Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 144

“I admit that our Great Qian Empire is less developed as a civilisation, but you otherworldly demons–no–you earthlings; you earthlings are very powerful. But there will come a day where we will surpa.s.s you.”


Nie Shixiong was not mad after hearing Lu Jin’s words. He was as placid as ancient wells. Naturally, there is a sense of self-confidence and elegant demeanour in him. It was obvious that he is a peerless genius taught by great man.

“Hahaha, that’s really funny. Keep dreaming…” Lu Jin laughed and looked to the distance: “When my companions come, you will all die.”

Rumbling sound…

There was a roar in the depth of the sky. It seemed to be thunder.

Nie Shixiong and others looked up. Their faces changed. They vaguely saw a shadow, like a big fish emerging in the depth of the sky. At such height, even Magical Feijian will not be able to hit it.

“Be vigilant, alert!”

Nie Shixiong was unflappable. He drew a circle in the air and the air became frenzy. An energy field was formed. It showed that his vitality is definitely not ordinary.

“Target found, one hundred kilometres below. There are 7 Taoists in the jungle. Lu Jin is among them.” In the atmospheric depths, there were a lot of light spots flashing on the screen of the starfish warship. Then, they expanded and there was a clear display of everything on the ground.

“Ready to get out! Jump down from the air, use the armour to balance and fly down in high-speed from the atmosphere. Be careful. Do not stay for too long in the atmosphere. The sonic armour will not be able to withstand for a long time.”

Lei Zheng stood up and reminded others.

Ji Qingwu, Luo Han and Xue Ling also stood up.

Everyone stayed vigilant, including Jiang Li.

This was his first dual with the Taoism civilization. His heart had great expectations and at the same time, there was an indescribable emotion.

The door of the ship was opened.

Strong wind whizzed. The entire warship was shaking vigorously. Everyone flew down together.

Soon, Jiang Li saw the vast sea of wind, surrounded by great agitation. The bladelike wind kept cutting the armour, causing a crisp sound, as if it was cut by countless of flying swords.

If it was the body without armour, it will be crushed in an instant.

Jiang Li’s body kept rotating, like a leaf boat in tsunami; the direction was unpredictable.

“Fly down at full speed!”

He began to operate the armour and accelerated down vigorously.

A minute later, he finally flew out of the atmosphere. The whole body relaxed immediately. The armour’s eyes were made out of a transparent material. It also had lens and it can zoom in and out. It can also be used to contact other people through signal. Jiang Li already learned how to operate the armour; it was easy to operate for him.

A armour flew and appeared in front of him. It’s Ji Qing Wu: “Jiang Li, land rapidly. Intercept that 7 people from the West. Cut off their way back.”

“All right.” Jiang Li agreed readily.

11 sonic armours sank rapidly and fall to the jungle instantly. They surrounded Nie Shixiong and the others from all directions and closed in in a circle.

 Eventually, the distance between both parties was narrowed until they were all in a jungle land of about one square kilometre.

Nie Shixiong stepped on Lu Jin’s body. The other six went back to back and stayed alerted. The Fire Bird had flown up high and away.


They understood that the Fire Bird is useless at that moment. It will be more dangerous flying on Fire Bird while facing ‘Tian Wai Qie Mo’ armour’s speed.

Kacha Kacha!

Jiang Li and others slowly closed the gap while wearing the armours. However, everyone felt the energy field released from Nie Shixiong and they could not help but stopped.

“Lu Jin, are you alright?” Lei Zheng said while keeping a close eye on Nie Shixiong.

“I’m fine. These natives do not dare to kill me. They want to take me to their place and work, in order to learn our technology.” Lu Jin said sharply: “Kill them!”

“Tian Wai Qie Mo, you all never give up.” One of the female disciples looked resentful. She drew out her sword, getting ready to fight.

That long sword flashed faintly. It seemed to be a flying sword.

  This group of disciples was significantly stronger and greater than the previous group, especially that Nie Shixiong. He had high vitality. Jiang Li was not able to see the changes clearly.

“This group of people is extraordinary. Facing our armour oppression, they are still fearless. We have to be careful.” Jiang Li raised his guard secretly and got ready to use the milky white stone.

“What is your name?” Lei Zheng stepped forward: “You dare to catch my student from Star University? You might die without realising!”

“Hahaha…” Nie Shixiong’s laugh was so earth-shattering, the clouds actually dispersed: “What is there between us that we dare not to do? I call you the Tian Wai Qie Mo, you call us the uncivilised indigenous. There is unsolvable vendetta between us! To win the war, we must depend on our own means. Do you really think that your technology can do anything you want? And dominate the world?”

“Imposing. In all fairness, with your qualities, you will certainly be an excellent student if you enter our Star University. Unfortunately, you’re just a stubborn indigenous. Even if you are ambitious, you cannot compete with the technology of our entire civilisation!” Ji Qing Wu stood out and said coldly.

Suddenly, a gun magically appeared on her hand. It’s extremely fast and dazzling.


A bullet shot and pierced the air. It seemed unavoidable. It went straight to Nie Shixiong’s eyebrows. It is a nuclear warhead and there is a tracking function. It is extremely fast. It will explode and the power can even flatten a building.

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  Even if the opponent used Flying Sword to block it, the bullet would explode and even blow up the Flying Sword.

“G.o.dly Spell!”

At this moment, Nie Shixiong stretched his palm forward.

All of a sudden, countless vortices emerged from the palm. These vortices are not air currents, but a G.o.dly Spell. They’re dark and deep, facing the bullet track.

The bullet entered the black hole and disappeared. Next moment, the black cyclone disappeared and a crystal appeared in the hand of Nie Shixiong. That crystal was palm-sized; the bullet was sealed in it.

The entire bullet was frozen; in which the self-destruct program had been disintegrated.

 “Your technology is so-so. Our G.o.dly Spell can restrain it! This Shen Tong is called heaven and earth seal. It collects the energy of the universe. Ninety-nine Mystic Power, Ancient Seal, Imperative Shackles, Unity of Heaven and Earth. Any ghost or G.o.d can be sealed in it!” Nie Shixiong‘s eyes emitted a strong murderous intent, and his body actually had a surging force: “Perhaps, you think that I, Nie Wanxiong has Flying Sword as my only skill?”

That vertical eye shot out something similar to a laser beam. The ground that was shot turned into ashes.


“Shen Tong? Shen Tai!”

   Ji Qing Wu was shocked and her whole body was trembling!

She wouldn’t have thought that there was actually a Shen Tai in Nie Wanxiong’s body. A huge amount of energy was needed to condense into this G.o.d-like thing. The armour was incomparable to this kind of thing.

 Jie Shen Tai, a tyrannical character with Shen Tai in the body. He has the power to dominate the world. In the human society, this kind of person alone can fight for three thousand miles, and withstand a million soldiers with a sword.

 This kind of character has a double-digit vitality.

 “Retreat! Retreat quickly!” Lei Zheng shouted loudly and kept retreating: “You are not a master from Tai Xi realm, how can there be a Shen Tai in your body!”

 “Are you shocked?” The G.o.d behind Nie Wanxiong was getting larger and larger. Its energy body was so dominating, it actually looked like Wu Zu Ba Li Ming’s imposing manner from Jiang Li’s examination: “My master knew that the force of Tian Wai Qie Mo is getting greater, so he used Supreme Technique of Empowerment and forcefully condensed a Shen Tai – Second Element of G.o.d, in my body. You call this thing as energy body; we call it the Second Element of G.o.d. Even though this Shen Tai is temporary, and will wither soon if overused, it is sufficient to get rid of you people.”

Hong Long!

The G.o.d behind him initiated and used a hand to strike ruthlessly. Its speed was completely beyond the speed of sound.

This blow was directed towards Lei Zheng.

   “Retreat! We fell into their trap.” Lei Zheng already flew up and retreated. However, the speed of the G.o.d is too fast; it wrapped the body of Nie Wanxiong in it and flew at a high speed. At the moment, Nie Wanxiong was like a peerless master, wrapped in the G.o.d. He leapt and flew; the speed had completely surpa.s.sed the sonic armour.


  The humongous G.o.d slapped at Lei Zheng’s sonic armour.

The entire sonic armour gave forth a roar, and it actually disintegrated inch by inch. It was completely destroyed by the slap.

Then, Lei Zheng felled from the sky and there was blood in his mouth. He fainted on the ground.

At that moment, Nie Wanxiong’s body turned sharply and attacked Ji Qing Wu.

   He had already noticed that among these students from Star University, the core members are Lei Zheng and Ji Qing Wu. If these two members were seized, the others will completely collapse and lose confidence.

   Bang bang bang bang bang…

Ji Qing Wu did not panic; she kept shooting her nuclear bullets, hoping to break the Shen Tai’s energy body. However, her effort was futile. No matter how she shot, it was neutralised by the energy G.o.d. The G.o.d would just wave, seal the bullets and render them useless.


The G.o.d stroked with its long arm and severely hit Ji Qing Wu’s body. The sonic armour disintegrated all of a sudden.

She also vomited blood, felled to the ground and fainted.

 “Luo Han, Xue Ling, let’s go!” Jiang Li had long noticed how dangerous it was and began to retreat. Lei Zheng and Ji Qing Wu had gained some time for their escape.

 He mind-controlled Luohan and Xue Ling to fly towards him. Three of them gathered to ease their escape. Or else it would be more difficult to deal with if each of them was destroyed one by one.

  At that moment, three of them had already flown far away.

The rest of the students also fled and scattered in all directions.

There are several students who even tried to fly towards the sky. They wanted to return to the warship, and fight against the powerful Shen Tai energy body with the strength of the warship.

“These students are done.” Jiang Li shook his head.

Nie Renxiong howled and flew up rapidly. He caught up to those students immediately. The three-headed, six-armed G.o.d use each arm to capture the students. The G.o.d crushed all the sonic armours and threw them to the ground.

Apart from Jiang Li, Luo Han and Xue Ling, all the students were captured!

Nie Wanxiong’s aimed at Jiang Li and chased him ferociously. Jiang Li was sensitive. He knew that he would certainly be caught if he escaped through sonic armour. There is no way to survive once he is caught.

Ooo, ooo!

 At this point, he no longer hid. The s.p.a.ce opened immediately. Luohan and Xue Ling were wrapped into it, and then he also entered into the s.p.a.ce. They disappeared all of a sudden. A rock flew through the air with five times the speed of the sound.

Nie Wanxiong just reached but Jiang Li was already far gone.

  “Magic Weapon?” He was a little surprised; he stopped chasing and stayed in the air. His eyes emitted a curious l.u.s.tre: “It is actually the legendary Magic Weapon with Tong Tian?”

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