing about her sister. Even if Leticia thought she was being kind, Iris did not see it that way.

What was Leticia"s purpose saying all these things to Ernest? Was she trying to imply Iris was not good enough to be Ernest"s bride?

At that moment, tears filled Leticia"s eyes. Iris bit her lip in rue.

‘How awful, how could you say such a thing?"

Ah, I"ve lost it again.

It seems Iris would forever be a fool. Even though she knew she would hate herself afterward, she couldn"t help herself (Zuben: It"s not like you"re a saint of patience)

But Leticia continued to be insensitive, how could she take it? She didn"t have such a tolerant heart that she could always forgive her elder sister"s often ignorant and disrespectful comments even if she knew that it wasn"t truly malicious.

Even though she knew Ernest"s love was all a manipulation, she didn"t want Ernest to know of her shortcomings according to Leticia.

Even though, she knew Leticia was about to cry, she opened her mouth to retort when a large hand was placed over her mouth.


26 The Lady"s Ally:

‘Countess, thank you for the advice," Ernest said gently, his voice penetrating her eardrums that were about to explode from anger. (Zuben: Y"all know what to do by now)

What have I done?! She cried to herself in dismayed; she had forgotten Ernest was beside her.

No, it wasn"t that she had forgotten, but that she could not suppress herself any longer.

Since that day, the powerful love potion had unintentionally been reinforced, but she wondered if it was effective in such a situation. (Zuben: Boohoo Love potion, one moment. Love-po, protect me the next)

Even if her shortcomings were not unique, would knowing them cancel the effect of the love potion?

Iris took a deep breath to calm her upset mind. She tried to take a step back almost unconsciously trying to run away. But his strong arm was around her waist, and his arm tightened when she moved.

‘Thank you for understanding…" Leticia replied. Perhaps because she was before his Majesty the King, she held back the tears. She doubted that such a person could be fooled into being protective of her and taking her side.

Her sister must despise Iris who put her into corner. A man, who would not condescend to deplore Iris in face of her exceedingly loveable sister, surely did not exist.

But as before, Iris was a loser who could not hold back her frustration with Leticia. She knew it but she had nearly shown her contempt to Ernest beside her. How undignified. Her hands trembled. Another man being contemptuous, she could handle, but if she became hated by Ernest...her eyes began to be filled with despair.

But in this moment, Iris could not run away or cry to induce sympathy.

Ernest"s large hand stroked her waist, as though he was comforting her.

‘Pardon me, Countess, but unfortunately I am unable to understand what you are trying to say."

‘Eh?" Both ladies blinked in puzzlement.

What did Ernest say?

Leticia turned to Matthias with a look of doe eyed confusion and grasped the sleeve of his suit, ‘Matthias, was my explanation not good?"

‘No, I think what you said was very easy to understand."

‘Is that true?"

‘Yes, my dear." Matthias hugged his wife to his chest.

Then he turned to his liege, ‘But Your Majesty, pardon me and kindly explain your confusion to my lovely wife."

‘I will."

Ernest continued to stroke Iris" flank comforting her. His now familiar warmth transmitted through her clothes to her skin easing the tension. Her heart had been frantically trying to build a fragile wall.

While Iris continued to cast desperate wishes in her heart, Ernest"s words did not reach her tympanic membrane (Zuben: ?)

‘Countess, you seem to be under a big misunderstanding."

‘I...have misunderstood?" Letica asked, her blinking green eyes still full of tears

‘I believe so. Earlier you said Iris was a wilful girl, but to me she is a strong, clever but gentle woman."

His hand continued to stroke Iris" side as her carried on speaking, ‘You say she is not obedient, but I think such a strong minded character is an important quality for a Queen, so that she can clearly communicate her will." (Zuben: Strong-minded, ha!)

Ernest"s hands crept up and turned her so she was nestled in his chest, ‘As for marriage, there is no right answer in the first place. All I can tell you is that I would not be happy to marry unless my wife is Iris."

He was looking down at her now, the hand that had been covering her mouth reached up to caress the locks of her hair that had fell out of its style. He tangled his fingers in the curls

‘And making lace is a career for her not a hobby. I recognise that and want to encourage it."

He looked at her with deep affection and kissed her like he was showing off to her sister.

‘Countess, you"re an important relative of my beloved, so I would like you to be more considerate to your sister."

Leticia was at a loss for words in the face of Ernest"s calmly and coldly delivered words.

From the arms of her pampering husband, she stared silently at the King and then somehow nodded.

Ernest dropped another kiss on Iris" temple.

Iris was in a daze; why had she given Ernest the love potion that night? (Zuben: You didn"t give it to him, he took it)

It was too late to regret it; she could not erase the crime she had committed.

Even though she knew it, she still held hope in her heart.

She wanted his true love not this fake thing. Rather than a peaceful everyday she had been  desperately seeking, she wanted his genuine affection

She could not help it when she finally admitted it to herself.

She was a stupid person who couldn"t do anything.

Her heart was filled with regret and her eyes began to feel hot and fill with tears. Still she could not cry in this place. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to push away the heat and tears that had acc.u.mulated.

Suddenly, she felt like she was being carried.

‘It"s become bad; I am almost at my limit." Ernest said.

‘Ernest!" What was this limit?

While Iris was puzzled by sudden developments, the guests of the ball were surprised and now staring at them.

‘If I have to watch any more men look at your beautiful figure, I will go mad with jealousy."

He said loudly enough for everyone to hear. His voice was filled with sweet pa.s.sion.

She looked up at him; his golden eyes had a mischievous twinkle before his face was blurred by tears.

The guests were staring at the King"s strange behaviour, they were surprised that he would suddenly carry his fiancée and make no secret of his desire for her, when only a month ago he was not very good with women. (Zuben: He"s a fast learner?)

Ernest turned to Matthias, ‘I must take my leave before I go crazy. I"ll leave the rest to you, Matthias."

Matthias" eyes narrowed for a moment then he bowed, ‘As you please, my King."

Ernest left the ball with Iris in his arms.

Once they were out of the ballroom, the room regained its bustling atmosphere.

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