Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2280 The Growing Unrest Of The Families Of Abyss

Chapter 2280 The Growing Unrest Of The Families Of Abyss


In each of the largest castles of each family"s territories, the d.u.c.h.ess, dukes, princes, princesses, kings, and queens gathered as Astral Projections, communicating with one another, and trying to make sense of everything happening so far in their world.

The three families had been in a constant, yet peaceful conflict for many generations, having waged war for generations, the Vampires had found a relative peace on small skirmishes and battles between elites, leaving alone the larger populations and concentrating on growth and hunting.

Yet even now, it was surprising to see for some of the vampires present, the heads of every big family gathered together, to discuss such important things. The three well known families were here, although their true leaders were not present for obvious reasons, as they wouldn"t lower themselves to meddle in such affairs when their power is equal to the Blood G.o.d, if not even higher now.

The Dracul Family, known for their mighty military forces, Blood Knights, Blood Paladins, and Crimson Templars, stayed still and in silence, their stoic faces showcasing a harsh childhood filled with discipline and hard work since they were mere children.

King Vlad and Queen Cecilia, the heads of the Dracul Family, were not present at the moment, but their representatives, crown Prince Eidolon and Princess Svenitica were there, their long red hair, sharp crimson eyes, and heavily armored and black and red attire clearly making them look intimidating even to the other families.

The Nosferatu Family, heirs of death and corrosion, were mostly all necromancers or conjurers of darkness and curses. Well known for their endless hordes of Undead and their secretive societies that aren"t as open with big cities as the other two.

The Necromancers of Nosferatu"s Council were present, while their almighty master, one of the oldest vampires still "alive", the Emperor of Death, was obviously not present, his G.o.dly affairs much more important than anything else.

Wearing mostly bone armor and ragged clothes, the members of the Council of Nosferatu always caused a slight disgust to the Dracul due to their lack of disciple and hygiene, and their appearances making them resemble homeless cavemen to their eyes.

Despite that, it was very well recognized how powerful their necromancy was, and how deep their comprehension of death and souls went. The Ancient Kings, half-undead vampires led the Council, and some of the were present, such as the Ancient King Elderstone and the Ancient Queen, Bloodrose.

And lastly, the third yet still very strong family of the big three, the rulers of the snowy lands of Frozenheart, the almighty wizards and witches that study the Vampiric Paths of wizardry and magic, the Hecatenian Bloodline, a family made for magicians and only for magicians.

Raised from a young age to become master magicians, the Hecatenian emphasize mana and magic the most within their children and would coldly discard those incapables of reaching their standards at early ages.

Their leaders mostly being women, as the Vampiric Path of Witches makes them naturally more gifted with magic than men, these sorceress and sorcerers wear long dark blue and silver cloaks, with different motifs representing each house within their prestigious magic academies.

Although their strongest leaders, the three Witch Queen Sisters are not present, their daughters, Witch Princess Elfiette and Cerelena were here, younger than the rest of the representatives, but given such high spots in their society due to their tremendous gift for magic, they were amongst the most immature of the members present here, and it showed.

"So? What exactly is happening in Abyss right now? Can someone properly explain it to me?" asked Witch Princess Elfiette, a Vampiress with long blue hair made into ponytails, and pink eyes, her flawless and cute face always wearing a c.o.c.ky smirk.

"I am quite lost myself too..." the gloomier Cerelena, with short black hair, sad-looking silver eyes, and a red jewel in her forehead asked timidly.

"Hah, why did the three witch queens send such immature children to the great meeting of the three families?" wondered Ancient Queen Bloodrose, her sharp crimson eyes blazed with blue phantom flames, her long silvery-white hair waving by her aura of phantasmal energies, half her face was masked with a skull-like mask. Her hair once used to be red, but her old age had turned it white. "It seems they believe the alliance is just a child"s play now?"

"It seems to be the case, yes," the Ancient King Elderstone nodded, his tall figure, clad in complete black armor, and with a skull-shaped helmet nodded. "Perhaps they have grown weaker over the years of living just by using magic alone… Weaker and frailer…"

"What are you even implying, you two walking corpses?!" Elfiette roared, barking like a mad little dog. "Our mothers simply see of this as nothing but an entertainment to the weaker vampires. We were sent here to supervise things and then report to them what we"ve found out."

"Elfiette, please be nicer…" sighed Cerelena. "Anyways, someone… Does someone know something? If not, I can also add some of my observations."

"Oh? I would be quite interested in what the little girl has to say," smiled Prince Eidolon, still with the sharp look of a warmongering Dracul. "Go on, please."

"Well, my puppets are part of my Vampiric Path abilities…" Cerelena said. "And I"ve sent them everywhere. So far, I"ve been able to secure some images through their eyes before they were destroyed. One was sent through the cracks in s.p.a.ce and has yet to return though, I"ve lost contact with that one, but I also got some pictures, please look."

The shy Vampiress showed images to everyone through a wave of her hands, Illusion Magic was one of the simplest schools of magics and everyone and their mother knew about it in the Hecatenian Family.

And the pictures shown were nothing short but surprising, the interior of the cracks showcased a bizarre and bright, colorful world, where the sky was made up of several different heavens, where countless islands floated everywhere, and where colorful crystals grew in every corner.

The same crystals that had begun raining down over certain areas of Abyss close to the Heaven"s Cracks, as they had called them, and which had gathered into large growths of these strange, toxic materials.

"Is that… the visage of another world?" wondered the Ancient King Elderstone.

"Fascinating… a whole new world to conquer, with resources yet to be taken!" smiled Prince Eidolon.

"But that"s not all…" f????e?n?v??.?o?

Then, Witch Princess Cerelena showed something else, a completely different picture taken within the thick layers of Miasmic Clouds of Chaos, which encompa.s.sed and protected the entire world of Abyss from the outside world.

In there, they saw something, gigantic silhouettes, monstrosities beyond their wildest dreams of all shapes and sizes, and no, these weren"t the almighty Chaotic Beasts that dwelled within the confines of the world, in fact, these beasts were being preyed upon by these things, these tentacled beings.

"These beings… The Auras they exuded were definitely of a Cosmic Level, s.p.a.ce and time distorted around their presences, and there were hundreds," the princess said. "One of my puppets was able to see one of them, the largest ever, something that could only be described as… a door made of flesh and tentacles. Appraising them has given me only a single result, "Outer G.o.ds"…"

"Outer… G.o.ds?!"


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