1. What are the especial characteristics of _anger_? How does it differ from _indignation_? _exasperation_? _rage_? _wrath_? _ire_?


My enemy has long borne me a feeling of ----.

Christ was filled with ---- at the hypocrisy of the Jews.

I was overcome by a sudden feeling of ----.

ANIMAL (page 45).


1. What is an _animal_? a _brute_? a _beast_? 2. Is man an _animal_? 3.

What is implied if we speak of any particular man as an _animal_? a _brute_? a _beast_? 4. What forms of existence does the word _creature_ include? 5. What are the animals of a country or region collectively called?


It is only within the last half century that societies have been organized for the prevention of cruelty to ----.

O that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into ----!

Take a ---- out of his instinct, and you find him wholly deprived of understanding.

Spurning manhood and its joys to loot, To be a lawless, lazy, sensual ----.

ANNOUNCE (page 46).


1. What is it to _announce_? 2. Does it apply chiefly to the past or the future? 3. To what is _advertise_ chiefly applied? _propound_?

_promulgate_? _publish_?


The Sphinx ---- its riddles with life and death depending on the answer.

Through the rare felicity of the times you are permitted to think what you please and to ---- what you please.

The songs of birds and the wild flowers in the woodlands ---- the coming of spring.

ANSWER (page 46).


1. What is a verbal _answer_? 2. In what wider sense is _answer_ used?

3. What is a _reply_? a _rejoinder_? 4. How does an _answer_ to a charge, an argument, or the like, differ from a _reply_ or _rejoinder_?

5. What is the special quality of a _response_? 6. What is a _retort_?

How does it differ from _repartee_?


I can no other ---- make, but thanks.

Theirs not to make ---- Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die.

Upon thy princely warrant I descend, To give thee ---- of thy just demand.

He could not be content without finding a ---- in Nature to every mood of his mind; and he does find it.

A man renowned for ---- Will seldom scruple to make free With friendship"s honest feeling.

Nothing is so easy and inviting as the ---- of abuse and sarcasm; but it is a paltry and unprofitable contest.

ANTIc.i.p.aTE, ANTIc.i.p.aTION (page 47).


1. What are the two contrasted senses of _antic.i.p.ate_? 2. Which is now the more common? 3. How does _antic.i.p.ate_ differ from _expect_? from _hope_? from _apprehend_? 4. How does _antic.i.p.ation_ differ from _presentiment_? from _apprehension_? from _foreboding_? 5. What special element is involved in _foretaste_? How do _foresight_ and _forethought_ go beyond the meaning of _antic.i.p.ation_?


Then some leaped overboard with fearful yell, As eager to ---- their grave.

England ---- every man to do his duty.

These are portents; but yet I ----, I hope, They do not point on me.

If I know your sect, I ---- your argument.

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