=Homer"s Iliad.= Translated by LANG, LEAF, and MYERS.

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=Hughes" Tom Brown"s School Days.= Edited by CHARLES S. THOMAS.

=Irving"s Alhambra.= Edited by ALFRED M. HITCHc.o.c.k, Public High School, Hartford, Conn.

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=Longfellow"s Courtship of Miles Standish, and Minor Poems.= Edited by W. D. HOWE, Butler College, Indianapolis, Ind.

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=Longfellow"s Tales of a Wayside Inn.= Edited by J. H.


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=Macaulay"s Essay on Addison.= Edited by C. W. FRENCH, Princ.i.p.al of Hyde Park High School, Chicago, Ill.

=Macaulay"s Essay on Clive.= Edited by J. W. PEARCE, a.s.sistant Professor of English in Tulane University.

=Macaulay"s Essay on Johnson.= Edited by WILLIAM SCHUYLER, a.s.sistant Princ.i.p.al of the St. Louis High School.

=Macaulay"s Essay on Milton.= Edited by C. W. FRENCH.

=Macaulay"s Essay on Warren Hastings.= Edited by Mrs. M. J.

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=Old English Ballads.= Edited by WILLIAM D. ARMES, of the University of California.

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=Palgrave"s Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics.=

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=Poe"s Poems.= Edited by CHARLES W. KENT, University of Virginia.

=Poe"s Prose Tales (Selections from).=

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=Scott"s Ivanhoe.= Edited by ALFRED M. HITCHc.o.c.k.

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=Scott"s Lay of the Last Minstrel.= Edited by RALPH H. BOWLES.

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=Scott"s The Talisman.= Edited by FREDERICK TREUDLEY, State Normal College, Ohio University.

Shakespeare"s As You Like It. Edited by CHARLES ROBERT GASTON.

=Shakespeare"s Hamlet.= Edited by L. A. SHERMAN, Professor of English Literature in the University of Nebraska.

=Shakespeare"s Henry V.= Edited by RALPH HARTT BOWLES, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N.H.

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