Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 145

"Completely wiped, completely wiped out!"

Outside the field, as the white stone fell, the s.p.a.ce flashed, three of them appeared under a towering tree, Xue Ling and Luohan are still unconscious, wearing a suit of silver sonic armour fell and sat down on the gra.s.s, with a blurred gaze.

Jiang Li looked at them, four words had left in his heart.

Completely annihilated.

n.o.body expected that Nie Wanxiong possessed a Holy Seed inside his body, although the Second Element of G.o.d was blessed by a master, and will wither soon if no energy is supplied, at least its power is unbeatable at the moment, destroying sonic amour is easy as smashing an ant.

"Jiang Li, how did we escape?" Finally, Luohan and Xue Ling regained consciousness, they didn"t even know what happened, the moment when the incident occurred, both of them dizzily approached Jiang Li, later they felt their surroundings raging like a storm, so they tried hard to escape, once they regained consciousness, they found themselves sitting on the ground.

This is because Jiang Li mind controlled them, as he doesn"t want them to discover the mystery of milky white stone.

There is a s.p.a.ce inside the stone that produces essence, it could be the most tyrannical Emperor Pearl in the universe, if this information is spread, it might bring disaster, not a good choice for Luohan and Xue Ling.

"Let"s not talk about this, we escaped by using one of the magic weapons we got from teacher." Jiang Li pushed the matter to Hong Heiyu, then changed the topic "This time we"ve been completely wiped out, must think of a plan to rescue other people".

"Rescue, how to rescue?" Xue Ling had a cold shiver: "Nie Wanxiong"s power is too strong, even if teacher came he might not be an opponent, what else can we do?"

"Both of you leave this place quickly, contact teacher, I will stall them." Jiang Li said: "These bunch of people won"t go far, the Holy Seed in Nie Wanxiong wasn"t trained by himself, it has a lot of flaws, I might be able to rescue the others."

"Isn"t it too dangerous for you to go alone, this matter is too big, we better notify Astral University." Xue Ling felt that Jiang Li acted rashly.

"I have the magical weapon given by Teacher, it can be used to buy some time, moreover Nie Wanxiong caught Ji Qing Wu and Lei Zheng, if they are forced to explain the controls of the Astral Fish battleship, then the matter will turn serious where n.o.body can stop him."

Luohan and Xue Ling are easygoing, both of them are convinced, they knew the matter is urgent.

Originally, they thought the natives from Emperor Planet don"t fly very fast, the matter can escalate slowly, so they can discuss a plan, but now it seems that the situation isn"t allowing them to do so.

Nie Wanxiong"s cultivation is invincible, and he seems to have knowledge about science technology of human earth, broad thinking, if he knew the controls of the battleship and obtains it, he would bring it back to Da Qian empire, research it with human"s science technology, things will only become worse.

"I shouldn"t have told you to come…" Luohan looked down, she felt guilty: "I thought with the support of a battleship, our operation would surely succeed, asking you to come was to let you earn some points and meet with everyone, can"t believe I put you in trouble instead."

"No, fortunately, you asked me to come, else all of you will be in danger." Jiang Li thought about it and felt scared, what if he didn"t come today, they will surely be caught alive with no good end, while he himself was still in school clueless of what was happening.

Xue Ling stood beside him and heard his words, she raised her head with a shine of light in her eyes. However, Luohan frowned her eyebrows, she still felt guilty to him.

"I"m going now." Jiang Li did not talk much, he jumped and glided outside.

"Jiang Li, be careful! Observe only from a far distance, wait for the school to send people." Luohan exhorts loudly behind him.

"Understood, no worries." Jiang Li disappeared from the deep forest, his voice pa.s.sed through the air, sounds unreal.

Luohan and Xue Ling immediately flew toward Astral University as fast as possible, simultaneously transmitting an S.O.S. signal through their computers, stating the reason of the matter.

Jiang Li was able to "see" them leaving through his Stasis, once again he opened the s.p.a.ce of "Emperor Relic" and flew into it.

Five times the speed of sound should be able to escape from Nie Wanxiong"s chase, he can also look for a chance to defeat Nie Wanxiong. However, he won"t act rashly, Nie Wanxiong that omnipotent can seal Heaven and Earth, he is even able to seal the bullets, what if he sealed the "Emperor Relic", doesn"t it mean that I walked right into the trap?

He quietly approached the scene.

"This bunch of people is still here?"

The stone remained on top of a tree, Jiang Li was observing quietly in it.

As expected, Nie Wanxiong was sitting at that empty ground of that forest, six other people are excitedly trying to use ropes to bind the Astral University students, some of the students were hit and fainted, only both leaders Ji Qing  Wu and Lei Zheng were left conscious.

"What"s your thought?" Nie Wanxiong stood up, walked with a slow pace: "You think yourselves as civilized people, but still caught by us uncivilized people, does it makes you feel wronged?"

"What do you want to do us?" Lei Zheng still remained awake with a calm look.

"Not really, I still have things that I want." Nie Wanxiong pointed up to the sky: "Let the battleship land down, although I don"t know how to control it, I know it possesses an expensive price tag and fearsome power, also able to travel through the Gangfeng atmosphere, such a good thing, our school will take it."

"Don"t even think about it, we would rather destroy the battleship than letting you have it." Ji Qing Wu said with a cold expression, she would not compromise.

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