Ever More

Chapter 1

In this new school year 2014, a girl stands out articulately from the others at the School of Nursing on the UCLA Campus. In addition to her very tall size, which does not go unnoticed, her large gla.s.ses that eat half of her face make other students laugh at her. A long fringe that masks her eyes, she still wears long floral dresses in the style of those that were fashionable in the 1970s, topped with a large jacket made of washed and slightly worn blue jeans.

With her brown pointed boots on her feet, her second hand childish pink backpack, added to her Ford that comes straight out of an antique store, she is a stain in this city"s landscape where many people take more into account the appearance than the personality of their peers.

For Gin Madigan, who comes from the far reaches of Alabama, joining UCLA"s renowned Campus and being able to find accommodation in the sublime city of Los Angeles was a dream she had had since entering Middle School. Being able to walk on the Walk of Fame, visit movie studios and even more fabulous, have the chance to meet the stars she saw every day on television, occupied most of her thoughts.

Gin is not strictly speaking a good student. She had to work hard, study always harder and even sacrifice most of her free time to try to make this dream come true. Her constantly improving academic results pushed her to study even more and more, until she burned out when she was 15 years old.

Aggressive, exhausted, hating everyone"s presence, she was forced to take anxiolytics. She kept the promise she made to her mother and release of the pressure. Just a little, a little bit, for two weeks and she started studying even more so.

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Knowing her abilities and limitations, she tried to get into the UCLA School of Nursing. This also provoked the fury of her parents because not only did their daughter, who was then 17 years old, want to leave the nest to cross the country, but she also made only one and only one request for admission. Ignoring her father"s screams and her mother"s tears, Gin hoped that soon she would finally be able to see for herself what she considers to be the heart of North America. The city that acts as a showcase and image for the United States and makes them shine throughout the world.

Every day that pa.s.sed was torture. At lunchtime, she would run from her High School to her car, drive 8 miles to her parents" house and throw herself on the mailbox. If it amused Gin"s cla.s.smates who saw her running away, sometimes even forgetting her school business on her desk, for Gin herself, who was experiencing this wait more and more badly, her new obsession made her take more and more risks.

One day, held up by a Professor who wanted to talk to her, she got stuck in the cla.s.sroom. Too anxious, her Professor had no choice but to let her out when Gin burst into tears and hit her desk. That day, with eleven minutes late, Gin drove at over 110mph. At the entrance of a small wood, not used to driving at more than 60mph, at the bend, when a cat froze in front of her car, Gin braked, turned the wheel and crashed against a tree a few feet away.

Miraculously, the accident was not serious. The emergency services were notified very quickly and soon went to the scene, but they found no one. At that moment, already arrived 2 Miles away, Gin was running towards her house.

It was her 18th birthday when a thick letter from UCLA was waiting for Gin in the mailbox of the family home. She had been waiting for her for so long. She had believed in it so many times. She had been so often disappointed by finding her mailbox so desperately empty. The mail between her hands, between apprehension, anxiety, impatience and joy, Gin sat on the lawn and tore off the paper.

She had waited so long for this letter that when she discovered that she had been accepted at UCLA"s School of Nursing, that she did not realize it right away. When her parents, with whom her relationship had been for a long time broken complement, handed her an $800 cheque and closed the door of their house behind her, too euphoric to go to Los Angeles, she did not realize that she was losing something extremely precious. For the first time in her life, Gin lived the high life. However, when after her purchased train tickets, the comfortable hotels, the hearty restaurant meals and various other little treats between Alabama and California that, as soon as she arrived, she noticed that she had only a total of $23 left on her bank account.

23$? In front of the station, she was first stunned by this reality. By regaining a little self-confidence, thinking that she would work, after turning around, Gin couldn"t find her luggage. She looked for them everywhere in the station, repeated the path she had travelled several times and went to the found objects. Yet she had to resign herself and admit what an employee had told her: "Here, luggage left unattended, never escape the thieves" eyes for long."

Reaching as she could to her studio in the Watts district, she thought it was a bad joke when she entered. All comfort? No bathtub or shower, a sink that must also be used as a sink, an iron bed, an iron cupboard, not to mention that the window is not equipped with curtains or shutters.

Fair at $1. A shop not far from her small apartment. Three horribly ugly dresses for $1? Gin"s was satisfied with it and she took them before she goes to the cash register. A single set of underwear washed every night, small services rendered here and there for a few dollars and already two weeks of deep boredom to mourn in this neighborhood that scares her so much. An old neighbour to whom she provides multiple services offered to lend her a very old Ford. For the first time in a few days, Gin smiled sincerely. First day at UCLA, Gin is disenchanted in front of young people who keep hara.s.sing her verbally. Name given: The dirty peasant woman. Gin who doesn"t have her equipment is asked to leave the cla.s.s.

September 14th

In a very short time, the rhinestone that Gin thought she could see here turned into a h.e.l.l she couldn"t get out of. Depressed and unaware of how to get back on track, everything seems black to her. Walk of Fame, a sidewalk, movie studios, she has no money to take a guided tour, while the stars, she still hasn"t seen one. With her head between her knees, sitting on the floor of her studio with her UCLA dismiss in her hand, Gin, who never had enough money to buy the necessary equipment for her School of Nursing, is no longer welcome on the Campus.

She sacrificed her entire teenage years to get into this university. She worked on her school subjects again and again. Her only boyfriend she knew him when she was 5 years old, but she doesn"t remember. She has isolated herself in an illusory universe from which she pushed everyone away, including her parents who no longer wish to talk to her. Except for a few dollars, she has nothing and lives in a tiny, shabby apartment. In Alabama, people were friendly with her, Gin was even very popular, but here everyone laughs at her. Ceasing to shed tears, Gin raises her head. She must have made a mistake and if she can"t go to UCLA, then she will find the way to be able to see up close the city that makes the whole world dream.

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