6. Amon-em-hat III. Maat-en-Ra, 43 years.

7. Amon-em-hat IV. Maa-khru-Ra, 9 years, 3 months, 27 days.

8. Sebek-nefru-Ra, a, queen, 3 years, 10 months, 24 days.

The Turin Papyrus makes the sum of the Twelfth dynasty 213 years, 1 month, 17 days.


According to the Turin Papyrus:

1. Sebek-hotep I. Sekhem-khu-taui-Ra, son of Sebek-nefru-Ra, 1 year, 3 months, 24 days.

2. Sekhem-ka-Ra, 6 years.

3. Ra Amon-em-hat V.

4. S-hotep-ab-Ra II.

5. Aufni, 2 years.

G. S-ankh-ab-Ra Ameni Antuf Amon-em-hat VI., 1 year.

7. S-men-ka-Ra.

8. S-hotep-ab-Ra III.

9. S-ankh-ka-Ra II.

10, 11. Names lost.

12. Nezem-ab-Ra.

13. Ra Sebek-hotep II.

14. Ren-seneb.

15. Autu-ab-Ra I. Hor.

16. Sezef-ka-Ra.

17. Sekhem-khu-taui-Ra II.

Sebek-hotep III.

18. User-en-Ra.

19. S-menkh-ka-Ra Mer-menfiu.

20. ... ka-Ra.

21. S-user-set-Ra.

22. Sokhem-uaz-taui-Ka Sebek-hotep IV.

23. Kha-seshesh-Ra Nefer-hotep, son of Ra-ankh-f.

24. Si-Hathor-Ra.

25. Kha-nefer-Ra Sebek-hotop V.

26. [Kha-ka-Ra].

27. [Kha-ankh-Ra Sebek-hotep VI.]

28. Kha-hotep-Ra Sebek-hotep VII., 4 years, 8 months, 29 days.

29. Uab-Ra aa-ab, 10 years, 8 months, 29 days.

30. Mer-nefer-Ea Ai, 23 (or 13) years, 8 months, 18 days.

31. Mer-hotep-Ra Ana, 2 years, 2 months, 9 days.

32. S-ankh-en-s-uaztu-Ra, 3 years, 2 months.

33. Mer-sekhem-Ra Andu, 3 years, 1 month.

34. S-uaz-ka-Ra Ur, 5 years, ... months, 8 days.

35. Anemen ... Ra.

36-46. Names lost.

47. Mer-kheper-Ra.

48. Mer-kau-Ra Sebek-hotep VIII.

49-53. Names lost.

54. ... mes-Ra.

55. ... mat-Ra Aba.

56. Nefer-uben-Ra I.

57. ... ka-Ra.

58. S-uaz-en-Ra.

59-60. Names lost.

61. Nehasi-Ra.

62. Kha-khru-Ra.

63. Neb-f-autu-Ra, 2 years, 5 months, 15 days.

64. S-heb-Ra, 3 years.

65. Mor-zefa-Ra, 3 years.

66. S-uaz-ka-Ra, 1 year.

67. Neb-zofa-Ra, 1 year.

68. Uben-Ra I.

69-70. Names lost.

71. [Neb-] zefa-Ra II., 4 years.

72. [Nefer-] uben-Ea II.

73. Autu-ab-Ra II.

74. Her-ab-Ra.

75. Neb-sen-Ra.

76-79. Names lost.

80. S-kheper-en-Ra.

81. Dad-khru-Ra.

82. S-ankh-ka-Ra III.

83. Nefer-tum-Ra.

84. Sekhem-...-Ra.

85. Ka-...-Ra.

86. Nefer-ab-Ra.

87. A...ka-Ra.

88. Kha-...-Ra, 2 years.

89. Nez-ka-...-Ra.

90. S-men-...-Ra.

91-111. Names lost.

112. Sekhem-...-Ra.

113. Sekhem-...-Ra.

114. Sekhem-us...-Ra.

115. Sesen-...-Ra.

116. Neb-ati-uzu-Ra.

117. Neb-aten-uzu-Ra.

118. S-men-ka-Ra.

119. S-user-...-Ra.

120. Kha-sekhem-[hent]-Ra.

About thirty-seven more names are illegible.


According to Josephus, quoted from Mauetho:--

1. Salatis, 13 years.

2. Beon or Bnon, 44 years.

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