For her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat sufficiently, and for ---- clothing.

PERMISSION (page 269).


1. What is _authority_? 2. What is _permission_? 3. How does _permission_ compare with _allowance_? 4. What is a _permit_? 5. What is _license_? How does it compare with _authority_? with _permission_? 6.

What does _consent_ involve?


G.o.d is more there than thou; for thou art there Only by his ----.

Thieves for their robbery have ----, When judges steal themselves.

Very few of the Egyptians avail themselves of the ---- which their religion allows them, of having four wives.

PERNICIOUS (page 270).


1. From what is _pernicious_ derived, and what does it signify? 2. How does _pernicious_ compare with _injurious_? 3. What does _noisome_ denote? 4. What is the distinctive sense of _noxious_? 5. How does _noxious_ compare with _noisome_?


Inflaming wine, ---- to mankind.

So bees with smoke, and doves with ---- stench, Are from their hives, and houses, driven away.

The strong smell of sulfur, and a choking sensation of the lungs indicated the presence of ---- gases.

PERPLEXITY (page 270).


1. What is _perplexity_? _confusion_? How do the two words compare? 2.

How do _bewilderment_ and _confusion_ compare? 3. From what does _amazement_ result?


CAIUS.--Vere is mine host _de Jarterre_?

HOST.--Here, master doctor, in ---- and doubtful dilemma.

There is such ---- in my powers As, after some oration fairly spoke By a beloved prince, there doth appear Among the buzzing, pleased mult.i.tude.

PERSUADE (page 271).


1. What does _convince_ denote? How does it differ from the other words of the group? 2. What is it to _persuade_? 3. How is _convincing_ related to _persuasion_? 4. How does _coax_ compare with _persuade_?


A long train of these practises has at length unwillingly ---- me that there is something hid behind the throne greater than the king himself.

He had a head to contrive, a tongue to ----, and a hand to execute any mischief.

PERVERSE (page 272).


1. What is the etymological meaning of _perverse_? What does it signify in common use? 2. What does _petulant_ signify? _wayward_?


And you, my lords--methinks you do not well, To bear with their ---- objections.

Whining, purblind, ---- boy!

Good Lord! what madness rules in brainsick men When, for so slight and frivolous a cause, Such ---- emulations shall arise.

PHYSICAL (page 272).


1. What does _material_ signify? 2. What idea does _physical_ add to that contained in _material_? 3. To what do _bodily_, _corporal_, and _corporeal_ apply? 4. How do _bodily_ and _corporal_ differ from _corporeal_? 5. To what is _corporal_ now for the most part limited?

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