Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2281 The Arrival of the Outer G.o.ds

Chapter 2281 The Arrival of the Outer G.o.ds


"These beings… The Auras they exuded were definitely of a Cosmic Level, s.p.a.ce and time distorted around their presences, and there were hundreds," the witch princess Cerelena said. "One of my puppets was able to see one of them, the largest ever, something that could only be described as… a door made of flesh and tentacles. Appraising them has given me only a single result, "Outer G.o.ds"…"

"Outer… G.o.ds?!"

All members of the alliance meeting reacted in a similar manner; it wasn"t as if the concept of Outer G.o.ds was completely foreign to them. After all, thousands of years ago, their current Blood G.o.d Emperor arrived from another world.

And with him came a myriad of horrors following his sacred and ultimate soul, but he ultimately defeated them all, ascending as the supreme G.o.d of Abyss, and so he has been for the last ten thousand years since his arrival.

In the Unholy Scarlet Palace, on top of the Red Moon, he and his family reside, this includes the famed Scarlet Fox Empress, who descends into the surface everyone thousand years, which is often called the Scarlet Moon Festival.

It is a special time that marks every Era, where the Empress, wife of their almighty Vampire Overlord, grants blessings to talented and gifted vampire children.

And interestingly enough, that Festival was coming very soon.

Although the Vampires were warmongering murderers and psychopaths, they still respected and praised their almighty G.o.ds residing on top of the moons.

"But weren"t the Outer G.o.ds slain by our G.o.d Emperor thousands of years ago?" wondered the Dracul Princess Svenitica. "They are supposed to be an old threat that was slain in ancient times, beings that almost made all vampires go extinct…" ?r???e?no???.c?m

"In those ancient times, you mean the Chaotic Era, when the Blood G.o.d disappeared, the Moon G.o.ddess was sealed, and the Outer G.o.ds invaded the world, filling it with Outer Dungeons and the Voidlings, their children?" wondered Ancient King Elderstone. "I lived that Era, and I still remember our Emperor rise, and how much the very world opposed him. Yet he rose and fought, and n.o.body could ever stop him from his relentless ascension. Not even the Outer G.o.ds that came to devour his soul."

"But for most of us, who are much younger than you undead, it"s obviously new! Can we even defeat Outer G.o.ds at our current Ranks?" wondered witch princess Elfiette.

"Well, if you"re so afraid of fighting them, you can always just kill yourself and give that power you carry to somebody else, you pathetic child," the ancient queen Bloodrose said. "In ancient times, we battled to the death against countless monstrosities. In comparison, you"ve grown spoiled and fat from all the resources your family bring to you in these more peaceful times…"

"Y-You dare say such a thing to me?!" roared Elfiette. "If I were right in front of you, you would quickly learn why I am the Crown Witch Princess…!"

Her astral projection showed a cold wave of ice, shaking her surroundings and making her sister panic, looking at her with disbelief.

"B-Big sister, please calm down! Don"t fall for the provocations of the ancient kings… Remember what our mothers said. We mustn"t let our emotions take over our judgement," his timid sister seemed to have things together much more than her.

"Huh?! And why are you acting all high and mighty with me, Cerelena?!" roared Elfiette. "Are you looking down on your big sister?!"

"I-I would never do such a thing, big sister Elfiette… I-I respect you and admire you very much…" Cerelena sighed. "I-I apologize if my comment c-came as rude."

"Hmph…" Elfiette glared down at her sister, making sure to show her sister her place. "Anyways! So they"re Outer G.o.ds? How do we fight these things? You two, walking corpses, have any ideas?"

"The girl full of herself is now asking for our aid? How ironic this is," Elderstone laughed.

"Ah yes, despite her little sister being much, much more efficient and useful, she feels the necessity to put her down just so she doesn"t feel worse about her own shortcomings," laughed Bloodrose.

"W-What are you implying?!" Elfiette cried angrily.

"Someone like you, grown spoiled and praised for nothing, whose only redeeming quality is having strong magic, does not deserve our aid," said the ancient king Elderstone.

"That we know of the ancient ways us vampires survived and battled against the Outer G.o.ds and their creations… Will cost you all a hefty sum of resources," said the ancient queen Bloodrose. "We do not give information for free after all… And young girl, you shouldn"t have freely given us all those pictures. Now we"ve all gained great knowledge you could have either kept for your family or sold at even higher prices. It is quite evident you have yet to face the harshness of the world."

"As usual, Hecatenian magicians grow too spoiled and conceited," laughed Elderstone. "You experience nothing of the world and will not grow if you only live inside your libraries and academies, delving on magic and nothing else."

"It seems the Nosferatu Family is quite eager for war today, isn"t it?"

Suddenly, a voice echoed behind the princess, a tall woman with pale skin, a long dark blue witch hat, and red jewels decorating her entire body stepped in.

With long blue hair and sharp emerald eyes, the Vampiress presence, even if an Astral Projection, made the rest of the Vampires gasp.

"W-Witch Queen Hecate XII?!"

The Witch Queen gently patted her daughter"s heads, as she looked at the other astral projections.

"Ancient Kings, it seems you quite enjoy picking on children," she laughed. "Are your regrets over your pathetic lives so great you must mock these girls to feel better about yourselves? How pathetic… The Nosferatus have poisoned themselves by allowing disgusting undead crawl amongst them."

The two half-undead vampires groaned, gritting their teeth.


"You shouldn"t be allowed to say such a thing!"

"Oh? Why not? Do you think the slumbering Emperor of Death will ever come for me?" laughed the Witch Queen. "Don"t worry, I do know why he"s in such a terrible state."

"You know that?!" Elderstone looked at the Dracul princes, who remained in silence as they listened. "Don"t you dare say another word, Witch Queen Hecate!"

"Heh… Very well, I will not speak as long as you pay me with ten thousand souls later," she smiled. "Now, to the important matter… Yes, I"ve been sent by my two dear sisters."

She quickly glared at all the vampires and then back to her daughters.

"It has been confirmed by the rest of the Blood G.o.ds already, the G.o.d of the Sun has been unsealed."

A small silence was quickly followed by a unified expression of shock and disbelief!


"I-Is that true? Even our parents?" asked Prince Eidolon.

"Even Father Vlad and Mother Cecilia?" asked Princess Svenitica.

Witch Queen Hecate XII nodded with a faint smile.

"Indeed, the reason we did not attend this gathering was because we were investigating ourselves," she smiled. "The light in the sky is not just the one from another Plane, where ethe Outer G.o.ds have arrived from, but it appears that these rivers of sunlight are emanated by the presence of the G.o.d of the Sun, who had been unsealed at the same time as the Underdark was cleansed of darkness and transformed into his Heavenly Domain."

"T-That can"t be… the G.o.d of the Sun?!" Elderstone panicked.

"N-No… how is that possible?!" cried Bloodrose.

"Oh my, are the fearless undead scared now?" laughed the witch queen.


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