Eternal Life

Chapter 61

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 61

Showing Might

The strength of a ‘Shura’, Fang Han knew very thoroughly. They moved like lightning, capable of flying at extremely fast speeds. The scales on their bodies were impervious to even flying swords, and they had the strength of thirteen horses, making them only suppressible by ‘Divine Realm’ cultivators. If one ‘Shura’ was this powerful, then how powerful would ten working together be?

Probably even a true disciple like Jin Shi Tai would be destroyed in one strike, his entire body shattered to nonexistence.

If we can actually turn the ten ‘Flying Yasha’ into ‘Shura’, then I will even be able to gain a spot amongst the true disciples. It will be even easier to dominate the ‘Shan’he Rankings’ and be first. I wonder who the first place person on the ‘Shan’he Rankings’ is? The amount of time I have spent within the Yu’hua School is too short, and I have too few intimate friends, I can’t even form a group. I am not well informed about any news. When I return, I must fix these problems. To just bury my head and cultivate is not the best plan.

While he pondered in his mind, he continued running and jumping, chasing after the aura left by the large group of ‘Heavenly Devils’.

Fang Han didn’t hope to actually fight against the large group of ‘Heavenly Devils’, that would just be like smashing an egg into a stone. Instead, he only hoped to kill the stragglers which had been left behind and gain pure ‘Sky Blue Great Pellet’ and ‘Blood Pellet’ essences to create the pellets. The more ‘Heavenly Devils’ he killed, the better, and this would also greatly temper his own agility and reflexes. It would temper his ability to adapt to any situation at any time.

This would be real combat.

If he was able to survive ten days and ten nights within the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’, after leaving, there would definitely be an obvious change.

Yan! In the following encounters with ‘Heavenly Devils’, you must not help me kill them. Let me do it by myself. I would like to make the most of this opportunity to temper myself.

Don’t worry, even if you call for me I won’t come out. The examination this time around has too many ‘Heavenly Devils’, I’m afraid some things changed. The Yu’hua School will definitely realize this, as if they allow all of the disciples taking the exam this time to die, then just would they still be able to call themselves one of the ‘Ten Great Immortal Path Schools’? They would become a small, third-rate school. If I exert my mana, it will definitely be noticed. You should also not use the ‘Silver Snake Sword’ and ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’. However, you can use the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ all you want, and that should be enough to protect yourself.

After Yan finished speaking, he quieted down.

Fang Han felt his skin stir, the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’ tattoo entering into the s.p.a.ce between his skin and membrane, completely hiding itself.

“Okay! With this many ‘Heavenly Devils’, I’m afraid that some of the disciples are in danger during the exam this time around. I just happen to have the ability to save a few. My strength is great, and along with the grace of saving their lives, they will probably all be extremely grateful, allowing me to win them over.

“The time to show my might has come!”

After Yan hid himself, Fang Han began to concentrate his spirit. His entire body seemed to be like a highly tensed up leopard about to chase after its prey. Even the slightest of vibrations of the gra.s.s blowing in the wind far away was able to be sensed by his spirit.

Constantly running and moving without the slightest rest, in the amount of time it took to roll the eyes, Fang Han had already traveled tens of li away. Suddenly, Fang Han moved diagonally, his body turning around. After skimming over a hundred steps, he viciously let out a palm, striking at an inconspicuous boulder that was beside him.

Surprisingly, the boulder didn’t shatter, but instead let out a piercing scream and leapt up, turning into a pigeon-faced old female priest. It was actually another ‘Heavenly Devil’ which had turned into a stone hoping to ambush Fang Han.

The appearance that the ‘Heavenly Devil’ turned into, who knows which eaten old priest it was based off of. However, it couldn’t conceal itself against Fang Han’s piercing eyes.

Right now, Fang Han’s spirit was able to see through ghosts masquerading as G.o.ds. It was even more sensitive than the spirits of dogs and cats by a lot (cats and dogs, when they sense yin qi ghosts they will bark and meow), so naturally, he could sense it. Thus, he had struck out and heavily injured the ‘Heavenly Devil’.

“Big Dipper Kick!”

During the time in which the ‘Heavenly Devil’ turned into the old priest, Fang Han’s leg had already struck out. An intense, powerful, and sharp qi again hit the ‘Heavenly Devil’, tearing it apart. I didn’t reform. Afterwards, he waved for the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ to come out and wrap up the ‘Heavenly Devil’ and brought it into the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’.

Yan didn’t speak, silently refining the ‘Heavenly Devil’ into a ‘Sky Blue Great Pellet’.

One hit one kill, extremely clean.

[TL: Wasn’t really though…]

Now that Fang Han had experience killing ‘Heavenly Devils’, he was much faster at it. For him, it had become as easy as chopping radishes. Thus, as he killed more and more devils and refined them into pellets, he became more and more confident.

After killing this ‘Heavenly Devil’, he didn’t rest. He continued moving forward like a ‘Ten Thousand Li Horse’, turning left and right to observe the wilderness around him. He looked everywhere, trying to see if he could encounter another Yu’hua School disciple.

After about an hour, he swept another area of ground about several tens of li around him, and encountered another group of isolated ‘Heavenly Devils’. There were about fifteen of them. This time, his actions were even swifter. Before the ‘Heavenly Devils’ could even move, Fang han released a great roar, creating a sonic wave. With it flew the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’, catching the paralyzed ‘Heavenly Devils’. Afterwards, they were refined into pellets.

Currently, Fang Han had a total of twenty ‘Sky Blue Great Pellets’,which meant that he had killed around thirty ‘Heavenly Devils’, as ten of them had been fed to the ‘Flying Yasha’, one per ‘Flying Yasha’. Including the one that he had killed at the beginning which looked like Fang Qing Wei, he had killed a total of thirty one ‘Heavenly Devils’, and refined thirty one pellets. He now took one out and ate it. The rest would be stored until they were needed later.

Towards cultivators, pellets were their food, pellets were their wealth.

It seems as if the harm done by a sonic wave attack towards ‘Heavenly Devils’ is very great, as they are just currents of qi. I wonder what Devil King stage ‘Heavenly Devils’ are like? I heard that they are more powerful than ‘Shuras’. If I can kill one and refine it into a pellet, I wonder what the effects would be? However, without Yan helping me, I, by myself, have no way of prevailing over a Devil King.

Gradually, Fang Han figured out the fastest method for dealing with ‘Heavenly Devils’.

Pu’chi! Another ‘Heavenly Devil’ flew down from the sky. After seeing Fang Han’s flesh, it evilly, fiercely rushed down, but was captured very quickly. Yet another pellet had entered Fang Han’s hand.

“Twenty one pellets! I am still really far from three hundred and sixty pellets though, and I should kill at least five hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’ to be safe.”

Just as Fang Han was killing this ‘Heavenly Devil’ and refining it into a pellet, during this moment of fortune, within the depths of the Yu’hua School’s ‘Sky Court’, a few ‘Half Elders’ stood in front of a giant mirror. They were already anxious like the ants atop a hot pot.

Atop that giant mirror appeared extremely many black dots and some red dots. The black dots were extremely cl.u.s.tered, like a swarm of locusts, and moving everywhere. Meanwhile, the red dots were dispersed in different areas in groups of twos and threes. However, they were gradually being swallowed up by the black dots.

It was very obvious that the black dots atop the mirror were ‘Heavenly Devils’ and that the red dots were the Yu’hua School disciples that were taking the exam.

“How can there be so many ‘Heavenly Devils’! In the previous inner court disciple exams, there were only not even one tenth this amount of ‘Heavenly Devils’. The venerable headmaster had sealed off this entire area, not allowing any extremely powerful ‘Heavenly Devils’ in, and not allowing extreme amounts of ‘Heavenly Devils’ in! Yet now, there are so many, and they are still increasing in number!”

“I have already relayed the news to the ‘Yu’hua Sky Palace’. Such a catastrophic matter, the ‘Great Elders’ will definitely have a method to deal with it.”

A few ‘Half Elders’ anxiously spoke, their speech very fast.

At this moment, while they were speaking: Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!. From the sky, the sound of an intensely ringing bell was conveyed down.

“The ‘Heaven and Earth Alarm Bell’! This is the sound of the ‘Yu’hua Sky Palace’s ‘Heaven and Earth Alarm Bell’. After hearing this sound, all of the true disciples and ‘Shan’he Ranking’ inner court disciples currently cultivating within the school have to rush to the ‘Sky Palace’!”

The ‘Heaven and Earth Alarm Bell’ was ringing!

Something big had happened.

It was clearly that within the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’, the number of ‘Heavenly Devils’ had suddenly multiplied ten times.

After the ‘Heaven and Earth Alarm Bell’ rang, the true disciples and ‘Shan’he Ranking’ inner court disciples all had to go to the ‘Sky Palace’. Just from this, one could tell just how much importance the Yu’hua School put on these ‘Shan’he Ranking’ disciples. They were pretty much comparable to true disciples, that is to say there were just true disciples in wait of promotion.

However, these events were completely unknown to Fang Han, who was far away in the ‘Heavenly Devil Arena’. He was completely absorbed by the pleasure of killing ‘Heavenly Devils’ as well as the excitement of facing against all of their various transformations and dark plots. In doing so, he had learned quite a few techniques from the ‘Heavenly Devils’.

[TL: The raw has it as ‘Heavenly Devils’s techniques, but in the next line, it explains it this way so I changed it]

Of these ‘Heavenly Devils’, some had devoured cultivators, and obtained the abilities that those cultivators had learned and experienced. When fighting against Fang Han, they used them. Naturally, Fang Han was able to pick up these techniques.

The cunningness of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ was the exact replicate of the person they consumed. However complex the person’s heart was, however, complex the ‘Heavenly Devil’ was. Fang Han, in fighting with so many various ‘Heavenly Devils’, felt as if he had fought against various types of human cunningness. His spirit slowly tempered itself, step by step, changing and becoming more pure as he reflected over these various things.

While thinking about these things, Fang Han’s movements became more and more skilled as his experiences became more and more rich.

“All the world becomes clear, experience the richness of the world and people.”

During all his running and killing, Fang Han encountered another three groups of ‘Heavenly Devils’.

He had been encircled by thirty two ‘Heavenly Devils’, but he just full out used the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ to enwrap himself and form a magic sphere, protecting himself before flying and leaping up and down and killing. His great roars were like thunder. The wolf smoke, under the control of his mind, became more and more controlled. Eventually, he was able to use the smoke to form an armor made of thinly layered plates of condensed smoke that could be worn on his body. This condensed armor contained a limitless, murderous qi. Fang Han who was enwrapped by it truly seemed to have become a ‘Sky Wolf’.

“Sky Wolf Battle Armor!”

Fang Han knew that his spirit’s strength had caused the strength of the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ and ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ to increase by a stage. The ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’ w.a.n.g Mo Lin was powerful, but he also hadn’t reached the ‘Divine Realm’. Although his spirit had reached the ‘Eye Attack’ stage and was able to affect the minds of others, it was still not as forceful as Fang Han’s.

With ling’qi and bao’qi level magic treasures, the more powerful the owner’s spirit, the more powerful they were when used, even reaching a stage where it exerted great power.

If the ‘Sky Rooster Pure Yang Rope’ had been wielded by a ‘Divine Realm’ cultivator when they encountered the ‘Pink Prince’, the ‘Pink Prince’ probably would have been bound upon meeting.

Currently, Fang Han’s spirit was enough to condense, and was highly concentrated. He had finally managed to agglomerate the true power of the ‘Sky Wolf Smoke’ by turning it into the body protecting ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’! He was now able to utilize the murderous qi of the wolf smoke.

Due to the extremely murderous qi from the battle armor and Fang Han’s own palms and roars, as well as his sharp spirit, every ‘Heavenly Devil’ was shattered to pieces by him on sight and stored into the ‘Yellow Springs Picture’.

“Thirty Five pellets! Fifty pellets! Sixty one pellets!”

One ‘Heavenly Devil’ after another was swept out of the sky, unable to use a single move to defend. The thirty or so ‘Heavenly Devils’ were actually all defeated! Combined with the ‘Heavenly Devils’ he had killed earlier and refined into pellets, he had refined a total of sixty one pellets!

[TL: He did feed ten to the ‘Flying Yasha’, author seems to ignore this now… I also a.s.sumed the author made a typo, 不出一顿饭功夫 doesn’t make sense to me, if anyone knows please help!]

Fang Han’s ever growing interest towards killing no longer required him to run around with just his flesh. Now he could just condense the ‘Sky Wolf Battle Armor’ and viciously rip through the skies like a ‘Sky Wolf’ looking for prey. At the same time, he kept an eye out for other Yu’hua School disciples.

At this time, from in front of him suddenly came the sound of a flute and piano being played.

Using the ‘Wolf’s Eye’ to observe, Fang Han saw in the distance a full hundred ‘Heavenly Devils’ flying in the sky. Meanwhile, below them on the ground was an encircled group of Yu’hua School magic clothes wearing disciples. It was obvious they had been surrounded.

“Perhaps this is another one of the ‘Heavenly Devils’ tricks?”

“No, it is not one of their tricks! From those Yu’hua School disciples I can feel the aura of flesh. Moreover, that flue and piano both contain mana. They are clearly magic treasures which use sound to fight against ‘Heavenly Devils’!”

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