The happy ---- of a renewed existence in company with the spirits of the just.

ANTIPATHY (page 48).


1. How is _antipathy_ to be distinguished from _dislike_? from _antagonism_? from _aversion_? 2. What is _uncongeniality_? How does it differ from _antipathy_? Which is positive? and which negative?


Christianity is the solvent of all race ----.

From my soul I loathe All affectation; "tis my perfect scorn, object of my implacable ----.

ANTIQUE (page 48).


1. To what does _antique_ refer? _antiquated_? 2. Is the difference between them a matter of time? Give examples. 3. Can a modern building be _antiquated_? Can it be _antique_? 4. What is the significance of _quaint_?


My copper lamps, at any rate, For being true ----, I bought.

I do love these ---- ruins, We never tread upon them but we set Our foot upon some reverend history.

ANXIETY (page 49).


1. What is _anxiety_ in the primary sense? Is it mental or physical? 2.

How does _anxiety_ differ from _anguish_? 3. What kind of possibility does _anxiety_ always suggest? 4. How does it differ from _apprehension_, _fear_, _dread_, etc., in this regard? 5. What is _worry_? _fretfulness_? 6. Does _perplexity_ involve anxiety?


Yield not to ---- the future, weep not for the past.

Superst.i.tion invested the slightest incidents of life with needless ----.

---- is harder than work, and far less profitable.

APATHY (page 50).


1. What is _apathy_? 2. How does it differ from the Saxon word _unfeelingness_? from _indifference_? from _insensibility_? from _unconcern_? 3. How does _stoicism_ differ from _apathy_?


In lazy ---- let stoics boast Their virtue fixed: "tis fixed as in a frost.

At length the morn and cold ---- came.

He sank into a ---- from which it was impossible to arouse him.

APOLOGY (page 51).


1. What change of meaning has _apology_ undergone? 2. What does an _apology_ now always imply? 3. How does an _apology_ differ from an _excuse_? 4. Which of these words may refer to the future? 5. How does _confession_ differ from _apology_?


---- only account for that which they do not alter.

Beauty is its own ---- for being.

There is no refuge from ---- but suicide; and suicide is ----.

APPARENT (page 52).


1. What two contrasted senses arise from the root meaning of _apparent_?

2. What is implied when we speak of _apparent_ kindness or _apparent_ neglect? 3. How do _presumable_ and _probable_ differ? 4. What implication is conveyed in _seeming_? What do we suggest when we speak of "_seeming_ innocence"?

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