=Blackmore"s Lorna Doone.= Edited by ALBERT L. BARBOUR, Superintendent of Schools, Natick, Ma.s.s.

=Browning"s Shorter Poems.= Edited by FRANKLIN T. BAKER, Teachers College, New York City.

=Mrs. Browning"s Poems= (Selections from). Edited by HELOISE E.


=Bryant"s Thanatopsis, Sella, and other Poems.= Edited by J. H.

Castleman, Michigan Military Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich.

=Bulwer-Lytton"s Last Days of Pompeii.= Edited by J. H.


=Bunyan"s The Pilgrim"s Progress.= Edited by Professor HUGH MOFFATT, Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa.

=Burke"s Speech on Conciliation.= Edited by S. C. NEWSOM, Manual Training High School, Indianapolis, Ind.

=Burns" Poems and Songs.= Selected by P. M. BUCK, JR.

=Byron"s Shorter Poems.= Edited by RALPH HARTT BOWLES, Instructor in English in The Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H.

=Carlyle"s Essay on Burns=, with Selections. Edited by WILLARD C. GORE, Armour Inst.i.tute, Chicago, Ill.

=Carlyle"s Heroes and Hero Worship.= Edited by Mrs. ANNIE RUSSELL MARBLE.

=Carroll"s Alice in Wonderland.= Edited by CHARLES A. MCMURRY.

=Chaucer"s Prologue to the Book of the Tales of Canterbury, the Knight"s Tale, and the Nun"s Priest"s Tale.= Edited by ANDREW INGRAHAM.

=Church"s The Story of the Iliad.=

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=Coleridge"s The Ancient Mariner.= Edited by T. F. HUNTINGTON, Leland Stanford Junior University.

=Cooper"s Last of the Mohicans.= Edited by W. K. WICKES, Princ.i.p.al of the High School, Syracuse, N.Y.

=Cooper"s The Deerslayer.=

=Cooper"s The Spy.= Edited by SAMUEL THURBER, JR.

=Dana"s Two Years before the Mast.= Edited by HOMER E. KEYES, Dartmouth College.

=Defoe"s Robinson Crusoe.= Edited by CLIFTON JOHNSON.

=De Quincey"s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater.= Edited by ARTHUR BEATTY, University of Wisconsin.

=De Quincey"s Joan of Arc and The English Mail-Coach.= Edited by CAROL M. NEWMAN, Virginia Polytechnic Inst.i.tute.

=d.i.c.kens"s A Christmas Carol and The Cricket on the Hearth. = Edited by JAMES M. SAWIN, with the collaboration of IDA M.


=d.i.c.kens"s A Tale of Two Cities.= Edited by H. G. BUEHLER, Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn., and L. MASON.

=Dryden"s Palamon and Arcite.= Edited by PERCIVAL CHUBB, Vice-Princ.i.p.al Ethical Culture Schools, New York City.

=Early American Orations, 1760-1824.= Edited by LOUIE R.

h.e.l.lER, Instructor in English in the De Witt Clinton High School, New York City.

=Edwards"s (Jonathan) Sermons (Selections).= Edited by H. N.

GARDINER, Professor of Philosophy, Smith College.

=Emerson"s Earlier Poems.= Edited by O. C. GALLAGHER.

=Emerson"s Essays (Selected).= Edited by EUGENE D. HOLMES.

=Emerson"s Representative Men.= Edited by PHILO MELVYN BUCK, JR., William McKinley High School, St. Louis, Mo.

=Epoch-making Papers in United States History.= Edited by M. S.

BROWN, New York University.

=Franklin"s Autobiography.=

=Mrs. Gaskell"s Cranford.= Edited by Professor MARTIN W.

SAMPSON, Indiana University.

=George Eliot"s Silas Marner.= Edited by E. L. GULICK, Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N.J.

=Goldsmith"s The Deserted Village and The Traveller.= Edited by ROBERT N. WHITEFORD, High School, Peoria, Ill.

=Goldsmith"s Vicar of Wakefield.= Edited by H. W. BOYNTON, Phillips Academy, Andover, Ma.s.s.

=Gray"s Elegy.= Edited by J. H. CASTLEMAN.

=Grimm"s Fairy Tales.= Edited by JAMES H. Fa.s.sETT, Superintendent of Schools, Nashua, N.H.

=Hawthorne"s Grandfather"s Chair.= Edited by H. H. KINGSLEY, Superintendent of Schools, Evanston, Ill.

=Hawthorne"s The House of the Seven Gables.= Edited by CLYDE FURST, Secretary of Teachers College, Columbia University.

=Hawthorne"s Mosses from an Old Manse.= Edited by C. E.


=Hawthorne"s Tanglewood Tales.= Edited by R. H. BEGGS.

=Hawthorne"s Twice-Told Tales.= Edited by C. R. GASTON.

=Hawthorne"s The Wonder-Book.= Edited by L. E. WOLFE, Superintendent of Schools, San Antonio, Texas.

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