Eternal Life

Chapter 33

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 33



Hong Yi’s magic sword had suddenly struck a silent strike. Fang Han’s eyes became startled. Raising his head, he looked at Hong Yi for a while before saying, “Liu Kang is the only son of the Zhen’yuan Marquis. Within the Da’li Empire, the Zhen’yuan Marquis is in control of the military. If he learns that his only son has been killed, I’m afraid we will be in trouble.”

“I had thought that you would be shocked, but it seems that you are much calmer than I thought you would be.”

Hong Yi used the ‘Clean Clothes Seal’ to cleanse the blood off her magic sword. Her eyes glittered like two gems as she looked at Fang Han, laughing afterwards as she ignored Liu Kang’s corpse. It felt as if an insignificant person had been killed.

When she had Liu Kang with her blow, she had originally thought that Fang Han would be in great shock afterwards, and that his first words would be criticism for killing. However, Fang Han’s first words were actually considering the future, and very clearly thinking about what to do now.

Hearing his words, Hong Yi couldn’t help but silently praise Fang Han’s decisiveness in the situation.

“Since it has happened like this, there is no point in regretting; thinking about anything else is a waste of time. We must consider what to do now,” Fang Han said as he stood up, “I have never regretted doing things afterwards. Besides, Liu Kang dared to threaten us. He was too blinded by his greed.”

“He had no reason to not be blinded by greed, as the ‘Silver Snake Sword’ and ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’ are worth enough to be traded for ten t.i.tles as Zhen’yuan Marquis. If he had lost this opportunity, he would never have another for the rest of his life. However, he was much too impatient. He should have waited for us to return to the Yu’hua School before trying to blackmail us. Now he is dead, but I wasn’t the one to kill him, the deceased ‘Pink Prince’ killed him,” said Hong Yi as she sheathed her sword.

Senior sister disciple Mo, such an outstanding inner court disciple, had been afflicted with the poisons of the ‘Six Wishes Yin Mine’. No matter how what level she had cultivated her flesh to – even if it was at the ‘G.o.dly Transformation’ level – she would never wake again. Her face had already become purple.

Generally, upon training one’s flesh to the tenth stage, ‘G.o.dly Transformation’, one would become so strong that even after consuming a jin of a.r.s.enic, one would only fall seriously sick and not die.

However, how strong was the ‘Six Wishes Yin Mine’s poison? Its poison was ten thousand times stronger.

“Senior sister disciple Mo, whether or not you wake is up to your fortune, but I cannot leave this ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’ just sitting here in the desert,” stated Fang Han as he took the end of the rope from senior sister disciple Mo’s hand.

However, he had forgotten that this rope was still tightly binding ten ‘Flying Yasha’.

“Not good. I forgot that this rope cannot release Devils after it binds them unless its owner personally commands it to release,” exclaimed Hong Yi loudly.

“How are we going to be able to move ten ‘Flying Yasha’?” questioned Fang Han, his eyebrows slightly tightening.

Taking away the rope right now meant carrying ten ‘Flying Yasha’ with them.

I wonder if the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ can absorb this bao’wu?Fang Han thought for a while, finally deciding to try it out. He took the end of the rope and thrust it into his clothes, straight into the Yellow Spring Picture.

At the same time, he melded his mind together with the Huang’quan River within the picture.


At this moment, he seemed to feel the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’s qi. From the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’ suddenly exploded ray after ray of shadows. Within moments, one ethereal five colored golden pheasant after another appeared, puffing out their chests and crying towards the sky.

[TL: I believe the pheasants appears outside the picture]

Immediately, the heavens and earth began to shake, as if the night was about to become dawn.

“Hu’la! Hu’la!”

At this time, an ethereal dragon suddenly escaped from within Fang Han’s body. Opening its blood colored mouth, it spit out a yellow light, engulfing everything. The sky and earth became a vast expanse of yellow mist to the point where one couldn’t see the fingers on their hand.


Hong Yi felt a very strong feeling of danger, and quickly dropped to the ground. She had no clue what had happened.

Only Fang Han clearly knew what was happening. The ethereal dragon which had flow out had covered the skies with yellow mist as it fought the ethereal golden pheasants.

Thousands upon ten thousands of ethereal golden pheasants fought with the ethereal dragon, overturning the heaven and earth. Yellow mist rolled as the golden pheasants cried. Thousands of ethereal pheasants versus an ethereal dragon, it truly const.i.tuted to an unprecedented and amazing scene.

“Devil Swallows Sun and Moon!”

At this moment, the ethereal dragon suddenly uttered a howl, its blood colored mouth once again opening, and shockingly sucking up the thousands of ethereal golden pheasants.

Afterwards, the yellow mist disappeared, and the ethereal dragon once again entered into the Fang Han’s Yellow Spring Picture, leaving not a single trace.

As for the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’, it had already disappeared.

“How could this happen!” Hong Yi felt the danger disappear, and quickly stood up, closely observing Fang Han, “Where’s the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope? Did you manage to seal it away? Does it still have those ten ‘Flying Yasha’? It’s disappeared!”

“Just what exactly happened?”

Fang Han also didn’t completely understand what had occurred.

He only knew that just now, when he had tried to store the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’, the Yellow Spring Picture’s ethereal dragon had suddenly come out and fought with the ethereal golden pheasants, eventually swallowing all of them into its mouth.

Even the ten ‘Flying Yasha’ had disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that the dragon stored the bao’qi? I should check.

Fang Han hurriedly immersed his soul within the Yellow Spring Picture, and immediately discovered the ten ‘Flying Yasha’ lying lifelessly within the Huang’quan River, like floating corpses. They had actually all been stored within the picture.

However, there was still no trace of the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’. It was nowhere to be found within the river.

How strange, even the ten ‘Flying Yasha’ are stored in here, why is it that I cannot find the rope? Unless it was truly swallowed and eaten by that dragon. However, this rope is one of the most pure Yang bao’qi between the heavens and earth and imbued with the souls of thousands of five colored golden pheasants. It is so valuable!

Fang Han once again searched the picture with his soul, focusing on the dragon’s body atop the picture.

The ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ was such an enduring treasure. Atop it was two things, one was the dragon, and the other was the Huang’quan River. There was no answer to where it came from, and where it flowed to.

Usually, as far as Fang Han knew, objects stored by this treasure would appear within the Huang’quan River.

The Huang’quan River, although it was inside the picture, it acted as if it was part of the void, simply unfathomable.

After reading ‘The World’, Fang Han understood that magic treasures that could connect to the void were at least dao’qi level treasures, and had their own souls. They could understand and cultivate along a path, and were not inferior to Longevity Realm experts.

For example, the Yu’hua School’s dao’qi, the ‘Five Qi Immortal Pot’, was such a magic treasure. Rumors said that even the school’s elders had to address the treasure’s spirit as ‘Five Qi Expert’.

To have to call a magic treasure an expert showed just how high its status was, and how precious it was.

In fact, even between the Ten Immortal Path Schools, dao’qi level magic treasures were very rare.

In other words, the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ was at least a dao’qi. The Huang’quan River was connected to the void, and the dragon had its own spirit.

All this time Fang Han had been guessing that.

However, that dragon had never said anything, and had never acted like it had a spirit. It had seemed to just be an unanimated picture.

But today, it had woken up and eaten a bao’qi! A precious bao’qi!

Fang Han had suddenly felt the dragon wake up and move lively.

Perhaps my guess has been right all this time? That dragon is the spirit of the Yellow Spring Picture? Has it actually gained spirituality? Otherwise, where is the ‘Sky Rooster Yang Rope’? thought Fang Han in his heart.

At this time, as Fang Han pondered, the picture’s dragon opened its eyes, and in an extremely profound voice, spoke to Fang Han’s spirit. Your guess is not wrong. You are indeed worthy of being the Yellow Spring Emperor’s successor. You have even used the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’. If you drip your ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ infused blood upon the picture, you will unlock the picture’s treasure map! Today, you gave me the opportunity to eat a treasure! A pure Yang type treasure. Thus, you have let me restore a thousandth of my qi! I have finally awaken again!

“Fang Han, what’s wrong? Why are you standing still? Has some sort of accident occurred?” suddenly asked Hong Yi upon seeing Fang Han standing and not moving.

She had no idea that the dragon atop the Yellow Spring Picture had just spoken to Fang Han!

An ancient spirit had finally awaken!

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