Eternal Life

Chapter 22

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 22

Flying Sword

Fang Han laughed loudly, not only confusing and surprising Prince Bao, but also causing the other princes and princesses of the Da’de Empire, as well as the other young men and women, to sweep their eyes over him.

The aura given off by these other young men and women was no less majestic than the aura given off by the princes and princesses. Among them, one male in particular gave off an extremely profound and mysterious aura, as profound as the secrets of the world.

These males and females swept their eyes over Fang Han, seemingly able to see his weight, power, speed, heartbeat, and other various characteristics from just a glance.

Amid these people, there are experts of the ninth level of the Mortal Realm, Spiritual Expert.

His heart beating, Fang Han secretly became alert.

Those of the ninth level, Spiritual Expert, would begin unlocking the potential in their mind, their spirit becoming very keen, allowing them to become able to pierce through and see the condition of their opponents, as well as themselves, as if they were observing the lines on their own palms.

People at this level were extremely terrifying, otherwise, how could they live up to the two words ‘Spiritual Expert’?

[TL: It works out here, but Spiritual Expert is two characters in case you were wondering]

In order to train to this level, one needed to train their spirit using some miraculous spirit refining method such as the ‘Primary Spiritual Technique’ that only inner court disciples were able to learn.

A thought popped up in Fang Han’s heart, Could it be, are they inner court disciples?

However, at this time, he already had no time to think because Prince Bao had stood up and was coldly glaring at Fang Han, “Oh, it seems as if you aren’t convinced by your defeat last time, and, after training for twenty days and improving, you want to defeat me, and get rid of foul smells, right? Your thoughts are simply too shallow. Revenge must be taken, but do you not know how a n.o.ble gets revenge, that true revenge takes ten years to cause drastic damage. If you had endured and held your revenge, then I would have admired you as a human being, but you have simply sent yourself to your death, and are no different from sc.u.m, ai! You leave me no choice but to defeat you again, only this time, it won’t be as simple as you vomiting blood.”

“I am not looking for any huge revenge, I am just expressing the resentment in my heart. If one has resentment, one must take revenge. If one has complaints, one must complain. Ten years is too long, one must seize the day. The future is too unpredictable, now is everything. Life is short, like a fleeting dream. Rather than being troubled for ten year, it is better to fight now. This is true bravery! Your movements are too heavy, making Immortality near impossible. I’m afraid even if you trained for a lifetime, you wouldn’t be able to reach the Divine Realm and Immortality. One cannot secretly endure and subtlety scheme, restraining himself/herself, but must courageously push forward, beheading everything in their path. On the winding road of the Immortal Path, one cannot accommodate other bends.”

Fang Han’s voice suddenly became very calm and faint. In his speech full of philosophical questions, each sentence successfully refuted Prince Bao’s words, causing Prince Bao to become speechless.

After absorbing the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’, Fang Han had become shrewder, and more clear minded, various random thoughts and wonderful, fanciful ideas overlapping in his mind without limit. Adding in his days spent studying from “The World,” he had already gained a lot of experience.

While the book, “The World,” have a lot of information on the geography of the world and mysterious and rare treasures, it had even more on philosophies. The book was written by the Yu’hua School head master, thus there was no way that he wouldn’t add in his own ideologies. These thoughts and ideas immensely helped incite Fang Han’s mental growth, opening another door in his mind, and giving him a broader pool of background information. It had already slowly altered the way he thought, and broadened his horizons.

He had suddenly refuted Prince Bao’s words, his tongue sharp, like a blade cutting through the air! He was very different from his previous ident.i.ty; at this time, no one would think that he used to be a horse-breeding servant.

“Who’s going to listen to your nonsense!”

Prince Bao’s face became very cold, his body ‘Hu’la’, and in a moment, he appeared in front of Fang Han, his steps very mysterious. No one knew what kind of footwork style he was using.

Fang Han only felt his throat become numb as his opponent’s finger, like an arrow, poked his Adam’s apple.

The martial style shown by this finger was very different from the style Prince Bao had shown before. It felt very mysterious, dark, cold, and sinister.

“Hateful Finger Technique! It’s a technique of the Devil Clans’ Zhang’hen School,” yelled out Hong Yi.

Not only had Prince Bao learned the techniques of the ‘Wan’gui Immortal Island’, but also the techniques of one of the Seven Devil Clans. He had the audacity to use that technique right now, in the midst of one of the Immortal Schools.

At this moment, Fang Han was unable to hear Hong Yi’s warning because everything was occurring too fast, his opponent’s actions, were simply too fast! However, he had spent twenty days undergoing training that was thousand times harsher than usual, and had come well prepared.

A foot stomped out, a tyrannous Qi immediately covering his body.

‘Seven Star Step!’

His body moved like a flooding river hitting the land, like an avalanche. He moved like a grand hero, like an emperor, one step flattening mountains and seas.

[TL: This sentence is missing something since I couldn’t figure it out, but I think I got the author’s meaning]

Fang Han’s magic clothes fluttered, his body flashed, his Qi expanding outwards. Prince Bao’s finger only hit thin air.

Afterwards, his foot moved, exploding out, ‘Big Dipper Kick’.

During his kick, Qi rolled through his inner body, causing his membrane to completely expand. His body, at the eighth level, emitted a shocking and furious thunderclap, like the descent of a G.o.d, his avatar appeared.

A long breath, the air entering through his mouth and exiting through his nose, letting out a heaven stopping howl, like a crane, as if a dragon. Combining the four words, two seven one ten, two long poems, Fang Han had discovered the truths of the ‘Seven Star Fist’, and had gained a much more domineering Qi.

“An merciless army conquering the world, one kick shifting the Big Dipper north!”

The force of his leg like an army, mercilessly conquering the world, like a great G.o.d in the air shifting the position of a star with one kick.

At this moment, it seemed as if Fang Han had become the lord of the stars! The lord of the stars! The chief of the stars! The grand and vast sky is under my command, my spirit establishing a mysterious and unfathomable connection with the cosmos and the many stars.

“The force of this Qi!”

Hong Yi momentarily unconsciously praised him, afterwards becoming shocked, “Qun’xing School, Seven Star Fist! How does he know it? Just how many more secrets are hidden on him?”

In the other Imperial disciples of the Da’de Empire, there were a few more powerful ones. Upon seeing Fang Han’s footwork and his kick, their faces were full of surprise.

“How is he so strong!”

At this moment, Prince Bao hadn’t antic.i.p.ated that in a short twenty days, Fang Han would have improved so quickly, his body like steel, his arms and legs like a sharp treasured blade, strong enough to split mountains. Especially his Qi’s aura, when compared to an emperor, it was more overbearing and tyrannical.

To begin with, the Qun’xing School’s techniques were overbearing. As for the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ that was refined by the Great Devil Emperor, the Yellow Spring Emperor, it held the tyrannical Qi of a Devil Emperor. After the pellet fused with Fang Han’s spirit, it increased the power of his techniques from the Qun’xing School, their two aspects complementing each other.

Yesterday night, after completely refining the pellet, a little bit of the Yellow Spring Emperor’s Qi had also fused with Fang Han’s spirit.

One could say that currently, Fang Han’s domineering Qi as the “Chief of the Stars” came from the tyrannical Qi of the Yellow Spring Emperor, spiritually oppressive, and unparalleled.

This fact, Fang Han understood very clearly. The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ had contained a wisp of a spirit, and that the spirit had closely fused with his own spirit, making his mind cleared and more understanding.

Frightened by the Qi surrounding Fang Han’s leg, Prince Bao used his Qi to block, his chest and stomach shrinking inwards, his two hands like a screen, using his attack for defense.

“Can you manage to defend it all!”

Fang Han let out another cold laugh, using ‘Seven Star Step’, he used his hands to execute another technique of the ‘Seven Star Fist’, ‘Congregation of Experts’. Ten fingers moved, as if playing a lute, nails clacking, aiming towards Prince Bao’s throat, wrists, aorta, and other vital areas.

[TL: The move is legit something that translates along those lines]

This move was very fierce and domineering. Ten fingers come together and give off great power, as if the world’s experts all gathered together.


On Prince Bao’s face appeared a long streak of blood.


At this time, a youth wearing a jade hairpin with a nicely proportioned body fiercely stood up. Raising her hand, immediately, a dense sword light appeared, moving back and forth, and turning into a three chi long, hilt-less treasure sword. Flowing like a water-filled river in autumn, it flew proudly in the air, like a dragon. It aimed at Fang Han, trying to prevent him from killing Prince Bao.

“Fang Han! Careful that is a ling’qi flying sword!”

Liu Kang and Hong Yi were both shocked!

“Not good!” Fang Han saw the flying sword fly over, and already figured out that this was not a martial technique, but a flying sword belong to the ling’qi level that was refined by a Divine Realm expert. It was something that his flesh couldn’t compete with.

Thus, he hurriedly backed up. However, it seemed as if the youth who controlled the flying sword wanted to teach him a lesson. Pointing into s.p.a.ce, the sword suddenly convulsed, releasing ten shadows, which surprisingly encompa.s.sed it.


The flying sword’s sword light reached Fang Han’s body, but at this time, Fang Han felt the ‘Map of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ that was bound to his body slightly shake.

The sword light had surprisingly merged with into his clothes, disappearing, leaving his body perfectly fine.

Originally, during those twenty days when he was training in swordplay with Hong Yi, he had left the map hidden in his residence. Today, since he was no longer training, he had worn it on his body, as he knew that this picture had some kind of unimaginable power, and could preserve his life.

Right now, although it was unintentional, it had sealed away his opponent’s flying sword.


The youth who sent out the flying sword, upon seeing it land on Fang Han’s body and suddenly disappear, went into a state of extreme confusion, their mind going over the scene over and over again, yet unable to figure out what happened in the slightest, as if a rock had suddenly become an ocean. This was so unusual that it couldn’t be ignored.

He/she was an inner court disciple, and the flying sword was the ling’qi bestowed upon her by the school. After blood-binding it, they had vainly flown around, beheading meaninglessly, content with using it to threaten those weak, weak outer court disciples. It goes simply without saying that they had never imagined that not only would they be unable to defeat someone with it, but that her very important flying sword would also be taken away.

This was the equivalent of cutting a piece of their flesh off, their heart aching to the point of leaking blood.

“I misjudged and didn’t think that brother would have a higher tier ling’qi. Just now was merely a misunderstanding. Please return the flying sword back to me.”

The youth’s cold eyes and speech had softened a lot.

“You want your flying sword? Come to the Purple Lightning Peak to get it from me later!” shouted Fang Han.

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