A pretty delicate elf jumps on the branches of the trees as she ran, pale hands grasping tightly on an intricate silver bow. The huntress maneuvers through the dangerous areas of the forest easily before she stops at a clearing.

"Come out!" The elf"s cold voice called out.

Five people wearing black robes and hoods slowly came out and without waiting for the group to explain or make any moves, the elf starts shooting arrows at the men.

Jumping and agilely moving from one place to another, the elf took down two of her opponents before the first volley of spells reaches her.

"Hmph!" The elf narrows her eyes. She steadied herself from her hiding place before she prepares to rain down several arrows on her opponents.

A piercing pain on her stomach causes her to look down. Her eyes widen at the sight of the long blood covered blade penetrating her stomach from behind.

Everything turned dark as those words suddenly appeared.

[Game Over]

"No!" Pale jade-like hands throw the game console at the floor as those blood red words appear at the screen.

"How can I fail it again? That a.s.sa.s.sin shouldn"t be at that tree! I am so sure of it!"

A certain young miss shouts out in anger.

"Again! I have to finish this story-line before the new one comes out!" Wu Fei quickly stood up and pick ups her game console. "If I fail one more time I will-"

Her words were cut off as the dark room lighted up.

"Ahhh!" Wu Fei yells out in pain as her eyes stings from the sudden change of the room"s brightness.

"My eyes!"

"Young Miss." A cheerful voice calls out. "This maid is finally back!"

Wu Fei lets out a pained sound. "Ah Yue! Turn off the lights!"

"I am so sorry!"

Sorry? This young miss isn"t deaf and blind yet! You don"t think this empress dowager didn"t see your bright smile and hear that unapologetic tone?

"Just turn off the lights!"


"Young miss is already at the age of 18. Madame and Master is already getting worried about you. Other family"s misses are already mixing in the social circle and making connections while our family"s young miss is shutting herself out of her room and playing games! The old madame is no longer young and now, even at her age she..."

Wu Fei watches on as Xiao Yue continues speaking the speech that she is very familiar with having to suffer hearing it each day.

"Young miss are you listening?"

"Hmhm," The teen nods her head, eyes full of disinterest. "In short, they want me to start going out and socialize with others."

"That"s right! So please-"

"Get out." Wu Fei coldly glances at Xiao Yue. Seeing her opening her mouth to protest, Wu Fei continues to speak. "Or don"t blame this young miss for being cruel."

Xiao Yue pauses, remembering the times when Wu Fei would arbitrary order her around and make her go through this and that. She quickly fled from the room. Wuwuwu (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Master, Madame! It"s not that this maid didn"t try her best, it"s just that the young miss is too scary! She doesn"t want to speak to the young miss ever again!

Wu Fei sighs in relief as the door closes. Her eyes closed as she laid down on the bed lazily. Some things, no matter how much her family wishes for her to do... she wouldn"t do at all.

The Wu Jia is well-known among the upper cla.s.s circle as a giant among men. Most especially the current generation of young masters of the Wu Jia.

The eldest male child, upon reaching the age of twenty took over their family"s corporation and managed to dominate the business circle in the country. CEO Wu is the son-in-law that many of the upper cla.s.s wishes to have.

The second male child attracted ridicule at first as he took the path of being a painter, now however, people could only look with red eyes as he won awards and receive commissions form famous and influential people and a revenue that would cause others to cough up blood.

The third male child at a young age is a highly acclaimed genius with G.o.d-like skills on computers. At the age of fifteen, he managed to make experts shocked from developing programs that are years away from the current technology.

And finally, there is Wu Fei, the young miss of the Wu Jia. The one who, upon reaching the age of 18, shut herself in her room and played games all day long. The young miss that everyone wishes to meet and socialize with.



Long lashes trembles, revealing a pair of slightly dazed eyes.

"What..." Wu Fei pauses, her mind becoming more alert as her eyes rested on the sight of a furry ball-like thing floating in front of her.

「System fully installed.」

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