Eternal Life

Chapter 8

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 8

G.o.dly Strength

“This servant breeds horses, his name is Fang Han. He is very reliable, and has never stolen any of the horse feed. However, last time he delayed my hunt, so I gave him ten lashes, then rewarded him five liang silver for his work,” Fang Qing Wei stated.


“Really?” Fang Qing Xue thought for a while, no one able to understand what this arrogant genius girl was thinking about. “While the Yu’hua Immortal Mountain is immortal territory, it is not as convenient as a large city, thus, this time when I return, I plan on bringing servants. Since this Fang Han is very reliable, might as well let him come along. If he breeds horses well, then in the future he can also tame spirit beasts. Alright, let’s go.”


The order was pa.s.sed down, and the more or less hundred Fang Clan servants, as well as ten or so horse pulled carriages began moving.


“Bai Hai Chen teacher was actually right, as long as I am in the group of people Fang Qing Xue would be able to tell from a glance that I am unordinary. However, if she finds out that I used the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’, I wonder if she will immediately kill me? Can I actually hide it?”


Although Fang Han didn’t manage to hear Fang Qing Xue and Fang Qing Wei’s conversation, he knew in his heart that Fang Qing Xue had noticed him.


Leading Thousand Li Snow while following the movements of the procession, Fang Han was incessantly pondering him his heart.


It is once again night.


The Fang Clan procession had come to a stop in a country town at the edge of Long’yuan Province, the hundred or so people all resting, awaiting the continuation of the journey tomorrow. Midnight, third geng, Fang Han milled and boiled soybeans to make soymilk for the horses, also feeding it eggs, and meat powder, letting Thousand Li Snow eat its fill, then waiting for it to fall asleep before secretly going off into the night, arriving at a deserted place in the wilderness and getting into a training posture before punching a countless number of times.


This time, he wasn’t training in the “Seven Star Fist (Qi Xing Quan),” but the secretly learned “Calm Crane Longevity Fist (Song He Wan Shou Quan).”


“Crane Clutching Sand (He Zhua Ying Sha)!” “Ice Crane Guarding Plum Flower (Bing He Shou Mei)!” “Immortal Crane Shaking Feathers (Xian He Dou Ling)!” “Crane Dancing in the Open Sky (He Wu Chang Kong)!” “Calm Crane Prolonging Years (Song He Yan Nian)!”


He practiced these moves, one flowing smoothly into the other, moving like a crane, as quiet as a pine.


“Pine Crane Longevity Fist” was the same as “Seven Star Fist,” its training methods all very clever, although “Seven Star Fist” was overbearingly fierce and powerful, as one could tell by observing “Seven Star Step (Jiao Ta Qi Xing)” and “Big Dipper Kick (Kui Xing Ti Dou).”


Normally, only during the birth of the emperor, the true dragon son of heaven, would seven stars appear under one’s feet.


As for the Calm Crane Longevity Fist, it imitated the calm and unrestrained crane.


The styles of these two schools, the Yu’hua and Qun’xing schools, could be seen through this, thought Fang Han as he compared the two. Since the time he got the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in his heart, his flesh and body had become strong. His head had also become smarter, he had gained a lot of wisdom, his reflexes had become faster and more agile, and his cognitive ability became faster, complementing well with his martial training.


Training in the “Calm Crane Longevity Fist” over and over again, he contemplated about the “Seven Star Fist” as well. Amid his trance, Fang Han decided that these two styles were vastly different, and that blending them together was like mixing water and fire. During this time of thinking, his body unceasingly prospered, as the blood in his body flowed stimulating the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ and causing its powerful medicine to circulate through his body.




The overbearing “Seven Star Fist” and the unrestrained “Calm Crane Longevity Fist” were forced together by the power of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet.’


In a moment, the blood went through his entire body, and circulated nine times.


His heartbeat slowed, and compared to before, was half as fast as before, but more powerful, each beat like a hammer, a solid beat.


“I actually entered the fifth level, G.o.dly strength!”


Fang Han knew of that the changes that had occurred in his body symbolized his entrance into a new level, the fifth level of the Mortal Realm. The most obvious change being the slowing of his heartbeat while retaining his vitality.




Before he was even able to discover the many benefits of the fifth level, Fang Han felt movement in his chest. The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ had undergone a change. It had suddenly burrowed deeper into his heart, to the center, before settling back down.


Before, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ was st.i.tched into his heart wall, but now, after the slowing of his heartbeat, it had been forced by the pressure of his blood into the depths his heart.


This sudden change had made the pellet even harder to discover.


“Crane Clutching Sand!”


Suddenly directing a grab towards a nearby tree, Fang Han’s fingers were like a crane’s talons, and actually managed to dig out a chunk of wood.


If this grab had clutched a person’s body, it would definitely dig out a large piece of flesh.


His power had grown again!


Fang Han continuously exerted his body’s G.o.dly strength, randomly dodging, jumping, and running, a single step taking him forward more than ten chi. Pulling his body forward, then pushing back, his entire body, regardless of the action, moved fiercely like a tiger and quickly like a cheetah.

Indeed, upon training to the fifth level of G.o.dly strength, his strength like a horse, his spirit like an ape, his clutch like a tiger, a human weapon. Even the core disciples of the Fang Clan hadn’t trained to this level.


At this time, there was suddenly a sound projected towards Fang Han from behind him, “Your skills in the Calm Crane Longevity Fist is not bad, you must have secretly trained quite a while.”


“You actually came!” Although he had long expected this to occur, Fang Han was shocked that it had actually happened, and it perturbed his heart.


Turning around, he saw the peerless white clothed beauty standing under the moonlight not far from him. It was Fang Qing Xue.


“Ah, first lady!”


Fang Han immediately showed his hands and feet as if he were a thief caught in the act, ready to run yet hesitant.


This was the reaction that he had rehea.r.s.ed countless times in his heart, and was now being shown, acting vividly.


After a few distracted breaths, “Pu’tong!” Fang Han fell to his knees, kowtowing in front of Fang Qing Xue tearing up. “Spare me first lady, mercy first lady! This servant had occasionally seen some practice, and I couldn’t suppress my desire to train, forgive me first lady!”


“This is still not bad.” Upon seeing Fang Han’s actions, Fang Qing Xue’s eyes slightly moved, lightly stating, “You know to accept punishment for your crime. If you had immediately run, then you would be no different from that stone in the distance.”


Amidst talking, Fang Qing Xue raised a finger, “Pu’cha,” a fine line of purple lightning shot out and flashed by, traveling a thousand steps. Upon contact, even a stone larger than a person was cut in half.


Is this the Yu’hua School’s Purple Yin Lightning Knife? Bai Hai Chen teacher died by this technique, its power is indeed unmatched!


Feeling the powerful current in the air next to him cause his hairs to stand up, Fang Han was truly astonished as he had just seen the extreme power of a Divine Realm pract.i.tioner.


If it had been a pract.i.tioner of the Mortal Realm, even if it was a master of the tenth level, upon facing an attack with the force of a ten thousand horses, they would also die, as the power of Mortal Realm pract.i.tioners was limited.


As for the masters of the Divine Realm, they could cultivate qi, control electricity and fire, and envelop themselves in wind – a drastic difference. Mere mortal pract.i.tioners couldn’t do anything against them. He finally understood why masters of the Divine Realm tended to cut themselves off from the world, as they were different from mortals.


He lowered his head even further, as if he had been scared silly, his mouth difficultly muttering, “Mercy, first lady.”


When I enter the Divine Realm, then I can contemplate Bai Hai Chen’s request to kill her, but how could it be that easy? Fang Han circulated thoughts in his mind.




This peerless beauty and an accomplished pract.i.tioner of the Divine Realm, Fang Qing Xue’s softly said words transferred down. It seemed as if her words were always said in one tone, without any fluctuation of emotion, as if her emotions had been lost through practice, leaving only a calm emotion while in pursuit of longevity, immortality, and the light.


“You have pa.s.sed this test!”


Upon hearing these words, Fang Han’s heart relaxed, but he still didn’t get up, remaining kneeling on the ground, loyally and devotedly stating, “This servant has made a huge mistake, and will continue kneeling to atone for his mistake. First lady please punish this servant.”


“In accordance with reason, there is no way you should have been able to train to the level of G.o.dly strength, did you eat any miracle spirit pellets?” Fang Qing Xue seemed to have been affected by Fang Han’s “loyalty,” her tone easing off a little.


“Indeed. Five years ago, this servant was washing horses by the Long’yuan River, when it suddenly started thundering, causing a large, long, horned snake to appear from the river. It scared this servant to death, but then it was immediately struck by lightning and died. This servant was curious and fished the snake out from the river, and cooked it and ate it for many days. I also ate its gallbladder, come to think of it, its gallbladder was very red and as hard as a rock, only after I cooked it the entire afternoon did it finally melt. From then on, this servant’s body has become better and better, thus allowing me to be able to train in the methods I had secretly learned. This servant deserves to die a thousand times.”


Fang Han once again knocked his head against the ground.


This story was not one he had fabricated, but rather one Bai Hai Chen had told him to tell.


“A horned viper?” Fang Qing Xue asked after hearing his story, “A hundred years ago, my Fang Clan ancestor killed a horned viper by the Long’yuan River, I never would have thought that there would be two vipers, one male one female.


Her eyes began to emanate light, and she faintly glanced at Fang Han’s heart. Fang Han could feel his heart shrink, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ also seemingly stopping.


Fortunately, Fang Han had just trained to the fifth level causing his heartbeat to slow and causing the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ to enter the depths of his heart, and Fang Qing Xue didn’t look hard enough, distracted by Fang Han’s words from earlier. Otherwise, the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ would have been found.


“The horned viper’s gallbladder cultivated a solid basic foundation, perhaps it was a natural spirit medicine, and upon taking it you gained endless strength. After secretly learning five years, you managed to train to the fifth level of G.o.dly strength, and that can be considered not bad.” Fang Qing Xue continued, “All of my Fang Clan’s many core disciples don’t have your opportunity, seems as if your luck is good. However, while that horned viper’s gallbladder might have raised you to the level of G.o.dly strength, that is its limit, and in the future, you must continuously train. That requires a huge amount of materials. Come with me to the Yu’hua Immortal Mountain, and raise spirit beasts for me.”

Amid her talking, Fang Qing Xue’s body began to slowly float away.


“I finally pa.s.sed the level!”


After Fang Han confirmed that Fang Qing Xue had left, he stood up, and took a huge breath. The conversation just now could only be considered as an instant between life and death.

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